MYERS. - Pre. Samuel B. Myers was born in Penn township, York Co., Pa., on the 28th of July, 1821. In 1844 he was married to Magdalena Bair, of near York, Pa. To this union were born 13 children of whom five are dead. In 1877 his wife died, and soon after that he retired from the farm to New Baltimore, where he spent the remainder of his days. In September, 1881, he was married to Barbara Bair, who survives him. The congregation in which he was ordained to the ministry about 30 years ago was organized over 50 years ago. Previous to 1845 occasional services were held in an old school house, but in the above year Bishop John Hostetter donated a plat of ground for a church and burying ground. The old Hostetter meeting house, which was erected in 1845, and in which our deceased brother served his congregation faithfully for so many years, was torn down a few months ago to make room for a new building 38 x 55 feet, and at the formal opening of which, on the 6th of August, 1899, our brother was suddenly stricken down shortly after he had made an earnest address. He had reached the advanced age of 78 years and 9 days. His liberal spirit, charitable demeanor, and his earnestness as a worker both in church and Sunday school endeared him to young and old, and by his death the church has lost one of her strong pillars, and the community one of its most respected citizens. The remains were laid to rest at Bair's meeting house on the 9th of August. An immense concourse of relatives and friends from York, Adams and Lancaster counties followed the remains to the grave. Funeral services by Bishop Jacob N. Brubacher, of Lancaster county, assisted by Daniel Stump, H. H. Loose and Martin Wisler.
KROUT. - On the 27th of July, 1899, in Telford, Montgomery Co., Pa., after suffering for nearly two years of cancer of the stomach and consumption, Sister Mary Young, widow of Samuel Krout (who died 22 years ago) aged 77 years, 5 m., 24 d. She endured her afflictions patiently. Buried on August 2d, at Line Lexington meeting house. Services at the house by M. R. Moyer in English and by Abel Horning in German, and at the meeting house by John Walter in English and Abel Horning in German. A large concourse of friends followed the remains to the grave. She leaves one son and one daughter, one grandchild and one sister. Text, Psa. 71:9.
YODER. - On the 19th of July 1899, in Elkhart county, Ind., George Calvin, infant son of Samuel and Mary Yoder, aged three days. Buried in the Olive cemetery. Services were conducted at the house at the request of the mother from Luke 23:28, by Jacob Shenk.
ZOOK. - On the 4th of June, 1899, near Goshen, Ind., of inflammation of the bowels, Edith May, daughter of John and Elizabeth Zook, aged 9 y., 5 m., 17 d. Buried on the 6th in the Union Chapel burying ground. Services by D. J. Johns, assisted by D. D. Troyer.
"There was an angel band in heaven,
Whose ranks were not complete,
God called our darling Edith home,
To fill the vacant seat."
BEACHY. - On 9th of July, 1899, near Middlebury, Ind.,
of brain fever, Polly Ann Beachy, aged 25 years, 7 months and
20 days. Sister Beachy united with the Amish Mennonite church
at the age of 14 years and remained faithful to the end. She was
a constant teacher in the Sunday school for a number of years,
and did her part faithfully. Buried on the 12th inst. at the Forest
Grove burying ground. A very large concourse of friends and relatives
met to pay the last tribute of love to a departed sister. Services
by D. D. Miller and D. J. Johns, from Luke 23:28.
BUCKWALTER. - August 4, 1899, near Palmyra, Mo., after
an illness of eleven days, of cholera infantum, Alice M. Buckwalter,
daughter of Ezra L. and Anna Buckwalter, aged 2 years, 3 months
and 22 days. Services at the house on the afternoon of August
5, by Daniel Kauffman and John Kreider, from the text, "For
of such is the kingdom of heaven."
"Dear little girl! She has gone to rest,
Where never a sin shall stain her breasts,
No trouble disturb her; no fear annoy;
No clouds overshadow her innocent joy.
She has gone home to Heaven, that land of love,
Of light and blessings and gladness above ;
Her head is pillowed on Jesus' breast.
Dear little girl ! She is sweetly at rest."
WENGER. - On the 2d of July, 1899, of diphtheria, Walter, aged 2 years, 11 months, 17 days, and on July 4th, Bertha, aged 8 years, 2 months, 22 days, children of Henry and Susan Wenger, of Olive township, Elkhart county, Ind. Bertha was sick about two weeks, but bore her sufferings very patiently. One daughter and three sons preceded Bertha and Walter to the spirit world. Of nine children only three are left. Funeral services were conducted at the Olive meeting house on Sunday, Aug. 13, by John F. Funk, Henry Weldy and Jacob Shenk, from the words, "Suffer the little children to come to me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of heaven." Luke 18:16. This was indeed a very severe affliction, but God cares for the little ones and we may think of them as "safe in the arms of Jesus." They have indeed the sympathy of the entire community.
