Herald of Truth Obituaries - February, 1888

| Week 1 | Week 2 |

Herald of Truth, Vol. XXV, Number 3, February 1, 1888, Pages 44, 45


SCHROCK. - On the 18th of January, near Waupecong, Miami county, Ind., of lung affection, William Schrock, aged 34 years, 2 months and 24 days. Services by preacher Raderer.

ZOOK. ­ On the 14th of January, near Careysville, Champaign county, Ohio, of lung fever, Elsie May, daughter of J. E. and Elizabeth Zook, aged 5 months. Buried on the 16th in the Ludlow Cemetery. Services by John Wareye from Matt. 18: 3,4.

Loving little Elsie, dear,
From pain and suffering thou art free;
Thou hast left thy friends and parents here,
To mourn in grief for thee.

SULLIVAN. ­ On the 13th of January, near Ringwood, Markham Twp., York county, Ont., suddenly, Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Sullivan, aged 31 years, 4 months and 4 days. Buried on the 14th at the Mennonite Church. Services by Jacob Wideman in German and Samuel Hoover in English. Text, Amos 4:12. She leaves a sorrowing husband and three small children.

STOLTZFUS. ­ On the 18th of Oct., 1887, Barbara Stoltzfus, wife of Isaac Stoltzfus, of Lyon county, Kansas, aged 42 years, 5 months and 28 days. She leaves a husband and three children.

On the same day Nancy, wife of Jacob Stoltzfus, aged about 52 years. She leaves a husband and seven children. The two women were on their way to visit at Jonathan Kings and crossing the railroad the buggy was struck by the fast train, and both women were killed. They were both faithful sisters in the Amish Mennonite Church. Sister Barbara was on a visit to her friends in Pa. They were both buried on the same day. Funeral services by Gideon Stoltzfus and John Peachy. This was a very sad affliction and shows us how soon our earthly life may be brought to an end. May God bless the afflicted families, and sanctify this affliction to their good.

ZIEGLER. ­ On the 18th of January in Montgomery county, Pa., of the infirmities of old age and general debility, Elizabeth Ziegler, aged about 87 years. She had a stroke of palsy a few weeks ago. She was buried at the Lower Salford Mennonite Meeting-house on the 21st.

MILLER. ­ At Berlin, Holmes county, Ohio, on the 8th of January, aged 51 years, 4 months and 19 days.
[Transcriber's note: there was no given name in the obituary]

HOCHSTETLER. - On the 5th of January, at Berlin, Holmes county, Ohio, Frances Hochstetler, aged 88 years, 4 months and 16 days.

RITTENHOUSE. - On the 11th of January, in Montgomery county, Pa., Mary Rittenhouse, maiden name Kropp, widow of Saumuel Rittenhouse, aged 83 years, 1 month and 25 days. She was the mother of seven children. Her husband preceded her to the grave over five years.

ROBINSON. ­ On the 18th of January, in the city of Elkhart, Elkhart county, Ind., of consumption, of which she suffered about eight months, Mary Ann, daughter of Zachariah and Sarah Robinson, aged 23 years and 2 days. She was one of those kind and gentle dispositions which makes friends with all and is beloved by every one. She was self-sacrificing and devoted to others, even beyond her strength, and would help others when she needed help for herself. Yet with all her kind and generous qualities felt the need of a Savior, and during her sickness, some three months before she died, she gave herself to the Lord and sought to set her house in order, so that she should be ready at the Master's coming. She was calm and confident, and had no fear of death. At one time she saw what appeared to her a vision of the blessedness of the better land, in which she saw herself on this side of the river, while Jesus with two little ones that had died from this family in infancy, appeared on the other side. On the day of her death she called her parents, her brothers and sisters and her sister's children to her bedside, kissed them all good-by, gave them kind words of admonition, told them to be good and give themselves to the dear Savior, and to meet her in heaven. She was buried on the 20th at Shaum's burying-ground, where a large concourse of friends and relatives had assembled. May her kind and earnest admonitions not have been in vain, and may her early death lead many young hearts to embrace the Savior.

