Week 1: October 3, 1907, page 368 Volume XLIV, Number 40 |
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Nyce.-On Sunday, Sept. 15, 1907, near Harleysville, Lower Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., of dysentery, of which he suffered about ten days, Levi B. Nyce, aged 46 Y., 14 D. He is survived by a sorrowing widow and two children. His wife is a daughter of Pre. Jacob C. Moyer. Funeral on Sept. 19, at the Salford M. H.
Hunsberger. - Josephine, daughter of William and Ida Hunsberger, was born Nov. 4, 1906; died of cholera infantum, Sept. 20, 1907; aged 10 M., 16 D. Funeral services were held at the Olive M. H. in Elkhart Co., Ind., on Sept. 22, conducted by Jacob K. Bixler, assisted by R. R. Ebersole. Text, Luke 18:16.
Burkhart.-On Sept. 20, 1907, near Farmersville, Lancaster Co.. Pa., David Burkhart, aged seventy years. His wife, one son, one daughter, three sisters and four brothers survive. Funeral was held at the Groffdale M. H.
Landis.-On Sept. 19, 1907, near Lititz, Lancaster Co., Pa., Elizabeth, wife of Henry M. Landis, in her sixty-fourth year. She is survived by her husband, one son, two daughters and one brother. She was a member of the Old Mennonite church. Buried the 23d at the E. Petersburg Mennonite M. H.
Gockley.-On Sept. 16, 1907, at Ephrata, Lancaster Co., Pa., of paralysis, Elizabeth, widow of the late Henry K. Gockley; aged 81 Y., 2 M., 20 D. She had been an invalid for about two and a half years, yet death came somewhat unexpectedly. Her maiden name was Weinbold. Her husband died one and a half years ago. She was a faithful member of the Mennonite church for the past forty years, and enjoyed the friendship of a very large circle of people. She is survived by two children and many friends and acquaintances. She was buried on the 19th at Ephrata Mennonite church. Bish. Benj. Weaver and Pre. Noah Mack of the Welsh Mountain Mission conducted the services. Peace to her ashes.
King.-Jonas Y. King was born near Allensville. Mifflin Co., Pa., April 13, 1858; died Sept. 21, 1907; aged 49 Y., 5 M., 8 D. Bro. King was one of those who while young was full of life and energy, but at the age of nineteen he was converted to God and united with the A. M. church of which he was a faithful member until his death. At the age of twenty-nine he was married to Salome A. Harshbarger of Mattawana, Pa. They then lived in Kishacoquillas Valley for nine years, part of the time near his old home, after which they moved to the Juniata Valley near Mattawana, where he was much respected and loved by all who knew him. He was much interested in church and Sunday school work and always ready to do any work entrusted to him. He leaves a vacancy in the church and community in which he lived that cannot easily be filled. A little over three weeks ago while he was dragging logs on the mountain he had his right leg caught between a stump and a log and had it so badly crushed that he died from the effects of it. He leaves a kind wife, five children, two brothers, four sisters and a host of friends to mourn his early departure; but we need not mourn as those who have no hope, for in his dying hour he expressed himself in these words: "I am going home." Funeral at the A. M. meeting-house on Tuesday, Sept. 24, at 10 o'clock, conducted by Bish. Michael Yoder in German, from Rev. 14:12, and by Bish. John E. Kauffman in English, from Num. 23:10. A BROTHER.
