Week 1: August 1, 1907, page 278, 279 Volume XLIV, Number 31 |
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Smeltzer.-On the 16th of July, 1907, at the home of her father, Jacob Burkholder, in Medora, Kansas, where the family had been staying during the time of the sickness, Rosa Burkholder Smeltzer, wife of H. P. Smeltzer; aged 23 Y., 9 M., 12 D. She suffered seven weeks. She leaves a sorrowing husband and two small children. The funeral services were held at the West Liberty M. H. in McPherson Co., Kan., and were conducted by S. C. Miller and G. R. Brunk from Rev. 14:13. Rosa fell asleep, we all believe, in the blissful hope of a glorious resurrection. The Burkholder children were all present except two, one in Michigan and one in Oklahoma. Many friends whose sympathies were touched by her early death, were present to show their last tribute of love toward one who had won their warmest affections during her short journey of life. "Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." R. J. H.
Miller.-On July 15, 1907, near Emma, Lagrange Co., Ind., of cancer, Aaron Miller, aged 76 Y., 5 M. He was the father of fourteen children, all living except one, the youngest, which preceded him to the world beyond. All his children, except three, were present at his funeral. Funeral services were held at the Emma M. H. by Jonathan Troyer in German from John 5:24, 25, and Y. C. Miller from Job 7:9, 10, in English. He leaves a sorrowing widow to mourn his death. He was buried at Miller's graveyard. May God bless the sorrowing companion and children.
Schlabaugh.-John Schlabaugh departed from this life into eternity, July 7, 1907: aged 46 Y., 6 M., 2 D. He was born Jan. 5, 1861, and was a faithful member of the Amish Mennonite church, a man of noble character, kind-hearted and willing to lend a helping hand. He will be greatly missed in the home, church and Sunday school. He was a friend to everybody, especially of the primary class in Sunday school. He gave many good thoughts in Sunday school, which will be a great help to us if we wish to follow them. He left every evidence that it was well with his soul. I believe he prepared himself to meet his God in peace, which should be an example and warning for us all. We hope and trust that our loss is his eternal gain. He was sickly all spring with jaundice and liver trouble, but was able to attend church services and Sunday school again. He often said be would rather suffer a little than stay away from the house of God. He gave his family good advice as to how they should live. He leaves his wife, six sons, three daughters and many relatives and friends to mourn his departure, but we mourn not as those who have no hope. The funeral was held July 9 at the Lower Deer Creek M. H., where a large concourse of friends gathered to pay him their last tribute of respect. Services were conducted by Bro. Peter P. Swartzendruber and J. F. Swartzendruber in German and Gideon Yoder in English. May God comfort the bereaved ones that they may say, "What God does is well done."
Metzler.-July 12, 1907, near Kinzer, Lancaster Co., Pa., of paralysis, Abram Metzler, Sr., aged 85 Y., 3 M., 18 D. Bro. Metzler leaves a sorrowing companion and the following children: Christian, on the home farm; Annie, wife of Pre. Samuel Hess, Shiremanstown, Cumberland Co., Pa.; Susan, wife of Jacob S. Rohrer, of near Lancaster City, and Bish. Abram Metzler, of Blair Co., Pa. Henry and Isaac preceded their father to the spirit world some years ago. There are also 36 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren to mourn his departure. Bro. Metzler was a strong supporter and defender of the Mennonite church for many years; was much interested in Christian work and an active member, until he was stricken down about four weeks before his death. He had the satisfaction of seeing all of his own children and the greater part of his grandchildren unite with the church that he so dearly loved. He was one of the first Sunday school workers in this locality and was a pupil at the time of his death. Bro. Metzler had no fear of death and had a bright hope for the future world. He will be missed in the home and in the church, but we trust that our loss will be his eternal gain. The funeral was held on the 15th with services at the house by John B. Senger, and at Hershey's M. H. by Amos H. Hoover and Isaac Eby. Text, Heb. 13:12-15. L. H.
