Week 1: December 5, 1907 - page 458 Volume XLIV, Number 49 |
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Herr.-Susanna, wife of Christian Herr, died at her home in Manheim Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa, of the infirmities of age, having reached her eightieth year. She was a member of the Mennonite church and was highly respected by a large circle of friends. She was twice married; her first husband, George Doerr, died thirty-four years ago. She is survived by four sons and one daughter. Buried at Landis Valley.
Jennings.-After an illness of some weeks, God in his wise providence has been pleased to take from us another bright and loving boy, Trueman Blair Jennings, who died Oct. 25, 1907, aged 22 M., 8 D. He was precious to his parents and dearly beloved by all who knew him. This is the second child that has been taken from this home by death, the mother's only ones. May God comfort and bless the bereaved parents, and help them meet their loved ones where parting will be no more. Funeral services were held at Mountain View church by J. Martin. Interment in the adjoining cemetery. The above death occurred near Sheranda, Augusta Co., Va.
Nice.-Arthur Roy Nice, aged 11 Y., 4 M., 9 D., youngest son of J. T. and Rebecca Nice, near Lake Charles, La., came to his death by the accidental discharge of a gun. He was buried in Lake Charles Orange Grove cemetery, Nov. 19, 1907. Funeral services were conducted by C. C. McCoy at the home of the parents, where a large number of sympathizing friends had assembled. He leaves a sorrowing father, mother and one sister to mourn his early departure. Though sorrowing yet rejoicing in the blessed assurance that he has gone to glory, as it was revealed to him before he died.
Hostetter,-On Nov. 21, 1907, in Lancaster Co., Pa.,
near Petersburg, of Bright's disease, Samuel Clyde, son of David
F. and Louisa H. Hostetter, in his tenth year. Funeral was held
on Nov. 25 at the Petersburg Menn. M. H., where the burial also
took place.
Week 2: December 12, 1907 - page 468 Volume XLIV, Number 50 |
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Moyer.-On Nov. 20, 1907, in Blooming Glen, Bucks Co., Pa., of pneumonia, Mary Ann, wife of William C. Moyer; aged 51 years. She was a consistent member of the Mennonite congregation at this place and a devoted Christian, beloved and respected by all who knew her. She is survived by her husband and seven children. Funeral services and burial at the Blooming Glen Mennonite M. H.
Lehman -On Nov. 23, 1907, at the home of his son-in-law, Menno Herr, of Milton Grove, Lancaster Co., Pa., Pre. Benjamin Lehman, aged 84 Y., 8 M. He was ailing for some time with dropsy and afflictions due to old age. He had charge of Risser's congregation for about forty-two years and was an active worker in the Lord's vineyard, always filling his place on the bench whenever possible. He is survived by his widow, one brother, three daughters, one son and a number of grandchildren. Funeral on Nov. 27 at Risser's M. H., where services were conducted by Pro. Samuel L. Oberholtzer, Bish. John Ebersole and Bish. Jacob N. Brubacher, from Heb. 13:17. Interment in the graveyard adjoining. Peace to his ashes.
Stoltzfus.-On Oct. 20, 1907, Elizabeth Stoltzfus, widow of the late Pre. John Stoltzfus, died at her home near New Holland, Lancaster Co., Pa., of the infirmities due to old age; aged 87 Y., 9 M., 4 D. Funeral services were held Oct. 23 and were conducted by Henry Stoltzfus and Jacob Lapp. Text, 2 Tim. 4:7, 8. Her maiden name was Nafzinger. She was born in Illbach, Germany, Jan. 16, 1820. In the year 1827 her parents with their seven children took ship for this country, the oldest child being less than ten years and the youngest les(sic) than one year old. The voyage proved to be a tedious one, during which the father and one of the children took sick, died and were buried at sea, leaving the mother a widow with six small children to be cared for. They landed at aBltimore(sic) and after a brief stay there without any friends, they set out for Philadelphia, Pa., where they landed with financial means almost exhausted. By the aid of a stranger who proved a friend they reached Lancaster county, where they procured their livelihood as best they could. The children were put out among strangers as they became old enough to work for their keeping, which was a life of toil, some of them being allowed very little time to attend school. The late Elizabeth was married to Pre. John Stoltzfus, Feb. 5, 1857, with whom she shared the trials and joys of life for almost forty years, he having died March 22, 1897. She united with the Amish Mennonite church in her youth and remained steadfast in faith, hope and charity to the end. She seemed to be longing for the door to open to a better world. She had been feeble for about four years, but was able to be up and around until within five weeks of her death, when she fell and hurt her limb, from which she never recovered. She leaves two children (Bena, wife of John Smucker, and Isaac Stoltzfus, both of New Holland), four grandchildren, and one brother (Peter Nafzinger of Baltimore Co., Md.) also survives. COR.
