Week 1: April
5, 1906, page 119, 120 Vol. XLIII, No. 14 |
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Herald of Truth, April 5, 1906, page 119, 120
Good - On the 14th of March, 1906, near Muddy Creek,
Pa., of typhoid fever, Annie B., daughter of Lewis and Sarah Good;
aged 17 Y., 2 M., 16 D. She united with the Mennonite church several
years ago and lived a faithful, exemplary life, being loved by
all who knew her. Funeral services on the 18th were conducted
by N. B. Bowman in English and Henry Good in German at the Bowmansville
meeting-house, where the remains were laid to rest in the adjoining
graveyard. Her parents, two brothers, two sisters, grandfather
and many other relatives and friends survive to mourn the early
departure of Annie, but not as those who have no hope. While on
her deathbed she sang, "Oh, weary wanderer, come home,"
which was also sung at the meeting-house. Peace to her ashes.
Good - On the 20th of March, 1906, near Muddy Creek,
Pa., of typhoid fever, Charles E., son of Lewis and Sarah Good;
aged 19 Y., 11 D. This is the second death in the family in the
space of a week and the parents are in very straitened circumstances
and very much desire the prayers of all in their behalf. God only
knows why he called these young souls hence. He has a good purpose
in view, although we would think we could not spare them, as they
filled their places so faithfully in the home and also in the
church and Sunday school. While we miss them, our loss is their
eternal gain. Charles was a faithful member of the Mennonite church
and died with the hope of gaining heaven. The remains were laid
to rest in the Bowmansville M. graveyard on the 23d, with services
in the meeting-house adjoining by N. B. Bowman in English and
Henry Good in German. His parents, two brothers, two sisters,
grandfather and many friends and relatives survive to mourn the
loss of the departed ones. We rejoice for the hope which they
manifested in the future world. The family has the sympathy of
the whole community. May God comfort the bereaved ones. Sweet
the memory. Peace to his ashes.
Good - On the 25th of March, 1906, near Bowmansville,
Pa., of falling fits, Mary, daughter of Joseph and Anna Good;
aged 27 Y., 9 M., 20 D. She was always as a child and we now commit
her to God's children, as she had no responsibility resting on
her. Paul says, "And the times of this ignorance God winked
at, but now commandeth he all men everywhere to repent" (Acts
17:30). Of us who have sound minds God will require that we labor
with our talents. Buried on the 28th at Bowmansville, where services
were conducted by N. B. Bowman and Henry Good in German. Her father,
one sister and four brothers survive, the mother having preceded
her to the spirit world several years ago. She suffered very much
before her death. Her mission is now ended and she has fallen
asleep In Jesus. May this teach us to so number our days that
we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Peace to her ashes.
Snyder - On the 27th of March, 1906, near Berlin, Ont., Franklin, sea of Jacob E. and Elizabeth Snyder, deceased; aged 54 Y., 2 M., 19 D. Buried on the 29th in the Berlin Mennonite cemetery. Franklin was always a child, but enjoyed the blessings of a good home and loved ones to care for him. The last few years of his life he was blind and often wondered why it was dark so long. For him all is light now, and the things that were dark to him in this life are now clear and plain. God bless the family for their kindness and care for him.
Martin - Sarah E. Martin was born in Juniata Co., Pa., July 23, 1862. She died in Medford, Ore., March 8, 1906; aged 43 Y., 7 M., 15 D. Her sickness and death were caused by heart trouble and asthma. When sixteen years of age she went to Indiana with her parents, Christian and Barbara Kurtz. On Oct. 19, 1882, she was married to Franklin Martin and he, with two sons and three daughters, is left to mourn her death. Two brothers and two sisters also survive her and are living in the West. Both her parents preceded her to the spirit world.
Lesher - Sister Catherine Lesher was born Mar. 18, 1850;
died Oct. 23, 1906, at Wingerton, Pa.; aged 55 Y., 7 M., 5 D.
