Herald of Truth, July, 1868, page 111 |
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Herald of Truth, July - Volume V, Number 7 - 1868, page 111
On the 25th of February, in St. Georges Township, Fayette County, Pa., FRANCES E., only daughter of E. M. and C. SAYLOR, in the 4th year of her age. Funeral sermon by Bro. David Johnson.
On the 2nd day of March, in Franklin Township, Wayne Co., Ohio, after a lingering illness, NANCY GETZ, aged 77 years, 5 months, and 4 days. She was buried on the 5th. The funeral sermon was delivered by Pre. Henry Martin. The deceased was a consistent member of the Mennonite Church for more than 40 years. She leaves many friends and relatives to mourn their loss.
On the first of April, in Elkhart County, Indiana, of disease of the kidneys, from which he suffered much for about five months, Bro. JACOB FREED, aged 71 years, 9 months, and 21 days. During the time of his sickness he was necessitated to sit in his chair day and night, but in all his afflictions he murmured not, but waited, in patient resignation to the will of God, the hour of his release. He was born in Rockingham County, Va., and was a minister of the Gospel in the Mennonite Church over thirty years. He leaves a wife and five children to mourn his departure. Remarks, appropriate to the occasion, were delivered by the brethren from Rev. 14: 13.
Now rest thou, aged brother, rest,
From all thy labors free:
Thy pains shall thee no more molest
To all eternity.
How calm thy sleep! how sweet thy rest!
Oh! shall I once be meet
To dwell with those so truly blest,
When called in death to sleep?
On the 3d of April, in Woolwich Township, Waterloo County, Ontario, of infirmities of old age, JACOB LEHMAN, aged 79 years, 2 months, and 5 days. He was buried on the 6th in Martin's burying-ground. Funeral sermons were delivered by Moses Erb and Daniel Wismer, from Phil. 1: 21. The deceased emigrated from Europe to Canada, where be settled in Perth County, Upper Canada, and lived there till a few weeks before his death, when he moved to his son-in-law, in Waterloo Co., where he died. He leaves a widow and five children, 38 grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.
On the 4th day of April, 1868, in Johnson County, Iowa, CATHARINE, wife of Christian GINGERICH, and daughter of John and Barbara Stutzman, of Fairfield Co., Ohio, aged 41 years, 11 months, and 27 days. She was buried on the 6th. The funeral was attended by a large concourse of friends and relatives. She leaves a family of nine children to mourn their loss. A funeral sermon was delivered by Abner Yoder, from Matt. 24: 42-44. The deceased was a member of the Omish Mennonite Church.
On Sunday, April 19th, Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pa., of consumption, Bro. ABRAHAM ALDERFER, aged 62 years, 9 months, and 4 days. His body was consigned to the grave on the 22d in the Salford Mennonite Graveyard. He was for many years a faithful laborer in Salford Church, and died in hope of attaining a happy immortality. We hope our loss is his eternal gain. He bore his sufferings with Christian fortitude. At his burial Bro. Isaac Clemmens preached at the house of mourning, and the brethren Henry S. Bauer and Henry Neis delivered consolatory addresses at the church to a large audience of mourners.
On the 25th of April, in York County, Ontario, of infirmities of age, ELIZABETH, widow of Benjamin BEYER, aged 84 years, 5 months, and 25 days. Funeral sermons were delivered in Weidman's Meetinghouse by the brethren Joseph and Henry Barkey, from Rev. 14: 13. The deceased sister's maiden name was Martin: she was a native of the United States.
On the 1st of May, in Baughman Township, Wayne County, Ohio, JOHN MOSSER, aged 57 years, 9 months and 14 days. He was buried on the 3d of May. A large concourse of friends and relatives were present at the funeral. He was a faithful member of the Amish Mennonite Church. He leaves a wife and nine children-six sons and three daughters-to mourn his departure; yet we cherish the hope that all is now well with him. Funeral sermons were delivered by Jonathan Schmucker and Christian K. Yotder(sic).
On the 3d of May, near Boyertown, Berks County, Pa., Sr. CATHARINE, wife of Jacob B. BECHTEL, and daughter of John Ihst(sic), aged 42 years, 9 months, and 17 days. On the 6th, her remains were deposited in the grave, at the Boyertown Mennonite Meeting-house, in the presence of a large funeral procession. Funeral sermons were delivered by the brethren John Latshar, A. Mack, H. S. Bauer, and J. B. Mensch.
On the 8th of May, in Paint Township, Somerset Co., Pa., of consumption, FANNY GORDON, aged 73 years, 11 months, and 9 days. She was, for many years, a faithful and beloved sister in the Mennonite Church. We hope and believe that to her to die was gain. On the 10th her remains were deposited in the family graveyard. A funeral sermon was delivered by Samuel Blough from Phil. 1: 21, "To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."
