Gospel Witness - Volume 2, Number 1 - April 4, 1906 - pages
Miller. - Ray, son of L. W. and Sarah Miller, died near Fairview, Mich., March 2, 1906, aged 3 y., 2 m., 14 d. Funeral services were conducted by E. A. Bontrager, at the Fairview church.
Shantz. - In Witmot Township, Waterloo Co.. Ont., on March 19, 1906, Claude, only and beloved son of Uzziah and Lydia Ann Shantz, aged 2 y., 9 m., 5 d. Funeral at the Blenheim Mennonite church on March 21st. Bish. Jonas Snyder preached from Matt. 18:3 to a well filled church of friends and neighbors, who came to show their sympathy for the bereaved parents.
Rosenberger. - In Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Co., Ont., on March 16, 1906, of pneumonia, Bro. Benjamin S. Rosenberger. He was born July 1, 1838, and was thus aged 67 y., 8 m., 15 d. His wife preceded him about eight years. He leaves a family of five sons and five daughters to mourn their loss. He was buried in the Blenheim Mennonite cemetery on the 19th. Funeral services were conducted by Bro. N. Stauffer in English, from Rom. 14:7,8, and Bro. S. Gehman in German from Rom. 8:17, before a large audience.
Hershey. - On the 23d of February, 1906, in Lancaster Co., Pa., of a complication of diseases, Elizabeth, wife of John M. Hershey; aged 66 years. She leaves a husband and five children to mourn her departure: Lena, wife of John Hershey, of Buyerstown; John B., Lizzie, Hettie and Mary, at home. Deceased was a member of the Mennonite church and had the privilege of seeing all her children unite with the same church. She was buried on the 26th at the Hershey Mennonite M. H. Services were conducted by Pre. Amos Hoover, Pre. Christian Brackbill and Bish. Isaac Eby. Text, Rev. 22:14.
Lesher. - Sister Catharine Lesher was born March 18, 1850; died at Wingerton, Pa., Oct. 23, 1905; aged 55 y., 7 m., 5 d. Her disease was of a cancerous nature, from which she suffered several years, undergoing a number of operations. We believe, however, that all who visited her could say that she was a patient sufferer. She and an older sister cared for an aged mother for many years. About six years ago the mother passed over to the home beyond. One sister is now alone in the home. May God ever be near her that she may look up from this vale of tears and say, "Thy will, O Lord, be done." The deceased also leaves a brother and sister-in-law to mourn her death. Service at Miller,s church by the brethren Henry Bear, George Keener and Irvin Detweiler. Text, II Cor. 5:10.
Good. - On March 14, 1906, near Muddy Creek, Pa., Annie Good died of typhoid fever after an illness of nine days; aged 17 y., 12 m., 16 d. She united with the Mennonite church several years ago and remained faithful to the end. She is missed in the Sunday school, in the church and in the home. Wherever she was, her presence was a blessing to those around her. Her wish and longing was to be with Jesus, which is far better. On her death-bed she sang, "O weary wanderer, come home," and peacefully fell asleep. She is gone, but lives in sweet remembrance. Buried on the 18th at Bowmansville, where services were conducted by N. B. Bowman in English and Henry Good in German. Her parents, two sisters, three brothers and a large circle of friends mourn their loss, which, we believe, is her eternal gain. Peace to her ashes. WM. G. GOOD.
Transcriber's note: The age "17 y., 12 m., 16 d." is as in the original.
Good. - March 20, 1906, near Muddy Creek, Pa., Charles, son of Lewis and Sarah Good, died of typhoid fever, aged 19 y., 11 d. He was a faithful member of the Mennonite church for a number of years. While yet so young and in the boom of youth it pleased the heavenly Father to transplant him into the kingdom above. We rejoice for the hope and consolation be left behind that he has gone to dwell with Jesus and the saints. We cannot understand now why it is that such young and loved ones as Charles and Anna are taken away from us. But it is God's way and we will faithfully submit to His will. The sorrowing , parents desire your prayers in their behalf. This was a very loud call and we hope and pray that God may strive with the unsaved. Buried an the 23rd, at Bowmansville, where services were conducted by N. B. Nowman in English and Henry Good in German. His parents, two sisters and two brothers survive to mourn his early departure, but not as those who have no hope. Peace to his ashes. Wm. G. Good.
Transcriber's note: "N. B. Nowman," should likely be "N. B. Bowman"; see preceding obit.