Week 2: October 10, 1907, page 379 Volume XLIV, Number 41 |
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Hoover.-Bro. John A. Hoover, deacon in the Clinton congregation, died at the home of his son, Samuel A. Hoover (where he has resided for the past eleven years), in Clinton Twp., Elkhart Co., Ind., on Wednesday morning, Oct. 2, 1907; aged 82 Y., 7 M. He was born in York Co., Pa., March 2, 1825. In his boyhood he moved with his parents to Wayne Co., Ohio, where he grew up to manhood and there married Susan Eshliman in 1848. In June, 1852, he moved with his family to Elkhart Co., Ind., and since lived on the farm where he died. Sister Hoover died Jan. 6, 1907. All the brothers and sisters of Bro. Hoover preceded him in death. Two of the children also, Mary and Abraham, died in 1878. The following children survive: John M., Christian, Jonas 0., Samuel A., and Martin and also one daughter, Elizabeth, wife of David Lehman. Bro. Hoover was one of the best known farmers of Clinton township, where his continuous residence for over fifty years made him hundreds of acquaintances and friends, by all of whom he was highly respected and esteemed. For eleven years he has been suffering from bodily afflictions; for a number of years he was unable to walk without crutches. The infirmities of age with many complications of disease were the causes of his death. Bro. Hoover's ancestors originally came from Switzerland and Holland, and settled in eastern Pensylvania(sic) about two hundred years ago. His grandfather, Henry Hoover, was a Mennonite preacher, who died in Pennsylvania in 1831, aged eighty-two years. His father, Abraham Hoover, was born in 1789 in York Co., Pa., from where with his family he removed to Ohio in 1832, and in 1854 to Elkhart Co., Ind., where he died in 1859 at the age of seventy years. The grandmother of Bro. Hoover was Mary Niswander, who died some time after her husband at the advanced age of eighty-eight years. His mother, Christina Martin, was born in Lancaster Co., Pa., in 1799 and died in Elkhart co., Ind., in 1869 at the age of seventy years. Her father was Henry Martin, a Mennonite minister,who died in 1849 at the age of seventy-five. Her mother was Anna Souder Martin, who died in 1837, aged sixty-four years. Bro. Hoover united with the Mennonite church in 1863, and in 1864 he was ordained to the office of deacon, in which capacity he faithfully served the church until bodily afflictions and age made it impossible to perform the varied duties of the office and others were chosen in his stead, but to the end of his days he stood a pillar of steadfastness and devotion to the word of God and the church of his choice. His memory was exceptionally good, even to his end, and time spent with him was always improved for the good of the cause and was an inspiration to those present. He was well read and possessed a fund of knowledge on a wide range of subjects. He was buried on Oct. 4, at the Clinton Mennonite meeting-house, where the funeral services were conducted by John F. Funk of Elkhart in the English language and by Bro. Amos Cripe of Emma, from a text selected by himself (Rom. 8:18). His work was done, and he has gone to his rest; let us all try and follow his good example and his reward shall likewise be ours.
Gerber.-On the 28th of Sept., 1907, at the State Hospital in Massillon, Ohio, after several months of illness, Sister Rosa Gerber, wife of Bro. Levi Gerber, near Dalton, Ohio; aged 37 Y., 11 M., 18 D. She leaves a father and mother, a husband, five children and many friends to mourn her early departure. Funeral services were conducted on Sept. 30. This was the first funeral that has been held in the large new Swiss meeting-house, which was opened for public services the day before. Services were conducted by Jacob Nussbaum, I. J. Buchwalter, Cleophas Amstutz and David Amstutz.
Barbe.-Abraham Barbe died at his home in the Baughman Settlement, Hardy Co., W. Va., March 24, 1907, aged 82 Y., 4 M., 20 D. Funeral services were conducted at the Mennonite M. H. by Bish. Lewis Shank, April 14. Burial in the Lutheran cemetery near by. During the last eight days of his earthly life he was a sufferer from pneumonia. He bore up under these afflictions with great grace and Christian patience. He was a faithful member of the Mennonite church for many years. We believe our loss was his eternal gain.
Kurtz.-Iva Elizabeth, daughter of Martin D. and Anna Mary Kurtz, of Intercourse, Lancaster Co., Pa., died Sept. 15, 1907, after an illness of one week with appendicitis; aged 15 Y., 10 M., 17 D. She was a member of the Mennonite church. She is survived by her parents and one sister. One brother preceded her in death.
Erb.-On Sept. 29, 1907, near Erb's meeting-house, Lancaster Co., Pa., of paralysis, Samuel H. Erb, aged 65 years. He was born on the farm where he died and where he had lived during his whole life. Several weeks before his death, while threshing, he had an attack of paralysis, by reason of which his right side was lamed. He had at that time fallen into a baler and narrowly escaped death. He was a member of the Mennonite church. He is survived by his second wife and several children. Buried on Oct. 2, at Erb's meeting-house.