She was a great sufferer, her disease being something of a cancerous
nature, from which she suffered for several years, undergoing
several operations. But we believe all who visited her could say
that she was a patient sufferer, willing that the Lord's will
be done. She and an older sister cared for an aged mother, who
was a widow for many years. About six years ago the mother passed
away and now the sister is left alone in the home. May God be
ever near her that she may look up to him through the vale of
tears, and say, "Thy will be done," knowing that the
time will soon come when we too shall leave this earthly tabernacle
to give an account of the deeds done in the body, whether they
be good or evil, If good, we can expect to meet those who have
gone before, who have made their calling and election sure. Those
of us who have seen near and dear ones pass away can truly sympathize
with our dear sister in her loneliness. Deceased leaves also a
brother and a sister-in-law to mourn her death. Services at Miller's
M. H., Maryland, by the brethren Henry Bear, George Keener and
Irvin Detweiler. The latter was visiting the churches in this
locality at the time. Text, 2 Cor. 5:10.
A. M. W.
Kercher - Mrs. Abram Kercher was born in Elkhart Co., Ind., May 11, 1855, and died March 20, 1906, after an illness of three months of heart and stomach trouble; aged 50 Y., 10 M., 9 D. She was the daughter of John and Anna Buzzard and was married to Abram Kercher Jan. 28, 1875. To them were born ten children, eight of whom are living. An only sister, Sister Jonas Christophel, also survives her. She was a member of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ church for twenty-five years. Funeral services were conducted by A. B. Yoder and I. P. Moore. She lived and died in the same county where she was born. The Lord comfort the sorrowing ones with the hope of again meeting their dear mother where parting is never known.
Lehman - Walter B., infant son of Benjamin and .Jennie
Lehman, was born Nov. 18, 1905; died March 24, 1906, at the home
of his parents near the Strasburg meeting-house, Pa., of catarrhal(sic)
fever; aged 4 M., 6 D. Walter was but a flower budded on earth
to bloom in heaven. He leaves to mourn his early death his sorrowing
parents, four brothers, two sisters and one step-brother. Funeral
services were conducted at the Pleasant Hill River Brethren church,
by Bro. J. S. Burkholder and Pre. E. H. Leisenring of the Lutheran
denomination, from Mark 10:13, 16. The hymn, "Looking this
way," was touchingly sung by the young people. May the death
of their little one be the means of drawing the parents to Christ.
Benner - Samuel T. Benner was born in Juniata Co., Pa.,
on March 30, 1884; died at Swissvale, Pa., on Feb. 26, 1906: aged
21 Y., 11 M., 27 D. He leaves a sorrowing wife and two small children,
a father and mother and three brothers, to mourn their loss. Though
they mourn not as those who have no hope, but as for one whom
the Lord took unto himself. He suffered only six days with pneumonia.
He was faithful to his profession and led a devoted Christian
life. He asked the Lord to spare him that he might add more stars
to his crown. The Lord answered his prayer in leading two of his
brothers to the promise that they would consecrate themselves
unto the service of the Lord. Funeral services were held at the
Delaware Mennonite M. H. He was buried in the adjoining cemetery.
Brandt - On the 24th of March, 1906, in Lancaster Co., Pa., Mary Brandt, from a complication of diseases at the advanced age of 80 years. She was a woman of large acquaintance, and her kind words and loving disposition won for her a host of friends. She was a faithful and consistent member of the Mennonite church, always filling her place in the public services when it was possible for her to do so. She leaves two brothers and two sisters. She was buried at the Kreybiell Mennonite M. H. Funeral services were conducted by Bish. Jacob N. Brubaker and Pre. Ephraim and Peter Nissly.
Hartman - On the 24th of March, 1906, in Mountville, Lancaster Co., Pa., of pneumonia, Harry S. Hartman, aged 38 years. He had been afflicted with rheumatism so that he was not able to work for about eleven years, and was confined to his home for the last several years. He leaves a wife and daughter, also father and sisters and brothers. Funeral was held on the 28th at the Mountville Mennonite M. H.