Boyer.-On July 6, 1907, Isaiah R. Boyer, son of Jonas and Susan Boyer died at his home in Kansas City, Mo. He was born in York, Pa., May 20, 1856. When but eight years of age his parents moved to Fulton Co., Ill. After receiving his education, he settled in Kansas City, where he practiced law for twenty-three years. He was known as a man of integrity, high ideals and upright living and was esteemed by those who knew him. Physically he was not strong. Seven weeks before his death his health failed him. After a brave struggle, with unfailing patience through much suffering, he passed away. Funeral services were held from his late residence and at the grave. The body was taken to the Boyer lot at Ipara, Ill., July 8, for burial. His aged mother, three brothers and two sisters survive him.
Kempf.-John J. Kempf of Sharon Twp., Johnson Co., Iowa, departed this life July 16, 1907, after a complicated illness of heart trouble and Bright's disease for several months. He was born in Fairfield Co., Ohio, Sept. 22, 1840, and reached the age of 66 Y., 9 M., 24 D. He came with his parents to Johnson Co., Iowa, in 1850, and settled in Sharon township. He was married to Mary A. Stutzman, Feb. 28, 1869, with whom he lived in matrimony 38 Y., 4 M., 16 D. They were blessed with eight children, two of whom died 24 years ago. A sorrowing widow, four sons, two daughters and two sisters survive him. Bro. Kempf united with the Amish Mennonite church in early life and remained a faithful and consistent member of the same until his end. We need not mourn as those who have no hope. Funeral services on July 18 at the home of John J. Shetler, a son-in-law; conducted by Peter Kinsinger, Peter Brenneman and A. I. Yoder. Text, John 11. A large number of friends and relatives attended his funeral. Interment in the cemetery near by.
Week 2: August 8, 1907, page 289 Volume XLIV, Number 32 |
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Kauffman. - Jonas J. Kauffman was born in Holmes Co., Ohio, Feb. 16, 1830; united with the Amish church by water baptism in 1848; was married to Rachel Yoder, Nov. 30, 1851. He was ordained to the ministry about 1867, and about 1872 he was made bishop. His descendants are twelve children (four sons and eight daughters), seventy-one grandchildren and twenty-two great-grandchildren. One daughter, twelve grandchildren and two great-grandchildren preceded him to the spirit world. Bro. Kauffman moved from the place of his birth to Johnson Co., Iowa, in 1853; from there to Douglas Co., Ill., in 1865, and in 1880 to Clackamas Co., Oregon, where he lived till the time of his death, July 13, 1907; aged 77 Y., 4 M., 26 D. His body was buried in Zion A. M cemetery, on July 14, 1907. Funeral services were held at Zion meeting-house. Sermon by A. P. Troyer in German and J. P. Bontrager in English. Text, 2 Cor. 5:1. A very large concourse of friends and relatives followed Bro. Kauffman's remains to their last resting place. But we need not mourn as those who have no hope. Although Bro. Kauffman had been falling for some time, yet he was able to help himself up to the time of his death, being out after his usual duties the day before death overtook him. He went to bed in the evening feeling apparently quite well. At about three o'clock the next morning he fell asleep in Jesus.
Thomas.-Peter K. Thomas was born in Somerset Co., Pa., Nov. 18, 1838; died in Bowne, Kent Co., Mich., July 29, 1907; aged 65 Y., 8 M., 11 D. He was married to Nancy Alwine in Somerset Co., Pa., Jan. 26, 1862, and about five years later moved to Michigan, where Sister Thomas died Jan. 26, 1879. He then married Fanny Alwine, Oct. 28, 1880. To this union were born a son and a daughter. Sister Thomas died Oct. 6, 1898, leaving one daughter, the son having preceded her in death. The deceased united with the Mennonite church about 45 years ago and remained steadfast in the faith until death. Bro. Thomas was of a quiet, home-loving disposition, honest, upright, a devoted father and grandfather, and beloved and respected by the entire neighborhood. He suffered from heart trouble for a number of years, and, though tenderly watched and cared for by his children, death came when it was least expected. He leaves three sons and four daughters, one stepdaughter, seventeen grandchildren, one brother and one sister, the latter residing in Pennsylvania. W.C.H.