Hershberger. - Susanna (Yoder) Hershberger was born in Somerset Co., Pa., March 22, 1816; died near Middlebury, Ind., March 12, 1906; aged 89 y., 11 m., 21d. During the last two and a half years of her life she was blind. She was married twice, her first husband being Benjamin Miller, with whom she had four children, three of whom survive her: Mary Troyer, of Elkhart, Ind.; Abraham B., of Woodson Co., Kans., and Benjamin B., of Thomas, Okla. Her first husband died from the effects of a tree falling on his leg and crushing it. On Dec. 31, 1843, she was united in matrimony to Christian Hershberger. To this union were born eight children: Elizabeth Beechy, of Middlebury, Ind.; John C., of McPherson Co., Kans.; Katy Hostetler and Jacob C., of Middlebury, and Moses C., of Jet, Okla. The other three died in early youth. Bro. Hershberger died July 17, 1882. During her last years she lived with her children. Her posterity now living are eight children, thirty-nine grandchildren, fifty-five great-grandchildren, and six great-great-grandchildren. In early youth she united with the old order of the Amish Mennonite church and remained a faithful member until the Master called her home. Funeral at Forest Grove on March 15, where a large number of people gathered to pay a last tribute of respect to one who was in their midst for many years. Services were conducted by Jacob Miller and D. D. Miller, from Luke 23:28 and Rev. 14:13. For many years she longed to go home to her Savior where she might rest from her labors and be forever happy. She peacefully fell asleep at the home of her son, Jacob, from the effects of old age, no sign of sickness being visible. We feel sad to have her leave us, yet glad that at last the Master could say to her, "It is enough, come up higher," for soon we expect to meet her again where parting shall never be known. HER SON, JACOB.
Transcribed by Carl Metzler, Indiana
Boles. - March 26, 1906, near Springs, Pa., of dropsical affection, Indiana Boles; aged 50 years, 11 months, 18 days. She leaves a husband, and several children and grandchildren to mourn her departure. Sister Boles was baptized and received into the Mennonite church about two months ago. Funeral services were held at the Folk church, Springs, Pa., conducted by Ed. Miller, and H. M. Gelnett. Text, John 5:28,29. Interment in cemetery near by.
Transcriber's note: In the original some lines were interchanged,
but this seems to be the correct order.
by Carl Metzler, Indiana
The Gospel Witness - Volume 2, Number 3 - April 18, 1906 - page 48
Beller. - Jacob Beller was born Oct. 4, 1888, near Graymont, Ill., died March 30, 1906, near the same place; aged 17 y., 5 m., 26 d. He leaves father, two brothers, eight sisters and many relatives and friends to mourn his early departure. He united with the Mennonite church in his 16th year and was true and faithful to the end. Funeral services in German by Daniel Orerndorrf. Text, II Cor. 4:17,18, and Daniel W. Schlagel in English. Text, Prov. 14:32. Truly we know not the hour when we must pass away. Then let us watch and pray that we may be ready.
Hartzler. - Elizabeth A. Yoder was born in Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, March 16, 1858, and died near West Liberty, O., March 29, 1906, aged 48 years and 12 days. In 1882 she was united in marriage to Samuel Y. Hartzler, who preceded her to the spirit world March 24, 1899. To this union were born four sons and three daughters, of whom only three sons remain to mourn her departure; also five brothers and one sister. Yet we need not mourn as those who have no hope, as for thirty-one years she was a faithful member of the Amish Mennonite Church and will always be remembered as a kind and loving mother and a faithful and unselfish friend. Funeral services were conducted at Walnut Grove Church, Friday, March 30, at 12 o'clock, by David Plank and S. E. Allgyer. Interment in the Hooley cemetery.
Hartman. - At his home in East Greenville, Stark, Co., O., on April 1, 1906, Bro. Henry Brubaker Hartman, who had reached the advanced age of 89 y., 6 m., 23 d. He was born in Lancaster Co., Pa. Sept. 8, 1816, and was married to Fanny Dellet in 1837. Emigrated to Ohio some fifty years ago. The fruit of this union was eight children. One brother, one sister, twenty-nine grandchildren and a large number of great-grandchildren survive him. He was a kind-hearted, faithful member of the Mennonite church for many years. Funeral services were held in the Pleasant View church by I. J. Buchwalter. Text, Job 14:5. That he was endeared to all who knew him was manifested by the large number of people who attended his funeral. He was the oldest member of the Pleasant View congregation and was seldom absent from public worship. His last words were, "I'm going home to die no more."
by Carl Metzler, Indiana
The Gospel Witness - Volume 2, Number 4 - April 25, 1906 - page 63
Gentry. - Bro. Joseph McKee Gentry was born in Madison Co., Ky., Sept. 24, 1839; died of cancer April 3, 1906; aged 65 y., 6 m., 9 d. For a number of years he lived at St. Joseph, Mo. Afterwards he removed to Kansas City, at which place he united with the church and continued faithful until death. Funeral services were conducted at the Kansas City Mennonite Mission by Bro. Isaac Crist. Interment in the Mt. Hope cemetery.
Leatherman. - Jacob L. Leatherman, of Deep Run, Pa., died March 31, 1906, of pneumonia; aged about 70 y. He was formerly of Medina Co., 0. On April 3, he was laid to rest at the Deep Run church, where he was a member. He leaves four sons and one daughter to mourn the loss of a father. His wife preceded him to the spirit world some years ago. A few days before his death he was found by one of his neighbors in his home, where he lived all alone, in a semiconscious state. Just how long he was sick will not be known, as he was unable to tell. Peace to his ashes.