MILLER. - On the 9th of January, near Berlinton, Marshall county, Ind., Sister Catharine, wife of Bro. Moses Miller, aged 27 years, 5 months and 4 days. Her sufferings were of short duration but were great, yet she bore them patiently. She regretted that she had not been more active and humble in her Christian life, but placed herself into the hands of Jesus with a full trust that she was safe in his care. She leaves her deeply bereaved husband and a little child to mourn with brothers and sisters, her early departure. She was buried on the 10th in Burkholder's graveyard.

SHANTZ. - On the 8th of January, in Waterloo county, Ontario, Lydia Ann, daughter of Brother and Sister Jacob E. and Lydia Shantz, aged 5 months and 26 days. Buried in the Eby graveyard. Services by Jacob B. Gingerich and Noah Stauffer from Ps. 103:15, 16 and 2 Pet. 3:11.

KOLOSKY. ­ On the 29th of Nov., near Zurich, Ontario, Bro. John Kolosky, aged 70 years, 9 months and 9 days. He was buried on the 1st of Dec. Services by Tobias Bowman and H. B. Detweiler. The deceased had been ailing since spring, and was baptized in his sickness. It is better to serve God in youth than to wait for old age before beginning, for old age is attained by only a few.

DETWEILER. ­ On the 11th of January, in Waterloo county, Ontario, of inflammation of the brain, Allen, son of Noah and Nancy Detweiler, aged 1 year, 5 months and 11 days. Buried on the 14th at the Snyder Meeting-house. Services by Jacob Woolner and Daniel Wismer from Matt. 18: 2, 3 and Job 14: 1,2.

Do not weep for me my parents,
But look forward and be glad;
For our meeting will be sweeter
Than our parting here was sad.

DURSTINE. ­ At his residence near Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland county, Pa., Bro. Henry Durstine, aged 83 years, 10 months and 29 days. Like a sheaf, full and ripe for the garner, was father Durstine for the great garner of God's redeemed from all the earth. This Brother was one of the oldest citizens of this county, having resided at one place for about 80 years, about the year 1836 he was married to his now surviving widow. They passed a pleasant life together. The fruits of this union are nine children. Father Durstine made a profession of religion, was baptized and united with the Mennonite church at Stonerville, Pa., about the year 1825. He continued a consistent member of said church until he died. In his last sickness which was for about one year's duration he manifested a great degreee of patience. His companion feels lonely waiting on the shores of time, ready to step into the stream and cross to the other side. His children miss his counsel and presence and the church at Stoner's deeply feels its loss, yet we have every assurance to believe that he was called home to rest. Funeral services by Pre. T. Woods in the absence of the ministering brother of that place.

ZOOK. ­ near Belleville, Mifflin county, Pa., on Wednesday, January 11th. Pre. Enoch Zook, aged 70 years, 7 months and 17 days. The deceased was from early youth a consistent and faithful member and for 35 years a preacher in the Amish Mennonite church. Funeral services by Bishop Michael Yoder and Joseph H. Bylers.

BLOUGH. ­ On the 4th of Jan., in Elkhart county, Ind., of membranous croup, Ira. I. [sic] son of Solomon and Fanny Blough, aged 3 years [Note: begin page 45] and 5 months. Ira had a mind more fully developed than the average of his age which caused every one to love him and made it very hard for the family to give him up. But
That cherub band had need of one
To join their song of love-
Then weep not for your darling son,
He sweetly sings above.

TROYER. ­ On the 9th of Jan, in Elkhart county, Ind., of a long and lingering illness, Lydia A. daughter of Christian and ___ Troyer, aged 14 years, 2 months and 29 days. Buried at the union graveyard in Clinton Twp., Services by D. J. Johns from Isa. 35. [Transcriber's note: copied exact punctuation and blank for name ]

GROVE. ­ On the 2d of January, two miles from Greencastle, Pa., Sister Lizzie, wife of John Grove, daughter of Jacob and Mattie Shank, aged 34 years. 10 months and 10 days. She leaves a husband and 5 children to mourn their loss. She gave her sister and all a farewell kiss, said she has found her Savior. Many tears have been shed for the bereaved family. Services by Michael Horst and Adam Baer.

