Week 1: November 7, 1907, page 418. Volume XLIV, Number 45 |
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Rich.-Anna Rich, nee Moser, was born Sept. 11, 1839, in Wayne Co., Ohio. When a child she moved with her parents to Adams Co., Ind. She was married to Joseph Rich, Dec. 22, 1859. To this union were born seven sons and three daughters. One son and four of the thirty-three grandchildren preceded her to the world beyond. For the last twenty-five weeks of her life she suffered much from dropsy, which finally caused her death, but she bore her suffering with Christian fortitude and passed away Oct. 27, 1907. Funeral on the 29th at the Egli meeting-house, where a large number of people gathered to pay their last tribute of respect. Services conducted by Eli Lantz and J. S. Hartzler. Text, John 5:28, 29.
Kulp.-Sister Sarah, widow of the late Abraham S. Kulp, died on Tuesday, Oct. 21, 1907, at the home of her son-in-law, Samuel Y. Mathers in Landsdale, Montgomery Co., Pa., at the advanced age of 81 Y., 7 M., 10 D., of paralysis. Her husband, who was a deacon in the Skippack Mennonite congregation, died in 1904. She leaves a son and daughter to mourn a mother's death.
Brandt.-On the 25th of Oct., 1907, in Rapho Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., at the home of her son Joseph, Fannie Brandt, aged 74 Y., 9 D. About four weeks ago she was stricken with apoplexy, which resulted in her death. Her husband, Isaac Brandt preceded her to the spirit world some years ago. She is survived by four sons, two daughters and one sister. Funeral services were held on Oct. 29 at Hershey's M. H. by John B. Snavely and Joseph Boll. Text, John 11:25, 26. Interment at Risser's Mennonite burying-ground. She was a consistent member of the Mennonite church for a number of years.
Souder.-Sister Harriet, wife of Dillman G. Souder of Lower Salford, Montgomery Co., Pa., died on Wednesday, Oct. 23, 1907. The cause of her death was heart failure. She died at the age of 51 Y., 4 M., 2 D. She was buried on Sunday at the Salford Mennonite burying-grounds. She leaves a husband and two daughters to mourn her death. Peace to her ashes.
Detweiler.-Leah, wife of Joseph Detweiler of Hilltown Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., died on Friday, Oct. 25. 1907, of the infirmities of old age, at the advanced age of 87 Y., 11 M., 5 D. Funeral was held on Tuesday, Oct. 29, from the residence of David Gehman in Hatfield township, where she had died, interment at the Rockhill Mennonite burying-ground.
Yoder.-On Oct. 20, 1907, near Holden, Cass Co., Mo., Sister Ollie, wife of Benjamin Yoder and daughter of Christian and Lydia Plank; aged 22 Y., 10 M., 8 D. She died at her home, the cause of her death having been an operation for appendicitis. She leaves to mourn her early death, a beloved companion, three children, father, mother, seven brothers, one sister and a host of friends. She united with the Mennonite church in her youth and will be greatly missed by her family, friends and church. Funeral services were held by Bro. Levi Miller and Daniel Kauffman on Tuesday morning at the Sycamore M. H., after which the remains were laid to rest to await the call of the Savior to come forth and be crowned with the crown of life promised to all who love the Lord Jesus in sincerity and truth. A bright home has been left desolate, but, oh, what a comfort to the heart-broken relatives and friends to know that she was prepared for the solemn summons! This is an earnest call to all the unconverted. "0 death, where is thy sting? 0 grave, where is thy victory?" The Lord help us all to be faithful to our heavenly Father.
Week 2: November 14, 1907, page 428. Volume XLIV, Number 46 |
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Sherrick.-On Nov. 4, 1907, at Mountville, Lancaster Co., Pa., of the infirmities of old age, Henry H. Sherrick, in his seventy-seventh year. He was born near Bird-in-hand, but lived in Manor township almost all his life. He was a member of the Mennonite church and is survived by his wife, two daughters and one brother, Benjamin, of Illinois. Buried on the following Tuesday.
