Gospel Witness - Volume 2, Number 10 - June 6, 1906 - page
Yoder. - Polly, beloved wife of deacon D. S. Yoder, of near Geistown, died May 16, 1906, aged 42 y. 5 m. 18 d. She was a faithful member of the Mennonite church from her youth. She was a kind neighbor loving mother and good help-mate to her husband in church and family duties. She is survived by a sorrowing husband, 5 children, 2 brothers, and 1 sister. Funeral services were conducted on the 18, at the Weaver church, by S. G. Shetler and Alex Weaver. Text Job 22:10.
Ream. - Simon Henry Ream of near Johnstown, Pa., died April 30, 1906, aged 43 y. 18 d. This sudden death should be a warning for all to prepare for the solemn messenger of death. He was not well for some time, they wanted to take him to a physician and on the way he complained of getting worse and when they came to his sister's home they took him into the house and in a few minutes he died. He was unmarried but the saddest part, he was not in the Master,s service. Funeral services were conducted by S. G. Shetler. Text Psa. 8:4.
Miller. - Joseph Miller of near Johnstown, Pa., died at the home of his son-in-law John Stahl, May 17, 1906, aged 82 y. 1 m. 16 d. He had suffered a great deal from dropsy of the heart for several weeks but bore it all with Christian patience. He was a faithful member of the Amish church. Funeral services were conducted on the 19, at the Stahl church by S. G. Shetler, Simon Layman, and L. A. Blough. His descendants were 9 children, 4 dead; 44 grandchildren, 12 dead; 71 great-grandchildren, 6 dead.
Dewey. - Mrs. James Dewey, oldest daughter of Elias Bricker, died at her home near High River, Alberta, Canada, on April 21, 1906; aged 28 y., 9 m., 17 d. She leaves a sorrowing husband and two small children who with many friends mourn her early departure. It is comforting to know that in this bereavement we may have a hope of meeting her in the better world. Two years ago she made her peace with God, and a short time before her death she expressed a desire to still go on in the Master's service. This is the second one of Bro. Bricker,s family that has been taken away since February, and at present there are three down with the typhoid fever in his home. Bro. Bricker himself is just recovering from a long siege of sickness. This means much labor and care for the remainder of the family. Funeral services for the deceased were held on April 22, by N. B. Stauffer, assisted by Pre. Wood. Text, Ecc. 9:10. May God bless and comfort the family in their afflictions and bereavement. N. B. S.
by Carl Metzler, Indiana
Grop. - Sister Annie Grop, nee Leatherman, wife of Henry K. Grop, of Plumsteadville, Pa., died at her home on May 31, 1906. She leaves a husband and two sons. She was a member of the Mennonite church for many years. She was laid to rest on June 4. Funeral services were held by Enos Wismer and John Leatherman. Text, Psa. 118:6.
Scholl. - Sister Elizabeth Scholl, wife of Noah Scholl, of Groveland, died, at her physician's home Plumsteadville, Pa., after an operation for tumors, on May 21, 1906; aged 34 y., 11 m., 23 d. She leaves a sorrowing husband and five children, an aged father, mother, 4 sisters and a brother to mourn for one who it seems was so much needed, yet it pleased the Lord to call her home. She was buried on the 25, at the Deep Run Mennonite graveyard. She was a member for 13 years. May the Lord comfort the bereaved family that they can say, Thy will, Oh Lord, be done.
