Herald of Truth Volume I, No. 6, June 1864 Page 36 |
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On the 18th of April, in Elkhart Co., Indiana, Henry B. Myers, aged 73 years and 4 months. He was buried on the 21st inst., at the new meeting-house in Bango. Funeral sermon was preached in the German Language by bro. Daniel Brundage, from Jn. 38: last clause of the 1st, the 14th and 17th verses. And in the English Language by bro. Daniel Brenneman from Ps. 90: 12.
On the 30th of April, Elizabeth wife of John Troxel, and daughter of H. B. Myers aged 39 years and 7 days. She was buried on the second day of May at the same place. Funeral sermon also preached by the same persons. In German from Jn. 5: 25 and in English from Jn. 7: 6. She left a Husband and five children to mourn the loss of a dear wife and mother, the youngest being only five days old. Amidst her pains, and sorrows, and sufferings she remembered her infant and exclaimed: "I will take my babe along to heaven." She was a faithful Sister, and we believe, she now rests from her labors.
On the 12th of May her infant aged 2 weeks and 2 days.
It was buried on the 13. Funeral sermon was preached by bro. Daniel
Moyer from Matt. 19: 14.
Christian Shaum.
On Sunday May 15th, at at(sic) his residence in Elkhart Co.,
Ind., of palsey, Isaac Musser, aged 52 years and 1 Month
and 16 days.
His buriel(sic) on Monday following, at Yellow Creek Meeting-House
was lagely(sic) attended, where a funeral sermon was preached
by bro. Jacob Wisler, from Rom. 14: 7, 8.
He was a faithful brother and we trust he has gone.
To the bright world above, where afflictions never come,
Where earth's toil's and conflicts all are o'er;
Where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary rest at home
With their Saviour in Glory evermore.
On May 25th, at his residence in the same place, John Faulkner, aged 54 yrs. 5 mo., and 23 days.
Also on the same day, after a brief illness, Louisa,
daughter of bro. and sister, Joseph and Anna Holdeman,
aged 8 years 1 month and 22 days. On the following day, [May 26th]
their remains were consigned to the narrow limits of the tomb,
in the presence of many sympathizing friends and relations who
had assembled to "weep with those who weep."
The former was interred at ten o'clock. A discourse was delivered
from Eccl. 9: 10. by the writer. Just as the services closed the
funeral procession of the latter arrived, when after the body
had been laid to its rest in the grave we again repaired to the
Meeting House, where remarks were made, in both the English and
German languages by bro. Daniel Moyer and the writer from Mark,
5: 39.
Why make ye this ado and weep?
Your daughter does now calmly sleep!
Then parents wipe your weeping eyes -
Prepare to meet her in the skies.
Why make ye this ado and weep?
Your sister does but gently sleep-
Then brothers! Sisters! faithful be,
To meet her in eternity.
Why make ye this ado and weep?
Is it because ye are afraid,
O sinners! that ye too must die?
Ah yes! the hour is drawing nigh!
Daniel Brenneman.
On the 16th of April, near Hammer Creek, Lancaster Co., Pa., Maria, widow of Jacob Brubaker, aged 76 yrs., 6 mo., and 4 days. Funeral sermon preached by bros. Christian Bomberger, John Brubaker and Peter Risser, from 2. Cor. 4: 16-18 verses. Christian K. Nissley.
Suddenly, on the 30th of April in Anville township, Lebanon
Co., Pa., Anna wife of John Bachman, aged 77 years,
9 months and 17 days.
The diseased(sic?) sister and her husband were members of our
church. On the morning of the 30th they left home, to attend an
appointed meeting for fasting and prayer; [the following day the
emblems of the Lord's supper were to be administered, of which
they had intended to partake, but time Lord ordered it otherwise.]
In the afternoon on their return they visited a sick man, then
went to their home, in usual good health. Her husband retired
to rest. She sat down on her chair in the room, her son's wife
heard her moan and came to her assistance, but before the family
came together the vital spark had fled--the spirit had left its
clayey tenement, though not without a hope.--In the midst of life
we are in death.
0n the 4th of May her remains were interred at Gingerich's Meeting
house and a multitude of people, friends and relatives followed
her to the grave, where the funeral services were held, and a
discourse delivered from Mark. 13: 33. "Take ye heed, watch
and pray; for ye know not when the time is." Oh! let us fly--to
Jesus fly; whose powerful arm can save! Then shall our hopes ascend
on high, and triumph over the grave!
"Great God! thy sovereign grace impart,
With cleansing, healing power,
This only can prepare the heart,
For death's surprising hour."
Peter Nissley.
On the 28th of March, in Lancaster Co., Pa., of inflammation
of the lungs,
Mary Ann, Daughter of Jacob S., and Barbara Ernst,
aged 11 months and 21 days. It was almost a remarkable fact that
the child was born on Easter Monday, 1863 and died on Easter Monday,
"The stream sings joyous as it flies,
The flowers bloom fresh and fair
Above the grave where lowly laid,
Our loved one moulders(sic) there."
On the 14th of May, in Lancaster Co., Pa., Susanna Mellenger,
aged 64 years, 5 months and 11 days. Funeral sermon was preached,
in the German language by bro. Abraham Witmer and Christian Herr.
Text from Gal. 2: 20. She was called suddenly to exchange time
with eternity, and with great suffering; but the great consolation
is as we can read in the epistle of Paul to the Romans 3: 18.
"For I reckon that the suffering of this present time, is
not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed
in us."
J. D. H.
On Saturday the 4th of June, in East Donegal township, Lancaster
Co., Pa., brother Henry Snyder aged 85 years, 5 months
and 9 days. He was the survivor, and last one of a family of 12
children-six brothers and six sisters. Three of his brothers were
among the first settlers of Waterloo Co., Canada West, and all
died at an advanced age in that County--one of them at the age
of 92 years. The three other brothers and all the sisters, died
in Lancaster Co., Pa.
A large concourse of friends and relatives followed the deceased
to his resting place, where the brethren, Brubaker and Nissley
made remarks appropriate to the occasion from a part of the 6th
verse of the 20th Chapt. of Revelation.
Peter Nissley.
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.