Herald of Truth April 1866 - Vol. III, No. 4 Page 35, 36 |
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Correction.-In the last No. of the Herald, the death
of Elizabeth Hamilton is given as having occurred in Clay Co.
It should be Owen Co.
The names in the death of George, son of Israel and Sophia Boyer
are also incorrect. It should be George, son of Jacob and Sophia
On the 11th of January, in Mahoning county, Ohio, Jonas Melinger, aged about 20 years. He was buried on the 13th. Funeral addresses were delivered by Preachers P. Boesinger, S. Guth, and J. Blasser.
On the 14th of January, near the same place, Joel Yoder, aged 20 years and 10 months. His remains were consigned to the earth on the 16th.
On time 24th of January, in the same house, Polly Yoder, mother of the above and widow of Peter Yoder, aged about 50 years. She was buried on the following day.
On the 28th of January, in the same house, Nancy Anna Witmer, daughter of Christian Witmer, aged 32 years and 4 months. Preachers S. Good and P. Boesinger delivered funeral addresses from 2 Cor. 5: 1-4, "We know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." The four above mentioned all died of Typhoid fever. The two last mentioned were members of the Mennonite Church.
On the 5th of February, in the same house, Solomon Yoder
also died. Truly "all flesh is as grass, and all the
glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and
the flower thereof falleth away." How quickly man is snatched
away by death! Within the space of a month, four persons were
taken out of the same house to slumber in earth's cold bosom.
On the 8th of February, in Markham, York county, C. W., of consumption, Maria Anna, wife of David Herr, aged 28 years, 11 months and 10 days. She leaves a husband and two small children to mourn their loss. She was buried on the 10th at Weidman's Church, where funeral addresses were delivered by Henry Bercke and Steckly from 1 Pet. 1: 24, 25. The deceased sister manifested her faith by receiving the administration of baptism during her sickness.
On the 11th of February, in the same place, a little daughter of Samuel Lehman, aged about 2 months. A funeral discourse was delivered at the above named place, by Henry Bercke from Luc. 18: 15, 16. The parents had gone out, and when they returned, they found, on taking it out of its envelopments, that it was a corpse.
On the 25th of February, near Kalida, Putnam Co., Ohio, of
Consumption, Pre. Jonas Shank, aged 56 years, 4 months,
and 21 days. His health had been failing since last fall; he was
confined to his bed, however, only a few days. He bore his sickness
with great patience and longed for the hour of his departure.
He leaves his family and friends the comforting assurance that
his spirit is now at rest with the blest. He was buried on the
28th, at Moyer's burying ground on the Auglaize river. On account
of high water the funeral sermon was deferred to some future time.
He was to me a double brother, both naturally and spiritually,
a faithful friend and shepherd of his flock. God called him from
the scenes of his earthly labors, leaving the little flock entirely
to my care. Oh, that I might have the privilege that Elisha had,
when he prayed for a double portion of the spirit of Elijah, and
his prayer was answered and he received also Elijah's mantle,
and was able afterwards to do the same miracles that he did. My
beloved brother said, he was not afraid to die, and we hope he
has met his Savior in the mansions above where all tears shall
be wiped from his eyes and where there shall be no more sorrow,
no pain, nor death.
On the 1st of March, at his residence in Wakarusa, Indiana, John Stealy, aged 45 years, 8 months, and 13 days. He leaves a wife and five children, and a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn his departure. A funeral sermon preached by Pre.______ Rule and the writer from Jn. 11: 25. The deceased was a member of the Ger. Reformed Church.
On the 15th of March, in St. Joseph Co., Ind., Samuel Longenecker,
aged 39 years, 4 months and 23 days. He was buried on the 17th.
A funeral sermon was preached by the writer from Isaiah 38: 1.