McDonald.-Sarah, wife of Martin McDonald, was born Sept. 20, 1857; died Nov. 20, 1907; aged 50 Y., 2 M. The deceased leaves to mourn their loss a husband, one son, an aged mother, three brothers and one sister. She was taking care of her aged mother, who for some time was quite ill and was found dead in bed beside her sick mother. She united with the Evangelical church about five years ago. Funeral services were conducted by George Lambert in the Yellow Creek Mennonite M. H. on Sunday, Nov. 24, where a very large concourse of friends and relatives had gathered to pay the last tribute of love and respect to the departed wife and mother. Interment in the adjoining cemtery(sic). The Lord comfort the mourning friends. Peace to her ashes.
Johns.-Bro. Joseph Johns of near Davidsville, Somerset
Co., Pa., died peacefully at his home, Nov. 22, 1907; aged 81
Y., 5 M., 8 D. He was a faithful member of the Amish church for
many years and appeared to be greatly interested in the church,
especially of late years. He made arrangement concerning his earthly
possessions and by his peaceful departure gave us the evidence
that he only changed from an earthly to a heavenly home. Funeral
services were conducted on the 24th at the Kaufman M. H. by L.
A. Blough, Samuel Gindlesperger and Alex ------. Text, Psa. 90:12.
Interment in the family graveyard. He is survived by one brother
and two sisters, also two sons and three daughters and many other
relatives, but they need not mourn as those that have no hope.
Yoder.-William, son of Bro. Daniel and Sister ------- Yoder of near Hooversville, Pa., met with a very sad and sudden death on the evening of the 29th of Nov., 1907. He was working near Scalp Level, Pa. He and some other young people drove to a country schoolhouse to some evening entertainment; his horse ran away and threw him out of the buggy, killing him instantly. Funeral services were conducted at the Blough M. H. on Dec. 1, by S. D. Yoder, Samuel Gindlesperger and L. A. Blough. Interment in the graveyard near by. The young man was just in the prime of life, aged 20 Y., 3 M., 18 D. He is survived by a sorrowing father and mother, four brothers and one sister. This sudden death should be a loud call to us all and especially to the unconverted.
Wenger -On Dec. 4, 1907, in Lincoln, Lancaster Co., Pa., of pneumonia, Pre. Israel Wenger, aged 66 years. He was a prominent member of the Brethren church and filled the office of elder or bishop for many years.
Landis.-On Nov. 30, 1907, in Lancaster, Pa., Emma E. Landis, widow of the late Christian Landis; aged 78 years. She was a daughter of Isaac and Martha Rohrer. Her husband died three years ago. She is survived by three sons and six daughters, also by two brothers and one sister. Services were held at the Mennonite N. H. in Lancaster. Burial at Mellinger's.
Good.-On Nov. 29, 1907, at Conestoga Center, Lancaster Co., Pa., Jacob B. Good, aged 78 years. Death was due to heart failure. He lived alone and was found dead on his bed by one of the neighbors. Funeral services were held at the River Corner Menn. N. H., where he also was buried.
Kooker.-On Nov. 24, 1907, at Sellersville, Bucks Co., Pa., Bro. Enos L. Kooker, aged 70 Y., 4 M., 28 D. His funeral was held at the Rockhill Mennonite M. H., on Nov. 28. Interment in the adjoining cemetery.
Week 3: December 19, 1907 - page 475 Volume XLIV, Number 51 |
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Moyer.-On Nov. 27, 1907, in Franconia, Montgomery Co., Pa., Bro. Jonas L. Moyer, aged 79 Y., 9 M., 6 D. Funeral on Tuesday, Dec. 3, at the Franconia meeting-house. Interment in the adjoining cemetery. He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn the death of husband and father.
Detweiler.-On Nov. 27, 1907, at the residence of Henry Haldeman in Franconia Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., where she was employed, and mistaking the door, fell down the cellar steps and was so injured that she died five hours later, Sister Mary R. Detweiler, aged 59 Y., 9 M., 6 D. Funeral services on Dec. 3 at the Franconia Mennonite meeting-house.