Whitehead.-Emma Whitehead, daughter of Andrew Swoveland, was born Feb. 16, 1872, and died Oct. 27, 1907; aged 35 Y., 8 M., 11 D. She was the mother of eight children, four boys and four girls. She was a member of the Mennonite church for a number of years. Her great concern was for the eternal welfare of her husband, and that he might turn unto the Lord while yet in the day of grace. She was buried Oct. 30 at the Whitehead M. H., where a very large concourse of friends met to show their last token of respect to one who was near and dear to so many. Funeral services were conducted by Jonas Loucks and J. W. Christophel, from Matt. 24:44. "Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh."
Herr.--George H. Herr passed to his rest on the 15th of September, 1907, of heart disease; aged 60 Y., 3 M., 18 D. He was a faithful member of the Mennonite church for many years. Also a faithful worker in the Sunday school. He leaves two sons and four daughters. He lived to see them all unite with the church. He also leaves two brothers and four sisters. He was born in 1847. His desire was to depart and be with Jesus. The funeral was at the home of his son Aaron in Lancaster Co., Pa. He was buried at the Stone meeting-house.
Dambach.-Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Dambach, died at her home in Columbia, Pa., on the 29th of October of heart trouble; aged fifty years. The deceased was a native of Columbia and a member of the Mennonite church. She is survived by her husband, three sons and four daughters. Funeral was held on Sunday from the home. Interment at Habecker's M. H.
Rife.-Catherine Rife died at the home of her son-in-law, Bro. S. L. Horst, of the infirmities of old age, on Oct. 4, 1907; aged 86 Y., 6 M., 18 D. Buried on the 7th at Salem, where a large concourse of relatives and friends were gathered to pay the last tribute of respect to the departed one. She was a faithful member of the Mennonite church and is survived by one son, four daughters, 17 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Services were conducted by the brethren J. S. Burkholder and Henry Bricker, from the text, "Here is the patience of the saints," etc. (Rev. 14:12).
Yoder.-On Nov. 1, 1907, near Shipshewana, Lagrange Co., Ind., Sister Blanche, daughter of Bro. Walace and Sister Sarah Yoder; aged 18 Y., 7 M., 2 D. The cause of her death was tonsilitis(sic). She leaves to mourn her early death, father, mother, two brothers, two sisters and a host of friends. She will be greatly missed by her family and friends. Funeral services at the home by Bro. L. A. Blough of Johnstown, Pa., and at the Shore M. H. by D. D. Miller, from Psa. 90:12, and by Y. C. Miller from Job 16:22. Then the remains where(sic) laid to rest to await the call of the Savior to come forth and be crowned with the crown of life, promised to all who love the Lord Jesus in sincerity and truth. A bright home has been left desolate, but, oh, what a comfort to the heartbroken parents and relatives to know that she was prepared for the solemn summons! This is a loud call to all the unconverted, as she was sick only three weeks. 0 death! where is thy sting? O grave! where is thy victory? The Lord help us all to be faithful to our heavenly Father. Y.C.M.
Week 3: November 21, 1907, page 438. Volume XLIV, Number 47 |
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Sudden Death of Pre. Joseph Wenger.
On the 6th of Nov., 1907, as Pre. Joseph Wenger, an aged and beloved
minister, of the Mennonite church in Lancaster Co., Pa., was returning
from a funeral and crossing the Downingtown & Lancaster Railroad
at Caldwell's crossing, he was struck by a train and instantly
killed. He had his home with his only child (wife of John Martin),
residing between Bareville and Groffdale. During the day he had
attended the funeral of M. Weaver near Blue Ball and was on his
way home when the accident happened. He was alone in his buggy
and evidently was not aware of the approaching train until he
heard the whistle. He was almost over the track and instead of
urging his horse forward he no doubt became confused and, pulling
the lines, backed the horse which brought the buggy directly in
front of the train. It struck him and he was, as above stated,
instantly killed. The horse, however, escaped uninjured. He was
77 years of age and had been in the ministry forty years. His
wife died some years ago. His only child is the daughter with
whom he lived. He was buried at the Groffdale Mennonite M. H.,
where an immense concourse of people attended the burial.
