Witness - Volume 3, Number 45 - February 5, 1908, pages, 719
and 720
AHL.-At her home near Wadsworth, Medina Co., O., Jan. 21, 1908, Savilla Leatherman Ahl died; aged 47 y. 6 m. 20 d. She was married to Philip Ahl Jan. 18, 1880. The fruit of this union was two children. Funeral services were held at the Bethel Church near Wadsworth, O., on Jan. 23, by I. J. Buchwalter and N. A. Lind.
CRESSMAN.-Edwin C. Cressman was born July 26, 1856; died Jan. 15, 1908, at his home near Line Lexington, Bucks Co., Pa. of typhoid pneumonia. He leaves a widow, two sons and one daughter to mourn their loss. Funeral services were held on Jan. 18, 1908, at the Hiltown Lutheran Church, of which the deceased was a member, by P. A. Behler from the text, Deut. 33:27. Funeral was largely attended. Aged 5ly. 5m. 19d.
LONGENECKER.-Sister Ellie S. (Brubaker) Longenecker, wife of Bro. Ephraim Longenecker, died January 15, 1908; aged 34y. 4m. She leaves a husband and five children to mourn the loss of a kind wife and loving mother but we do not mourn as those that have no hope. She will be sadly missed in the home and by her neighbors and friends for she was always ready to help those in want or trouble. Funeral services were held at the Elizabethtown Mennonite Church by Bishop John Ebersole, Pre. Samuel Oberholtzer and Pre. I. B. Good. Text, II Timothy 4;7:8.
RUTH.-On Jan. 19, 1908, near Line Lexington, Pa., of pneumonia, Sister Amanda, wife of Isaiah C. Ruth, died; aged 39y. 2m. 19d. She had been sick two weeks. She had been a consistent and faithful worker in the church and Sunday school where she will be greatly missed, as well as at home, where she leaves a husband, four sons and her aged mother to mourn their loss. Funeral on Jan. 23, at Line Lexington M. H. Services at the home by Christian Allebach, at the church by A. O. Histand and John Rosenberger. Text, Heb. 1:9. The meeting house was filled with sorrowing friends and neighbors.
WALTER.-George Walter was born in Bucks Co., Pa., May 12, 1842, and was married to Maria Sanpey on April 4, 1868 and lived in the bonds of matrimony for nearly 40 years. They were blessed with four children, 1 son and 3 daughters, all of which survive. He died January 21, 1908, from the effects of a stroke of paralysis, which he had the evening before; from which he never regained consciousness; aged 65y. 8m. 9d. Funeral services were held Jan. 24, 1908, at the house by bishop Jonas Mininger; at the church by bishops Henry Rosenberger and Samuel Detwiler. Text, Matt. 25:21. He was ordained and served as deacon in the Mennonite Church at Line Lexington, Pa., for about 29 years. On account of a raging snow-storm and drifted roads, many people were unable to attend the funeral.
MURRAY-Sarah Murray died at her home in Uniontown, Pa., Jan. 18, 1908; aged 82y. 9m. 21d. She was born near Masontown, Pa., Mar. 27, 1825, and was the daughter of Jacob and Susannah Johnson, who were among the early German settlers of Fayette Co. She was twice married, her first husband being Peter Reist, who died in 1861. Eleven children were born to this union, of which seven survive. In 1872 she was married the second time to John F. Murray who died July 14, 1890. During the last two years of her life she lived with her son, J. J. Reist, at Uniontown, Pa. Deceased was a member of the Mennonite Church from her early youth. Funeral services were held on Jan. 20, by J. N. Durr of Martinsburg, Pa., and Aaron Loucks of Scottdale, Pa. Text, II Tim. 4:6-8. Interment in the Oak Grove Cemetery.