Week 3: August 15, 1907, page 298, 299 Volume XLIV, Number 33 |
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Lantz.- Norman N., son of Noah and Lydia (Yoder) Lantz, was born in Noble Co., Ind., Aug. 21, 1871. He united with the Mennonite church at the age of seventeen years. March 3, 1892, he was united in marriage to Sister Alice, daughter of Bro. and Sister D. W. Hartzler of Topeka, Ind. To this union were born two sons and three daughters, the youngest an infant of five months old. Bro. Lantz had been seriously ill several weeks ago, but had so far recovered as to be able to resume work. On the 7th of August, while unloading wheat in the barn, the snap that held the trip rope of the unloading mechanism broke as he, standing on the top beam about seventeen feet above the floor, and another man on the wagon pulled on it to release it. The sudden jerk, acting almost like a catapult, precipitated Bro. Lantz downward head foremost, his head and shoulders crashing on the hay rack, from where he fell to the floor unconscious. He was at once taken up, and a physician sent for, who, on examination, gave but the slightest hopes for recovery. Loving hands ministered to the needs of the poor bruised and battered form, and the following morning there appeared to be slight improvement, but soon a change for the worse came, and, while loved ones were anxiously, tearfully watching for one conscious moment in which he might recognize them, he gradually sank until about 3:30 a. m., Aug. 9, when the spirit fled. It was a sad blow to his beloved wife and family and to his two brothers and four sisters, his mother and to the whole church and community. His father died about three years ago. Bro. Lantz was widely known and universally beloved. He was active in church and Sunday school work, and took especial interest in music. He had but a few weeks ago begun a course of instruction in vocal music in the Maple Grove M. H. near Topeka, Ind., and his sudden death leaves a vacancy in many mourning hearts and homes. The funeral, held Sunday, Aug. 11, from his late residence to the Maple Grove M. H., was attended by considerably overa thousand people, showing the esteem in which he was held. Bro. I. R. Detweiler conducted the funeral services from 1 Sam. 20:3, "There is but a step between me and death." Bish. J. Kurtz assisted in the services. Interment in the cemetery near the church. While we deeply mourn the untimely death of one whom we loved so well, one who was suddenly snatched from the side of a loving companion and from a devoted circle of children just at a time when they seem to need his help and counsel most, yet we feel that God's providences while mysterious to us, are for wise purposes and are dispensed in love. God grant our bereaved sister and her family the abiding comfort of his fatherly presence and help, and so lead them and all the mourning relatives that they may meet in the land above where we believe our beloved brother will be reunited with them and they shall be forever with the Lord.
Witmer.-David R. Witmer was born in Beaver Twp., Mahoning Co., Ohio, May 30, 1839; died Aug. 2, 1907; aged 68 Y., 2 M., 2 D. Bro. Witmer met death very unexpectedly. While tedding hay, Aug. 1, the horse in some manner made a jump or ran away (not over six or eight rods), which threw Bro. Witmer under the tedder. In the fall both legs were pinioned fast and broken below the knee. His son and several other men were hauling hay sixty rods away and heard his call for help. As quickly as possible they ran to him and found him in the above position, with the blood flowing freely, and the bones of one leg protruding four or five inches. One of his shoes was cut open in order to remove him. Medical aid was summoned and one of his legs amputated. He died the morning of Aug. 2. He was widely known, loved and respected by all, which fact was attested to by the largest funeral ever held in that church. He was for many years a teacher in Sunday school and present whenever able. About four years ago his wife had a paralytic stroke, which left her in a feeble condition, and he very patiently cared for her. Now that he is gone, we believe there are yet loving hands who will wait upon her, but we commend her to our heavenly Parent who indeed is the widow's God. Bro. Witmer is survived by his doubly afflicted wife, one son, one daughter, four grandchildren and one great-grandchild. They need not mourn as those who have no hope, but believe he has gone to his eternal reward in heaven. Sister Witmer not being able to attend services at church, short services were held at the house, Aug. 4, by David S. Lehman in English and Allen Rickert in German, after which services were held in North Lima M. H. by E. M. Detwiler, assisted by John Burkholder. As not more than half the people could get into the M. H., services were also held under a tree by the brethren Lehman and Rickert. Buried in the adjoining cemetery. Text, Psa. 90:9, last clause; Phil. 3:13, in connection.