Hartzler. - Jonathan K. Hartzler was born near Allensville, Mifflin Co., Pa., Nov. 12, 1838; died near McVeytown, Mifflin Co., Pa., May 27, 1906; aged 67 y., 6 m., 15 d. Bro. Hartzler was a man of more than ordinary talent and usefulness. In earlier life he entered the teacher's profession and taught in the public schools for a period of ten years. He was a pioneer in Sunday school work having been one of the first organizers of the Sunday school in his home congregation at Mattawana, where he served as superintendent for a period of 23 years. When his strength failed, he resigned as superintendent, but was closely connected with the Sunday school and church work up to the time of his death. He was much interested in the history and progress of the church. He gathered data all along the way, which was well utilized in the writing of our recent Church History. He was a faithful contributor to the columns of our church papers. His name was found among those who had the oversight of our church institutions, having served as vice-president of the Mennonite Evangelizing and Benevolent Board. Two weeks before his death he presented Goshen College with an Old German Bible printed nearly four hundred years ago, together with some other valuable books. Bro. H. was afflicted for some time with tuberculosis of the larynx. This, with feebleness of the body, brought on his death. He was conscious to the last and peacefully fell asleep in Jesus. He leaves his companion, one daughter and three grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted by the brethren, Ben Gerig and C. Z. Yoder, both of Wayne Co., 0. The former spoke in German on Heb. 4:9, the latter in English from Psa. 17:15. Peace to his ashes.
Stemen. - Samuel E. Stemen, son of Isaac and Lydia Stemen of Elida, Ohio, was born April 7, 1870; died May 26, 1906; aged 36 y., 1 m., 19 d. He united with the Mennonite church at the age of 19. In December 1893 he was married to Mary Heatwole of Harrisonburg, Va. To this union were born 7 children the oldest 11 the youngest 1 year old. He leaves a father, mother, two brothers, five sisters, an affectionate wife and seven children to mourn his untimely departure. Bro. Stemen came to his death by drowning in a stone quarry near the Anglaize river in the attempt to save his oldest boy who was in the act of drowning. He had promised his little boys an outing along the river, immediately after corn planting and early in the morning of this day the father and sons and a cousin drove 12 miles to the place where the day was spent. At 4 o'clock when preparations were being made to return home the eldest boy accidently fell into deep water, the others called to father for help who hastily came and leaped into the water, but it is thought that he was seized with cramps as he soon sank to the bottom and was drowned. In the meantime the cousin of the drowning boy rescued him by handing him a fishing pole with which he drew him to the shore. The body of the father was taken from the water about forty minutes after and brought to the sorrowful home at midnight. Buried in the Salem cemetery May 29, 1906. More than 1000 people were present to pay their last tribute of respect to their friend and brother and to sympathize with the grief stricken relatives. Funeral services were conducted by J. M. Shenk and John Blosser. By request of the wife the wail of the father as he leaped into the water was used as a basis for remarks - "Oh, my dear child!" - A similar wail of a father for a son, but under different circumstances is recorded in 2 Samuel 18:33. It shows what a parent will venture and sacrifice for love of a child. We believe that because of this tragic affair many a father and mother purposed in their hearts to put forth more effort for the spiritual rescue of their sons and daughters, from the deeps of sin and to help keep them in the fellowship of the Spirit by prayer and counsel so that when the Reaper comes hastily they may be ready. Why we are sometimes visited with such sad afflictions we do not know but we do know that "all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose," and we believe that again in this instance He will fulfill his promise - "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." Cor.
Hathaway. - Esther Coleman was born July 19, 1833, and died May 24, 1906, of pneumonia; aged 73 y., 9 m., 5 d. She was married to Martin V. Hathaway, April 15, 1866. To this union were born six children. Two of the children and her husband preceded her to the spirit world. She was a member of the Christian church and to the last expressed delight in worship and the service of God. Though we shall miss her here we are glad for the thought that her many sufferings are now over, and we shall be with her in glory if we are but faithful to the end. May God comfort the hearts of the bereaved ones, and may this affliction be the means of drawing them nearer to Him. E. S. A.
Transcribed by Carl Metzler, Indiana
Honsberger. - Vernon, son of Bro. and Sister Jerome C. Honsberger, was born Sept. 26, 1905, and died near Pelham Union, Lincoln Co., Ont., June 5, 1906. Funeral services were conducted on June 7, by L. J. Burkholder. Text, Job 1:21. Buried at the Mennonite church, Vineland, Ont.
Heatwole. - On June 5, 1906, near Dale Enterprise, Rockingham Co., Va., of what is supposed to have been blood-poisoning caused from having a tooth drawn, Grace Magdalene, youngest daughter of Bro. John J. and Sister Ida Heatwole, aged 7 y., 5 m., and 12 d. The tragic death of little Grace has proven to be a great bereavement to the family and a profound shock to many of her little associates in the community. Funeral services on June 7, from Weavers M. H., were conducted by Jos. F. and L. J. Heatwole, from Matt. 19:14.
Miller. - Mary, daughter of Pre. John and Elizabeth Miller, was born July 27, 1893, died of consumption June 9, 1906, aged 12 y., 10 m., and 12 d. She leaves to mourn her early departure 3 brothers and 1 sister, her mother having died in 1904 and her father in 1902, so we may know that Mary had much sorrow during her short life, but now she has gone to be with her Savior, where there shall be no more sorrow nor pain, where God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Funeral services were held at the Walnutcreek A. M. church by the brethren, Moses A. Mast and A. W. Hershberger. She was laid to rest in the cemetery adjoining.
Wiker. - Henry R. Wiker was born in Lancaster Co., Pa., April 9, 1838, died May 31, 1906, aged 68 y., 1 m., and 22 d. He was united in marriage to Hettie B. Frey of Lancaster Co., Pa., March 3, 1878. They moved to Whiteside CO., Ill., in 1894 and located on a farm near Sterling where they lived up to the time of his death. Bro. Wiker was a member of the Mennonite church for many years. He leaves to mourn his departure a wife and three children, Hattie, Daniel and Harry. Funeral services were held June 3, at the Science Ridge Mennonite church, conducted by Aaron Good and J. S. Shoemaker. Text, Num. 23:10.
by Carl Metzler, Indiana
Martin. - Barbara Martin, nee Gingrich, wife of Levi Martin, died at her home near Elmira, Ont., Canada, on June 12, 1906; aged 60 y., 6 m., 29 d. She suffered from partial paralysis for a number of years, but bore her afflictions with Christian fortitude. She was a faithful member of the Martin congregation. She is survived by a husband, two sons and four daughters. Funeral services on the 15, conducted by Paul Martin and Daniel Brubacher. Interment in Mennonite cemetery in Woolwich. Peace to her ashes. A. B. G.
Fisher. - Martha Fisher, nee Smith, was born in Holland, Nov. 9, 1850. When quite young she came with her parents to America and settled in Elkhart Co., Ind., where she died. She was married to Jacob K. Fisher, Nov. 6, 1870. To this union were born four daughters and one son. She lived to see all her children gathered into the Mennonite church, of which she was a faithful member. That dread disease, cancer, laid hold on her. She bore untold sufferings with great patience, looking forward to the time when her sufferings would be over. She died June 15, 1906, aged 55 y., 7 m., 6 d., and was buried at the Whitehead church, near New Paris, Indiana, beside her daughter, Hattie, who was buried less than seven months before. Funeral services were conducted by Jacob Christophel and J. S. Hartzler; text, Rom. 5:12 and I Cor. 15:54,55. She was a good neighbor, a faithful Christian, a loving wife and mother. This was shown by the large number of people who attended the funeral, not more than half being able to get into the house.
Yoder. - Tobias Yoder was born in Somerset Co., Pa., Feb, 12, 1824. Died in Johnson Co., Ia., June 14, 1906; aged 82 y., 4 m., 2 d. He was united in marriage to Sister Mary Hochstetler, daughter of Henry Hochstetler, Sr., sometime in the "forties". He settled in Alleghany Co., Md., opened a farm in the Fork Mountain region, and prospered. In about 1863 he sold out and moved to Johnson Co., Ia., and bought his father-in-law's farm, where he lived up to the time of his death. His wife, four sons, one brother, and two sisters survive to mourn his departure. He united with the Amish Mennonite church when a young man and remained a consistent and peaceable member until the time of his death. Funeral services were held June 6, conducted by Elder J. F. Swartzendruber, at Lower Deer Creek church. Text, Rom. 8:18-24. An unusually large concourse of relatives and friends attended to pay the last tribute of respect to the deceased. Peace to his ashes. Cor.