Transcriber's note: The above obituary includes the deaths of two children.
KAUFFMAN. - Elizabeth Correl Kauffman was born in Lancaster Co. Pa., March 1, 1829. With her father's family she removed to Indiana in 1838, coming to Hamilton Co., in 1842, where she has since resided. She was married to John S. Kauffman in 1858. Five children were born to them, of whom two survive -- Joseph Kauffman of Arcadia, and Mrs. Mollie Yarling of Elwood. She was a faithful and consistent member of the Mennonite Church for many years, and was ready for the messenger when he came. She died of consumption July 28th 1899, aged 70 years, 4 months and 27 days. Her last words were: "Children, be good to each other; be good to everybody; be good to pa." The funeral was held on Sunday July 30th at the German Baptist church near Arcadia, and interment was in that cemetery, a very large concourse of relatives and friends assisting at the last sad rites. The services were conducted by Rev. R. J. Wade, assisted by Revs. Elias Smeltzer and C. W. Martz. The bereaved husband desires the publication of the following selection:
Our mother dear has left us
Here in our humble home;
She went to live with Jesus,
No more on earth to roam.
Yet we hope again to meet her,
In that heavenly home so bright,
And sing praises to our Savior,
With the saints all robed in white.
I can't forget the day she died,
When we around her stood:
These were the last words that she said,
"Dear children, do be good."
We all bow down so heavily,
And mourn for mother dear;
It seems so very lonely now ,
Since she no more is here,
Oh, it is very lonely
Since her lovely voice is still;
But yet we will not murmur,
For we know it was God's will.
But she has gone and left us,
Gone home beyond the skies,
God was waiting there to wipe
The tears from mother's eyes.
A home without a mother,
How sad It makes us feel,
But if we trust in Jesus,
He will all our sorrows heal.
YODER. - On the 14th of June, 1896 near Garden City, Mo., Mrs. Salome Yoder, aged 68 years, 4 months, and 26 days. She was born in Mifflin Co., Pa., Jan. 18, 1831, was married in Ohio to Asa Kenagy, of Mifflin Co., Pa., Jan. 4, 1855. In Feb. 1867 her husband died. In Feb. 1870 she was married to C. P. Yoder and moved to Case Co., Mo., where she resided until her death. Her second husband died several years ago, after which grandma resided with her son-in-law and daughter, Pre. David Hooley and wife. Grandma was a member of the Mennonite Church and lived a conscientious Christian life. She leaves two daughters and four sons and twenty-two grandchildren. Her affliction began January 1st and was severe, but she bore it all patiently. Funeral services were conducted by Levi Miller and C. S, Houder from 1 Cor. 15:53.
Grandma, thou art on the other shore,
Your trials and troubles here are o'er,
Your home is in that land so fair,
No pain nor grief can enter there.
Weep not for me, my children dear,
Since I must go and leave you here;
With Jesus I shall happy be,
Oh children do not weep for me.
Brothers and sisters mourn not for me,
In heaven I hope you all to see,
Where parting words are heard no more,
By those who dwell on Canaan's shore. A GRAND DAUGHTER.
Transcriber's note: The year of death should likely be 1899.
HUNSBERGER. - On the 29th of June, 1899, in Buckingham township, Bucks county, Pa., Anna Rosenberger, relict of the late Christian Hunsberger, aged 88 y., 9 m., 18 d. Buried on the 2d of July at the Rockhill meeting house, where many friends assembled to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceased. She was the last of seven brothers and sisters. Funeral services at the house by David Gehman and at the meeting house by Abel Horning and Bishop Henry B. Rosenberger. Text, 1 Chron 30:15. She leaves several children and grandchildren.
SAUDER. - On the 6th of August, 1899, near Farmersville, Lancaster Co., Pa., of typhoid fever, Abel, youngest of a family of ten children of Bro. John and Sister Maggie Sauder, aged 2 years, 9 months and 25 days. Although the youngest and first to be called away, he was by no means the least loved by his parents, brothers and sisters. He was a pet in the family. But now this tender twig is taken from the family circle and planted on a lofty pinnacle where it will be a constant call to those who are out of Christ and mourn his departure. May this solemn call be the means of keeping his parents close to Jesus and bringing to Christ his brothers and sisters. Services were held on the 8th of August at Metzler's meeting house, in German by Elias Nolt and in English by Benj. Weaver. Text, Ezekiel 17:22.
