Week 1: June
7, 1906, page 210 Vol. XLIII, No. 23 |
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Bro. Jonathan K. Hartzler of McVeytown, Mifflin Co.,
Pa., passed from labor to reward on the 27th of May, 1906, from
the effects of tuberculosis of the larynx. He was born Nov. 12,
1838, and had therefore reached the age of 67 Y., 6 M., 15 D.
Bro. Hartzler was a man of more than ordinary abilities. In his
earlier life he taught public school for ten years, and because
of his interest in the welfare of the young there are many useful
men and women today who look back with gratitude to him for his
helpful influence. In spiritual things he was equally alive to
the needs of the times. He was the father of Sunday school work
among our people in the Kishacoquillas Valley. A Sunday school
was organized there in 1872 and for 23 years Bro. Hartzler was
superintendent, after which, wishing to be relieved, he proposed
giving the work over into younger hands that they might become
experienced in the work, he taught an adult class for three years,
after which he was chosen to take charge of the primary work,
in which he was very much interested, and his pupils were much
attached to him. When the encroachments of disease rendered him
too weak to attend the school he expressed the desire to be with
them. This school was at first conducted in the German language,
but with the growing demand for English classes, it was decided
to use both languages. Bro. Hartzler was a pillar in the church
and an able counsellor(sic). When the Mennonite Evangelizing Board
was made denominational in its scope he was elected a member,
and for a number of years served in an official capacity. His
services in this respect were likewise much valued, and his interest
in the missionary work of the church was deep and helpful. He
was for many years a correspondent of the Herald of Truth and
only relinquished the work when increasing weakness made it impossible
for him to continue. He will be greatly missed in the church militant,
but we have the assurance that we shall meet him in the church
triumphant, where all labor and care will be changed into peace
and rest. His remains were laid to rest on the 30th of May. Funeral
services by Benjamin Gerig in German from Heb. 4:9 and by C. Z.
Yoder in English from Psa. 17:15, these brethren having been in
Mifflin county at the time to attend conference. Dear brother,
your influence will long be felt and your name long remembered.
--- H. B.
Zehr.- On the 15th of May, 1906, in Wellesley Village, Waterloo Co., Ont., John S. Zehr, aged 31 Y, 9 M., 15 D. He leaves a sorrowing widow and three small children, besides his parents, three brothers and two sisters to mourn his early death. Funeral services on the 18th at the Wellesley M. H. by Daniel H. Steinman and Nicholas Nafziger.
Martin.-On the 24th of May, 1906, in the hospital at Lancaster, Pa., of lockjaw, caused by a wound sustained on his left hand from being caught in a feed-cutter, two weeks previously, Elijah Martin, aged 35 years. He leaves a wife, two children, two brothers, five sisters, also three half-brothers and four half-sisters. He was buried on the 27th at the Weaverland Mennonite meeting-house. He resided in East Earl Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa.
Detweiler.-On May 17, 1906, in Lawrence Co., Pa., of paralysis, of which he suffered about sixteen months, Stephen Detweiler, aged 76 Y., 1 M., 17 D. His wife died about a year ago. He leaves to mourn his death one son and three daughters, and a large number of grandchildren. Funeral on the 19th. His funeral was largely attended.
Yoder.-Polly Yoder, beloved wife of Deacon D. S. Yoder of near Geistown, Pa., died May 16, 1906; aged 42 Y., 5 M., 18 D. She was a faithful member of the Mennonite church from her youth. She was a kind neighbor, a good mother, a good help-meet to her husband, in church and family duties. She is survived by a sorrowing husband, five children, two brothers, one sister and mother. Funeral services were conducted on the 18th at the Weaver M. H. by S. G. Shetler and Alex. Weaver. Text, Job 22:10.
Ream.-Simon Henry Ream of near Johnstown, Pa., died April 30, 1906; aged 43 Y., 18 D. This sudden death should be a warning for all to prepare for the solemn messenger. He was not well for some time; they wanted to take him to a physician and on the way he complained of getting worse, and when they came to his sister's home they took him into her house, and in a few moments he was dead. He was unmarried, but the saddest part is he was not in the Master's service. Funeral services were conducted by S. G. Shetler from Psa. 8:4.
