Week 1: June 5, 1907, page 159 |
The Gospel Witness - Volume 3, Number 10 - June 5, 1907, page 159
BLOSSER.-Ada Margaret Blosser, wife of Bro. Amos H. Blosser and youngest daughter of Bro. Jacob D. and Barbara Suter, was born March, 1887, and died very unexpectedly at her home near New Erection, Rockingham Co., Va., from blood-poisoning, May 24, 1907; aged 20 y. 2 m. 10 d. She leaves behind her a grief-strickenh usband, an infant but seven days old, a father and mother, five brothers and two sisters, all of whom attended the funeral except her brother Aldine who lives at South English, Iowa. From early maidenhood she lived a faithful member of the Mennonite Church. Funeral was held from Weavers M. H. on the evening of the 25, services by Samuel H. Rhodes and L. J. Heatwole from Matt. 24:44.
LEHMAN.-Sister Nancy Lehman, widow of Jacob Lehman, who had
been living with Bro. Amos Risser's died, Sunday, May 12; aged
77y. 5m. 6d. She was a sister that endured many tribulations;
she buried her four children in two weeks, three of them in one
day, and twenty-two years ago her husband died also. Since then
she has been blind for several years but her sight had been partly
restored again, but with all her sorrow and pain we believe she
put her trust in the Lord and remained faithful unto the end.
Funeral was held on the 16, in the Elizabethtown Church by John
Ebersole, Henry Musser and Levi Ebersole. Text, Rev. 7:13-17.
Week 2: June 12, 1907, page 175, 176 |
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The Gospel Witness - Volume 3, Number 11 - June 12, 1907, page 175, 176
HIGH:-David High died near Masontown, Pa., of dropsy, on June 3, 1907; aged 73 y. 10 m. 2 d. Deceased was a member of the Mennonite Church. Funeral services were held on June 5, by Abram Metzler of Martinsburg, Pa. Text, II Cor. 5:1, having been selected by the brother shortly before his death. Interment in the cemetery adjoining the church.
SPEICHER.-On May 26, 1907. Bro. John Speicher died at the home of Bro. Silas Thomas, near Connor, Pa., aged 85y. 7m. 11d. He had his home with his daughter, Mrs. Josiah Harshberger at Boswell. He came to the Thomas District to attend communion services on the 19, at which time he communed with the brethren and sisters for the last time on earth. He visited friends in that vicinity and left the home of Levi M. Thomas in good spirits on Wednesday, May 22, but said his days were few. He came to the home of Bro. Silas J. Thomas and soon took sick and died on the 26. He was a member of the Mennonite Church for a number of years. His wife died Jan. 20, 1905. He is survived by a son and several daughters to mourn, but not without hope. He was buried on the 28, at the Thomas Church. Funeral services were conducted by S. G. Shetler, James Saylor and L. A. Blough. Text, Gen. 40:7: "Wherefore look ye so sadly today?"
KEFOVER.-Elmer Lloyd Kefover was born Nov. 14, 1899; died May 25, 1907; aged 7y. 6m. 11d. One of the bright flowers of our Sunday school was called away. A wave of sadness was felt among the little classmates. The remains were laid to rest in the church cemetery. Funeral services were conducted by J. A. Brilhart from I Cor. 15.
SCHERTZ.-Homer, infant son of Peter Schertz of near Manson, Ia., died May 29, 1907; aged ly. 3m. 4d. Little Homer appeared well and strong when the family retired, but on awakening in the morning his mother found him dead. His sudden death reminds us of the uncertainty of life. May God comfort the sorrowing hearts with the thought of meeting their loved one over yonder in the mansions above. Funeral services were held at the Cedar Creek Mennonite Church on May 31, by D. D. Zehr. Text, II Sam. 12:22, 23.
ZIMMERMAN.-Nora, the youngest child of Bro. Moses and Sister
Fianna Zim merman of Honey Brook, Pa., died May 29, 1907; aged
9m. 6d. Though a child yet she was patient In her sickness from
measles and pneumonia. Nora was a bright little girl. Her quiet
and cheerful demeanor caused them to sorrow greatly when she was
called away. Funeral services were conducted by Bro. Sauders and
Bro. Witmer on June 1, at 9:30 at the house and 2:00 p. m. at
the Weaverland Church.
In blooming youth 'twas snatched away,
By death's resistless hand;
But, oh, how glad when Jesus came,
To greet her in that happy land.