Week 2: April
12, 1906, page 130 Vol. XLIII, No. 15 |
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Herald of Truth, April 12, 1906, page 130
Pre. Abel Horning was born in Limerick Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., and died at the home of his son-in-law, William B. Detweiler, near Telford, Montgomery county, on Sunday, March 25, 1906; aged 80 Y., 4 M., 15 D. His parents, Samuel and Catharine Horning, moved to Bucks county near the place where he died while he was yet a child. He lived on the place where he was reared until a month or so before his death. In his younger days he taught school and followed the occupation of farming. On the 5th of Nov., 1863, he was chosen to the ministry and served his church faithfully and conscientiously for over forty years. He was a devoted and pious Christian man and labored with earnestness in the sacred office to which he was called until a few years ago, when failing health and the infirmities of age led him to relinquish the work and leave it to younger men. On the 21st of Jan., 1849, he was married to Mary Moyer. This union was blessed with four children: one son preceded him to the eternal world in infancy. His wife died Aug. 16, 1891. Oct. 22, 1892, he married Sister Mary Landes, whose maiden name was Derstine. She died Sept. 3, 1898, and he was again left without a companion. He is survived by his three children, 19 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren, and a sorrowing congregation who sincerely mourn the death of a beloved and faithful pastor. He suffered for many years with consumption, and this, with the infirmities of old age, hastened his end. As a minister of the gospel he preached the word of God in truth and simplicity without fear or favor, but love and kindness seemed to grace all his teachings. Bro. Horning organized the first Mennonite Sunday school in this community and was a great lover of Sunday school work. Saturday, March 31st, his remains were laid to rest at the Rockhill meeting-house, where for so many years he had gone in and out as the shepherd of the flock. The brethren Samuel Detweiler and Jonas Mininger conducted the services at the house of mourning, and M. R. Moyer and M. D. Souder at the meeting-house. Text, Luke 2:29. The Lord comfort the sorrowing family and congregation, and may they long remember his mild and earnest admonitions and teachings.
Pre. David Buckwalter, of Upper Leacock Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., a widely known minister of the Mennonite church, died on Wednesday, March 28, 1906; aged 85 Y., 10 D. He was sick only twelve days, during which period he was in a state of semi-consciousness the greater part of the time. For thirty-six years he was in active work in the ministry. His wife died five and a half years ago. A daughter died Dec. 26, 1880. Two daughters, eight grandchildren, twelve great. grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild survive him. The deceased was widely known and universally esteemed and his death will be sincerely mourned by his family, neighbors and friends and by his congregation with whom he labored for so many years in the Master's cause.
Frey - On the 7th of March, 1906, in Hanover, York Co., Pa., Jacob W. Frey, aged 78 Y., 3 M., 21 D., of heart disease from which he suffered several weeks. He was the son of the late John Frey of Lancaster county and married about 55 years ago to Magdalena Mollinger, also of Lancaster county, who survives him, together with five sons and five daughters. He leaves also a brother and sister, 54 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Eleven of his grandchildren and three great-grandchildren preceded him to the world beyond. He was well known throughout the surrounding country, and for about fifty years a consistent member of the Mennonite church. Funeral was held on the 10th of March in the Mennonite M. H. in Hanover. Interment at Bair's meeting-house, on the York Road. Abraham Witmer, Daniel Stump and John C. Miller conducted the services. Text, Gen. 15:16, "And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace: thou shalt he buried in a good old age."
Week 3: April 19, 1906, page 139, 140 Vol. XLIII, No. 16 |
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Herald of Truth, April 19, 1906, page 139, 140
Shank - Pre. Daniel Shank was born in Adams Co., Pa., May 15, 1832, and died at his home in Biglerville, Pa., March 2, 1906, of a complication of diseases. Buried at the Mummasburg graveyard. Services were conducted by Daniel Stump and John C. Miller from 2 Cor. 5:1 and 1 Sam. 20:3, latter clause.
Fenstermacher - On the 6th of April, 1906, in Rohrerstown, Lancaster Co., Pa., of pneumonia, Enos Fenstermacher, son of Henry Fenstermacher; aged 19 years. He was ill only a few days. Shortly before he died he was baptized and received into church fellowship by Bish. Isaac Eby. He is survived by a brother and two sisters. Services were held on the 8th at the Rohrerstown M. H. The burial took place at Millersville.