Miller.-Joseph Miller, of near Johnstown, Pa., died at the home of his son-in-law, John Stahl, May 17, 1906; aged 82 Y., 1 M., 16 D. He had suffered a great deal of dropsy of the heart for several weeks, but bore it all with Christian patience. He was a faithful member of the Amish church. Funeral services on the 19th at the Stahl M. H. by S. G. Shetler, Simon Layman and L. A. Blough. His descendants were 9 children, 4 dead; 44 grandchildren, 12 dead; 71 great-grandchildren, 6 dead.
Yoder.-On the 22d of May, 1906, in Lagrange Co., Ind., John Yoder, aged 84 Y., 8 M., 27 D. He was buried on the 24th. Funeral services were conducted by Eli Bontrager and David Kauffman.
Shantz.-On the 24th of May, 1906, at the Berlin-Waterloo
hospital, Berlin, Ont., Sister Esther Shantz, aged 56 Y., 11 M.,
22 D. She was unmarried, and with her sister Magdalena lived with
her mother whom they tenderly cared for in her declining years.
She was of a quiet disposition, and her kind heart won her many
friends. Buried on the 27th at Berlin.
Week 2: June
14, 1906, page 220 Vol. XLIII, No. 24 |
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Hartzler - In the obituary notice of Bro. J. K. Hartzler in last week's issue all reference to his family was lacking. This has since been supplied. He leaves a loving companion, one daughter, three grand-children, four brothers and two sisters, besides a circle of friends that reached far beyond the confines of the Valley, and of his own church. May his reward be great in heaven for all his loving words and kindly deeds.
Schlaback - On the 5th of June, 1906, near Emma, Lagrange Co., Ind., Mary A., daughter of Andrew Schlaback; aged 12 Y., 5 M., 29 D. She was ill with consumption about six months. She is survived by a father, five brothers and one sister. Her mother died over two years ago. Funeral on June 6th. Services were conducted by Emanuel Miller and Daniel Hostetler.
Culp - On the 23d of May, 1906, at Longcliff Asylum at Logansport, Ind., Maria Miller, widow of the late Samuel D. Culp; aged 50 Y., 18 D. She as born May 5, 1850. Married to Samuel D. Culp, April 20, 1872. They were the parents of six children, of whom one son and two daughters remain to mourn the mother's death. Husband, one son and two daughters preceded the wife and mother. She was a member of the Mennonite church. Her remains were brought to her home in Harrison Twp., Elkhart Co., Ind., and buried at the Yellow Creek M. H. on the 26th of May. Funeral services were conducted by Jonas Louck and J. H. McGowen from Mark 14:8.
Graybill - On the 4th of June, 1906, near Martinsville, Lancaster Co.. Pa., suddenly, of heart trouble, Emma, widow of the late Simon Graybill, at an advanced age. She appeared to enjoy usual good health up to the time of her death. She is survived by two sons, three daughters and many friends. She was a member of the Brethren in Christ denomination. Funeral on the 7th at the New Providence M. H. She was beloved and respected by those who knew her.
Lineweaver.- On the night of May 29, 1906, near Mt. Clinton, Rockingham Co., Va., of apoplexy, Annie S. Lineweaver, aged 50 Y., 29 D. Her maiden name was Heatwole, being the third daughter of Henry S. and Henrietta Heatwole. She is survived by a sorrowing husband, her aged father, three sisters, one brother and three foster-children. From early life she, has continued a faithful and consistent member of the Mennonite church. Services were held on the 31st from the Mt. Clinton Mennonite M. H. before a large assembly of sympathizing relatives and friends by L. J. Heatwole and John Ruff, the latter being pastor of the Presbyterian church. Text, Psa. 23:4.
Stemen - Samuel E. Stemen, son of Isaac B. and Lydia
Stemen of Elida, Allen Co.. 0., was born April 7, 1870; died May
26, 1906; aged 36 Y., 1 M., 19 D. United with the Mennonite church
at the age of 19 years. In December, 1893, he was married to Mary
E. Heatwole of Harrisonburg, Va. To this union were born seven
children, the oldest 11 1/2 years, the youngest about one year
old. He leaves a father, mother, two brothers, five sisters, an
affectionate wife and seven children to mourn his early departure.