SMELTZER.-Maynard Marland, son of Pre. Aaron and Sister Lizzie Smeltzer was born July 16, 1905; died Jan. 16, 1908; aged 2y. 6m. He was attacked by spasmodic croup which took away the little blossom of the home. He was a very bright and pleasant child and the deeply bereaved family has the sympathies of all the neighbors and friends as well as the blessed consolation that they mourn not as those who have no hope. While on his death-bed Jesus revealed Himself to him in a mysterious way, and he called his mamma, saying, "Jesus knocks; don't you hear him. I see Him. Here He is." This proves to be one of the many cases in which it pleased God to hide these things from the wise and prudent and reveal them unto babes. Funeral services were held in the Nappanee Church on Sunday, Jan. 19, by the brethren J. H. McGowan from Mark 10:14 and David Burkholder from Luke 8:52 and Rev. 21:4. The funeral was largely attended. Burial took place at the Olive Church Cemetery.
MILLER.-Magdalena Miller, nee Frey, was born in Holmes Co., Ohio, May 12, 1832; died Jan. 22, 1908 in Howard Co., Ind., aged 75 y. 8 m. 10 d. She was married to Daniel C. Miller Jan. 1, 1854. To this union were born six children, three sons and three daughters, one son and two daughters preceded her to the spirit world. She united with the A. M. Church in early life and lived a devoted and consistent Christian life until death. She leaves two brothers, three children, eleven grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her departure, but they need not mourn as those who have no hope. She was a kind mother in the home and a good counselor and was always ready to help where help was needed. She always filled her place in the church as long as health permitted. Funeral services were held at the A. M. Church on Jan. 24, by N. M. Slabaugh from I Peter 1:3,4 before a large concourse of people. Buried by the side of her husband in the Mast cemetery. Peace to her ashes. G.W.N.
by: Nancy Regan, Washington
WEBER.-Fred. Alvin Weber was born Feb. 11, 1907, died Feb. 1, 1908; aged 11 m. 21 d. We could not wish little Freddie back again, though he was a bright little jewel. We believe he has better associates now. Funeral services were held at the Science Ridge Mennonite Church near Sterling, Ill., conducted by J. M. Nunemaker and A. C. Good. Text, Luke 18:16.
YODER.-Levi J. Yoder died of consumption at his home near Shipshewana, Ind., on Jan. 28, 1908; aged 56y. 3m. 3d. He leaves a sorrowing companion, four sons and four daughters to mourn his departure. Funeral services were held at the Shore M. H. by Josiah J. Stiller, from Matt. 25:31,32, and Y. C. Miller, from John 16:33. A large concourse of people attended the funeral.
HOAK.-Jonathan Hoak died at his home near Morrison, Ills., Jan. 25, 1908, of heart failure and dropsy; aged 67y. 9m. 27d. He was found dead in bed beside his wife and had apparently died without a struggle. He was married Dec. 28, 1865, to Mary Picke. They lived in Pennsylvania until 1867 when they moved to Illinois. Thirteen years ago he lost his eye sight; he then gave up farming and ran a country store. He was the father of ten children, two sons and eight daughters. A wife and five daughters remain to mourn the loss of a loving husband and kind father. Funeral services were held at the Mennonite Church near Morrison on Jan. 27, conducted by Pre. Ladd of the Christian Church and Bish. John Nice. Text, I Sam. 20:3.
BONTRAGER.-Luella Fern, daughter of Pre. Eli and Katie
Bontrager of Fairview, Mich., passed away on Feb. 3, 1908, after
a short siege of pneumonia: aged 7 m. 20 d. She leaves her deeply
sorrowing parents, seven brothers and one sister. The family have
the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement. Although
she is missed here, we know she is smiling with the angels in
heaven. Funeral services were conducted at the Fairview Church
by Menno Esch. Text, Psa. 16:6. Interment in cemetery near by.
"God needed one more angel child
Amidst His shining band,
And so He bent, with loving smile,
And clasped our darling's hand."
CONRAD-John Conrad was born in Wayne Co., Ohio, May 30, 1824; died Jan. 20, 1908; aged 83y. 7m. 20d. In 1854 he came to Iowa, and in 1855 moved on the farm where he lived till death. In his young years he accepted Christ as his Savior and identified himself with the A. M. Church and remained a faithful member till God called him hence. He leaves a sorrowing wife 4 sons and 2 daughters to mourn his departure. He also leaves 31 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren, and a host of friends and neighbors who feel the loss of one whom they learned to love; but we need mourn as those who have no hope, and expect to meet again in the better land. Funeral services were held at the Sugar Creek Church, interment in the cemetery near by.