Smith.-On Nov. 26, 1907, at her home in Leacock Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., of a complication of diseases incident to old age, Sister ------, wife of George Smith, in the eighty-second year of her age. Her husband and two daughters survive. She was a member of the Mennonite church for a number of years. Funeral services were held at the Hershey M. H. on the 30th.
Kreider.-On Dec. 2, 1907, near Gordonville, Lancaster Co., Pa., of a complication of diseases, Mary, wife of Isaac Kreider; aged 68 years. Her husband, three daughters and one son survive her. Funeral at the Mennonite M. H. at Paradise.
Nissley.-On Nov. 27, near Florin, Pa., of the infirmities due to old age, at the home of her son, Abm. Nissley, ------ Nissley, widow of the late Jacob W. Nissley; aged 80 years. Her husband died several years ago. She is survived by three sons. Funeral was held at the Cross Roads meeting-house.
King.-Paul, youngest son of B. J. and Irene King. While coming home from school, Nov. 5, in company with his schoolmates, Paul was playing with a handful of hay, and as the street car was approaching another boy said, "Look out, the car will run over you." Naturally they let go and little Paul fell just far enough toward the approaching car for the car to strike his head and badly crush the skull. He lived forty hours, never regaining consciousness and speaking only a few words: "I fell down." Although suffering very much he had five hours rest just before death and passed away peaceably, at the age of 8 Y., 11 M., 16 D.
Herr.-On Dec. 9, 1907, in Lancaster Co., Pa., suddenly from a complication of diseases, Tobias W. Herr, aged 77 years. Three sons and one daughter survive him. The funeral was held at the Strasburg Menn. M. H. on Dec. 11. He was a member of the Strasburg congregation.
Hoffman.-On Dec. 7, 1907, at Neffsville, Lancaster Co., Pa., of a complication of diseases, Christian H. Hoffman, in the sixty-first year of his age. He had been in ill health for the past five years, and had been confined to his bed for about five weeks. He was a member of the Petersburg Menn. congregation. He is survived by his wife, six sons and five daughters. Funeral at the Petersburg M. H. on Dec. 11.
Eby.-On Dec. 8, 1907, in Lancaster Co., Pa., of dropsy, Susan, wife of Samuel Eby, at an advanced age. She was a member of the Mennonite church and is survived by her husband, but no children. She was buried on the 10th at Landis Valley.
Smucker.-Bro. Orla Smucker was born in Logan Co., Ohio, Nov. 30, 1882; died near Hubbard, Oregon, Dec 3, 1907; aged 25 Y., 2 D. He was buried in Zion cemetery, Dec. 4, 1907. Funeral services were held by 0. J. Kropf in German from 2 Cor. 5:1, and in English by A. P. Troyer from Job 19:21. Bro. Smucker united with the A. M. church in his sixteenth year and remained a faithful member to the time of his death. He leaves a wife and two children, father and two brothers and three sisters to mourn his early death.
Funk.-On Nov. 25, 1907, at his home in Pleasant Valley, Northumberland Co., Pa., George Washington Funk, aged about 75 years. He was born in 1831, in Bucks Co., Pa. His father, Henry Funk, moved from Bucks county to Pleasant Valley, four miles east of Milton, in 1837. His son Washington lived on the old home farm. He was married to Rebecca E. Ganby in 1864. His wife and two sisters, Mrs. H. A. Hoffa and Mrs. M. D. Rissel, survive him. He was buried on Nov. 29 in Milton, Pa. He was a member of the Baptist church and a zealous, devoted Christian. He was a deacon in the church of his choice.
Moyer.-John W. Moyer was born Feb. 7, 1870. He was married
on Jan. 10, 1892, to Anna E. Blocher, to which union three children
were born; one, an infant, preceded the father to the spirit world.
He died near his home near Wakarusa, Ind., on Dec. 4, 1907; aged
37 Y., 10 M., 27 D. He died suddenly. He had been in usual good
health, and in the morning of his death butchered a beef for a
neighbor and from there drove to another neighbor, where he helped
to finish threshing and dropped dead while cleaning up. The deceased
was highly respected by those who knew him, but had made no visible
preparations for the other world. He leaves to mourn his sudden
demise a wife, two children, a father, step-mother, two brothers,
two sisters and many relatives and friends. Services were held
at the Olive M. H. on Sunday, Dec. 8, where an unusually large
concourse of people met to pay the last tribute of respect. Services
were conducted by Frank Krieder from Rom. 14:7-9 and Jacob K.
Bixler from Amos 8:9.