Bro. Stemen came to his death by drowning in a stone quarry by
the Auglaize river, in the attempt to save his eldest boy who
was in the act of drowning. He had promised his little boys an
outing along the river immediately after corn planting, and early
in the morning of this day the father and sons and one of their
cousins drove about twelve miles to the stone quarry where they
spent the day pleasantly until about 4 p. in., when preparations
were being made to return home, the oldest boy accidentally fell
into deep water. The other excitedly called to the father for
help, who hastily came and leaped into the water, but it is thought
that he was seized with cramps, as he soon sank to the bottom
and was drowned. In the meantime the cousin of the drowning boy
rescued him by handing him a fishing-pole with which he drew him
to shore. The body of the father was taken from the water after
about forty minutes had elapsed, and brought to the sorrowful
home about midnight. He was buried in the Salem cemetery, May
29, 1906. More than one thousand people were present to pay their
last tribute of respect to their friend and brother and to sympathize
with the grief-stricken relatives. Funeral services were conducted
by J. M. Shenk and John Blosser. By request of the wife the wail
of the father, as he leaped into the water, was used as a basis
for remarks, "Oh! my dear child!" A similar wail of
a father for a son, but under different circumstances, is recorded
in 2 Sam. 18:33, and shows what a parent's heart will venture
and sacrifice for love of a child. We believe that because of
this tragic affair many a father and mother purpose in their hearts
to put forth more effort for the spiritual rescue of their sons
and daughters from the depths of sin, and to help head them into
fellowship of the Spirit by prayer and council, so that when the
reaper comes hastily they may be ready. Why we are sometimes visited
with such sad afflictions we do not know, but we do know that
"all things work together for good to them that love God;
to them who are the called according to his purpose," and
we believe that in this instance he will fulfil his promise, "I
will never heave thee, nor forsake thee." --- COR.
Week 3: June
21, 1906, page 229 Vol. XLIII, No. 25 |
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Bontrager - Elizabeth Bontrager, maiden name Troyer, was born in Holmes Co., Ohio, May 25, 1844; died at her home in Champaign Co., Ohio, June 7, 1906; aged 62 Y., 13 D. She was married to Christian Bontrager, Nov. 23, 1862. To this union were born eleven children, two having preceded her to the spirit world. Thus are left to mourn the loss of wife and mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, her husband, nine children, sixteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. At the age of eighteen she united with the church of her choice, the A. M., and lived a member of same till the final summons. She was an invalid for twenty-two years. Not being able to walk during her last sickness, she often had a desire to depart this life and be with Christ and the angels which she frequently spoke of. Funeral services were held at the South Union M. H., June 9, 1906, at 10:30, conducted by C. K. Yoder in German and J. B. Smith in English, from 2 Tim. 4:6-8. God bless the mourning friends.
Lehman - Oscar Lehman, son of Jacob and Anna Lehman,
was born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Nov. 30, 1887, and died near Wakarusa,
Ind., June 11, 1906; aged 18 Y., 6 M., 11 D. His father preceded
him to the spirit world on Jan. 29, 1904. Oscar leaves his mother,
three brothers (Lloyd, Homer and Elmer) and two sisters (Nora
and Grace) to mourn his departure. Last fall he became afflicted
and gradually lost his eyesight. On being examined at the hospital
where he was taken for an operation on his eyes, it was discovered
that he had a tumor in the brain. In the early part of January
he expressed a desire to accept Christ. He was received into church
fellowship by baptism and also desired to be anointed for the
healing of his body if the Lord's will. Since then he attended
public worship as he was able. He longed to go to his Lord. The
funeral was held at the North Union M. H., near Wakarusa, in the
afternoon of June 12, 1906. The services were conducted by Abram
Yoder and Jacob K. Bixler from the text, "For to me to live
is Christ, but to die is gain."
Wiker - Henry R. Wiker was born in Lancaster Co., Pa., April 9, 1838; died near Sterling, Ill., May 31, 1906; aged 68 Y., 1 M., 22 D. He was united in marriage with Hettie B. Frey of Lancaster Co., Pa., March 3, 1878. They moved to Whiteside Co., Ill., in the year 1894 and located on a farm near Sterling, where they lived up to the time of his death. Bro. Wiker was a faithful member of the Mennonite church. Funeral was held on June 3d. Services were conducted by Aaron Good and 3. S. Shoemaker. Text, Num. 28: 10. He leaves, to mourn his death, his wife and three children (Hattie, Daniel and Harry) and many friends.