Her smiling face no more we see,
In this dark vale of woe;
I hope that we may faithful be
That we to her may go.

CRESSMAN. ­ On the 5th of January, near Breslau, Waterloo county, Ont., of paralysis, Joseph Cressman, aged 68 years, 5 months and 2 days. Buried on the 8th at Cressman's Meeting-house, where a large congregation of friends and acquaintances assembled to pay their last respects and adieu to the beloved brother, whom we believe fell asleep in Jesus. He left a widow and 5 children and a number of grandchildren to mourn his departure. Funeral services by E. E. Weber and J. Woolner.

LITE. ­ In Bowne township, Kent county, Michigan. On the 24th of December, 1887, of typhoid malarial fever, Abraham Lite, aged 8 years, 2 months and 25 days. Funeral services were held by Peter Keim, and George Long from Jer. 31:15.

THOMAS. ­ On the 5th of January, in Bowne, Kent county, Michigan, of consumption, Louisa, daughter of Peter Thomas, aged 18 years, 9 months and 9 days. She had given her heart to God, and our hope is that she has gone to rest with Jesus. Services were held by Peter Keim, George Long, and John P. Speicher.

Transcribed by Debbie Kapp, Pennsylvania


Herald of Truth, Vol. XXV, Number 4, February 15, 1888 - Pages 61-63

SHOEMAKER. ­ On the 13th of January, in Waterloo Co., Ont., Abram D. Shoemaker aged 78 years and some months. He was buried in the Mount Hope cemetery, on the 16th. Services by F. W. Tuerk from Isa. 6:5, 6.

REIST. ­ On the 15th of January, in Berlin, Waterloo county, Ont., widow Salome Reist. She was buried on the 17th, in Eby's graveyard in Berlin. Services by Pre. Schmidt from 2 Kings 20:1.

LANDIS. ­ On the 3d of January, near Chambersburg, Franklin Co., Pa., Bro. Christian Landis, Sr., aged 71 years, 11 months and 8 days. He leaves a widow and four sons to mourn his departure. His affliction was complicated and of short duration. He was a kind affectionate companion and father. When in health, his seat was seldom vacant in the church. He was a good counselor and loved to see the Church prosper. He was also a good singer and often led in singing. He left a hope behind that he is now in the rest which those who die in the Lord enjoy hereafter. His remains were interred on the 5th, in the family burying-ground, followed by many sympathizing friends. Services were held at the house. Services were held by Pre. John Hunsicker, Peter Wadle and Philip H. Parret, in English, from Phil 1:21.

EBERSOLE. ­ On the 6th of January, near Chambersburg, Franklin Co., Pa., Sister Mary, wife of John Ebersole, deceased, aged 72 years, 4 months and 9 days. She leaves 7 sons to mourn her departure. She was a member of the Mennonite Church many years; she suffered considerably before she died with the softening of the heart and kidney disease, which she bore with patience and Christian fortitude. On the 9th, according to her request, she was buried at the Chambersburg church, where services were held from Rev. 14:13. She was followed to her last resting place by many sympathizing friends. Her dear children have lost a kind and a devoted mother, and her example is worthy of her imitation.

FRY. ­ On the 14th of January, near Chambersburg, Franklin Co., Pa., of catarrhal fever, Lydia, youngest daughter of Benjamin and Leah Fry, aged 3 months and 3 days. Buried on the 16th at Chambersburg church.
"Take these little lambs, " he said He,
"And lay them in my breast;
In me protection they shall find
And be forever blest."

QUIER. ­ On the 27th of Jan., in Elkhart, Ind., of consumption, Nancy, wife of Michael Quier, aged 30 years, 1 month and 13 days. She suffered a good deal for some time, but bore her afflictions with much patience and an implicit trust in God. She said she had given her heart to Jesus; He was all her hope and comfort. On the morning of her death she sang a couple verses from the hymn, "I am so glad that our Father in heaven," etc. Her husband assisted her and they sang until they could no longer sing and just before she died she said, "I am going home to Jesus," and soon passed away. She leaves a husband and three children and also an aged mother. Services by John F. Funk, assisted by Samuel Yoder and ___ Martz. May the Lord bless to the good of their souls this severe affliction.