Yoder.-Sarah A. Yoder, daughter of Jonathan and Annie Byler of Mifflin Co., Pa., died on the farm where she was born, July 25, 1907, at an advanced age. She leaves to mourn her death four sons and one daughter. She is also survived by a sister (Fannie) who is blind. Funeral services were conducted by Jos. Byler of Belleville. The daughter which survives her is blind and has the special sympathies of the friends. The family has lost a loving mother and the church a faithful member, but God doeth all things well and we humbly submit to his will.
Witmer.-On July 23, 1907, near Niagara Falls, N. Y., Sister Joseph Witmer died after a lingering illness in the eighty-second year of her age. In her departure to be with Jesus, the community has lost a faithful friend, the church a devoted sister and the home a kind and affectionate mother, but their loss is her eternal gain. On the 25th her remains were brought to their last resting place in the Witmer cemetery. Services were conducted in the home by Jacob Krehbiel, assisted by ministers Wharton and Graves, from John 14:3, "I will come again."
Meyers.-Anna C. Meyers, wife of John Meyers, was born in Germany in 1844; died near Goodville, Mich., Aug. 1, 1907; aged 62 Y., 5 M., 24 D. In 1868 she with her husband came to America. In 1872 they moved to Newaygo Co., Mich., where she remained to the time of her death. She leaves to mourn her departure a loving husband and nine children. She was a member of the Lutheran church. Funeral on the 4th of August at Union church, where services were conducted by Bish. J. P. Miller. A large concourse of friends assembled on the occasion, the house holding only about one-third of the people who came to show their respects to one whom they so deeply loved.
Brubaker.-On Aug. 1, 1907, in Lancaster Co., Pa., of consumption, Mary A., wife of Nathaniel K. Brubaker; aged 63 years. She was a native of Brunnerville, and a daughter of Jacob R. Hess. Her husband and one son, J. Clayton, near Lititz, survive. Funeral was held on Monday, Aug. 5, at the Warwick Mennonite M. H.
Frey.-On Aug. 1, 1907, near Mount Joy, Pa., after an illness of about two weeks, Anna H., wife of John J. Frey, in her seventy-third year. She is survived by her husband and three children. She was a faithful member of the Old Mennonite church for many years. Funeral on Monday, Aug. 5, at the Salunga Mennonite M. H.
Troxel.-Caroline Troxel was born in Medina Co., Ohio, April 2, 1838, and died in Elkhart Co.. Ind., July 29, 1907; aged 69 Y., 3 M., 27 D. She was married to Henry Troxel in 1858, and to this union were born six children, three of whom preceded her to the world beyond. She united with the Mennonite church at Nappanee, Ind., in 1882, lived a worthy life and was a faithful member to the time of her death. She was kind-hearted and ever willing to lend a helping hand where needed. She leaves two daughters, one son, twelve grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, two brothers and three sisters to mourn her death. She was a kind friend and neighbor, a faithful wife and mother and will be greatly missed by those who knew her best. Funeral services were conducted by George Lambert.
Lockwood.- Frances Lockwood was born in Holmes Co., Ohio, March 7, 1837; died in Elkhart Co., Ind., July 27, 1907; aged 70 Y., 4 M., 20 D. She came with her parents to Indiana in 1852, was married to Seylon Lockwood in 1857, to which union six children were born, three sons and three daughters. Her husband and one daughter preceded her in death, leaving three sons, two daughters and one sister to mourn their loss. She was a kind and loving mother and we trust our loss is her eternal gain. The Lord comfort the bereaved friends.
