Herald of Truth,
October, 1868, page 159 |
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Transcribed Text:
Herald of Truth - Volume V, Number 10 - October, 1868, page 159
On the 20th of August, in Baltimore County, Md., of typhoid
fever, FRANCIS, wife of Solomon YODER Sr., formerly
of Union Co., Pa., aged 64 years, 5 months and 24 days. She was
buried on the 30th. Funeral services were conducted by John Mast.
The deceased was a faithful member of the Omish Mennonite Church.
She had been for many years infirm and much afflicted. Recently
she lost a son which so distressed her that her health began to
fail rapidly, when she was taken with typhoid fever, which soon
terminated her sufferings.
Mother thou art gone to rest, where sufferings are no more. Thou
hast bade us adieu for a while, and joined the heavenly band,
to dwell in everlasting peace and light. But thus it was our Father's
will. We greatly feel our loss, and think of thee, thy warning
words are in our ears and we will try to heed them, and thus by
our Father's help we will prepare ourselves to join the happy
company above, when we shall meet again and be blest forever.
On the 24th of August, near Elkhart, Elkhart Co., Ind., HENRY BODLE, aged 24 years, 2 months and 24 days. During his illness, he was, fortunately, under the care of kind parents and friends, who did all in their power to alleviate his sufferings. He bore his afflictions with much patience and a spirit of meekness. Like many others, he had also put off the important and needful work of seeking his soul's salvation until a late hour, when to the joy of his friends, while upon his death-bed, he requested to be baptized. He spoke freely of death, expressed a desire to die, saying that all was bright before him, and we hope, all is bright around him-that he is happy in the world of joy and love where we, if we are faithful, shall meet him. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. E. Hall from 1 Sam. 15: 52. "Surely the bitterness of death is past."
My Father calls me to his arms,
And willingly I go;
With cheerfulness I bid farewell,
To everything below.
On the 1st of September, in Walnut Creek Township, Holmes Co., Ohio, JACOB MAST, aged 81 years and 4 months. He was buried on the 2nd. A large concourse of friends and relatives followed him to the grave. He was buried at the Union burying-ground of the Omish Mennonite Church. Funeral sermons were delivered by Moses Miller, from Jn. 5: 24, 28, and by Eli S. Miller, from Ps. 39: 2-8. He was born in Somerset Co., Pa., where he lived till 1812 when he removed to Holmes Co., where he resided to his death. He was a faithful member of the Omish Mennonite Church. Peace to his ashes. BENJAMIN HELMUTH.
On the 4th of Sept., in Mahoning Co., Ohio, CATHARINE ANN, in her 7th year, on the 9th ELI, and on the 10th LEVI, all children of Peter B. YODER. The last two were twins in their 4th year and were buried in one grave, at Oberholtzer's Meeting house. Funeral sermons for the former were preached by P. Boesinger and J. Culp and for the latter by J. Bixler and J. Culp.
On the 7th of Sept., in German Township, Holmes Co., Ohio, of typhus fever, MAGDALENA, daughter of Noah and Barbara HOCHSTETLER, aged 20 years, 2 months anb(sic) 29 days. She was buried on the 8th. Funeral sermons were delivered by Moses Miller and Abm. Mast from 1 Jn. 1: 24, 25. and Ps. 90: 14. She joined the Omish Mennonite Church two years ago and was a faithful member of the same during the rest of her life. We hope she rests in peace.
On the 8th of Sept., in Lee County, Iowa, daughter of Jacob and Maria SCHRACK, aged one year and 15 days. Her father died one year ago in Butler Co., Ohio. Text 2 Sam. 12: 15-2-1.
On the 11th of September, in Walnut Creek Township, Holmes Co., Ohio, SAMUEL WEBER, aged 8O yeaos(sic) 5 months and 20 days. He was buried on the 13th at the family graveyard. Funeral discourses were delivered by Moses and Levi Miller, from Jn. 5: 24-28 and I Thess. 4: 13-18. He leaves a wsdow(sic) and 11 children to mourn their loss. He was a faithful member of the Omish Mennonite Church. We hope he dwells with the redeemed in the rest that remaineth for the people of God.