NUNEMAKER-Emma N. (Rutt) Nunemaker, was born near Mt.
Joy, Lancaster Co., Pa., July 24, 1873. At the age of 7 years
she, with her parents, moved to Sterling. Ill. On Oct. 17, 1895,
she was united in marriage to Edgar N. Nunemaker. She departed
this life Jan. 29, 1908; aged 32 y. 6 m. 5 d. She leaves to mourn
her early departure a sorrowing husband and five little girls,
the youngest only four years old. We mourn not as those who have
no hope. Sister Emma lived a devoted Christian life. She always
found comfort and consolation in prayer, and her place was seldom
vacant at church. The church has lost a devoted sister, the husband
a tender bosom companion, the children a loving and kind mother.
Funeral services were held at the Science Ridge Church on Feb.
2, where a large concourse of people gathered to pay the last
tribute of respect to one they loved so dearly.
Services were conducted by A. C. Good, Text, Phil. 1:21.
RENNINGER.-Abram Renninger of Mattawana, Pa., died at
Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 30, 1908; aged 42y. 2m. 16d. Bro. Renninger
was taken to the hospital during the latter part of February,
1907, to be treated for appendicitis, remaining nearly four months.
The operation was not successful, and after nine months he was
again taken to the hospital for treatment, but his condition was
such that nothing could be done for him. He passed out of this
life full of hope and resting on the promises of God. Five years
ago he gave his heart and service to the Master and remained a
faithful follower of Jesus until death. He was honest and upright
and of a kind, loving disposition. He endured his afflictions
with patience and Christian fortitude and while he had a desire
to live longer and return to his beloved companion, yet he was
fully resigned to the will of the Father. Funeral services at
the Pine Glen (Brethren) Church by S. K. Yoder, from II Cor. 5:1,
and J. E. Kauffman, from I Pet. 1:4.
by: Nancy Regan, Washington
MILNOR.-Bertha Wenut was born in Moniteau Co., Mo., Oct. 14, 1887. Married about a year ago to ----- Milnor. Died, Feb. 5, 1908. She leaves husband, father, mother, two sisters, and many friends to mourn her early departure. Buried at Flag Spring Cemetery. May God comfort the bereaved.
HONSAKER.-Anna Marie, infant child of Bro. Leslie and Sister Iona Honsaker, Martinsburg, Pa., died Jan. 22, 1908; aged l0m. 2d. Funeral at the home on Jan. 24. Burial in the cemetery near by. The father, mother, two brothers and a little sister mourn her early departure. May God comfort them. She has only gone before. Funeral conducted by Abram Metzler and J. N. Durr. Text, Rom. 8:28.
LAPE.-Bro. Jacob Lape of Davidsville, Pa., was born Jan. 24, 1845; died Feb. 3, 1908; aged 63 y. 9 d. He leaves a loving wife, 5 children and a host of friends to mourn his death. He was a member of the Mennonite Church for 36 years. Bro. Lape was always faithful. About 2 years ago paralysis took hold on his body. He patiently endured all. Funeral at the Blough M. H. Services by S. D. Yoder, L. A. Blough and S. Layman. Peace to his ashes.
WEAVER.-Peter Weaver was born near Berlin, Holmes Co., Ohio, Sep. 2, 1842; died in Clackamas Co., Oreg., Jan. 26, 1908; aged 63 y. 4 m. 27 d. In 1868 he was married to Catharine Yoder; to this union were born two sons and three daughters, all of whom, with his wife, are left to mourn his departure. Bro. Weaver was a member of the Mennonite Church. Funeral services were conducted by L. J. Yoder and J. D. Mishler. Interment in Hopewell Cemetery.