Strickler - Bish. Henry Strickler of the Reformed Mennonite church, died of pneumonia, near Waynesboro, Pa., on the 4th of April. He was buried on the 7th. He was a prominent minister in his branch of the church.
Kreider - On April 1, 1906, near Portland, Sumner Co., Kan., Bro. John L. Kreider, aged 68 Y., 7 M., 16 D., of bright's disease. About 30 years ago he moved with his family from Lancaster Co., Pa., to Chariton Co., Mo. He lived there until March, 1905, when his health commenced failing and his physician advised him to move to a dryer climate. He then sold his farms and bought a farm for each of his two children in the state of Kansas. His children are both married and have families. He left a beloved wife, and a daughter married to Lindley Overholt, living near Portland, Kan., and one son who is living with his family in Mendon, Mo. We are glad to learn from the family that they feel that they need not sorrow as those who have no hope. He realized early in his youth that there was no other name given among men whereby we must be saved except the worthy name of Jesus, whom he confessed in the days of his youth and became a member in the Old Mennonite faith. In his last sickness he waited patiently until the end came. The Lord knoweth how to deliver his own, and he will go with them even through the valley of the shadow of death, and on the other side be an advocate and interceder at the throne of grace in behalf of his faithful servants. --- A.
Mensch - Mary, wife of Pre. Jacob B. Mensch, died Jan. 31, 1906, in Montgomery Co., Pa.; aged 74 Y., 7 M., 24 D. She was buried Feb. 6th at the Skippach Mennonite meeting-house. Services at the house were conducted by John Rush, Henry K. Wismer and Peter Loux, and at the meetinghouse by Jacob C. Moyer and Michael Moyer. The family mourns her departure, but not as those without hope.\tab COR.
Hartman - On April 1, 1906, at his home in East Greenville, Stark Co., Ohio, Bro. Henry Brubaker Hartman, at the advanced age of 89 Y., 6 M., 23 D. He was born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Sept. 8, 1816, and was married to Fanny Dellet in 1837, and emigrated to Ohio some fifty years ago. The fruit of this union was eight children. One brother, one sister, twenty-nine grandchildren and a number of great-grandchildren survive him. He was a faithful member of the Mennonite church for a number of years. Funeral services were conducted on the 4th by I. J. Buchwalter at the Pleasant View M. H., where a large concourse of people met to pay a last tribute of respect to one whom they loved and who was the oldest member of the church. He was seldom absent from public worship. His last words were, "I'm going home to die no more."
Eyman - Henry Eyman was born Dec. 4, 1828, in Bavaria, Germany, and died in Dutton, Mich., March 26, 1906, of pneumonia. He took sick on the 19th and lingered one week, to the hour. He came to America with his parents in 1840 and married Anna Wenger, April 1, 1855. She died March 15, 1865. She was the mother of six children, two sons and four daughters. One son and one daughter, with his first wife, preceded him to the world beyond. The surviving children were all at his bedside before he died and also attended the funeral. He lived over twenty years as a widower and then married Widow Rachel Blosser, Sept. 1, 1885. He was a faithful member of the Mennonite church for many years. In his last days he had a foretaste and a beautiful vision of the heavenly mansions and said, "What a beautiful place the Lord has prepared for them that love his appearing!" and admonished his children and all to prepare for the glory world ere it would be forever too late and they be ushered into eternity unprepared. His last words were, "I can say with Paul, I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand" (2 Tim. 4:6). What a blessing if all could go in this way!
White - On the 9th April, in West Donegal Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., David White, at the advanced age of 70 years. He died at the residence of his daughter Elizabeth, wife of I. H. Stehman He was a member of the Mennonite church, and leaves his wife, two sons and three daughters to mourn his death. He was buried\par on the 11th at the Bossler M. H. Services were conducted by Jacob N. Brubacher, Jacob Martin and Levi Ebersole.