BUNTER. ­ In Lyon county, Kansas, on the 29th of November, son of William and Rebecca Bunter, aged 31 days. Services by J. P. Stuckey and David Stoltzfus, from Mark 10:14.

MILLER. - On the 9th of January, in Locke Twp., Elkhart county, Ind., Sister Catharine, wife of Moses S. Miller, aged 27 years, 5 months and 4 days. She lived in matrimony a little over a year and leaves a husband and an infant a few weeks old, besides a mother, brothers, sisters and friends, who mourn, it is true, but not as those who have no hope. Services by Bish. Moses Burkholder, from John 5:25 ­29 and I Thess. 4:13-18.

[Begin page 62]
MUMAW. ­ On the 13th of December, near Winesburg, Holmes county, Ohio, of a lingering illness. John Mumaw, aged 82 years, 1 month and 28 days. He was born in Fayette county, Pa., October 15th, 1805, and came to Ohio when he was 18 years of age, was married in 1830 to his now surviving wife, Rachel Barkey. Of their 14 children 11 are still living. Besides these, 42 grandchildren and 8 great.grandchildren [sic] remain to mourn our brother's departure. He united with the Church in youth and was always a firm believer and defender of its doctrines and practices. He was buried on the 16th. Services by Henry Kilmer and Michael Rohrer, assisted by J. M. Gillom, from John 14:1.
"Dearest father, thou has left us,
Here thy loss we deeply feel;
But 'tis God that hath bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal."

CROOK. ­ On the 19th of January, at her home in Dubois county, Ind., very suddenly, Elizabeth Crook, the mother of Bro. Andrew Crook, aged 82 years, 4 months and 7 days. She was born in Cumberland county, Pa. Her father's name was Brown, and her mother's maiden name Godshall. In 1816 they moved to Harrison county, Ohio, and in 1821 to Bartholomew county, Ind., where her father, who was a United Brethren minister, died, and the family moved to Floyd county, Ind., where Elizabeth married John Crook, June 17th, 1824. In 1838 they moved to Dubois county, where they lived for fifty years. Six of her nine children are living, who with 42 grandchildren, and 42 great-grandchildren number her posterity. Her husband survives her at the age of 87 years.

ESCH. ­ On the 11th of January, in Holt county, Neb., Sister Catharine (Erb) Esch, aged 29 years, 9 months and 11 days. She fell asleep in Jesus about four hours after giving birth to a child, and leaves her husband and 6 children to mourn her departure. She was a beloved sister in the Amish Mennonite church. Services by P. P. Hershberger, from Ps. 90.

MARTIN. ­ On the 13th of January, at Wakarusa, Elkhart county, Ind., of cancer, Peter Martin, aged 65 years, 7 months and 21 days. He was buried on the 15th in Shaum's graveyard. Deceased was born in Union (now Snyder) county, Pa., May 22d, 1822. In the spring of 1866 he moved to Elkhart county, Ind., where he has since resided. He leaves 9 children, five by his first wife and four by his now surviving widow, to mourn together their loss.

HERSHBERGER. ­ On the 26th of January, near New Carlisle, Holmes county, Ohio, of affection of the heart and lungs, David Hershberger, aged 74 years and 18 days. He was buried on the 28th in the Walnutcreek Mennonite graveyard. Services by A. Mast and Isaac A. Miller.

GOOD. ­ On the 31st of December, in Livingston county, Ill., of spasms, infant son of Bro. and Sister Christian Good, aged 1 month and 15 days. Buried on the 2d of January, in the Waldo graveyard. Services by Stephen Stahley, from 1 Cor. 15.