On the 8th of May, in Conemaugh Township, Somerset County, Pa., of consumption, WIFE of Samuel BLOUGH and daughter of David Blauch, aged 29 years, 3 months, and 21 days. During her sickness she was received by baptism into the Mennonite Church. We hope God has graciously received her. On the 10th, her remains were consigned to the tomb, and funeral sermons delivered by the aged ministers Jacob and Samuel Blough.
On the 13th of May, in Donegal Township, Lancaster County, Pa., of consumption, BARBARA NISSLEY, aged 50 years, 3 months, and 2 days. She was a member of the Mennonite Church, faithful to the end. She requested the following text for her funeral sermon; namely, "A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father." John 16: 16. The funeral sermon was preached by Joseph Bomberger, John Landis, and Henry Schenk.
On the 13th of May, in East Donegal Township, Lancaster County, Pa., of consumption, BARBARA, wife of Joseph W. NISSLEY, (Big Spring), (age not given). She was ailing for about ten years, but bore her afflictions with Christian fortitude. She was a consistent member of the Mennonite Church. On the 16th, her remains were deposited at Kraybill's Meeting-house. A large concourse of friends and relatives followed her remains to her final resting place. Appropriate addresses were delivered by the brethren Joseph Bomberger, John Landis, and Henry Shank.
On the 18th of May, 1868, in Union County, Pa., SAMUEL BEILER, aged 42 years, 11 months, and 24 days. He was highly respected, as a philanthropist, and loved by all that knew him. His wife had died thirteen years before his death, which was an occasion of great grief to him. He remained a widower from that time on, never having entirely recovered from his grief.
On the 25th of May, WILLIAM SCHRYNER, aged 71 years and five months. He lived in wedlock nearly fifty years, and had fourteen children, of whom six sons and five daughters are still living.
On the 26th of May, in West Hempfield Township, Lancaster Co., Pa., of a thoracic abscess, BENJAMIN NISSLEY, aged 17 years, 9 months, and 10 days. His disease continued about seven weeks, and the greater part of the time his sufferings were severe, so that he longed for death. Funeral sermons were preached by Henry Schenk, John Brubaker, and John Landis. Text, Thess. 4: 15-17.
On the 28th of May, in Richland Township, Cambria County, Ps., a little SON of John S. BLOUGH, aged 10 months and 20 days. He was buried on the 20th. A funeral sermon was preached by Samuel Blough from Phil. 1: 21.
Some time since, in Plumstead Township, Bucks Co., Pa., SARAH, wife of Eli LEATHERMAN, in the 30th year of her age. She was buried at Deep Run. Funeral services by Isaac Moyer and Samuel Godshalk.
On the 4th of June, in Upper Salford Township, Montgomery Co., Pa., of old age, ABRAHAM KRATZ, at the advanced age of 81 years, 6 months, and 11 days. The deceased was a member of the Mennonite Church. He had been married 55 years, and leaves an aged widow, a son, and two daughters, to mourn his departure. He was buried on the 6th, at Salford Meeting-home, where Josiah Clemmer and ____Landis preached funeral sermons.
On the 7th of June, in Leacock Township, Lancaster Co., Pa., of typhoid fever, HENRY HERR, aged 55 years, 10 months, and 14 days. Funeral sermons were delivered by John Landis, David Witmer, and Christian Herr. He leaves a widow and eleven children. He was a member of the Mennonite Church for many years. Many were the tears shed by him for Jesus' sake: many were the kind words to his wife, many were the admonitions to his children; and many were his prayers to God. He has indeed left us for awhile, but we hope to see him again. He said shortly before he died, "Soon I must appear before a righteous Judge." So it will be with us all. Let us so try to improve our lives that his many kind words to us may not have been in vain. Let us go hand in hand that we may meet him in heaven. Dear mother, be not weary and sad; for soon you can meet him. Think that your great loss is his greater gain.
On the 12th of June, in Hilltown, Bucks Co., Pa., JOHN GODSHALK, son or Samuel Godshalk, sen., aged 38 years, and 2 days. He was buried on the following Sunday, at the Doylestown Mennonite Burying-ground. Funeral sermons by Isaac Rickert and Samuel Godshalk.
On the 13th of June, in Sonnenberg Wayne County, Ohio, ROSINA,
daughter of Abraham J. and Mary LEHMAN, aged five years.
On the following Sunday, her remains were buried in the Sonnenberg
Church yard. Funeral sermons were delivered by Pre. Christian
Schneck at the house of mourning, and by Pro. Moses Bitschy, of
Holmes Co., Ohio, at the meeting-house.
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.