Gentry - Bro Joseph McKee Gentry was born in Madison Co., Ky., Sept. 24. 1839, died of cancer, April 3, 1906; age 65 Y., 6 M., 9 D. For a number of years he lived at St. Joseph, Mo. Afterwards he removed to Kansas City, at which place he united with the church and continued faithful till death. Funeral services were conducted at the Kansas City Mennonite Mission by Bro. Isaac Crist. Interment at the Mt. Hope cemetery.
Crouthamel - On the 23d of March, 1906, in Line Lexington Bucks Co., Pa., Isaac 0. Crouthamel aged 69 Y., 7 M., 22 D. He was a member of the Reformed church and a man who by his generous, manly character, his honesty and integrity had won universal esteem and respect. He was buried on the 29th of March, and his funeral was one of the largest in that vicinity for a long time. Services were conducted by Hillary Crouthamel and J. A. Lindeman. Interment at the Hilltown cemetery.
Steiner - On the 7th of April, 1906, near Orrville, Ohio, Edna Steiner, aged 16 Y., 7 M., 21 D. She leaves a father, step-mother, two brothers, two sisters, two half-sisters, also an aged grandfather and grandmother, and many near relatives to mourn their loss. Sister Edna Steiner was baptized and received into church fellowship (Mennonite) about 38 hours before her departure. Funeral services were held at the Corean Hill Mennonite M. H., near the Old People's Home, conducted by J. S. Gerig in English and D. C. Amstutz in German, from John 5:28, 29. Interred in the adjoining cemetery.
Martin - On March 25, 1906, near Martindale, Lancaster
Co., Pa., Bro. Isaac H. Martin, passed quietly to his rest, after
an illness of about two weeks, suffering greatly at times from
inflammatory rheumatism; aged 60 Y., M., 2 D. He bore his afflictions
patiently, prayerfully trusting in a kind, loving Father for relief.
He was a good neighbor and a kind, loving father and will be greatly
missed in the community, at home, in church, Sunday school and
in the Bible readings. He was a very active worker, both in the
church and Sunday school, and his earnest testimonies and prayers
for the uplifting of God's people and the conversion of sinners
will never be forgotten, and he will speak louder to many of us
now than ever before. Though his loss is greatly felt, yet we
mourn not as those who have no hope. He was buried at the Weaverland
M. H. Services were conducted by Bish. Benj. Weaver and Pre. Noah
H. Mack.
D. S. W.
Johnson - On the 7th of April, 1906, in Harrison Twp., Elkhart Co., Ind., of a lingering illness, Elta, youngest daughter of Tobias and Lovina Johnson; aged 1 Y., 2 M., 7 D. She was born Jan. 30, 1905, and leaves father, mother, three brothers and three sisters to mourn her early death. She was buried at the Olive M. H., on the 9th. Funeral services were conducted by P. J. Kauffman and John F. Funk, from the text, "Suffer the little children and forbid them not to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." May the sorrowing family all remember that the little flower that bloomed so sweetly for a while on earth, was only taken away from the rude blasts and storms of earth to bloom afresh in the perennial clime of heaven, where storms and sorrows never come.
Week 4: April
26, 1906, page 150 Vol. XLIII, No. 17 |
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Herald of Truth, April 26, 1906, page 150
Bare - Esther Shank was born Oct. 2, 1815, in Augusta Co., Va., and at the age of 18 years moved with her parents to Mahoning Co., Ohio, where she was married to Christian Bare, Oct. 10, 1837. She died in Elkhart Co., Ind., April 11, 1906. She lived with her husband 67 years. They moved from Putnam Co., Ohio, to Elkhart Co., Ind., in 1857, and resided on the same farm to the end of their lives. They were the parents of seven children, of whom four are still living: Benjamin, of Carthage, Mo.; Anna Welty, near Nappanee, Ind.; Rebecca Holdeman, Mound Ridge, Kan.; and Catharine Leinbach, residing on the old homestead. There were also 45 grandchildren, of whom 36 survive; 50 great-grandchildren, of whom 45 survive. She was a faithful member of the Old Mennonite church from her earlier years. Her husband, Christian Bare, who died some two years ago, was for many years a minister in the Mennonite church. They both were faithful to their calling and their profession. She, being brought up in Virginia, often related how cruelly the slaves were treated in those days. She also related that she was kept so close at home in her young years that she had not seen a town the size of Water-ford before she was eighteen years of age. She lived to the advanced age of 90 Y., 6 M., 9 D.
