Herald of Truth Volume II, No. 1 - January 1865 Page 7, 8 |
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CORRECTION: In the last No. in the notice of deaths, the name Barbara Bally, should be Barbara Bolik.
On Dec. 21st, 1864, in Elklick township, Somerset Co., Pa., Catharine, daughter of Bro. and Sister Jeremiah and Eliza Hershberger, aged 6 years 1 mo. and 8 days. She was buried at 2 o'clock on the 23d inst, in Bro. John Folk's burying-ground. A number of people were present and a funeral sermon was preached by the writer from Rev. 14: 13.
Hark! a voice divides the sky!
Happy are the faithful dead
In the Lord who sweetly die!
They from all their toils are freed
Ready for their glorious crown,
Sorrows past and sins forgiven,-
Here they lay their burden down
Hallowed and made meet for Heaven.
Lo! the prisoner is released-
Lightened of his heavy load!
Where the weary are at rest,
He is gathered unto God.
A Fatal Accident.
A fatal accident occured(sic) about the last of October 1864,
near Berlin, Holmes Co., Ohio. A deaf mute by the name of Aaron
Miller went out hunting in the afternoon, and not returning
in the evening, search was made for him the next morning when
he was found in the woods, near the roots of a fallen tree, shot
dead; the charge having passed through his body. He was a shoemaker
by trade and about 45 years of age. An inquest was held over his
body and the jury returned a verdict that he came to his death
by the accidental discharge of his rifle while loading.
On the night of the 21st of Dec.'64, at Osseo, Michigan, Bro.
Daniel Moyer, of Elkhart Co., Indiana., aged 52 years,
10 mo. and 28 days.
Bro. Moyer in company with Pre. Brubaker from Pa., and Pre. Snyder
from Elkhart, Ind., left home on Wednesday night with the intention
of visiting the different churches in Canada, when sad to relate,
in consequence of the switch not having been properly attended
to, the whole train ran off the track at Osseo station, killing
him and two others, as is supposed, instantly. His remains were
brought back on Friday morning.
His burial took place at the new meeting house at the Baugo on
Christmas day, the 25th, and was very largely attended. The meeting
hous(sic) was already filled to overflowing when the procession,
about a mile in length, (consisting, it is said, of upwards of
170 teams) arrived.
The funeral services were conducted by the brethren Jacob Wisler
and Daniel Brundage, in the German language, and by Daniel Brenneman
in English: text, Matt. 24: 44-46. He leaves a wife and four sons
to mourn his death. He was a minister of the gospel and as such
his loss will be deeply felt by his people; yet hoping that as
a faithful and wise servant, whom the Lord had made ruler over
his household, to give them meat in due season, he was also ready
in the unexpected hour of his Master's coming, we feel assured
that he has entered the blissful abodes above, where he dwells
in peace-where he rests from his labors-where sorrow and trial
and suffering can never come.
Let us therefore be comforted with the hope that his departure
from us has been "only going home," yet let us, for
our own soul's sake, also take warning, and give ear to the voice
of death, as it speaks in our midst, that when the call comes
for us, we may be also ready to enter in with Jesus to the marriage
supper of the Lamb. (Ed.)
On the 15th of November 1864 in Conemaugh Township, Cambria Co., Pa., John Riem, Son-in-law of Pre. Jacob Blauch, aged 59 years, 7 mo. and 17 days. He was buried on the 17th and leaves a widow 62 years of age, who has always been a faithful sister. May God preserve her, as a widow indeed, unto a blessed end in Christ.
On the 18th of December, in the same place, a daughter of John
Thomas aged about 7 years.
On Jan. 1st, 1865; in Allen Co., 0., of dropsy, Bro. Jacob
Brenneman, aged 68 years, 2 mo. and 25 days. He was buried
on the 4th. A very large number of friends and relations followed
him to the grave. Funeral discourses were delivered by the brethren
C. Culp and D. Brundage, from Rev. 14: 13. The deceased had been
married twice-he had 8 children with his first wife, of whom four,-three
sons and one daughter,-are (as far as is known) yet living. He
likewise had 8 children with his second wife, five sons and three
daughters, who are yet, (as far as if(sic?) known) all living.
Two of the last named sons are in the army.
The deceased brother formerly came from Rockingham Co., Virginia,
to Fairfield Co., Ohio, where he lived a considerable time, five
miles east of New Lancaster. From there he removed to Allen Co.,
where he has now been living some 12 or 13 years.
He was ailing for more than a year with a kind of stomach disease,
and not long before his end he was yet taken with dropsy which
soon brought his life to a close.
He appeared to be truly willing and prepared to make the important
change out of time into eternity. He was a meek, sympathizing,
liberal and helpful brother, wherever it was necessary, and generally
beloved. We have reason to hope that he has fallen asleep, blest
in the Lord.
How blest is our brother, bereft
Of all that can burden his mind!
How easy the soul that has left
This wearisome body behind!
This dust is affected no more
With sickness, or shaken with pain!
The war in the members is o'er,
And never shall vex him again.
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.