LOUCKS.-Susanna (Ramer) Loucks, wife of Pre. Jonas Loucks, died very suddenly at her home near Wakarusa, Ind., May 28, 1907, aged 40y. 8m. 20d. Sister Loucks rose in the morning and, by the help of Bro. Loucks dressed herself, when she, for some cause, was overcome and fell back on the bed, remarking that she thought she would die, and in a short time passed away. She leaves a husband, a daughter ten days old, two brothers and many more distant relatives. She was buried at Yellow Creek, May 30, where a large concourse of people assembled to pay the last tribute of respect to the departed sister and to show their sympathy to the bereaved friends. Funeral services were conducted by Jacob K. Bixler, John Martin and J. W. Christopher from I Sam. 20:3. "There is but a step between me and death."
LEHMAN.-Near Strasburg, Pa., May 18, of cancer of the stomach,
Bro. Abram M. Lehman died: aged 57 y. l0in. 9d. Bro. Lehman was
born and raised in Cumberland Co., Pa., near Bloserville. He moved
to Franklin Co. about ten years ago. He united with the Mennonite
Church 30 years ago. About a year later he was united in marriage
to Sister Mattie Cockley of the same county. To this marriage
were born three daughters: Sadie, wife of James Jones of Chambersburg;
Annie C. and Fannie D. at home, all of whom with their mother
survive him. The family has lost an affectionate father and the
church one who was ever at his place and ready to assist in praising
the Lord. Our loss is, we believe, his eternal gain. Funeral services
on May 21, by Bro. Henry Bricker at the home and by brethren Abram
and George Ernst at the church from II Cor. 5:1, 17, 18 as selected
by the departed.
Week 3: June 19, 1907, page 192 |
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The Gospel Witness - Volume 3, Number 12 - June 19, 1907, page 192
MOYER.-Aaron Moyer of near Cressman, Sask., died on May 21, 1907; aged 70 y. 13 d. Two years ago he moved out west with the Waterloo colony, from Ontario. Most of his lifetime was spent as a general merchant in New Dundee and Mildmay. Sad to say, his life was not spent in the service of the Lord. During his sickness he accepted the claims of Christ. Funeral services were held by Pre. Poole at the house and at the church by E. S. Hallman and Pre. Gehrbrandt. Texts, Psalm 39:4 and I Samuel 20:3.
METZLER.-Pre. Noah Metzler was born in Mahoning Co., Ohio,
April 26, 1854, and died in Elkhart Co., Ind., June 2, 1907; aged
53y. 1m. 6d. Some time ago he was very sick, but had so far recovered
that he preached occasionally. On the day of his death he was
preaching at the Yellow Creek M. H. After speaking about 20 minutes,
he said he did not feel well and made the remark, "I hope
to meet you all in heaven," which were his last public words.
He sat down, but soon after left the room, and when followed by
his wife and a few others was found in an almost helpless condition.
When asked what the trouble was, he said he thought it was paralysis.
He was carried to a house nearby, where in a few hours death overtook
him. His last text was Gen. 3:6, 7. He was united in matrimony
to Nancy Hartman, Dec. 24, 1874. To this union were born seven
children. William Henry preceded him to the spirit world. The
living are, John, Sarah, Lizzie, Ellen, Nettie and Emma. He also
leaves eight grandchildren, two sisters, five brothers, and a
bosom companion to mourn their loss, besides a lot of friends.
In the year 1875 he was converted and united with the Mennonite
Church. In 1880 he was ordained to the ministry by Bish. Jacob
Beutler. In his public ministrations he was faithful and labored
earnestly for the glory of God and the uplifting of his fellowmen.
For a number of years he labored in evangelistic work. His remains
were taken to his home, in Nappanee, Ind., where on June 5, the
funeral services were held. The text chosen by the family was
II Tim. 4:7, 8. The services in the meetinghouse were conducted
by Jas. H. McGowen, Jacob K. Bixler and David Burkholder, while
an overflow meeting was held nearby from a porch by I. W. Royer
and J. F. Brunk. His remains were laid to rest in the cemetery
at the Brick M. H., northeast of Nappanee. The church keenly feels
its loss, but our loss is his gain.
Jacob K. Bixler.