Troyer. - Levi B. Troyer, of near Smithville, Ohio, died May 30, 1906. He left his comfortable home on the afternoon of the above date, well and cheerful, to attend to some necessary duties, and before the setting of the sun he was in the cold embrace of death. His horse became unmanageable while passing a steam shovel, Bro. Troyer was thrown from his buggy and almost instantly killed, his age being 75 y., 3 m., 7 d. Thus we can again see the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death. He was a member of the Salem Mennonite congregation near Smithville, and his presence will be greatly missed. He was firmly established in the faith. He was a good counselor and had the prosperity of the church at heart. How we shall miss our dear brother, but he left bright evidence that our loss is his eternal gain. He was married to Leah Zook, living in matrimony 43 years. To this union were born six children, one dying in infancy. Three sons and two daughters, two brothers and four sisters remain to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate father and brother. His wife preceded him to the spirit world Nov. 21, 1899. Funeral services were conducted on June 2, at the Paradise church, by S. B. Longanecker, I. J. Buchwalter and D. Hostetler. Text, Matt. 24:,14 and Amos 4:12. A very large concourse of friends gathered to pay the last tribute of respect to one whom they had learned to love. Two daughters with whom he had lived have the sympathy of friends in their sad bereavement. May God bless, sustain and keep them. Peace to his ashes. D. H.
Martin. - On May 29, 1906, at her home in Big Springs, Washington Co., Md., Sister Mary B. Martin, wife of Bro. John B. Martin, died; aged 63 y., 8 m., 11 d. Sister Martin was afflicted for many years and for two years was not able to go away from home. She was confined to her bed for about six months, and in all this time she never murmured or complained. She was fully resigned to the will of God. The writer frequently visited her during her sickness, and her greatest delight was to have prayer and to converse about spiritual things. "We sorrow not even as others who have no hope". She was a consistent member of the Mennonite church for many years, and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. A sorrowing husband and these children survive, her: Pre. Snively J., of Rockingham Co., Va.; Alice, wife of David Ebersole, Maugansville, Md.; Fannie, wife of Luther Rhodes, of Big Springs, and Elizabeth, wife of Charles Bachtel, of Hagerstown, Md. Services at the house by C. R. Strite and Jos. F. Heatwole, and by Geo. S. Keener in the Mennonite church, near Clearspring. Interment in the graveyard adjoining. I. W. Eby.
Blauch. - Bish. Jonas Blauch was born near Johnstown, Pa., June 24, 1830; died at the home of Pre. Alex. Weaver June 20, 1906; aged 75 y., 11 m., 27 d. He was married to Mary Keim in 1852. To this union were born 8 children, 4 of which survive him, 2 sons and 2 daughters. His wife preceded him to the great beyond several years. He is also survived by 34 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren, these with a host of relatives and friends besides the home congregation and hundreds of brethren and sisters throughout the brotherhood who remember his earnest words from the pulpit, mourn his departure. Bro. Blauch was ordained to the ministry near Springs, Pa., in 1862, moving to Scottdale in 1865. After laboring in this field for a period of 13 years, he moved back to his home district, Johnstown, Pa. Here he was ordained to the office of bishop and served the church in that capacity for more than twenty years. When he found his health failing and not being able to look after the duties of his office, he asked that a bishop be ordained to do the active part of the work. Bro. James Saylor was chosen to fill the place. Bro. Blauch suffered from diabetes for a number of years and which caused his death. Funeral services were held at the Stahl Church on June 22, conducted by S. G. Shetler, assisted by Aaron Loucks, S. D. Yoder, James Saylor and L. A. Blough. Text, Matt. 25:23: "Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Interment in the cemetery adjoining. Peace to his ashes.
by Carl Metzler, Indiana