Beck. - At the Mennonite Home, Lancaster Co., Pa., on April 13, 1906, of dropsy and asthma, of which he suffered very much, John G. Beck died; aged 59 y., 11 m., 25 d. He entered the Home as an inmate on Feb. 15, 1906. He was a member of the Mennonite church for about three months. He passed away peacefully. He is survived by invalid wife, who is also at the Home, 1 son, 4 daughters, 26 grandchildren, 2 sisters and a step-brother. Funeral services were conducted by Bish. Benj. Weaver. Text, "God is love" (I John 4:8). Interment in the East Petersburg cemetery. A. K. DIENER, Steward.
Mellinger. - On April 14, 1906, in Lancaster Co., Pa., at the home of her son, Josiah H. Mellinger, of a complication of diseases, Margaret, widow of John Mellinger, aged 78 y., 9 m., 21 d. She leaves two sons, two daughters, two sisters, four brothers and many relatives and friends to mourn her departure. She was a faithful member of the Mennonite church and for the last few years was denied the privilege of attending church services. She had been an invalid for the last twenty years. She suffered a great deal during the last few months and continually grew weaker until she passed away. She was buried on the 17th, at the Strasburg meeting house. Services were conducted by Bish. Isaac Eby and Pre. Elias Groff. Text, John 11:28.
Buckwalter. - Pre. David Buckwalter, of Upper Leacock Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., a well-known minister of the Mennonite church, died on Wednesday, March 28, 1906; aged 85 y., 10 d. He was sick only 12 days, during which period he was in a state of semi-consciousness the greater part of the time. For thirty-six years he was in active work in the ministry. His wife died five and a half years ago. A daughter died Dec. 26, 1880. 2 daughters, 8 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild survive him. The deceased was widely known and universally esteemed and his death will be sincerely mourned by his family, neighbors and friends and by his congregation with whom he labored for so many years in the Master's cause.
Eyman. - Henry Eyman was born in Bavaria, Germany, Dec. 4, 1828, and died near Dutton, Mich., March 26, 1906; aged 77 y., 3 m., 22 d. His disease was pneumonia, from which he suffered one week to the hour. He was a faithful member of the Mennonite church for many years. He came with his parents to America in 1840, and was married to Anna Wenger April 17, 1855, who died March 15, 1865. To this union were born six children, two sons and four daughters. One son, one daughter and his first wife preceded him to the spirit world. The remaining children were all at his bedside before he expired, and he knew all of them. They are, Elizabeth Grady, Elk Rapids, Mich.; Anna Witmer and Elias Eyman, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mary Lichty, Mancelona, Mich. He lived a widower for over 20 years, and then married widow Rachel Blosser, Sep. 1, 1885. In his last days he had a foretaste and a beautiful vision of the heavenly mansions and spoke of the beautiful place which the Lord had prepared for them that love His appearing, and admonished his children and all others to prepare for the glory world before it was too late. His last words were, "I can say with Paul, I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand" (II Tim. 4:6). What a blessing if all could thus pass away. J. G. WENGER.
Horning. Pre. Abel Horning was born in Limerick Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., and died at the home of his son-in-law, William B. Detweiler, near Telford, Pa., on Sunday, March 25, 1906; aged 80 y., 4 m., 15 d. His parents, Samuel and Catharine Horning, moved to Bucks county, near the place where he died while he was yet a child. He lived on the place where he was reared until a month or so before his death. In his younger days he taught school and followed the occupation of farming. On Nov. 5, 1863, he was chosen to the ministry and served his church faithfully for over forty years. He was a devoted and pious Christian man and labored with earnestness in the sacred office to which he was called until a few years ago, when failing health and the infirmities of age led him to relinquish the work and leave it to younger men. On Jan. 21, 1849, he was married to Mary Moyer. This union was blessed with four children; one son preceded him to the eternal world in infancy. His wife died Aug. 16, 1891. Oct. 22, 1892, he was married to Sister Mary Landes, whose maiden name was Derstine. She died Sept. 3, 1898, and he was again left without a companion. He is survived by his three children, 19 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and a sorrowing congregation who sincerely mourn the death of a beloved and faithful pastor. He suffered for many years with consumption, and this, with the infirmities of old age, hastened his end. Bro. Horning organized the first Mennonite Sunday school in this community and was a great lover of Sunday school work. Saturday, March 31, his remains were laid to rest at the Rockhill meeting-house, where for so many years he had gone in and out as the shepherd of the flock. Samuel Detweiler and Jonas Mininger conducted the services at the house and M. R. Moyer and M. D. Souder at the meeting-house. Text, Luke 2:29. The Lord comfort the sorrowing family and congregation, and may they long remember his mild and earnest admonitions and teachings.
Transcribed by Carl Metzler, Indiana