Week 4: June 26, 1907, page 208 |
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The Gospel Witness - Volume 3, Number 13 - June 26, 1907, page 208
SUMNER.--Elizabeth Sumner died near Carver, Mo., on June 12,
1907, aged 84 y. 5 m. 17 d. She was a Christian. The Bible was
her text book in school. She was a patient sufferer, having been
afflicted with spinal trouble for a number of years. She was a
mother to the motherless and a friend to the friendless, always
ready to lend a helping hand to the needy and distressed. She
was ready to meet her Savior and longed for the messenger to come.
She leaves two sons and two daughters and many friends to mourn
her departure.
D. W.
ROPP.-Catharine Ropp was born April 6, 1843; died May 21, 1907: aged 64y. 1m. 15d. She leaves a sorrowing husband, six sons, and twelve grandchildren to mourn her departure. Sister Ropp accepted her Savior in her youth and united with the Amish Mennonite Church, and lived a faithful Christian life till she was called from this world to a better one; therefore we need not mourn as those who have no hope. Funeral at Pleasant Grove, near Tremont, Ill. Services were conducted by J. C. Birkey, Peter D. Schertz and Joseph Burcky. Rest in peace.
DURR.-Jacob J. Durr, youngest brother of Bish. J. N. Durr, died very suddenly of apoplexy at his home near Carmichaels, Pa., on June 17, 1907; aged 47 y., his death occurring on his birthday. He was born, raised and died on the old Durr homesteaded in Greene Co. He was a member of the Mennonite Church. He is survived by a wife, two brothers, two sisters and many other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held on June 20, conducted by A. D. Martin. Text at the house, John 14:1. The remains were taken to Masontown where another service was held at the church by Bro. Martin, using Psa. 90:12 as a text. Interment in the cemetery adjoining.
STUTZMAN.-Barbara Stuckey was born in Canada, May 8, 1829,
and was married to Michael Stutzman on April 12, 1849. To this
union were born twelve children. Her husband with five of the
children preceded her to the spirit world. Those who survive her
are Lizzie Miller, Aline, Okla., Sarah Troyer, Douglas, Wyo.,
Tena Spangler, Geneva, Neb., Anna Yoder, Topeka, Ind., Fannie
Hartzler, Goshen, Ind., Joseph and David Stutzman, Boyne, Mich.
Her longing to depart and be with Christ was granted June 9, 1907.
She was aged 78 y. 1 m. 1 d. Funeral services were held at the
home of Bro. J. S. Hartzler, Parkside, Goshen, Ind., with whom
she had her home for a number of years. Bro. I. W. Royer preached
from Mark l0:44, The remains were then taken to Topeka and buried
in the Hawpatch Cemetery, where brief services were conducted
by the brethen(sic) A. J. Yantz and I. R. Detweiler. "Grand
ma," as she was known to all of us, was of a very quiet disposition
and lived a very exemplary life of piety and devotion
-R. S.
NEFF.-Christian M. Neff died at his home in Manor Twp.. Lancaster Co., Pa., June 10, 1907, in the 57, year of his age. Although Bro. Neff had not been well for several weeks his death, which was caused by neuralgia of the heart, came as a shock to the entire community. A sorrowing companion, an only son, two brothers, two sisters, and a host of friends mourn his departure, but not as those who have no hope. Bro. Neff was for many years a member of the Mennonite Church and his place at Masonville was seldom vacant. He was one of the trustees for a number of years and his advice and help will be greatly missed. He was always willing to do what he could and had a pleasant word for all. When he knew death was approaching he said to his family, "You can help me no longer, pray for me," then with a few words of prayer, he calmly fell asleep in Jesus. We can not understand why one, who was so much needed, should be called away, but knowing that God doeth all things well, we pray for grace to say, "Thy will be done.' The funeral, which was very largely attended, was held on the 18, at the Masonville Church. Preaching by the brethren Abram Herr, Peter Ebersole and Henry Haverstick. Interment in the adjoining cemetery.
BURKHOLDER.-David Burkholder of near New Erection, Rockingham Co., Va., departed this life June 10, 1907, after a period of consumption that continued for nearly a year. He was born in the year 1830 and hence was 76 years old. From early life he was a consistent member of the Mennonite Church, and one among the most regular attendants for worship at the Weavers M. H. Even when more or less enfeebled because of failing health his place at church was not vacant until within the period of the past 6 or 8 months. He is survived by his wife, one son and three daughters. Funeral for Weavers on the 11, by S. H. Rhodes and C. Good.
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.