Farewell, my dear, dear mamma,
You nursed and watched me well,
But Jesus took your darling,
So mamma dear, farewell.
And farewell dear, dear papa,
You to your bosom pressed
Your child, your little Abel dear,
Who now has gone to rest.
Farewell my sister, Annie dear,
And the rest who loved me while so near,
God loved me too, and that is why,
He called me to the world on high.
SHANTZ. - On the 4th of August, 1899, near Cedar Springs, Kent county, Mich., of cholera infantum, Ray Samuel, only child of Benjamin F. and Mary Jane Shantz, aged 2 years, 1 month and 26 days. Ray was a very bright and happy little boy, and his sudden death after only a few days' sickness is a heavy blow to the devoted young parents, who did all that human power could do to save him, but in vain. May God console the anguished hearts with the comforting assurance that Ray is forever at rest. The little form was laid to rest in Elmwood cemetery, at Cedar Springs, on the afternoon of the 6th. Funeral services were conducted by Pre. Westover, of the M. E. church at White Creek. Text, Samuel 12:22, 23.
ALLEBACH. - On July 14, 1899, in Hilltown township, Bucks county, Pa., of whooping cough and spasms, Clarence, son of John G. and Sarah Allebach, aged 10 months and 20 days. Interment was made July 18 at the Rockhill Mennonite meeting house, where Samuel Detweiler, A. Horning and M. R. Moyer officiated in both languages.
GERHART. - July 23, 1899, in Telford, Pa., of summer complaint and fits, James C. Gerhart, son of James R. and Clara Gerhart, aged 5 months and 8 days. Interment was made July 27, at the Indian Creek Reformed Church, where Pre. Lukenbill officiated.
HORST. - On the 3d of August, 1899, at Maugansville, Washington Co., Md., Joseph B., son of Daniel E. and Elizabeth Horst, aged 13 years, 9 months and 15 days. He is survived by his parents, three brothers and two sisters, Harvey, Daniel, Roy, Susie, and Nannie, who deeply feel the lose of a son and brother, yet they have reasons to believe that Joseph is at rest. He died of mortification of the bowels. At times he suffered great pain, but he bore his suffering very patiently. Funeral Sunday, August 6, at Reiff's meetinghouse. Services by George Keener and Christian Strite, from 2 Samuel 14:14. D. L. H.
ZEISET. - Susan Bally was born near Mansfield, Ohio, June 12, 1833, was married to Samuel Zeiset in Illinois in 1856. One daughter and three sons were born to them. The husband and father died Feb. 21, 1890, at the age of 66, and the only daughter, Lizzie, followed him in June. She died on the 13th of July, 1899, aged 66 years, 1 month and 1 day. She trusted in her Savior and had no fear of death. She was kind to all and was greatly esteemed for her many excellent qualities, and her death is sorely lamented by a large circle of relatives and friends.
GROVE. - On the 10th of July, 1899, near Ladd, Va., Margaret Anna, infant daughter of A. F. Grove, aged 2 months and 6 days. 'The mother preceded her two months.
"Go, little pilgrim, to thy house,
On yonder blissful shore,
We miss thee here, but soon will come
Where thou hast gone before. M. M. D.
Transcribed by Carl Metzler, Indiana
YODER. - On the 30th of July, 1899, at Eldorado Springs (where he had gone for his health), Henry Y. Yoder, born in Holmes Co., O., Dec. 12, 1833; moved to Elkhart Co., Ind., in 1864, where he lived till 1895, when he moved to Cass Co., Mo., where he resided till death. He leaves a widow (this being his third wife), three children, ten grandchildren, a brother and a sister to mourn his departure. Deceased was a consistent member of the Amish Mennonite Church.
"We'll know where to find thee,
Dear father - in heaven,
Though every fond tie
We have cherished be riven;
We will follow thee home,
To the land of the blest,
Where sighs are not heard
And the weary are at rest."
WEBER. - On Aug. 17, 1899, about one mile north of Waterloo,
Waterloo Co., Ontario, Sister Mary Ann, beloved wife of Joseph
S. Weber, and oldest daughter of
Henry B. Shantz. Her age was 34 years, 8 months and 5 days.