NETTROUER. -Bro. Samuel Nettrouer died in Newton, Kans.,
of stomach and heart trouble Feb. 9, 1908; aged 57 y. 9 m. 13
d. During his sickness which lasted thirty days Bro. Nettrouer
suffered great pain but he bore it all patiently, saying that
Jesus had suffered much for him. Funeral services were conducted
at the house by T. M. Erb. Text, II Cor. 5:9,10; and at the Pennsylvania
M. H. near Trousdale, by D. D. Zook. Text, I Cor. 15:54,55.
A precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in the home,
Which never can be filled.
R. J. H
CUSTER.-Bro. Peter S. Custer of Somerset Co., Pa., was born Jan. 6, 1880; died Jan. 26, 1908; aged 28 y. 20 d. Bro. Custer was a member of the Mennonite Church for a number of years, and had gained many friends to mourn his early departure. He leaves a wife, father, mother, brothers, besides a host of relatives and friends. Consumption had taken hold of his body. When he saw his end was coming he expressed himself ready. We need not mourn without hope. Services were conducted by James Saylor and Pre. Berkey. Buried at the Mt. Zion Lutheran Church.
MARTIN.-Noah, son of Noah and Fannie Martin, of near Reid, Md., died Feb. 8, 1908; aged ly. 19d. He was stricken with pneumonia and spasms. Burial at the Paradise M. H. Services by Pre. Daniel Strite and Bish. Geo. Keener.
Our Noah is gone, his sufferings are over,
No more pain for him to bear.
The angels have come to take him over;
There'll be no more sorrow there.
We miss his voice, his playful hand;
Home seems dark since he is gone;
There is a break in our domestic band,
But Noah is now in the heavenly home.
We do not wish to call him back
Into this world of pain;
We will trust in God, and by His grace,
We'll meet our babe again.
By His Grandmother.
by: Nancy Regan, Washington
Gospel Witness - Volume 3, Number 48 - February 26, 1908, pages 767 and 768
BUR.-Bro. Christian Bur was born March 28, 1857; died Feb 9, 1908: aged 50 y. 10 m. 11 d. Bro. Bur united with the Swiss Mennonite Church in his youth. He was buried in the Smyrna Congregational Cemetery. Services by-Geiger in German and A. P. Troyer in English from Isa. 38:1, "Set thine house in order, for thou shalt die."
FLICKINGER.-Lafayette Flickinger died at the home of his son near Arendtsville, Pa., Jan. 25, 1908; aged 77 y. 2 m. 20 d. He leaves two sons, one daughter, one brother and two sisters to mourn his departure. Funeral services were held Jan. 28, at the Mummasburg M. H. Burial in the Mummasburg graveyard. Bro. Jacob F. Bucher conducted the services. Text, Gen. 46:30.
WISLER.-Pre. Martin Wisler died of bronchial pneumonia at the home of his son-in-law, Bro. David F. Batterman, near Mummasburg, Pa. He was born Feb. 4, 1834; died Feb. 7, 1908; aged 74 y. 4d. Bro. Wisler was in the ministry about 35 years. He leaves one daughter and one sister to mourn his departure. Funeral was held Feb. 11, Pre. Aaron Harnish of Baumgardner, Lancaster Co., Pa., conducting the services at the house, and Pre. Jacob F. Bucher and Bish. Abraham B. Herr of New Danville, Lancaster Co., Pa., at the church. Text, II Tim. 5:6,7,8. Buried in the Mummasburg Cemetery. Peace to his ashes.
CRIPE.-On Feb. 14, 1908, near Millersburg, Ind., of catarrhal fever, Riley, youngest son of Benjamin and Emma Cripe, died; aged 3 m. 23 d. Parents, 2 brothers and 4 sisters are left to mourn the departure of little darling Riley, who has only budded on earth to bloom in in heaven, and may this with the thought of meeting him where parting is unknown and where joy flows in fulness be the comfort of those who weep.
"God needed one more angel child,
Amidst his shining band,
And so He bent, with loving smile,
And clasped our darling's hand."