Week 4: December 26, 1907 - page 483, 484 Volume XLIV, Number 52 |
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Stuckey.-Bish. Christian Stuckey was born in Fulton Co., Ohio, Aug. 29, 1841; died Dec. 8, 1907; aged 66 Y., 3 M., 9 D. He united in marriage with Lavina Wyse, May 4, 1865; lived together 3 Y., 11 M., 27 D. To this union were born one son and one daughter. After his first wife's death he united in marriage with Lydia Wyse, Aug. 8, 1870. To this union were born one son and two daughters. He leaves to mourn his death a bereaved companion, two sons, three brothers and two sisters. He was ordained to the ministry May 13, 1872, and served faithfully 35 Y., 6 M., 25 D. Funeral services in the A. M. M. H., conducted in the German language by D. J. Wyse, from Isa. 35:10, Christian Freyenberger from 2 Tim. 4, and in English by H. Rychener from Rev. 14:13. Peace to his ashes.
Hooley.-Christopher Hooley, son of David and Mary Hooley
(maiden name, Hertzler) of Mifflin Co., Pa., was born Feb. 14,
1823; died at his home in Topeka, Ind., Dec. 15, 1907, at the
ripe age of 84 Y., 10 M., 1 D. In his youth he united with the
Mennonite church and was a faithful member until his death. At
the age of twenty-four he was married to Sarah Zook, daughter
of Shem and Frances Zook. To this union were born two daughters,
Emma R., wife of A. R. Zook, and Rachel Z., wife of J. J. Wenger.
In the month of March, 1855, he moved with his family to Lagrange
Co., Ind., and engaged in teaching school in connection with his
farming operations, and as administrator settled up many estates,
being good in figures and accurate in his accounts and business
relations. In 1874 he gave up farming and lived a retired life,
traveling extensively in the East, West and South. May 27, 1886,
Mother Hooley, after a short, but severe illness, was called to
her reward, beloved by all. In December, 1888, he was united in
marriage with Mrs. Sarah Schantz (maiden name, Miller) of Goodland,
Sherman Co., Kan., who, with his daughters and their families,
survive him. In his last ill-ness he was confined to his bed most
of the time for over twenty weeks and was a great sufferer until
death, to him the welcome messenger, came to his relief.
Horst.-Sister Anna Horst was born near Orrville, Ohio, July 30, 1878, and died in her home at La Junta, Colo., on Dec. 2, 1907; aged 29 Y., 4 M., 2 D. She was united in marriage with Bro. Jonas Horst of Sippo, Ohio, Oct. 10, 1899. In the spring of 1907 Bro. and Sister Horst, with their two boys, Leroy and Vernon, moved to La Junta, Colo. There seemed to be but few clouds of disappointment in life's sky until a few weeks ago, when Bro. and Sister Horst were both taken down with sickness, and on Dec. 2 the dark cloud of death overshadowed them and Sister Anna became the victim and peacefully fell asleep in Jesus. She gave her heart to Jesus at the early age of fifteen and was a faithful member, of the Mennonite church until death. Her body, having been prepared for burial, was accompanied by her brother Benjamin and her two children to Orrville, Ohio, and taken to the home of her parents, Bro. and Sister Abram Huntsberger, while her loving husband, on account of sickness, was compelled to remain in the hospital at La Junta. Funeral services were held in the Martin M. H. near Bro. Huntsberger's home on Dec. 8, in the presence of nearly 1.000 people. When the large, spacious building had been filled to its utmost capacity the people then entered the old building on the same ground near by. Services were conducted in the new building by I. J. Buchwalter from the text, "Can it be?" (Jer. 47:7), and in the old building by David Hostetler and Aaron Eberly. During these sad, sad hours of bereavement may we with submissive hearts say, "Not mine, but thy will be done."
Shenk -On Dec. 12, 1907, at the home of her parents near Levan's Mill, of a complication of diseases, Alice H., daughter of Harry and Emma Shenk; aged about thirty-five years. She was a member of the Mennonite church. She is survived by her parents, one sister and one brother. Funeral on Saturday, Dec. 14, at the New Danville Mennonite M. H. Peace to her ashes.
Egli.-On Dec. 11, 1907, near Hopedale, Ill., Pre. John Egli, after an illness of two weeks with stomach trouble; aged 86 Y., 5 M., 24 D. He is survived by 10 children, 76 grandchildren and 39 great-grandchildren. He was a minister in the Amish Mennonite church for 46 years. He was a faithful laborer in the Lord's vineyard and was ready and willing to go when the Lord called him home. Funeral was held Dec. 13 by J. E. Birky at the home, P. Sommer, S. Garber and P. D. Schertz at the A. M. church near Hopedale, Ill.