He leaves a wife, four children and an aged father to mourn his
departure. Bro. Longenecker lived, apparently, regardless of a
Savior's love, until brought low by the hand of disease, when,
in view of the probable near approach of death, he was led seriously
to consider the welfare of his soul. I was called to his bedside
a week previous to his death, and as I beheld his almost helpless
form, which had long been preyed upon by the tortures of a lingering
disease, the deepest sympathies for himself and the loved ones
around him were at once called forth. "Sing and pray for
me," was his first request. After this was done, I inquired
as to the state and feeling of his mind. He acknowledged himself
to be in a lost and perishing condition. I pointed him to the
Savior who came into the world to "seek and to save that
which was lost." It was encouraging to hear him make an acknowledgement
of his sin and guilt before his God and Savior, in tones of deepest
lamentation and sorrow. Said he "If I had my time to live
over again, I would spend it in a different way." Upon his
earnest request he was baptized upon his confession of faith in
Christ as his only hope of salvation. He was made to rejoice,
as he doubtless never rejoiced before, in the pardon of sin and
the triumphs of a living faith. Manifestly did he receive the
evidence of his peace and acceptance with God. It was my privilege
to visit him a second time, two days before his death. He at once
recognized me, and though his physical powers were fast failing,
his mind was still, clear, and he was perfectly composed and resigned
to his heavenly Fathers will.
On the 1st of December, 1865, in Lancaster Co., Pa., Charles M., son of Henry and Elizabeth Musser, aged 8 years and 7 months.
We lay thee in the silent tomb,
Sweet blossom of a day;
We just began to view thy bloom,
When thou wast call'd away.
Friendship and love have done their last,
And now can do no more;
The bitterness of death is past,
And all thy sufferings o'er.
Thy gentle spirit pass'd away,
'Mid pain the most severe;
So great we could not wish thy stay,
A moment longer here.
Thou minglest now in that bright throng
Around the eternal throne,
And join'st the everlasting song
With those before thee gone.
Oh, who could wish thy longer stay
In such a world as this,
Since thou hast gained the realms of day,
And pure, undying bliss?
On the 21st of March, in Lansdale of yphoid(sic) fever, Anna,
wife of Abraham Godshall, and daughter of Henry Derstein,
aged 25 years, 6 months, and 29 days. On the following Saturday
her mortal remains were consigned to rest at the Planer Mennonite
Church in the presence of a large assembly of persons, on which
occasion funeral discourses were delivered by Joseph Allabach
and Jacob Kolb.
On the 25th of March, in St. Joseph County, Ind., Sarah, daughter of David Weaver, aged 4 years, 7 months and 24 days. Funeral services by Bro. Jacob Wisler in German, and the writer in English, from John 19: 30, "It is finished."
Rest thee now, sweet child, in peace:
Ne'er shall thy joys be diminished,
Nor thy comforts ever cease
Since thy Savior said, "'Tis finished."
Rest thee now, forever free,
In that life thou now beginn'st;
No more sorrow thou shalt see;
For thy Savior said, "Tis finished."
On the 14th of March, in the Sonnenberg Community, Wayne County,
Ohio, of inflammation of the Lungs, Abraham Tschantz, Deacon,
aged 68 years, 7 months and 14 days. He was buried on the 16th
in the Mennonite Burying-ground. Funeral discourses were delivered
from John 5: 24-29, by Ulrich Sommer at the house and by Christian
Sommer at the place of burial. This community has lost in the
deceased a man of noble character, such as is seldom to be found.
Peaceable, generous and free from all selfishness, he was an example
of christian charity, patience and humility. He was ever ready
to assist the needy. Free from prejudice and narrow-minded feelings
toward those of different views from his, he adhered firmly to
the faith, manners and customs of his ancestors. He possessed
the affection and esteem of all that knew him and departed at
a good age in faith and trust in Jesus his Redeemer. He emigrated
from Switzerland to this place, in the year 1824, and since 1828
has discharged the duties of a deacon in the community with great
fidelity and integrity.
- W.
On the 13th of March in Adams County, Indiana, of lung fever,
Ulrich Kupfer, aged 60 years, 6 months, and 6 days. His
body was consigned to rest on the 15th in the Newville Churchyard,
on which occasion addresses where delivered by Peter S Lehman
at the house of the deceased and by Christian Augsburger at the
place of burial. The deceased was the oldest minister of the Mennonite
Church at that place, and beloved and esteemed by every one.
-Chr. Volksblatt.
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.