Herald of Truth October 1866 - Vol. III, No. 10 Page 84 |
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On the 30th of August, in Mount Joy, Lancaster Co., Pa., of consumption, Samuel R. only son of our beloved brother and sister, Gabriel and Anna Bear, aged 30 years, 9 mo. and 21 days. He was buried on Sunday the 2nd of September, at Graybill's burying-ground. Appropriate addresses were delivered, by the brethren Christian Bomberger in the German language and Amos Herr in English, from Jn. 14: 6. "I am the way, the truth, and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - C.K. N.
On the 27th of August, in Elkhart Co., Ind., Andrew Martin, son of Jac. and Catharine Loucks, aged 1 year, 2 mo. and 21 days. Funeral address by Jacob Wisler and the writer from I Cor. 15: 54-57.
On the 4th of September in the same place, of a lingering disease, of twenty-two weeks, Margaret, daughter of Samuel and _____ Kehr, aged 1 year, 6 mo. and 29 days. Funeral service by D. Brundage and the writer from Rev. 22: 13,14.
On the 5th of September, of flux, in the same place, Susanna, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Smeltzer, aged 1 year, 3 mo. and 9 days. Funeral services by J. Wisler and the writer from Matt. 18: 3.
What a comforting thought does the Bible unfold,
To all parents of children bereft!
How consoling the truth of the Savior there told,
How he kindly those innocents blest!
Then mourn not, dear parents, as those without hope;
Think, for them, what a promise is given;
He who spake, as on earth never man has yet spoke---
Says, "Of such is the kingdom of Heaven."
- Daniel Brenneman
On the 8th of September, in Davis Co., Iowa, Elizabeth, wife of Bro. John Plank, aged 73 years and 14 days. She was the mother of 11, grand-mother of 74 and great-grandmother of 13 children. -- C. Brenneman
Departed this life, on the 3rd of September, in Doylestown township, Bucks Co., Pa., of dropsy and old age, Jacob Swartz, in the 81st year of his age. He was buried on the 5th at Doylestown Mennon. burying-ground. Funeral services by Isaac Overholt, Isaac Rickert, and the writer from Heb. 4: 6-9. He was a member of the Mennonite Church.
On the 5th of September, in Hilltown, Bucks Co., Pa., Christian Fretz, aged 44 years and 10 days. He was buried at the Hilltown Men. burying-ground, where a large concourse of friends and relatives followed him to the grave. He leaves a wife and 7 children, an aged mother, mother-in-law, friends and neighbors to lament his departure. Funeral services by Isaac Overholt, Isaac Moyer and the writer from Rev. 14: 13, and 7: 14, last part. He was a faithful member of the Mennonite church.
Mothers and children weep no more,
His trials and sorrows here are o'er.
Angels, they hover over his grave---
The crown of glory such shall wave;
Widow and orphans, still your fears,
The King of glory still appears
To fold the helpless in his arms
And aid them with his smiles and charms.
- S. G.
On the 16th of September, in Musgido township, McLean County, Ill., of liver complaint, Peter Springer, aged 66 years and 3 months. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his death. Buried on the 17th at Stouts Grove M. H. Funeral services by Jonathan Yoder from Jn. 5: 25-29, and the writer from 90th Psalm and Rev. 20. He was a member of the Omish Menn. Church.
- Joseph Stuckey
On the 14th of
September, in Lancaster Co., Pa., of typhoid fever, Henry son of William Jacoby.
On the 17th William Jacoby, (father of the above), aged 36 years, 2 mo., and 14 days. He leaves a wife and 6 children to mourn their loss. Buried on the 19th. Funeral sermon by _____ Boyer, Ps. 31: 4, 5, "For thou art my strength. In thy hand I commit my Spirit. Thou hast redemmed me, O Lord God of Truth."
- M. S. Gross
John Cassel was born on the 18th of Nov. 1794, in Montgomery Co., Pa., was married to Sarah Bien on the 19th of Sept., 1820, with who he had 10 children--9 sons and one daughter. They removed to Canada West in 1850, where the husband and father died on the 9th of Sept. 1866, aged 71 years, 10 mo. and 21 days. He leaves altogether 10 children and 34 grand-children. On the 11th of Sept. he was buried. Funeral sermon by Moses Bownan and Enoch Detweiler from Jn. 5: 24-29. -- Mont. Co. Press.
On the 1st of Spet. in Rockhill township, Bucks Co., Pa., at the house of his son-in-law, Peter Ruth, Abraham Delp, aged 74 years, 1 mo. and several days. He was buried on the 3rd at Gehman's burying-groud. Funeral services by the brethren A. Horning and J. Allenbach. -- Morgenstern
On the 25th of Sept., in Elkhart Co., Ind. Sr. Sarah, wife of Bro. Christian Good, aged 29 Years, 6 mo., and 22 days. Buried on the 27th at Yellow Creek M.H. Funeral sermon by Jacob Wisler from Mark. 13: 35.
At the same time and place a son of Bro. Solomon Culp, aged 10 months and 20 days was buried. Funeral sermon by the writer from Matt. 18: 3. The two funeral processions moved together to the place of burial, and the two corpses were laid to rest at the same time. It was an affecting scene.
-J. M. Christophel
In Lancaster Co., Pa., John Hostetler, aged 65 years, 2 mo. and 8 days. He was buried on the 26th of Sept. Funeral services by the brethren John Brubacher, Amos Herr and the writer, from Isaiah 38: 1.
- John B. Landis
Transcribed by Carolyn J. Lichti, Goshen, Indiana
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.