Bryant.-Walter C., the four-year-old son of Chas. and Amanda Bryant, was drowned in a ditch, one mile north of Emma, Lagrange Co., Ind., July 23, 1907. The father is a brakeman on the B.& 0. R. R. and with his family resides at Garrett, Ind., and at this time they were spending a two weeks' vacation at the home of Ferdinand Miller, whose wife is a sister to Mrs. Bryant, and on this day Mr. Bryant was assisting in drawing some hay from a field near the house. While the other men went to unload, he remained in the field to rake hay. After a while little Walter came to call his father to dinner. The father told the little fellow to return to the house, and he soon unhitched and went home, supposing Walter had done as he had bid him; but when he made inquiry he found the boy had not returned and a careful search was made about the premises. Failing to find the child, they became alarmed and went to the ditch near by. There they found the little shoes standing near the bridge over the ditch at the cross road. The father and Mr. Miller immediately went into the water and began the search while the alarm was given over the telephone that a child was drowned. Very soon quite a number of neighbors left their hay and harvest fields and joined in the search, which was very tedious on account of the stream being swollen by the recent heavy rains. But all were eager and the search was very diligent for fully a mile and a half to a point where this ditch empties into a large dredge ditch. Here the water was so deep and the current so swift that it was impossible to proceed any farther and almost every ray of hope for the recovery of the body was gone. Somehow, however (possibly by the guidance of a kind heavenly Father), as the searchers were returning, the lifeless little body was seen where it had lodged against a fence that had been built out into the ditch to afford a watering place for stock, just half a mile from the bridge where he had evidently fallen in. While the father was wading in the deep water, someties up to his arms, carefully examining every nook and corner for the body of his child, we were made to think of the words of Christ, where he says, "I am come to seek and save that which was lost." May we all be found of him. The funeral was held on the 25th of July at the Emma Mennonite M. H., where A. S. Cripe preached to a large and sympathizing audience from Luke 18:16, 17. Little Walter was born in Dekalb Co., Ind., May 3, 1903; died in Lagrange Co., Ind., July 23, 1907; aged 4 Y., 2 M., 20 D. While we sympathize with these parents in the loss of their dear child, we trust that God in this way may be able also to draw them unto himself.
Stauffer.-Bro. Joseph Stauffer was born Nov 5, 1824, in Altkirch, Alsace, Germany; was married to Barbara Roth of Wilmerdingen, Germany, in 1849. To this union were born five sons and four daughters. His wife and three daughters preceded him to the eternal world. He is survived by five sons, one daughter, 40 grandchildren, 33 great-grandchildren and one brother. He came to America with his family in 1866 and settled near Hudson, McLean Co.; Ill., and from there moved to near Gridley, and from there again he moved to Seward Co., Neb., near Milford, in 1878. He died on May 11, 1907, aged 82 Y., 6 M., 6 D. He was a pious and faithful brother of the Amish Mennonite church over sixty-five years.
Pontius.-Gabriel Pontius was born in Stark Co., Ohio, April 16, 1822; died in Elkhart Co., Ind., Aug. 3, 1907; aged 85 Y., 3 M., 18 D. His wife died eighteen years ago. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Louisa Moyer and Mrs. Joseph Mann. The mother and only son, Frank, departed this life before him. Two brothers, Daniel and Cornelius, five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren and many other relatives and friends also survive him to mourn their loss. In his youth he united with the Church of God (Weinbrennarians) and always lived an upright and honest life. He was a man of decided purposes and opinions, commanded the esteem and respect of his friends and in his religious faith was decidedly conservative. He considered wisely the future and looked forward to the life to come with the assurance of the divine love and favor and died a happy death, calling on Jesus and telling his family and friends not to weep for him. Peace to his ashes. Funeral services were conducted by Geo. Lambert and John F. Funk, from Psa. 23. Funeral was largely attended. Buried at South Prairie street cemetery near Elkhart.
