Herald of Truth June 1866 - Vol. III, No. 6 Page 52 |
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On the 1st of May, in Rapho Township, Lancaster County, Pa.,
of consumption and bleeding of the lungs-which she bore with Christian
fortitude-Anna, widow and relict of Levi Eby, aged
55 years, 8 months, and 26 days. She was buried on the 4th. Many
friends and relatives were present, and suitable discourses delivered
by the brethren Nissley, Landes, and Risser from Ps. 37: 37. The
deceased was a faithful member of the Mennonite church for many
years, and beloved by all the community.
On the 11th of April, in Nicholson Township, Fayette County, Pa., Nancy Jane, daughter of Josiah and Barbara Bare, aged 3 years and 3 months. A funeral sermon was, delivered by Pre. David Johnson from Luke 20: 36. Though it may seem hard for parents to part with their loved ones, they should not grieve as those that have no hope, since our Savior took little children in his arms, blessed them and said, "Of such is the kingdom of heaven."
"Methinks I see a thousand charms
Spread o'er thy lovely face,
While infants in thy tender arms
Receive thy smiling grace.
"I take the little lambs', said he,
'And lay them in my breast:
Protection they shall find in me
In me be ever blest.'
"In silent shades you must lie down,
Long in your grave to dwell:
My friends will then stand weeping round,
And bid a long farewell."
On the 1st of May, in Wayne Co., Ohio, of smallpox, Bro. John
S. Eshleman, aged 56 years, 6 months, and 14 days. He was
buried on the 3d. A funeral sermon was preached by Bro. Henry
Martin in German, and Pre.____Shoemaker, of the Tunker Church,
in English from Rev. 22: 12. He leaves a widow and five children
to mourn his departure. He was a member of the Mennonite Church
for a number of years.
On the 14th of April, in Wayne Co., Ohio, Bro. Christian
Hursh, aged 63 years and 8 days. He was buried on the 16th.
He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn their loss. Funeral
addresses were delivered by Pre.____Shoemaker, a minister of the
Tunker Brethren, in English at the house of mourning, and by Bro.
Henry Beery in German at the meeting-house. Bro. Hursh gradually
wasted away with a lingering disease. I visited him in February.
He seemed to bear patiently the afflicting hand of Providence,
manifesting a desire to reach that better Country, and requested
me also to pray for him. We hope his sufferings are ended, and
that he is now resting from his labors.
On time 16th of May, in Columbiana County, Ohio, of typhoid fever, John H. Bixler, son of Bish. Joseph Bixler, aged 21 years, 1 month, and 5 days. He had never made a profession of religion but during his sickness he was brought to realize the danger of his condition, and pleaded earnestly with God in prayer and exhorted those about him to turn from sin and consecrate themselves to the service of God. We hope his prayers were heard; yet we earnestly entreat all those who are yet living without God in the world, to take warning and make haste to flee from the wrath to come and not to wait till it may be forever too late. A funeral sermon was preached by bishops Abraham Rohrer and Isaac Hoffer.
On the 18th of May, in Columbiana County, Ohio, of a protracted
illness, Elizabeth Fureman, aged about 69 years. She was
buried at Oberholtzer's Meeting-house on time 20th. A funeral
sermon was delivered in English by Bro. J. M. Brenneman.
J. F. F.
On the 27th of Apri1, in Wooster County, Ohio, Anna,
Wife of Bro. Jacob H. Wisler of Elkhart County, Ind., aged
25 years, 3 months, and 27 days. Her remains were brought home
and on the 20th consigned to the grave in the burying- ground
at Shaum's Church. Appropriate remarks were delivered in German
and English from Rev. 14:13 by Bro. D. Brundage.
Our sister was affected, some seven years since, with enlargement
of an artery on the head, which gradually increased till it became
obvious that, unless removed it would prove fatal in a very short
time. After due consideration and consultation with different
physicians, she concluded to have it removed by a surgical operation.
Accordingly, April 9th, she and her husband went to Wooster, 0.,
(in this vicinity her father Pre. Peter Troxel lives,) to a resident
physician of that place, who performed an operation for its removal,
April 11th, from which she apparently suffered but little, and
seemed to be doing quite well for about ten days, at which time
she was able to be up and about in the house, when, on the night
of the 2Oth, the blood-vessel which had been severed began to
bleed so profusely, that she was reduced to a state of utter helplessness.
She them lingered a week longer and calmly fell asleep in Jesus.
In all her afflictions she was not heard to utter a murmuring
word; but cheerfully commended her all into the hands of the Lord,
saying, "As the Lord sees proper to do, so it is right."
She talked a great deal during her illness to her friends, her
whole discourse being of religion, from which she could be restrained
only while her friends sung or read for her in the Bible. She
longed to have all her friends present with her, to give them
good counsel and advice. She strongly protested against pride
in all its forms so prevalent at present. Especially did she testify
against the sin of parents' decorating their children after the
vain and idle fashions of the world. At one time, when weltering
in blood, she said, "Death is so sweet, it cannot come too
soon." She expressed a desire to be able to write a letter
for the Herald of Truth. She doubtless felt a care and concern
for the welfare of all its readers. The beautiful hymn, "Oh,
sing to me of heaven," &c., which she had learned in
the Herald seemed to rest much upon her mind, and doubtless harmonized
with the true state and feeling of her heart and mind. She was
much engaged in prayer to God, and as evidence that her prayers
were heard, she said, "God hears us always, when we pray
to him." She expressed her entire disapproval of frolics
and otherwise needless frivolity and sensual enjoyments. In her
removal, the church has lost a worthy member. Her mild countenance
and Christian friendship we shall never forget. We remember too
the tears of love to the Savior, which, like Mary, she was seen
to shed both under the influence of the public preaching of the
word, and in private religious conversation. Thank God that the
light which shone so brightly in the latter portion of her earthly
life was not extinguished at death. But like all departed Christians,
she "being dead yet speaketh." She was an ornament to
society and a blessing to christianity. Having seen her "good
works," as also the constancy and stability of her faith
in Christ, both in health and prosperity in sickness and death,
let us seek to improve by the same, to the honor and glory of
God. She leaves, beside many relatives and friends, two little
sons, three and seven years of age, enjoining and strongly urging
that they be brought up "in the nurture and admonition of
the Lord." "Let me die the death of the righteous and
let my last end be like his."
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.