Herald of Truth November 1866 - Vol. III, No. 11 Page 92 |
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On the 22n of September, at the house of Bro. Henry Kolp, in Perkiomen township, Montgomery Co., Pa., Bro. Samuel Williams, aged 93 years, 6 months, and 6 days. He was the oldest member in our church, and was buried at the new Skippack Meeting-house on the 25th. Funeral sermon was preached by John Hunsberry at the house and by Abraham Wismer and Geo. Detweiler at the meeting-house from Isaiah 3 10, 11. "Say ye to the righteous it shall be well with him; for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Wo(sic) unto the wicked, it shall be ill with him for the reward of his hands shall be given him."
On Monday the 1st of October, in Upper Providence township,
Montgomery County, Pa., Elizabeth, wife of Dea. John Gotwals,
aged 74 years and 7 months. She was buried on the 4th at Providence
Meeting-house. The funeral sermon was preached by John Umstead
at the house and by John Hunsberry and Abm. Wismer at the M. H.
Text, 2 Tim. 4: 7, 8. She was a beloved sister and we hope our
loss is her eternal gain.
J. B. T.
On the 27th of August, in Whitpain township, Montgomery Co.,
Pa., of consumption, Susanna C., daughter of Andrew and
Catharine Swartz, aged 22 years and 9 months. She was buried
at Worcester Menn. Meeting-house, upon which occasion funeral
services were conducted by the brethren John Hunsberry, Abm. Wismer
and Geo. Detweiler from Rev. 14: 13. She was a sister in the Mennonite
Church, and bore her sufferings with Christian fortitude.
E. B. M.
On the 24th of September, near Millerstown, Perry Co., Pa., of palsy and old age, Bro. I Henry Auker, aged 76 years and one day. He was a minister in the Mennonite Church about 32 years. Funeral sermon was preached by the brethren Christian Graybill, Jacob Graybill, and Samuel Winey, from 2 Tim. 4 : 7, 8.
On the 3rd of October, near Richfield, Snyder Co., Pa., of
consumption and dropsy, Jacob Winey, aged 72 years and
25 days. He was a faithful member in the Mennonite Church and
died in peace. His last words were, "For to me to live is
Christ, and to die is gain." Funeral sermon by the brethren
Christian Graybill, Jacob Graybill and John Schneider from Is.
60: 20.
S. W.
On the 11th of August 1866, in Beaver township, Mahoning Co., Ohio, _____Yoder, aged 89 years and 30 days. He was buried on the 13th at Oberholzer's Meeting-house. Funeral sermon was preached by the brethren Joseph Bixler and Jacob Kulp, from 2 Tim 4: 1-8. He was able to go about until three days before his death. He was a faithful member of the Mennonite Church for many years, and by his exemplary life had won the love and respect of all who knew him.
On the 14th of October, in Wood County, Ohio, of dysentery
________, wife of Henry Risser, aged 54 years, 2 months, and
18 days. Funeral sermon was preached by Geo. Daus and the writer,
from 2 Cor. 4: 17, 18. She was a beloved sister in the Mennonite
On the 9th of October 1866, at Sonnenberg in Sugar Creek township, Wayne County, Ohio, Abraham Sommer, aged 42 years, 6 months, and 13 days. He leaves a wife and seven children. His body was consigned to the earth on the 11th. Funeral addresses were delivered by Pre. Christian Steiner at the house of mourning and by Pre. Christian Schneck at the meeting-house. Text, Rev. 7: 9-17.
In Wilmot, Waterloo Co., C. W, at the residence of Abraham Bricker, son of the deceased, on the 14th October, Nancy, wife of the late John Bricker, at the advanced age of 91 years, 10 months, and 2 days. She came from Cumberland Co., Pa., to Canada in the Spring of 1802, and lived here, respected by all, to the day of her death. She was a sister of Daniel and Jacob Erb, to whom the German Company Tract of Waterloo Township was deeded in 1865, also of Abraham Erb, the founder of Waterloo Village. She was buried on the 16th in the old burying-ground in the village of Blair. This is the oldest piece of ground selected for burying purposes in Waterloo, and she was the one who made the selection. Sixty-two years ago, while her husband was away to the States, one of her sons died, and as there was no place to bury the dead she went up to the hill, a little distance from where they were then living, and found an open little little(sic) place where she decided to bury her dead. She planted a tree at the foot of the little grave which tree is now about ten inches in diameter. She herself gave ground for a public cemetery, and for that reason wished to be buried there. Moses Bowman and Daniel Wismer officiated on the occasion. Only one or two are still living who came to Canada so early as the deceased.- Waterloo Chronicle.
On the 29th of August, 1866, of Palsy, Maria Yodter(sic),
aged 76 years, 4 months, and 24 days. The deceased was born April
4th, 1790, was married in her eighteenth year, and lived forty-seven
years in wedlock, the mother of three sons and three daughters,
of whom two sons are minister of the gospel in the Omish-Mennonite
Church, of which she was a faithful member. She was a widow for
about eleven years. She was buried on the 31st in the Union Meeting-house
burying-ground. A funeral address was delivered in the Omish Mennonite
Church by the brethren Abraham Mast and Eli S. Miller, both of
Holmes County. Text, Matt. 24: 44 and John 5: 2 1-29.
Walnut Creek, Holmes Co. 0.
On the 29th of August, in Bethel, Moniteau Co., Missouri, of
Croup, Daniel, son of John and Elizabeth Lehman,
aged 4 years, 9 months, and 19 days.
In the death-notice of Henry Brenneman, given in the September No., we are requested to make the following correction. His grand-father's name was Melcher, not Melchiah, as stated. Henry Brenneman was the father of 9 children by his first wife, of whom 7 are still living, and one child by his second wife. He had in all ten children, 56 grand-children, and 5 great-grand-children, of whom 8 children, 43 grand-children, and 5 great-grand-children are still living.
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.