Miller - On the 10th of June, in Lancaster Co., Pa., of a complication of diseases, Cara, daughter of the late Andrew and Susan Miller of Landisville; aged forty-six years. She was a member of the Old Mennonite church and leaves three brothers and three sisters. She was buried at the Landisville M. H. on the 14th. Appropriate services were conducted by the ministers present.
Hoover - At his home in Strasburg, Lancaster Co., Pa., on the 9th of June, of tuberculosis, Maris Hoover, aged 33 years. He was a farmer by occupation. He is survived by his wife and two children. He was a member of the Old Mennonite church, and was buried on the 11th at the M. H. near Willow Street.
Miller - Mary, daughter of Pre. John and Elizabeth Miller,
was born July 27, 1893; died of consumption, June 9, 1906; aged
12 Y., 10 M., 12 D. She leaves, to mourn her early departure,
two brothers and a sister. Her mother died in 1904, and father
in 1902. So we may know that Mary had much sorrow in her short
life, but now she has gone to be with her Savior, where there
shall be no more sorrow, and no more pain, and where God shall
wipe away all tears from their eyes. Funeral services were held
at the Walnut Creek A. M. M. H. by Bish. Moses A. Mast and A.
W. Hershberger. She was laid to rest by the side of her parents
in the cemetery adjoining.
Honsberger - Vernon Honsberger, son of Bro. and Sister Jerome C. Honsberger, was born Sept. 26, 1905, and died near Pelham Union, Lincoln Co., Ont., June 5, 1906. Funeral on the 7th by L. J. Burkholder. Text, Job 1: 21. Buried at the Mennonite meeting-house, Vineland, Ont.
Godshall - William H. Godshall of Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., died Saturday, May 19, 1906, of the infirmities of old age; aged 93 Y., 7 M. He was buried on the following Thursday in the Mennonite burying-ground. He was a member of the Mennonite church.
Mullet - On the 30th of May, 1906, near Glendive, Montana, - Sarah Mast, wife of Jacob Mullet; aged 54 Y., 19 D. She had been sick about two weeks and suffered great pain, but was resigned and patient in her sufferings. She was born in Ohio in 1852. She is survived by her husband and six children. Funeral on the 2d of June. Services by Joseph Bontrager and Daniel Miller. She was a faithful member of the Amish church.
Loux - On the 12th of June, at her home at Nace's Corners in Hilltown Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., of neuralgia of the heart, very suddenly, Anna, wife of Harvey M. Loux; aged about 30 years. She had been suffering from rheumatism for a month previous to her death. She is survived by her husband, four children, her father (Cornelius Haldeman), two brothers and one sister. She was a granddaughter of Abraham Haldeman, deceased, of New Britain Twp., who has many relatives in Elkhart Co., Ind. Funeral, June 18th.
Eby - On the 9th of June near Brunnersville, Lancaster Co., Pa., Ellen, daughter of Ephraim and Amelia Erb Eby; aged 34 Y., 2 M. She was buried on Monday, June 11th at the Hess Mennonite meeting-house.
Lehr - At the Old People's Home near Rittman, Ohio, Malinda Lehr, aged 62 years. Her former home was in Mifflin Co., Pa., and her remains were taken there for burial. She has been at the Home for several years.
Week 4: June
28, 1906, page 240 Vol. XLIII, No. 26 |
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Lichty - On the 17th of June, 1906, in Paradise, Lancaster Co., Pa., of the infirmities of old age, Isaac Lichty, aged 81 years. For many years he was sexton of the Mennonite meeting-house and resided in Paradise for more than twenty years. He is survived by his wife, four sons and two daughters. Buried on the 20th.
Whitmer - On the 13th of March, 1900, Sarah A. Whitmer,
upon the advice of her physician, went to Cleveland for an operation,
which was duly performed, but resulted fatally, and she passed
away on the 19th, aged 47 Y., 3 M., 16 D. The remains were brought
to the home of her brother-in-law, Harvey Horst, where she had
made her home. Buried March 22d in the cemetery adjoining the
German Mennonite M. H. We feel our loss, and yet we would not
call her back, for her soul is anchored safe where storms are
over, and we'll meet her by and by.