On the 12th of Sept., in Hellam Township, York Co., Pa., of consumption, JOHN HEILAND aged 36 years, 7 months and 1 day. He was buried on the 14th at Schneiders burying-ground, where funeral discourses were delivered by bro. Frederic Stauffer, from Isaiah 60: 20, and by George Sheffer from Psalms 31: 6. The deceased was a faithful member of the Mennonite Church. We have the hope that he died the death of the righteous.
On the 20th of Sept., in Lancaster Co., Pa., LYDIA, wife of Peter G. WENGER, aged about 31 years. She was sick seven weeks. She suffered much during her illness. She had been married only about a year. She was buried on the 22nd, followed to her grave by a large concourse of relatives and friends.
On the 4th of October, in Elkhart Co Ind., LUCINDA, aged 6 months and 2 days, and on the 5th, MALINDA, aged 6 month and 3 days, twin children of Dea. Joseph HOLDEMAN. They were both buried in one grave. A funeral discourse was delivered from the words, "Suffer the little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me."
On the 7th of October, in East Hempfield Township, Lancaster County, Pa., of consumption, JONAS SNYDER, aged 39 years, 11 mouth and 13 days. His latter days were passed amid great trouble and trials, which every Christian must more or less endure. All those that will live godly must suffer persecution. Through trials and tribulations we must enter into the kingdom of heaven. Funeral sermon was preached by John Landis and Jacob and John Brubaker. Text, Rom. 6: 23.
Departed this life on the 6th of Oct., 1868, in Locke Township,
Elkhart County, Indiana, of Typhoid fever, CHRISTIANA CHRISTOPHEL,
daughter of Pre. John M. Christophel, aged 19 years, 7 months
and 5 days. She was buried at Yellow Creek Mennonite burying-ground.
Funeral discourses were delivered by the brethren, Daniel Brundage,
John F. Funk, Joseph Hagey and J. Snyder. Text, Rev. 2 Chap. and
the last part of the l0th verse "Be thou faithful unto death,
and I will give thee a crown of life."
Since some time in January she had been employed in the office
of the Herald of Truth, and was one in the family circle
of our own household, attending faithfully to the duties devolving
upon her, until some four weeks previous to her death, when she
complained of being unwell and went home to her parents. Her disease
soon began to assume a serious character. A physician was called
to her attendance, but when the Lord calls human helps are vain.
She grew worse and seemed too, to have a consciousness within
her, that her earthly race was run. At times, her mind was wandering,
but in her lucid moments, she dwelt much upon the more important
concerns of her soul, and upon heavenly things. She suffered much,
being unable to speak for several days before her death. I called
to see her, but too late to speak with her; the shadow of death
already rested on her features. Unconscious of what passed around
her, she laid quietly breathing her young life away. A few hours
more, and calmly as one lying down to pleasant dreams she fell
There is a vacant place in the family circle, at the family table
and fireside, a vacant chair; a link missing in the chain of friends,
companions and acquaintances; she is missed by father and mother,
by sisters and brothers, she is missed at her accustomed place
of labor, but there is a consolation for us all, for as link by
link friendship's chain on earth is riven, 'tis formed anew in
the bright land above. Her earthly work is done. She has gone
to her reward. Let us not weep for her--it was our Father's will
to call her home. Though young in years, and just entering the
scenes of real life, we hope she has been faithful, even unto
death, and now wears the unfading crown of life.
Just about a year before her death, she made a public profession
of truth, was baptized, and united with the Mennonite church.
She graced her profession with a pious walk and an unblamable
life. Modest in her behavior, gentle in her conduct, faithful
in her performance of duty, kind and affectionate towards all,
she was beloved and respected by those who knew her and though
with a sad heart we have followed her to the silent tomb, and
mourn because she "is gone" to return no more. Let us
feel that thus it was our heavenly Fathers will-He bade her "come"
and she must needs obey the so1emn summons.
She will return to us no more. Therefore let us all seek
so to live, that at last, we may go to her. Young friends, do
not forget to give your hearts to Jesus, even now in the days
of your youth, while health end strength remain, that ye may be
also ready to go in peace when the Master calleth. J. F. F.
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.