ALBRECHT. - On the 23d of January, in Bureau county, Ill., of the infirmities of old age, Peter Albrecht, aged 77 years, 1 month and 23 days. He was buried on the 25th, in the Amish Mennonite graveyard in Indiantown. Bureau county, Ill. He leaves his widow, 3 children and 8 grandchildren and many friends to mourn his death. Services by Joseph Burkey and Chr. Zehr, from Matt. 24:44 and Ps. 90, for the comfort of the bereaved ones and a warning for all. [Transcriber's note: punctuation copied as printed]

BELLER. ­ On the 12th of January, in Holt county, Neb., Joseph Beller, aged 44 years, 9 months and some days. He had been on a visit to a friend about 2_ miles from home and was returning home when he was overtaken by a blizzard which lasted nearly a day and a night. About 12 o'clock of the 13th, he was found about 80 rods from his house frozen stiff. He leaves his wife and a child by a former marriage. He was formerly a member of the Amish Mennonite church, but was not one at the time of this death. Services by C. Ernst and P. P. Hershberger, from Ps. 143. This is sad and should be a warning to all to be at all times prepared for death. [Transcriber's note: 80 rods is 0.25 mile; a rod equals 5.5 yards]

SIMON. ­ January 6th, on Sporting Hill, Lancaster county, Pa., Joseph Simon, aged 74 years, 2 months and 22 days. Buried on the 9th at "Kreider's" Meeting-house. Text, Rom. 6:7. A large congregation assembled on the solemn occasion.

RISSER. ­ January 10th, near Hammer Creek Meeting-house, Lancaster county, Pa., Kate L., wife of Harry S. Risser, aged 39 years, 5 months and 5 days. Buried on the 13th, at Hammer Creek Meeting-house. Texts, I Cor. 15:26, and Luke 22:37. A sad and solemn call for for all.

GREIDER. - January 20th, near Salungo, Lancaster county, Pa., Sister Elizabeth Greider, aged 79 years, 10 months and 11 days. Buried at Landisville Meeting-house the 23d. Text, ___ 14:1-3. A large congregation assembled to pay the last tribute of respect for the beloved sister. Sister Greider often sighed for the time of her departure. [Transcriber's note: Scripture reference is printed with a blank line for the book]

SAHM. ­ January 28th, at White Oak, Lancaster county, Pa., David Sahm, aged 84 years, 3 months and 25 days. Buried at White Oak church on the 31st. Text, Isaiah 38:1.

BUZZARD. ­ On the 4th of Feb., in Harrison Twp., Elkhart county, Ind., of Consumption, Mary, daughter of Pre. Jacob (deceased) and Elizabeth Buzzard, aged 20 years, 3 months and 27 days. Mary some time ago, realizing that her time in this world might be short, gave herself to the Lord, and it was refreshing to see how the inner life developed, and her soul fed on the bread which cometh down from heaven. She appeared to have a real hunger and thirst after heavenly things, and rejoiced greatly in the Lord, regretting only that she had not begun the Christian life sooner. As she approached her end, she especially devoted herself to the service of the Master, exhorting her young friends and associates, brothers and sister, and praying for them that they might be converted to God and saved. We trust her earnest efforts may not be permitted to pass by unheeded. She also had a great desire to depart and be with Christ; it seemed as though she could not wait until her time should come, when God in Mercy would take her home unto himself. She will be greatly missed. She was the one upon whom her mother in her widowhood chiefly stayed herself, and in giving up the dear child it seemed like giving the "right eye," but Jesus loved her too, and had prepared for her a crown, and a robe, and mansions of joy, and thus at this early age, he took her to himself. May the Lord comfort the dear mother, and brothers and sister, and may they and all her associates remember long these earnest admonitions, and these devoted prayers, and in the accepted time turn unto the Lord. She was buried on the 6th. Services by John F. Funk and Noah Metzler, from I Pet. 24:25.