Weaver.-On the 2d of November, 1907, near Spring Grove, East Earl Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., of inflammation of the bladder; after an illness of about ten days, Bro. Aaron G. Weaver, aged 64 years. Buried on the 6th at Weaverland. Funeral services by John M. Sauder and I. B. Good. Bro. Weaver was a builder and contractor by trade and was widely known and respected. He leaves three sons and two daughters, also brothers and sister and many friends.
Hess.-On Oct. 14, 1907, at his late home in Buyerstown, Lancaster Co., Pa., John H. Hess, aged 57 Y., 7 M., 2 D. He was born on March 12, 1850. He was a staunch and faithful brother in the Mennonite church. The Lord bless the surviving friends in the hour of their affliction.
Hoover.-On Nov. 7, 1907, in West Earl Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., of apoplexy, Henry Hoover, aged 66 years. His wife and a number of children survive him. Buried at Groffdale on the 9th.
Moyer.-On the 31st of Oct., 1907, at the home of her parents, W. E. Messner, in Lancaster, Pa., of a complication of diseases, Katie, wife of Alfred Moyer; aged 24 Y., 6 M., 3 D. She leaves her husband, one child, her parents, four sisters and three brothers to mourn her loss. Funeral services in the Lancaster Mennonite church on the 5th of November, and later at Muddy Creek M. H., where interment took place. Funeral services by A. D. Wenger and S. Schweitzer.
Kauffman.-Fanny Byler was born in Mifflin Co., Pa., April 16, 1832; died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Rudy Detweiler, in West Liberty, Ohio, Nov. 4, 1907; aged 75 Y., 6 M., 9 D. She was married in January, 1852, to Levi Kauffman. To them were born nine children, four sons and five daughters. The husband, one son and one daughter preceded her to the spirit world. She united with the Amish Mennonite church in her youth, in which she remained a faithful member until the end. Three sons, four daughters, 25 grand-children and four great-grandchildren remain to mourn the loss of a loving mother and grandmother. Funeral services were held at the Oak Grove M. H. on Wednesday, Nov. 6, conducted by Pres. S. E. Allgyer and Jonas Yoder. COR.
Riehl.-Katie Riehl was born in Mifflin Co., Pa., Nov. 9, 1825; died in Union Co., Pa., Nov. 5, 1907; aged 81 Y., 11 M., 26 D. She died at the home of her nephews and niece, Samuel, John and Annie. She suffered about eight weeks, due to the effects of a broken limb, terminating in gangrene and causing intense suffering, which she bore with great patience to the end. She united with the Amish church in her youth and was a faithful member until death. She possessed a lively, sociable and accommodating disposition, and was beloved by all who knew her. Funeral services were held Nov. 7 by Jonas D. Yoder from Rev. 14:13. She was never married.
Kauffman.-Sister Ellen, wife of Bro. Albert Kauffman, died at her home near Millersville, Pa., Oct. 31, 1907; aged 44 Y., 1 M, 14 D. Her husband, three daughters, an aged mother, four brothers and three sisters mourn her departure. One sister preceded her to the spirit world. She suffered severe pains almost constantly for about eight months from a swollen, cancerous limb. On account of not being able to straighten it, she was obliged to sit day and night. Many sympathizing friends visited her and were always met with a smile. When God said, "Enough," she quietly fell asleep. Funeral services were conducted at the Masonville M. H., Nov. 3, by Bish. Abram Herr and Bro. Henry Haverstich. Texts, Rev. 14:12, 13, and 2 Tim. 4:6-8. The body was laid to rest in the adjoining cemetery and we trust her soul is sweetly resting "by the bright crystal river, where no shadows dim the light."
Risser.-On Nov. 4, 1907, in Mount Joy Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., at the home of her son Gabriel, Fannie S. Risser, aged 72 Y., 2 M., 20 D. She had been confined to the house for a number of years, death being the result of cancer of the stomach. She bore her affliction patiently, gladly waiting for the Master's call. She was the wife of John H. Risser, who died Nov. 5, 1901. She was the mother of Barbara Kreider, who with her husband, Daniel S. Kreider, and four of their children were murdered in North Dakota on July 7, 1893. Two of her other daughters preceded her to the spirit world. She is survived by three brothers, three sons and one daughter. Funeral services were held on Nov. 8, at Risser's M. H. by Pre. Samuel L. Oberholtzer, Bish. John Ebersole and Bish. Jacob N. Brubacher. Text, 2 Cor. 5:1. Interment in the adjoining burying-ground. She was a consistent member of the Mennonite church for a good many years.