Fisher - Martha Smith, daughter of Pre. R. J. Smith, was born in Holland, Nov. 9, 1850. When quite young she came with her parents to America and settled in Elkhart Co., Ind., where she died. She was married to Jacob K. Fisher, Nov. 6, 1870. To this union were born four daughters and one son. She lived to see all her children gathered into the Mennonite church of which she was a faithful member. That dread disease, cancer, laid hold of her. She bore untold sufferings with great patience, looking forward to the time when her sufferings would be over. She died June 15, 1906; aged 55 Y., 7 M., 6 D. She was buried at the Whitehead M. H. near New Paris, Ind., beside her daughter Hattie, who was buried less than seven months before. Funeral services conducted by Jacob Christophel and J. S. Hartzler. Texts, Rom. 5:12 and 1 Cor. 15:54, 55. She was a good neighbor, a faithful Christian, a loving wife and mother. This was shown by the large number of persons who attended the funeral, not more than half of the people being able to get into the house. Her husband, three daughters, one son and an aged grandmother survive her.
Martin - May 29, 1906, at her home at Big Springs, Washington
Co., Md., Sister Mary B. Martin, wife of John B. Martin; aged
63 Y., 8 M., 11 D. Sister Martin had been ailing for years, and
for about two years was not able to leave home. She was confined
to her bed about six months and in all this time she never murmured
or complained. She was fully resigned to the will of God. The
writer frequently visited her during her sickness, and her greatest
delight was to have prayer and to talk about spiritual things.
We sorrow not as others who have no hope. She was a consistent
member of the Mennonite church for many years and was highly esteemed
by all who knew her. A sorrowing husband and these children survive
her: Pre. Snively J. of Rockingham Co., Va.; Alice, wife of David
Ebersole, Maugansville, Md.; Fannie, wife of Luther Rhodes, Big
Springs, Md.; Elizabeth, wife of Charles Bachtel, Hagerstown,
Md. Services at the house by C. H. Strite and by the brethren
Jos. F. Heatwole and Geo. Keener at the Mennonite M. H. near Clearspring,
Md. Interment in the graveyard adjoining.
I. W. EBY.
Hunsberger - On the 15th of June, 1906, in Plumstead Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., of throat consumption Peter L. Hunsberger, a son of Enos F. Hunsberger and a grandson of Peter Loux. He was confined to his bed about a week, during which time be suffered greatly, but bore it all without a murmur. His last audible words were, "0 Lord, help me." He was a man of few words and attended strictly to his own affairs. He was about thirty-seven years of age and leaves a wife and eight children, the youngest being two years of age, to mourn his early death. He leaves also one brother and one sister. The Lord bless the mourning hearts and comfort them.
Swartzentruber - On the 17th of June, 1906, near Shipshewana, Lagrange Co., Ind., Alfred Swartzentruher, aged 18 Y., 11 M., 20 D. Bro. Swartzentruber was accidently(sic) shot by a neighbor's boy. A physician was called who came to his relief within thirty minutes after the accident, but all his efforts were of no avail; he died an hour after the physician had arrived. May his sad and sudden death be a warning to all the young people to be careful in the use of guns and to prepare themselves for the hour of death, which may come to any of us at an unexpected time. He leaves a poor, sorrowing, widowed mother, four sisters and one brother. Funeral on the 19th at the Shore M. H. Services by Bro. N. S. Cripe in English, from 1 Sam. 20:3, and Y. C. Miller in German, from John 14:1-4. A large concourse of sympathizing relatives and friends were present to show their love and respect for a beloved brother who at so young an age had passed into the great beyond. May God bless and comfort the bereaved family, who had been mostly supported by the departed son.
McWilliams - On the 23d of May, near Vandalia, Fayette
Co., Ill., Rose E., second daughter of Frank L. and Lilly McWilliams;
aged 15 Y., 7 M., 16 D. She was ill with dropsy for several weeks.
She was born at Warrensburg, Ill., and moved with her parents
to this community fifteen months ago. She is survived by her father,
mother, two sisters (Grace and Maria) and four brothers (Ross
Warren, Osman and Leo). The funeral took place from the home of
the parents, on Friday, May 25, 1906, at 10 o'clock a. m. Services
were conducted by N. Crow. Interment in the Vandalia cemetery