WRIGHT. ­ On the 9th of Jan., in Frederic county, Va., of Consumption, Lizzie G. wife of Samuel B. Wright, and daughter of Daniel H. and Elizabeth Mellinger, aged 33 years. She leaves a deeply bereaved husband and 3 little sons, besides parents, one sister two brothers and many friends to mourn their loss, which we feel assured is her eternal again. [sic] Appropriate remarks were made by Samuel Mills of th[e] Friends, church and Chr. Brunk at the Friends, Meeting-house at Hopewell, where she was buried. [Transcriber's note: puctuated as printed; missing 'e' obscured by printing blotch inserted by transcriber ]

SMITH. ­ On the 28th of January, in Vaughan Twp., York county. Ontario., Bro. Daniel Smith, aged 84 years and 1 month. On the 31st his remains were interred in the Mennonite burying-ground in Vaughan, where appropriate remarks were held by Jacob Wideman in German from 2 Tim. 4:6-8, and S. Hoover in English from I Cor. 15:54, 55. Deceased was born in Somerset county, Pa., and came with his father's family to Canada in the year 1818 and settled in Vaughan township. He was a deacon in the church for many years, and had frequently expressed a willingness to depart and be with Christ.

MELLINGER. ­ On the 18th of January, in Mahoning county, Ohio, of the infirmities of old age, Melchor Mellinger, aged 82 years, 2 months and 25 days. Buried at Oberholtzer's on the 21st, where services were held by Michael Rohrer, of Canton, Ohio, and John Burkholder. He leaves a widow and seven children, all of whom were present at the burial except the widow, who was unable to attend on account of feeble health. The funeral was largely attended, as he had a wide circle of friends, and has been for many years a consistent member of the Mennonite church.

MAURER. ­ On the 16th of Jan., in Clinton Twp., Elkhart county. Ind., Jacob Maurer, aged 65 years, 6 months and 9 days. He leaves a deeply bereaved wife and eight children to mourn his departure. Buried at the Union Chapel on the 18th in presence of many friends and relatives. Services by E. S. Miller and D. J. Johns from Isa. 38:1

HOSTETLER. ­ On the 17th of January, near Emma, LaGrange county, Ind., Mary Etta, daughter of Moses and Mary Hostetler, aged 5 months and 24 days. Buried on the 19th. Services by D. J. Johns from Eccl. 7:14.
"Though cast down we're not forsaken;
Though afflicted not alone;
Thou didst give and thou hast taken;
Blessed Lord, thy will be done."

HAMSHER. ­ In Nappanee, Elkhart county, Ind., Nora and Cora, twin daughters of Joseph and Susan Hamsher, the one on the 3d and the other on the 5th of February, aged 7 and 9 days respectively. Funeral services on the 5th at the Amish Church by J. P. Speicher and D. Burkholder from Luke 18:15,16. The bereaved parents deeply feel their loss, they have the sympathies of the neighbors. May the Lord bless them.

BUCHER. ­ On the 24th of January, near Columbus Grove, Ohio, of inflammation of the bowels, Emma, daughter of John C., and Anna Bucher, aged 9 years, 3 months and 23 days. She had also been a sufferer of diphtheria just before. She was buried on the 25th at the Brick Church. Services by Chr. Zimmerly, John Moser and B. Miller from John 11:27.

BUCHER. ­ On the 5th of February in the same family, of diphtheria, Philemon, aged 4 years and 8 months. He was laid by the side of his sister. At both funerals many friends were assembled. Comforting remarks were made by John Moser from Heb. 9:27, 28. May the Lord sanctify this affliction to the good of the parents, and may He comfort them with this Word and spirit.

TSCHANTZ. ­ On the 9th of January, near Dalton, Wayne county, Ohio, Sister Lydia Steiner, wife of John H. Tschantz, aged 30 years, 1 month and 9 days. She was buried on the 12th at the Walnut church. Services by A. A. Sommer from I Cor. 15:55. She leaves her sorrowing husband and five small children, the youngest twins, but 10 days old, besides many relatives, to mourn her early death. She [Transcriber's note: begin page 63] was prepared for death, and calmly awaited its coming.

FLORRY. - On the 2d of January in Camargo, Lancaster county, Pa., Daniel Florry, aged 63 years, 5 months and 11 days. Buried at the Mennonite Church at New Providence, Lancaster county, Pa.