Schwartz. - Sister Mary, wife of John M. Schwartz of Franconia, Montgomery Co., Pa., died on Friday, Oct. 25, 1907, of apoplexy; aged 56 Y., 8 M., 7 D. She leaves a husband, three sons and two daughters. Funeral on Thursday. She was buried at the Franconia Mennonite burying-ground.
Week 4: November 28, 1907, page 448. Volume XLIV, Number 48 |
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Wenger.-Joseph E. Wenger, aged 78 Y., 2 M., 5 D., for
over fifty years a minister in the Mennonite church and at the
time of his death the oldest minister, in time of service, in
the Lancaster conference, while he was on the way home from the
funeral of a friend, was struck by the local express train while
crossing the Downingtown & Lancaster Railroad and was instantly
killed. His body was hurled nearly one hundred feet and was mangled
so that he could not be identified, except by his belongings,
even his friends not recognizing him. The carriage was all broken
up, but the horse was not hurt. Bro. Wenger was co-laborer with
Bro. N. H. Mack, Bro. Isaiah Witmer and Bish. Benj. Weaver. He
was a brother-in-law to Bish. Michael Horst of Orrville, Ohio.
The funeral was held on Saturday, Nov. 9, and was largely attended,
probably 1,500 or 2,000 people being present. The services were
conducted by Bish. Jacob N. Brubaker in English and Bish. Benj.
Weaver in German. Text, Heb. 13:7, 8, 17.
Hoover.-On Nov. 9, 1907, Bro. Henry Hoover of near Bareville, Lancaster Co., Pa., of paralysis; aged 65 Y., 2 D. For three years he had been stricken and had partly recovered, but was hardly able to walk. About a year ago he had another stroke, since which time he had been only able to be on a wheel-chair and had been unable to talk except an occasional word. He bore his affliction very patiently. He had been an active member of the Mennonite church for many years, always consistent and sincere. He leaves his widow, three sons and one daughter to mourn their loss. The funeral services were held on Monday, Nov. 11, at Groffdale M. H. and were largely attended. They were conducted by Pre. John Landis in German and Bish. Benjamin Weaver in English.
Nyce. - Edna May Nyce, daughter of Sister Abraham A. Shoemaker of Franconia, died on Nov. 6, 1907, after two days' illness of heart failure; aged 21 Y., 19 D. She was baptized during her sickness by Bish. Jonas Mininger. She was to be married on Nov. 9. Funeral was held on the 11th. Interment at Franconia M. H.
Zaiger.-On the 15th of Nov., 1907, four miles south
of Mishawaka, in St. Joseph Co., Ind., of pleurisy and the infirmities
of old age, Fredericka Henning, wife of Alexander Zaiger; aged
84 Y., 10 M., 24 D. She was the daughter of Barnhard Henning and
was born on Dec. 24, 1822, in Ruitlingen, Oberamt Muehlbrunn,
Wuertemberg, Germany. She was married to Alexander Zaiger while
yet in her native land. They came to America in 1854, landing
in New York City, and from there made their way to Philadelphia,
where she had a sister living, a Mrs. Freund. The same year, in
the month of July, they went to Indiana, where they spent most
of their life, except some years that they lived in the state
of Michigan. She was the mother of seven children, five of whom,
with her husband, survive her. Mother Zaiger was a member of the
Lutheran church and a pious, praying, devoted child of God. It
seems to be a custom that every young person when received into
church membership is instructed to choose for him or herself a
motto, either a Scripture verse or a verse from some good hymn,
which they commit to memory and hold as the motto of their lives.
She had chosen for a life motto two lines of a hymn, as follows:
"Halte dich an Dem nur fest,
Der die Seinen nie verlaesst,"
In English:
"Firmly cleave to Him alone
Who will never leave his own."