Thomas.-Bro. Moses Thomas died at the home of his son, Levi M. Thomas, in Somerset Co., Pa., aged 72 Y., 8 M., 24 D. Although he was afflicted for some time, his death was rather unexpected at the time. He had his leg amputated last November, but had so far recovered that he could wheel around on a chair and was taken to church, which he enjoyed very much. He was pleasant and talkative on the day before his death, went to bed as usual, but got some sharp pains during the night. The family came to his assistance, after which he went to sleep again for a while; then the pains came back and these were the immediate cause of his death. Bro. Thomas was a faithful member of the Mennonite church and his desire in the last years appeared to be to live near to Christ, so that we need not be without hope. His wife died nearly four years ago. He was the father of seven children (five living), 34 grandchildren (29 living), and 17 great-grandchildren (13 living). He was buried on Oct. 1 at the Thomas M. H., where a large crowd of people came together to pay the last tribute of respect to the departed brother. Services were conducted by S. D. Yoder, James Saylor, Simon Layman, Sam. Gindlesperger and L. A. Blough. Text, Heb. 11:40. L. A. BLOUGH.
Week 3: Volume XLIV, Number 42 |
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Oberholtzer.-On the 21st of September, 1907, in Hatfield, Montgomery Co., Pa., of inflammation of the bowels, Sister Oberholtzer, wife of David Oberholtzer; aged 69 Y., 6 M., 10 D. Interment in the Franconia Mennonite cemetery.
Nyce.-On the 3d of October, 1907, in Lower Salford, Montgomery Co., Pa., infant child of John W. Nyce. Buried at the Salford Mennonite M. H.
Hug.-George Hug was born Sept. 17, 1835, in Reihen, near Sinsheim, in Baden, Germany; died at Elkhart, Ind., Sept. 26, 1907; aged 72 Y., 9 D. He came to America in 1866 and settled in Pittsburg, and in the following year (1867) he was married to Sister Lena Hege, daughter of Bish. Ulrich Hege of his native town in Germany. In 1872 he came with his family to Elkhart and for several years resided on a small farm about three miles northeast of Elkhart. Afterwards he removed to the city and for twenty-six years resided on the premises where he died. For many years he was engaged in sprinkling the streets of Elkhart and in that vocation became familiarly known to almost all the men, women and children in the city. He is survived by a sorrowing widow, four sons, two daughters and one sister in Germany. One daughter preceded him to the eternal world. The funeral services were held at the home on the 28th by M. E. Bachman and John F. Funk. Interment at Grace Lawn cemetery. He was afflicted with cancer in the root of the tongue and for six months suffered very severely. During the latter weeks of his illness, with much prayer and earnest desire, he gave his all into the hands of God and thus leaves to the sorrowing friends the assurance that they need not mourn as those who have no hope and that he has gone to the rest prepared for the children of God. Peace to his ashes.
Kulp.-On the 8th of Oct., 1907, in Hatfield, Montgomery Co., Pa., of paralysis, Bro. Isaiah C. Kulp, after an illness of only three days; aged 48 Y., 6 M., 13 D. Buried Oct. 13 in the Plain Mennonite cemetery.
Anglemoyer.-On the 8th of June, 1907, in Union Twp.,
Elkhart Co., Ind., of consumption, Sister Gertrude M. Anglemoyer,
adopted daughter of Samuel J. and Mary C. Yoder and wife of Oliver
Anglemoyer. She was the mother of five children four of whom preceded
her to the spirit world. Her sorrowing husband and infant child
survive to mourn her early death. Sister Anglemoyer was converted
and united with the Mennonite church some years ago, and lived
a consistent Christian life. May the Lord console the bereaved
husband and relatives, and grant them a blessed reunion in the
rest which remaineth for the people of God. Services were conducted
by George Lambert.
REMARKS.---For some cause the above notice was mislaid and forgotten,
for which I kindly ask forbearance. G.L.
Week 4: October 24, 1907, page 398 Volume XLIV, Number 43 |
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Bergey.-Ezra Bergey, son of Bro. and Sister David Bergey of New Dundee, Ontario, died Wednesday, Sept. 25; aged 24 Y., 7 M., 5 D. Funeral was held Saturday, Sept. 28, at the Blenheim Mennonite M. H. Services were conducted by Bro. Noah Stauffer from Isa. 28:29. Ezra had been teaching school at New Dundee until April, 1907, when he had to resign on account of failing health. He went to a health resort in Muskoka, Ont., and seemed to make rapid improvement. But while there he contracted a cold and left for home Sept. 20. The cold developed into pneumonia and he died very unexpectedly, Wednesday morning, Sept. 25. He was a faithful member of the Mennonite church for nearly three years, took an active part in church work and was superintendent of the Blenheim Sunday school.