Miller.-Walter Leroy Miller, son of Bro. Samuel and Sister Lizzie A. Miller, was born in Iowa Co., Iowa, Nov. 21, 1905; died July 27, 1907; aged 1 Y., 8 M., 6 D. He was sick nine days. He had hurt his toe and was taken with blood poisoning. He leaves father, mother and one brother, besides friends, to mourn his early departure. It is hard to part with loving children, but the Lord wanted him and God makes no mistake. "He doeth all things well," and God's ways are higher than our ways, and he thought it best to call this little one to him where there is everlasting joy. It is sad to see these parents give up their little ones, this being the third one whom He has taken from their home. Let us remember that Jesus loves the little children, and because he loves them he takes them to himself, and little Walter can no more come to you, but you can go to him and there will be a glad meeting when parents and children meet in the mansions of eternal bliss. Funeral services were held on the 28th and were conducted by A. I. and J. K. Yoder from Job 14:1, 2. God bless the parents and their one remaining son.
Burkholder.-On July 31, 1907, in Ephrata, Lancaster Co., Pa., Sister Catharine H. Burkholder, widow of the late Jacob E. Burkholder, of heart disease, after a few days' Illness; aged 72 Y., 8 D. She was the daughter of William and Susanna Paul. She was married to Jacob E. Burkholder (who died three years ago) Oct. 16, 1860. She was a faithful member of the Old Mennonite church and a consistent Christian woman. She is survived by an only son, Jacob P. Burkholder of Ephrata. She leaves also two sisters. Funeral Aug. 3 at Mellinger's M. H.
Yoder.-Bridget O'Hara Yoder, wife of Samuel K. Yoder, was born Dec. 11, 1849; died April 12, 1907; aged 57 Y., 4 M., 1 D. She was married to S. K. Yoder, Dec. 2, 1872, who, with four children, survives her. About three years ago they moved from Coopersburg, Pa., to Elkhart Co., Ind., and made their home with their daughter. She was a child who never knew the care of father or mother, but was reared in a good Christian home, that of Pre. Abel Straun of Coopersburg, Pa., where the writer also was partly brought up from childhood to manhood, and we were considered as brother and sister and members of one family. She always had the best record as an honest and honorable woman. In early life she sought the Lord and was a constant attendant at church services.
Week 4: August 22, 1907, page 309 Volume XLIV, Number 34 |
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Leatherman.-On the 11th of August, 1907, at his residence in Harrison Twp., Elkhart Co., Ind., of a lingering illness caused by a complication of diseases, having been a sufferer for some ten years, Jacob Leatherman, aged 81 Y., 11 M., 13 D. He was born in Bucks Co., Pa., on Aug. 28, 1825. In 1847 he went to Elkhart Co., Ind., and purchased a tract of land, after which he returned to Medina Co., Ohio, to which place the family had removed from Bucks Co., Pa., soon after the father's death. On Sept. 21, 1853, he was married to Elizabeth Landis, who survives him. In the spring of 1854 he moved with his wife from Medina Co., Ohio, to Elkhart Co., Ind., and settled permanently on the place where he died. Besides his companion he is survived by six sons and one daughter, twenty-one grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Of the grandchildren three have preceded him to the eternal world, making in all twenty-four grandchildren. He leaves also one brother and one sister, besides many relatives and friends. It is a remarkable fact that for fifty-four years there was no death in the family. He was buried on the 14th of August. Funeral services were conducted by John F. Funk and Jacob Christophel and Jonas Loucks from Job 7:1-4 and 2 Tim. 4:7, 8. Funeral was largely attended. He was a faithful member of the Mennonite church for many years, and in his death we need not mourn as those who have no hope, believing that our loss is his eternal gain.
Yoder.-On Aug. 7, 1907, in Mifflin Co., Pa., very suddenly, Isaac K. Yoder, aged 56 years. He was making preparations to build an addition to his house and had been tending masons during the day. In the evening he came to the house and remarked that he was very tired and hungry. He started for the cupboard, with the purpose of getting something to eat, when suddenly he sank to the floor. His wife immediately went to him and made efforts to have him speak, but the vital spark had fled. He was buried on the 9th. Funeral services were conducted by John K. Byler.