Her whole life seemed to have been in accord with this beautiful
motto as long as she lived. She was of a kind and cheerful disposition,
and had many friends, who manifested their love and esteem for
her by their presence at her funeral, which was largely attended.
Several years ago she fell and injured her thigh and hip, of which
she suffered much and never entirely recovered, but she could
move around by the aid of a crutch. But with increasing feebleness
and her lame limb she was able to care, to a large extent, for
her husband and attend to his needs. Her mind was good, and she
could read without glasses, never using spectacles. She seemed
to have had a premonition of death and said to her companion that
they would not be together long-one of them would die within a
short time, and in view of this she also spoke of a few small
amounts they were owing and of other business matters. She placed
all their valuable papers in a small valise and put them in a
place where she had been keeping them, gave the keys into the
care of her husband, told here people where they should bury her
and who should preach her funeral sermon, and throwing off all
the cares of this life, directed her mind and heart to heavenly
things. She prayed a great deal; prayed for her husband, for her
children and grandchildren. She said that she was already in heaven
and wanted her husband and children to meet her there. Her whole
walk and conversation seemed to be, as the apostle says, "in
heaven." She urged her husband earnestly to pray and live
in the fear of the Lord, so that we must truly say, "She
hath done what she could," and we may comfort our hearts
with the thought that she has made her calling and election sure,
and is safely resting in the arms of Jesus. Funeral services were
held in the Evangelical church, three miles south of Mishawaka,
by John F. Funk, Elkhart, Ind., from Rev. 14:13, speaking in both
the English and German languages. May God comfort the sorrowing
hearts and help them all to be faithful in his service and at
lastobtain the crown of life.
Zaiger.-On the 22d of Nov., 1907, at the same place as the above, of the infirmities of old age, Alexander Zaiger, aged 87 years. Like a sturdy oak whose roots have been cut away, so Father Zaiger, after the death of his beloved helpmeet and companion, tottered for a few days and then sank. Funeral on the 24th, just one week to the hour after the funeral services of his wife were held, and by the same minister.
Weaver.-Aaron G. Weaver passed to rest on Nov. 2, after a short sickness with diabetes; aged 64 Y., 4 M., 20 D. He was a faithful brother of the Weaverland congregation for many years, and will be greatly missed in the church, in the community and most of all in the home. He leaves a sorrowing widow, three sons and two daughters. Two sons and one daughter are deprived of the sense of hearing and speech. Funeral services were conducted in the church at Weaverland by Bro. John Sauder in German from Rev. 20:6, and Bro. Israel B. Good in English from Psa. 37:37. By trade he was a carpenter and master builder, and he built many houses and barns throughout this valley, but the time came for him to depart to a house not made with hands, eternally in the heavens. Let us profit by his example. D. S. W.
Burkholder.-In Sterling, Ill., on Nov. 13, 1907, Sister Magdalena Groff, widow of the late Seth Burkholder (who died some thirteen years ago); aged about eighty-three years. She was born in Lancaster Co., Pa., in 1824. When first married the couple moved to Canada; from there they went to Morrison, Ill., and later to Sterling, where she spent the remainder of her life. Since the death of Bro. Burkholder she resided with her daughter Susan. Three sons survive her. She was a devoted member of the Mennonite church. Funeral services at Science Ridge M. H.
Longenecker.-In Madison Twp., St. Joseph Co., Ind., of paralysis, Elizabeth Longenecker, aged 79 Y., 5 M., 27 D. She was born in Fayette Co., Pa., May 22, 1828. In her early youth she moved from her native state to Holmes Co., Ohio, where she lived until 1864, when, accompanied by her parents, she moved to Indiana, and they settled on a farm in Madison Twp., St. Joseph county. In 1889 she moved to the farm where she died on Nov. 19, 1907. She is survived by one sister, Martha, older than herself, and one brother, Zachary, who is younger than she was. Five nephews and one niece also survive her. Her father, mother, four brothers and two sisters preceded her to the spirit world of eternal rest and sunshine. Funeral was held on the 22d at the Olive M. H. Services were conducted by John F. Funk of Elkhart from 2 Cor. 5:1. Peace to her ashes. God bless the mourning friends.
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.