Kulp.-On the 8th of October, 1907, in Montgomery Co., Pa, of apoplexy, Isaiah Kulp, aged 46 years. He had been in feeble health for several years and was stricken with the fatal disease while sitting at the breakfast table. He is survived by a widow and several brothers and sisters. Buried in the Plain Mennonite burying-ground on Sunday, Oct. 13.
Shank.-Bro. Abram Shank died at his home in the city of Toronto, Ont., Oct. 8, 1907; aged 67 Y., 3 M., 1 D. He was afflicted with Bright's disease for about seven years and confined to his bed nearly seven months. He was anxiously awaiting to be delivered from his affliction and go to his heavenly home. Funeral services were conducted at the home on Wednesday evening, from Heb. 9:27. On Thursday his remains were brought to rest at the Weidman Mennonite meeting-house near Markham, their former home, where the services were conducted by Samuel Honderich, assisted by L. J. Burkholder, from Rom. 8:23.
Weldy.-Sister Amanda Weldy, wife of Bro. Amos Weldy, died of bronchial consumption at her home in Wakarusa on Oct. 18, at the age of about thirty-two years. She had been in ill health for several years. She was a daughter of Adam Hartman, and was buried on Monday, Oct. 21. She leaves a sorrowing husband, two children, father, mother and many friends to mourn her death.
Week 5: October 31, 1907, page 408 Volume XLIV, Number 44 |
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Brunk.-Bro. Martin W. Brunk passed to his reward, Oct. 3, 1907, at his home in Waynesboro, Augusta Co., Va., aged 56 Y., 5 M., 20 D. He was born in Rockingham Co., Va., in 1851; united in marriage with Mary Shank, to which union were born five children. They, with the mother and three grandchildren, survive. He had been failing in health for some time, but kept going until he became so weak that he was, confined to his bed, where he lay two months or more, apparently without much pain. He possessed a lively, sociable and accommodating disposition. He served the church as a minister for some time, and is much missed in the church and community. Funeral services were held at Spring Dale M. H., in the afternoon of Oct. 4, by the brethren A. P. Heatwole and J. H. Martin.
King.-On Oct 17, 1907, in Lancaster Co., Pa., after an illness of about a week with congestion of the lungs, Sister Mary, wife of Bish. Christian King, of the Amish Mennonite church, aged eighty years. She resided near Intercourse. She was widely known in the community where she resided. She is survived by her husband, four sons and three daughters. Funeral services were held on Sunday forenoon at the home. Interment at the Amish burial ground at Gordonville.
Fetter.-At her home near Orrville, Ohio, on Oct. 8, 1907; Sophia Fetter, at the advanced age of 91 Y., 1 M., 28 D. Funeral services were held on the 10th at the Martin church by I. J. Buchwalter and Aaron Heistand.
Weldy.-Amanda Weldy, daughter of Bro. and Sister Adam H. Hartman, was born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Sept. 23, 1873; died at her home at Wakarusa, lad., Oct. 18, 1907; aged 34 Y., 25 D. She was baptized and received as a member of the Mennonite church in the year 1892. Of this church she was a constant, faithful member until her death. She was united in marriage to Amos Weldy, Jan. 6, 1895. To this union were born two children, Cora and Ray. She leaves a husband, two children, father and mother, one sister, three brothers and a host of friends to mourn their loss. One sister, Anna, preceded her to the spirit world. During her last sickness she was patient, submissive and resigned to the will of God. Her last words were, "I want to go home." About thirty minutes later she passed away. The funeral services were conducted by I. W. Royer and I. P. Moore, from the text, "Prepare to meet thy God."
Kehr.-Sister Mary Kehr was born June 16, 1829; died Oct. 18, 1907; aged 78 Y., 4 M., 2 D. Death was due to old age. After an illness of about eleven weeks she peacefully and quietly passed away and her death was as calm and beautiful as her life. Sister Kehr was for many years a member of the Mennonite church and her place was seldom vacant. For the past few years she had a longing desire to depart and be with Christ. Shortly before her death she selected 2 Tim. 4:7, 8, as a text for her funeral service, which was held on the afternoon of the 20th, at 1:30 at the home and at 2 o'clock at the Science Ridge M. H., conducted by A. C. Good. A large concourse of people gathered to pay the last tribute of respect to one they loved so well.
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.