MARTIN. ­ On the 7th of January in Drumore, Lancaster county, Pa., of cancer in stomach [sic], Bro. Jacob Martin, aged 41 years, 11 months and 11 days. He leaves a widow and six small children to mourn the loss of a kind husband and father, and an earnest member in the Mennonite Church. Buried at Providence on the 10th.

Herr. ­ On the 10th of January, in Drumore, Lancaster county, Pa., Martin V. Herr's child, aged 10 months. Buried on the 12th at Providence.

Culp. ­ On the 14th of December, Sister Elizabeth, wife of Bro. John Culp, aged 73 years, 2 months and 6 days. She was born in Bucks county, Pa., Oct. 24th, 1814.

Harnish. ­ On the 9th of January, near Refton, Lancaster county, Pa., after twelve days suffering, Leah Harnish, aged 21 years, 10 months and 19 days. We mourn not as those who have no hope. Services by Pre. Amos Herr and Benjamin Herr from Ps. 103:15-17.

Oh dear sister, how we miss thee!
Since thy voice we hear no more;
Yet we hope we soon shall meet thee
Over on the other shore.

Yes, dear sister, we do miss thee,
When we say our evening prayer;
When we look around to see thee,
We but find a vacant chair.

Loving sister, how we miss thee!
For the voice we loved is still,
And a place at home is vacant,
Which thou never more can fill.

Yes, dear sister, we do miss thee,
But we feel our loss thy gain,
An d thy rest, it must be peaceful
After leaving such great pain.

Thou wast all resigned and patient
Willing all thy pain to bear;
For thy trust was placed in Jesus
Who will all our sorrows share.

Sister dear, we hope to meet thee,
When the day of life is fled;
Then in heaven with joy we'll greet thee,
Where no farewell tears are shed.

Hostetler. - On the 1st of Feb., on Town Line near Emma, Lagrange Co., Ind., of croup and diphtheria, Perry, son of Paul and Sister Hostetler, aged 7 years, 4 months and 6 days. Buried on the 2d. Many friends and neighbors assembled to pay their tribute of love. Funeral service by Jonathan Troyer and Joseph Yoder, from Job 14:1, 2. When the time of the departure arrived he called his parents and brothers to his bed and bid them all good bye and said he was going home to a beautiful land.

"Weep not for me, my parents dear,
Since I must go and leave you here;
With Jesus I shall happy be,
O parents, do not weep for me."

Harshbarger. ­ On the 26th of January, near Carlisle, Holmes Co., Ohio, David Harshbarger, aged 74 years and 18 days.

Wismer. ­ On the 5th of February, in Bedminster, Bucks Co., Pa., Mary Emma, daughter of Henry and Lydia Wismer, aged 8 months and one day.

Leatherman. ­ On the 8th of Feb., in Bucks Co., Pa., of inflammatory rheumatism, Sister Elizabeth, widow of Jacob Leatherman, deceased. She was buried on the 11th.


Bishop Benjamin Hershey departed this life on the 3d of January, 1888, at the age of 73 years, 11 months and 29 days. He has born on the 5th of Jan. 1814 in Upper Canada, and was married to Magdalena Dousman, the 25th of May 1835. Three or four years afterward he moved to Pa., where he lived two or three years, when he returned to the former place. He was ordained to the ministry in 1844. He moved to Elkhart county, Ind., in 1850, to Whiteside county, Ill., in 1860, and to Shelby county, Mo., in 1870, where he lived until his death. He was ordained to the office of Bishop the same year in which he came to Missouri. His wife died in the winter of 1871-2. In 1873 he married Sister Barbara Potter (widow). Bro. Hershey was able to faithfully attend to his ministerial duties until the last few years of his life, when his feeble health would not permit him to attend services more than once or twice a year. He was confined to his bed only five days, during which period he slept most of the time and was able to talk but very little. The family surviving him consists of a wife; four sons and two daughters. May God comfort the bereaved ones. The funeral services were conducted by Pre. John Brubaker from I Cor. 15:26, and latter clause of Luke 23:28, [sic] The funeral was largely attended although the weather was very unfavorable. The deceased brother was willing to leave this world of sorrow, and many times expressed himself as waiting to be called home.

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