Herald of Truth,
September 1868, page 143, 144 |
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Transcribed Text:
Herald of Truth - Volume V, Number 9 - September, 1868 page 143, 144
On the 7th of July, in the town of Clarence, Erie County, N.Y., of consumption, WIFE of Jacob FRICK, aged 63 years, 2 months, and 19 days. She was sick about 2 years. She longed very much for the time to arrive when she could depart and be with Christ, but seemed to await with patience the day of her redemption. She was buried on the 8th, on which occasion a large concourse of friends and neighbors were present. A funeral sermon was delivered in German by Pre. John Lapp, from Rev. 21: 7, "He that overcometh shall inherit all things and he shall be my son." In English by Pre. Holmes; text, Rom. 8: 22-23. She was a faithful member of the Mennonite church for a number of years. She leaves a husband and four children to mourn their loss; but we have reason to believe that their loss is her eternal gain.
On the 9th of July, in Franconia Township, Montgomery County, Pa., of summer complaint, a SON of George Henry SOUDER, aged 7 months and several days.
At the same place, CHRISTIAN BAUER, in the 83d year of his age.
On the 19th of July, in West Hempfield Township, Lancaster County, Pa., of dropsy of the heart, FRANKLIN H. STONER, aged 13 years, 9 months, and 1 day. He suffered exceedingly. Funeral sermons were delivered by Pre. Henry Shenk, John Landis, and Jacob Brubaker Text, John 17: 24, in German, and 1 Peter 1: 24-25, in English.
On the 22d of July, in East Hempfield, Lancaster County, Pa., of consumption, MARY SWAR, aged 58 years, 1 month, and 10 days. She underwent great tribulation in the latter part of her life, but was fully resigned to the Lord's will. Her funeral sermon was preached by John Landis, Christian Herr, and Jacob Brubaker; the latter in English. Text, Is. 55:6.
On wednesday, the 22d of July, in Hilltown Township, Bucks County, Pa., of infirmities of old age, ANNA DETWILER, widow of John Detwiler, deceased, aged 77 years, 11 months, and 19 days. On the following Saturday, her remains were buried in Gehman's burying-ground. Funeral sermons were delivered by D. Bergey and J. Allebach: by the former at the house of mourning, and by the latter at the burying-ground, from Phil. 1: 23, "Having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better."
On the 22d of July, in Rockhill Township, Bucks county, Pa.,
of a severe illness of ten months duration, ELIZABETH SOUDER
aged 42 years, 6 months, and 13 days.
On the 28th of July, at the house of his father, in Baltimore
County, Maryland, of Typhoid fever, JOHN YODER, son of
Pre. Solomon Yoder, formerly of Union Co, Pa., aged 26 years,
7 months and 23 days. His remains were laid in their final resting
place, on the 30th, in the presence of many relatives and friends.
A funeral sermon was preached by John Nast, from John 5:24-25.
The deceased was a member of the Omish Mennonite Church.
Brother, thou art gone to rest,
We will not weep for thee;
For thou art now where oft, on earth,
Thy spirit longed to be.
Brother thou art gone to rest,
Thine is an earthly tomb;
But Jesus summoned thee away,
Thy Savior called thee home.
Brother thou art gone to rest,
Thy toils and cares are o'er,
And sorrow, pain, and suff'ring now,
Shall ne'er distress thee more.
Brother, thou art gone to rest,
Thy sins are all forgiven,
And saints of light have welcomed thee,
To share the joys of heaven. E. Y.
On the 31st of July, at his residence, in Stark County, Ohio, JOHN HACKMAN, formerly of Lancaster County, Pa., aged 75 years, 8 months, and 26 days. His mortal remains were committed to the earth on the 2nd. Impressive discourses were delivered by Henry Martin and Benj. Horst, from 2 Tim.4: 6-8.
On the 2d of August, in Penn Township, Lancaster County, Pa., of apoplexy, Bro. DAVID WEIDMAN, aged 56 years, 7 months, and 24 days. He was buried on the 4th at Kauffman's Meetinghouse. Funeral sermons were delivered by Pre. John Brubaker and Pre. Jacob N. Brubaker from 2 Tim. 2:11.
On the 3rd of August in McLean County, Illinois, infant son of Jonas and Barbara TRAYER, aged 14 months. He was buried on the 4th in Trayer's burying-ground. A funeral sermon was delivered at the house, from the 90th Psalm; by Joseph Stuckey, and at the grave by Christian Rupp.
On the 5th of August, Warwick Township, Lancaster County, Pa., CATHARINE BURKHOLDER, aged 58 years, 3 months, and 18 days. Her mortal remains were committed to the tomb on the 7th. Funeral sermons were delivered by Christian Bomberger and John Risser from Ps. 37: 73.
On the 7th of August, in East Huntingdon Township Westmoreland County, Pa., JONAS STONER, aged 81 years, 1 month, and 13 days. He emigrated with his father's family to this country in the year 18OO, and lived near the place in which he settled till his death. He was a faithful member of the Mennonite Church from his early life till he died. He had nine children, two of whom crossed the river of death before him. The rest are still living. His remains were followed to the Mennonite graveyard by a large number of friends and relatives. A funeral sermon was preached by J. D. Overholt in Ger. and by Pre. Dohner in English.
On the 9th of August, in McLean County, Illinois, infant daughter of David and Barbara RUPP, aged 5 months. An address was delivered by Pre. Joseph Stuckey, from 1 Cor. 15.
On the 12th of August, in Elkhart County, Indiana, of typhoid
SARAH ELLEN, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth SHAUM,
aged 15 years, 10 months, and 13 days. She was buried on the 14th
at Shaum's Meetinghouse, where funeral addresses were delivered
from Matt. 24: 44.
On the 13th of August, at the house of her son-in-law Wm. Biddle, New Britain, Bucks County, Pa., CATHARINE HALDEMAN, widow of John Haldeman, aged 85 years and 5 months: having lived in widowhood for thirty years. She was interred at the Doylestown Mennonite Meetinghouse. She was a member of the Mennonite Church for many years, and, we hope and believe, a true believer and follower of Christ. A funeral sermon, from Rev. 14: 13, was delivered by Pro. Rineart and Pre. Isaac Rickert.
On the 13th of August, in Elkhart County, Ind., Bro. JOHN CULP, aged 52 years, 5 months, and 1 day. He had been ailing for some time, but was still able to be up and around till within a few days previous to his death. He endured much pain during the last few days of his earthly life, bearing his sufferings with patience and Christian resignation. He conversed freely with his family and friends, giving each a word of counsel and admonition. He evinced a sure hope of his acceptance with his God and Savior. It is a p1easing reflection that, two days previous to his death, he desired once more to kneel in prayer with his family and friends assembled. In the act of kneeling (with the assistance of friends) his bodily sufferings seemed greatly aggravated. He remarked, however that the Savior knelt down thrice in prayer in agony and suffering for our sins. And thus amid the groans and flowing tears of sympathizing friends and loved ones, he was heard commending his wife and children, and friends into the hand of Him whom he acknowledged to have found precious to his own soul. He was buried on the 5th at Yellow Creek Meeting house, where an unusually large concourse of friends and relatives were assembled to pay him their last tribute of respect. Funeral addresses were delivered from Rev. 14:13.
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.