Lefever - On the 17th of April, 1906, in Pequea Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., Samuel Lefever, aged 62 years. He was a member of the Old Mennonite church for 32 years. He was twice married. By his first wife two children survive, also two by his second marriage. He was buried on the 20th at the Brick M. H., near Willow Street, where appropriate services were conducted.
Beck - At the Mennonite Home, Lancaster Co., Pa., Bro.
John G. Beck, aged 59 Y., 11 M., 25 D., of dropsy and asthma,
from which he suffered very much for some time, but when the end
came he passed away very calmly. He was a member of the Mennonite
church for about three months. He came to the Home as an inmate,
Feb. 15, 1906, where he died April 13th, and was buried on the
15th. Funeral at the Home. Services were conducted by Bish. Benj.
Weaver, of Weaverland. Text, "God is love" (1 John 4:8).
Interment at East Petersburg Mennonite burial ground. He is survived
by an invalid widow, who is also an inmate at the Home, one son,
four daughters, 26 grandchildren, 2 sisters and a step-brother,
to mourn a loved one who has gone the way of all flesh.
A. K. DIENER, Steward.
Mowat - Maudy Mowat was born Feb. 26, 1899; died Oct. 30, 1905; aged 6 Y., 8 M., 24 D. She leaves to mourn her early death, father, mother, three brothers and one sister. Two sisters preceded her to the eternal world. She came to her death by her clothes taking fire from the room stove. She ran out into the yard, where she fell down, the fire having burned all the clothes from her body, except the shoes and stockings and the collar of her dress. This occurred about seven o'clock in the morning, and she lived until two o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. She was conscious until she died. She felt bad because she could not go to school and the other pupils would get ahead of her in the lessons, also that her stockings were so burned, that they would not be good enough to wear. The funeral took place at the North Union M. H. on Nov. 1st, at one p. m., where a large assembly had gathered to pay the last tribute of love and sympathy to the stricken parents. May God comfort their hearts, and may it be the means of leading them to Christ. Services were conducted by Henry Weldy.
Herald of Truth, April 26, 1906, page 146
David A. Guyer, second son of the late Jacob Guyer,
came to an almost instant death on Saturday morning, April 14,
1906, near his home at Mt. Crawford, Rockingham Co., Va., while
out driving in a cart in company with his son Ralph, a boy about
ten years old. While going down a hill about two miles from home,
the colt he was driving became unmanageable and causing one of
the wheels to strike a stump by the roadside, the father was thrown
from his seat and his body becoming wedged in between the wheel
and the frame work of the cart, where, with his head protruding
between the spokes, he was dragged some fifteen or twenty feet
before becoming released from his perilous situation. The boy
in the meantime had jumped out of the cart and later found his
father lying unconscious in the road; he ran quickly to the home
of a neighbor for help. Hurrying back to the road accompanied
by two men, they found the injured man standing upright, but deathly
pale and unable to speak. He was taken to the side of the road
and placed in a reclining position and later was conveyed to the
nearest house, where he died within an hour after the accident,
and just as the doctor, who had been called to his assistance,
reached his bedside.
Upon examination made after death it was discovered that his skull
had been terribly fractured apparently by the spokes of the wheel.
The face was also covered with bruises as well as portions of
the body and legs.
The funeral, which was largely attended, was held from the Bank
M. H. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, on Easter Sunday, Pre. Jacob
D. Glick of the Dunkard church and Pre. Jos. F. Heatwole of the
Mennonite church officiating.
A wife and ten children survive him, also four brothers and two
sisters, one of whom (Sarah) is the wife of Dea. Daniel H. Coffman
of Elkhart Co., Ind
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas