Herald of Truth May 1865 - Vol. II, No.5 Page 39, 40 |
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On the 5th of April, in Berks Co., Pa., Elizabeth, wife of John Musser, aged 25 years, 7 Months, and 17 days. Her
maiden name was Gehman. She was esteemed and beloved in the Church
as a faithful sister and leaves a mourning husband and a little
On Thursday Jan. 26th, in Middlebury, Elkhart Co., Ind., of
smallpox, Michael Miller, aged 43 years and 23 days. The
deceased was a native of Haldimand Co., Canada West; he leaves
a wife and seven children to mourn his departure. He was a faithful
member of the Mennonite Church, and left the evidence, to his
bereaved family, of a future hope and blessedness. He called his
family to his bedside and admonished them to fear the Lord and
put their trust in Him, telling them not to be concerned for him-that
all would be well with him. He was conscious to the last. His
remains were buried in the Men. Grave Yard in Clinton township.
His funeral sermon was preached by the brethren, John Nusbaum
and Daniel Brundage. Text, Jn. 14: 14-20. He was sick nine days,
and on account of his contagious disease, the funeral sermon was
deferred until the 19th of March.
What joy and comfort doth it impart to the bereaved family,
to have the assurance that the departed one is now free from his
affliction, in the heavenly mansions which are promised to al(sic)
that do our heavenly Father's will.
On the 9th of March, in Mercer Co., Ohio, Bro. Christian
Kauffman, aged 78 years, 8 Months, and 13 day The funeral
sermon was preached by the writer, on the 9th of April, in the
presence of a pretty large gathering, from John 5: 24-29. The
deceased brother came, with his family, from Lancaster Co., Pa.,
in 1836, to Richland Co., O., where he lived about 6 years. From
there they went to Mercer Co., where they lived since. The brother
suffered, during 8 weeks, great pain from a sore foot and leg,
which was the cause of his death. He had a great desire to die
and be with Christ. The last words that he spoke so as to be heard
and understood were, "Jesus, I commend all to thee,"
upon which he gently fell asleep.
He leaves a widow and 5 children (as far as known), 3 daughters
and 2 sons, to mourn his death.
J. M. Brenneman
On the 14th of Feb., near Edom, in Rockingham Co., Virginia, with slow fever, Joseph Wenger, aged 70 years, 4 mo., and 27 days.
On the ---- of Feb., on Linnville Creek, Sarah, wife of Jacob Rodes, and daughter of John K. Beery. She was buried on the 5th of Feb.
I also saw stated in a letter of Feb. 21st that Pre. Jacob Hildebrand was very sick with slow fever and pneumonia.
Also that Daniel Wenger's son, David, died previous
to this time some six weeks. His age I do not know.
Near Jordan, Lincoln Co., C. W., on the 25th of March, of consumption, from which she suffered nearly two years, Agnes wife of Jacob Rittenhouse, aged 27 years and 1 day. She leaves 3 children.
On the 14th of April, in the same place, Isaac High,
aged 79 years, 11 mo., and 3 days.
On the 10th of March, in Hamilton Co., Ind., Esther, wife of Henry Hildebrand,(age not given). She leaves a husband and numerous friends to mourn their loss. She embraced the truth as it is in Christ Jesus, when young, and died as she had lived, a firm believer in the faith. She was, at all times, ready to give an answer of the hope within her, and to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints. How beautiful the admonition, "Remember, thy Creator in the days of thy youth," and how sweet the promise, "they that seek me early shall find me."
On the 21st of March, in Clay Co., Ind., of lung fever, from
which he suffered only 5 days, John Holly, aged about 20
years. His funeral sermon was preached on the 9th of April, at
the Men. Meeting house, by Jacob Bauer and David Culler from Isaiah
40: 6-8.
On the 11th of March, in Elkhart Co., Ind., Christina Holdeman,
aged 76 years, 3 months, and 10 days; widow of Christian Holdeman,
who died about twenty years before her. She seemed to be stout
and hearty, continuing at her work as usual until the day on which
she died, and took sick but a few hours before her death. She
was buried on the 14th. The funeral was largely attended by her
friends. She was the mother of 13 children: ten sons, eight of
whom are still living, and three daughters; among whom she stayed.
She had 119 grand-children, of whom eighty-six are yet living;
seventy-two great-grand-children, of whom fifty-five are yet living;
making in all two hundred and four, of whom one hundred and fifty-two
are still living. She was no doubt, near and dear to them; going
from one to the other, as they needed her assistance. We have
the hope that their loss is her eternal gain; and if we heed the
loud call which God has made to us through her removal, and become
truly reconciled to him who gave his life for us, we may rest
in the hope and promise, that we shall meet her again on those
bright shores, where parting is never known; for we have the hope
that God, in taking her from us, has only called her home, to
join the angel-throng and enjoy endless glory and happiness. A
funeral sermon was preached in the English and the German language.
C. S.
On the 21st of May, in Kent Co., Mich., Leah, daughter
of Martin and Susanna Good; aged one year, 10 mo., and
15 days. She was buried on the 22nd in the S. W. Caledonia burying
ground, on which occasion a funeral discourse was delivered by
Bro. Abm. Detweiler, in the German language, from Matt.18: 1-5.
On the 6th of April, near Manheim, Lancaster Co., Pa., Pre.
Jacob Hostetter, aged 90 years, 7 mos., and 23 days.
On Sunday the 9th, his remains were deposited in his family grave
yard and consigned to their final resting place, when the Bishops,
John Brubaker and Benjamin Herr preached a sermon appropriate
for the occasion, from Heb. 13: 7, 8, to a large audience of friends
and relatives (supposed to number a thousand or more), to pay
the last tribute of respect to their aged pastor, who served as
a faithful preacher about 58 years, and 34 years of that time
as a bishop. He always spoke with great eloquence and Christian
zeal: with weeping eyes he would address the audience, so that
every penitent heart would melt to tears. Often did I see his
attentive hearers, with weeping eyes, gaze upon this aged minister
as he proclaimed the joyful news of salvation to repenting sinners;
and oh, how many hundreds of different ages did he see lowered
in the grave, who were younger than himself, whose funeral sermons
he preached, but at last, also, the long-wished-for hour arrived,
which he awaited with Christian fortitude saying with Simeon of
old, "Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace,
according to thy word; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation which
thou hast prepared before the eyes of all people, &c."
The deceased brother's field of labor was very extensive. He went
forth to preach and to ordain bishops, ministers and deacons,
wherever new ones were needed, or where vacancies had occurred.
He was ever ready to obey his Lord and Master's will on earth,
and now has gone to the mansions above, the believer's rest, where,
amid eternal joys, he may glorify God in a more perfect obedience.
"0 when, thou city of my God,
Shall I thy Courts ascend?
Where congregations ne'er break up,
And Sabbaths have no end.
"There happier bowers than Eden's bloom,
Nor sin nor sorrow know-
Blest seats! through rude and stormy scenes,
I onward press you
"Why should I shrink at pain or woe,
Or feel at death dismay?
I've Canaan's happy land in view,
And realms of endless day.
"Apostles, martyrs, prophets there
Around my Saviour stand,
And soon my friends in Christ below
Will join the glorious band."
On the 25th of March, in Strasburg township, Lancaster Co, Pa., Sarah Ann, oldest daughter of Bro. Abraham and Sister Mary Hoover, aged 11 years, 1 mo., and 25 days. She was buried on Monday following, on which occasion a funeral sermon was preached by Bro. Amos Herr from 1 Thess. 4:13, 14. On Wednesday previous to her death, she was at school with her comrades and apparently well. When they saw her again she was in her shroud and coffin ready for the grave. 0 dear friends! let this sudden departure be a warning to us all, so that we may prepare to meet her in that land beyond, where there is no more parting.
This little maid has left
Her parents dear behind;
But they need not feel bereft-
In Heaven they can her find,
There she is now so bright,
Where her we long to see;
There she is clothed in white,
Where we all wish to be.
On the 16th of April, 1865, in Elkhart Co., Ind., of inflammation of the brain, Henry Alvah Kenright, aged one year, 3 mo., and 29 days. He was buried on the 17th at Yellow Creek Meeting House. Funeral addresses were delivered in German and English by Bros. D. Brundage and D. Brenneman from 1 Pet. 1: 24.
On the 17th of April, in Elkhart Co., Ind., after an illness of about eight weeks, Mary M., daughter of Tobias Kreider, aged 12 years, 2 months, and 22 days. She was buried on the 18th at the above mentioned place.- Funeral discourses were delivered in German and English by the brethren D. Brundage and D. Brenneman from Amos 4: 12, and Mark 5: 39.
On the 29th of March, in Paine Township, Somerset Co., Pa., Noah, son of Benjamin Miller,(age not given). The deceased left his wife and his parents about two years ago and entered the army, but shortly before his death he returned home, very sick, and immediately desired to reconcile himself with his Saviour and be admitted into the Church. He was baptized and received into the Church by the writer, who also preached his funeral sermon on the 30th when his remains were consigned to rest. His wife died last summer of consumption.
On the 27th of March, in Conemaugh Township, Somerset. Co.,
Pa., _______, wife of Tobias Kauffman. Her remains were
consigned to rest on Isaac Kauffman's farm, where a funeral sermon
was preached by the aged Brother Jacob Blouch.
On the 17th March, in Hanover, York Co., Pa., Jacob Baer,
aged 73 years, 10 mo., and 14 days. He was buried on the 19th
at Menno Simon's Meeting House, on which occasion the brethren
Benjamin Hershey, Daniel Shenk and John Hostetter preached from
Mark 13: 35-37. Six days before his death he acknowledged that
he had not departed from the faith and that he hoped to remain
steadfast unto the end. Oh, that we might all be as faithful as
he was.
On the 28th of March, Waterloo Co., C. W., from inflammation of the brain, Elias Reist, son of Joseph Reist, aged 12 years, 3 mo., and 18 days. He was buried on the 30th at Wanners burying ground, where Bishop Hege preached from Jn. 11: 28.
On the 1st of April, in the same place, Susanna, daughter
of Christian Groh, aged 4 months, and 18 days. She was
buried on Sunday the 2nd, also at Wanner's burying-place, where
a large number of people were present, and a sermon was preached
in English, from Joshua 2., treating of the passage over the Jordan,
and in German from Galatians 4: 4-6, where the subject was our
adoption as children.
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.