She died at the "Berlin-Waterloo Hospital" from the
effects of an internal rupture. Signs of her departure manifested
itself shortly before she died, time, however, being permitted
for her children to come and give her good-bye. By her request
her brother was also summoned from his occupation to meet her
once more and she pointed him earnestly to Christ for the hope
of a glorious hereafter. She arranged for the ministers to preach
at her funeral, and gave instruction to warn the people of pride
and vanity. She will be greatly missed by her nine children and
loving husband, besides the Mennonite Church and neighborhood,
where she was a willing helper. Funeral at Martin's M. H. was
largely attended, the house being filled; the school house opposite
the road also being filled. Service at the church by Bro. Jonas
Snyder, (text, Luke 10:42), and Bro. E. S. Hallman, Text, Phil.
1:23. The service at the school house was held by the brethren,
Samuel S. Bowman and Jacob Woolner, Jr.
CRESSMAN. - On the 15th of August, 1899, about three miles from Berlin, Waterloo Co., Ontario, Sister Sarah Woolner, beloved wife of Henry Cressman, of congestion of the lungs. To this union were born five daughters, three of whom are living. She was born in Norfolk Co., England, on May 13th, 1827, aged 72 years, 3 months and 2 days. She has been a member of the Mennonite Church for many years. Of late years she had been a sufferer occasionally, especially the last few weeks of her life she endured much, but bore her sufferings with "patience." She was laid to rest at the Cressman burying ground near Breslau, where services were held by E. S. Hallman, text, 1 Cor. 15:57, and David Sherk of the U. B. Church. Text, Phil. 1:21.
BARKEY. - On Aug. 21st, 1899, near Wellersville, Ohio, of cholera infantum, Frank H. Raymond, son of J. and Nancy Barkey, aged 2 years, 1 month and 22 days. Funeral services were held at the Salem meeting house on the 3d. Buried at the Paradise graveyard. Services by Amos Mumaw and D. Hostetler. Text, "Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such Is the kingdom of heaven."
Death has robbed us of our Frankie,
Whom we loved and cherished dear;
It was Frankie, yes, dear Frankie,
Can we help but shed a tear !
Yes, we miss him, 0, we miss him
When we see his vacant chair,
And how sad the room without him
For there is no Frankie there.
Farewell brothers, farewell sisters,
Tender was my love for you,
Let that love in you continue,
Live for God, adieu, adieu.
BUCHER. - Mother Anna Bucher, maiden name Amstutz, was born in Soden, Canton de Dell, Cantonment de Belfort, depardement du Haut Rhine, Oberelsasz, France, July 29, 1818. Emigrated with her parents in April, 1834. She united in marriage with Christian Bucher Nov. 24, 1838, to whom were born twelve children, seven sons and five daughters; four sons and three daughters survive her fourteen grandchildren, of whom nine survive, two great grandchildren, and two brothers. She died at her home near Columbus Grove, Ohio, on the 24th of August, 1899, aged 81 years, 26 days.
HERSHEY. - On the 6th Of Jan., 1899, Bro. David Hershey, aged 88 years, 10 months, 11 days. He was buried at Hershey's meeting house, where funeral services were conducted by Pre. Reuben S. Bair, from Phil. 1:21. Bro. Hershey reached an advanced age, but we trust that our loss is his eternal gain.
BRUBAKER. - On the 17th of August, 1899, at Rockton, Clearfield Co., Pa., Ann Eliza, wife of D. E. Brubaker, aged 63 years, 10 months and 22 days. She leaves a husband, 2 sons, 4 daughters and many friends to mourn her loss. She was a member of the Mennonite Church for about 37 years. Funeral on the 19th. Services conducted by J. N. Durr, from John 14 :1-3, assisted by Nathan Moore of the Quaker Church and J. A. Brilhart. She was afflicted with LaGrippe last January and never recovered. Last April she became worse and failed both physically and mentally, but received the tenderest care until death released her, after an illness of over four months. She was the first of a family of five to be called away. The father and mother preceded her many years ago.
THOMAS. - On the 4th of August, 1899, in Somerset Co., Pa., by drowning, Daniel Louther, son of Levi M. and ____ Thomas, aged 2 years, 6 months and 7 days. Bro. Thomas' children and a neighbor's children were playing together and it is supposed that little Daniel tried to walk over the plank that was laid across a little stream and, falling in, was drowned. After he was missed a search was made and his body was found in the water a little distance down the stream. He was buried on the 6th. Services by S. G. Shetler, S. Gindlesberger and L. A. Blough, from Ps. 118:23. This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.
Transcribed by Carl Metzler, Indiana