Ebersole.-On the 7th of December in West Donegal, Lancaster Co., Pa., of a complication of diseases, Annie, daughter of Joseph and Fannie Ebersole; aged 14 Y., 9 M. She is survived by her parents and three brothers. She was a consistent member of the Old Mennonite church and a devoted Christian. She is sadly missed and mourned for, but they need not mourn as those who have no hope. We believe she is safe in Jesus' arms. Funeral on the 10th at the Bossler M. H. Services by Simon E. Garber of Lawn. The Lord bless and comfort the sorrowing family and friends.
Detweiler.-On Dec. 6, 1907, near Belleville, Mifflin Co., Pa., Jacob K. Detweiler, aged about 60 years. He was born in Huntingdon county; when a young man came to Mifflin county, where he spent the remainder of his days. In early youth he united with the A. M. church and remained a faithful member to the time of his death. He was a devoted Christian, an active Sunday school worker and a regular attendant at church services, and was much interested in the welfare of the young people. In January, 1873, he was married to Sarah Zook, to whom were born three children, all of whom, with his wife, survive him. Four brothers and one sister also survive. Funeral was held on Dec. 9 at the A. M. meeting-house, where services were conducted by Joseph H. Byler and John E. Kauffman of Mattawana from 1 Pet. 1:3, 4.
Hege.-On Oct. 25, 1907, in Reihen, near Sinsheim, in Baden, Germany, suddenly of heart failure, in her fifty-seventh year, Magdalena Binkele, beloved wife of Pre. Jacob Hege, editor and publisher of the "Gemeindeblatt," a Mennonite paper established many years ago by Bish. Ulrich Hege, father of the above mentioned Jacob Hege. Sister Hege was the daughter of Matthew and Christina Funk Binkele. Sister Magdalena was born born(sic) March 27, 1851, and was married to Bro. Jacob Hege, her surviving husband, Sept. 17, 1882. They had eight children, seven of whom survive. Funeral services were conducted by Bro. G. V. der Smissen, from 1 Pet. 1:3-9, and Bro. Pohl from Isa. 66:13. The sorrowing husband desires to express his heartfelt thanks for love and sympathy manifested by the relatives and friends. Bro. Jacob Hege is a brother to Sister Hug of Elkhart, Ind., whose husband died a few months ago, and also to Bro. Ulrich Hege, our faithful foreman of the German department of the Mennonite Publishing Co. composing room.
Zook.-On Sunday, Dec. 8, 1907, in Mifflin Co., Pa., suddenly of heart failure, Sister Esther, wife of Pre. Joseph Zook, deceased; aged 67 Y., 4 M., 21 D. She united with the A. M. church in her girlhood and was a faithful and devoted member to her end. She possessed a lively, loving disposition, and had a warm heart for the poor and needy. She is survived by three daughters and leaves many friends and relatives to mourn her death. Funeral services were held in the A. M. meeting-house on Dec. 11 by J. H. Byler, J. B. Zook and John E. Kauffman from Rev. 3:14-16 and Psa. 90:12. These texts were also used on the occasion of her husband's death, who preceded her to the spirit land only six weeks ago. She was laid to rest by the side of her husband.
Mast.-Jeremiah M. Mast was horn in Holmes Co., Ohio,
Oct. 9, 1844. When about eight years old he went with his parents
to Howard Co., Ind., where he resided all of his life, except
two years when he lived near Goshen, Ind., and one year in Aurora,
Ohio. Some time in June last he had a stroke of paralysis, which
rendered him very helpless for some time, but in time be gained
in health and he could use all but his left arm; finally he became
strong enough so he could go about, and in September he went to
Aurora, Ohio, to visit his oldest son. From there he went to Washington,
Pa., and stayed with his youngest son for a while, and then on
Dec. 3 he returned to Kokomo and stayed with his sister at the
home of Ananias Hensler, where he died Dec. 15, 1907, with a complication
of diseases, aged 63 Y., 2 M., 6 D. He was the father of eight
children, four boys and four girls. His wife and six children
preceded him to the spirit world; he leaves two sons, two brothers,
two sisters and a host of friends to mourn his departure. Funeral
services at the Zion M. H. on the 16th, conducted by Amos Kendall
from Rev. 14:13. Burial in the old Home Cemetery (Mast Cemetery).
G. W. North.
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.