Hartzler.-Elsie E. Hartzler was born in Logan Co., Ohio, June 26, 1884; died at Manitou, Colo., Aug. 5, 1907; aged 23 Y., 1 M., 10 D. She was married to Joseph M. Hartzler, Nov. 20, 1904. Bro. Hartzler and wife went to the above mentioned place in June, thinking by a change of climate otherwise. She gradually grew worse and died as stated. Bro. Hartzler was at the time of her death down with typhoid fever and consequently was not able to accompany the remains home. Funeral at the Walnut Grove M. H., Aug. 12, 1907, where services were conducted by S. B. Algeier from Isa. 35:10. She was a member of the A. M. church.
Week 5: Volume XLIV, Number 35 |
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Godshall.-On Aug. 7, 1907, at Iron Bridge, Montgomery Co., Pa., of paralysis, Mary, wife of Joseph G. Godshall; aged 65 Y., 7 M., 22 D. Buried at Skippack Mennonite M. H. She leaves a husband and nine children.
Baringer.-ln Shippack, Montgomery Co., Pa., on Aug. 7, 1907, of paralysis, Mary, widow of Charles L. Baringer; aged 79 Y., 11 M., 18 D. Interment at the Skippack Mennonite M. H.
Freed.-Dale, son of John and Clara Freed, was born Dec. 23, 1904; died in Hatten Twp., Clare Co., Mich., Aug. 14, 1907; aged 2 Y., 7 M., 21 D. This was the first death in this home and it took away the bright little boy who was so dear to his parents, as well as the pet of the whole neighborhood. They feel their loss greatly. Funeral was held at the Brown church, Aug. 18. Services were conducted by Pre. Moffit. Interment at Cherry Grove cemetery.
Martin.-On the 12th of August, 1907, in Salsbury Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., of heart trouble, Bro. Jacob Martin, aged 73 years. He was a member of the Old Mennonite church and is survived by four daughters and three sons, also one sister. Buried at the White Horse M. H. on the 16th.
Eshleman.-On the 13th of Aug., 1907, in Millersville, Pa., Sister Mary, wife of Bro. A. B. Eshleman, in her 66th year. She is survived by her husband and four sisters. Funeral services were held on the 16th at the Millersville Mennonite M. H. The Lord comfort the bereaved ones in their affliction.
Yoder.-Pearl May, daughter of Bro. Eli and Sister --- Yoder, was born near White Cloud, Mich., Nov. 15, 1903; died at Remona, Mich., Aug. 19, 1907; aged 3 Y., 9 M., 4 D. Funeral was held on the 20th at the Yoder home, where a large concourse of relatives and friends met to pay the last tribute of love to the departed one. Services were conducted by Valentine Hostetler in German and Jacob P. Miller in English from 2 Kings 4:20. On Aug. 8 little Pearl fell into a pail of boiling water and suffered untold agony until the 19th when the angels came and bore her to her home above.
Barkey.-John Barkey was born in Holmes Co., Ohio, on Feb. 28, 1828. He came to St. Joseph Co., Ind., in 1851, and in 1855 he was united in matrimony with Elizabeth Weldy, also of Holmes Co., Ohio. She preceded him to the spirit world on Jan. 23, 1905. In 1856 they moved on the farm where they resided until death took them away. To this union three children were born, of whom one daughter (Susanna) and an infant son preceded them to the life beyond. Bro. Barkey departed this life on the morning of Aug. 18, 1907; aged 79 Y., 5 M., 23 D. He leaves one son (Levi) and an indentured daughter (now the wife of Pre. H. M. Schwalm), three brothers (Christian, George and Isaac), and one sister (Barbara, the wife of Jonas Myers), and three grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his death. He was a member of the Mennonite church for a number of years, a kind father and friend and one of the older settlers of Madison Twp., St. Joseph Co., Ind. He bore his sickness (dropsy) patiently and expressed his readiness to leave the world. He was buried on the 21st at the Olive M. H., where appropriate services were held by John F. Funk from Rev. 14:13, and Jacob K. Bixler from Jas. 4:14. "For what is your life?" The funeral was very largely attended. God comfort and bless the bereaved ones, and help them to look forward to the glad day when God shall bring them together in the blessed home beyond.
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.