KOCH.-John Koch was born in Markham Twp., York Co., Ont.; died at his late residence near Markham, Feb. 10, 1908; aged 85 y. l m.14 d. Bro. Koch was for the greater part of his life a member of the Mennonite Church where he always manifested a deep interest for his Master. In faith and practice he was a pillar in the church. He was first married to Hannah Lehman and after her decease to Mary Wideman. His second wife preceded him a little over two years ago. Bro. Koch kept his bed for a year before his death and peacefully passed away from effects of old age. The funeral was held on Feb. 12, at the Wideman Church where a large number of friends and neighbors assembled to show a last tribute of respect. Services were conducted, according to Bro. Koch's request, by S. R. Hoover and L. J. Burkholder. Text, Job 5:26.
JOHNS.-John Johns was born in Somerset Co., Pa., Jan. 20, 1823; died of the infirmities of old age at the home of his son-in-law, Peter C. Schrock near Wauseon, Ohio, Feb. 10, 1908; aged 84 y. 20 d. He united with the A. M. Church at the age of 19. On Nov. 17, 1844, he was united in marriage with Catharine Yoder, who survives him. They lived together in this holy bond 63 y. 2 m. 23 d., and were blest with 7 children, 51 grandchildren and 36 great-grand-children. One son and four daughters survive him. In Oct. 1865, he moved with his family to La Grange Co., Ind., and in 1902, realizing that the cares of looking after a farm were too heavy for him, he sold his farm and moved on a lot near Goshen, Ind. In July, 1907 they made their home with their daughter, Lena, where on the above date he fell peacefully asleep in the blessed hope of being with Christ, "which is far better." Funeral on Feb. 12, at the Central Church. Services by D. J. Wyse from II Tim. 4:7,8, and by Christian Freyenberg from Jno. 5:24,25.
YODER.-Kathryn, daughter of Sister Eri Yoder, died of
walking typhoid fever at Goshen, Ind., where she attended school,
Feb. 12, 1908; aged 18 y. 11 m. 19 d. She united with the Mennonite
Church when eleven years old, and remained a faithful member until
she fell asleep in Jesus. After funeral services were held at
Goshen College on Feb. 13, her remains were brought to her home
near West Liberty, O., accompanied by her mother and sister, Anna
who had been summoned to her bedside, but were not able to get
there until after the spirit had departed. The funeral was held
on the 16, at the Oak Grove Church, where services were conducted
by J. B. Smith and J. J. Warye. Interment in the Hooley cemetery.
Kathryn was a member of the Bethel congregation, and those who
worshiped with her will not soon forget how she would stand up
and give a few words of testimony at every service that was held,
and how the Christ-life shone out, not only through her actions
and conversation, but also through the very expression of her
countenance. Why God has seen best to remove from earth so early
in life one from whom we all had expected great service and usefulness
for years to come, we cannot now understand; but since He knoweth
best we meekly submit. We have the assurance that she is now at
rest in the realms of glory. Deceased was a sister to Mary Burkhard.
A. M.
KAUFFMAN.-Jennie May Kauffman was born Jan. 18, 1891;
died at the home of her father in McAlisterville, Pa., on Feb.
12, 1908; aged 17 y. 27 d. At the age of fourteen Jennie united
with the Mennonite Church of which she was a consistent member
till her death. She was not ashamed to let her light shine before
the world. She had been working in a factory in her home town
where a number of young folks worked and all spoke well of her.
Her employers expressed themselves to the writer that they all
liked Jennie and will miss her very much. On the day of the funeral
the factory was closed and they came to the funeral. She will
be missed in the home and in the church as well; being blessed
with the talent of song her voice was an inspiration in the church
service. Her seat at church was seldem vacant, but we believe
our loss is her gain. She leaves a sorrowing father and stepmother,
three step-brothers and two step-sisters. Her mother and one sister
having preceded her to the spirit world. Interment in the Lauver
Cemetery near Evendale, Feb. 15, where services were conducted
by Samuel Leiter and W. G. Sieber. Text. John 11:28. May our Heavenly
Father comfort the bereaved ones and help us all to live closer
to Him who said. "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee."
W. G. S.
HANSAKER.-John J. Hansaker was born in Fayette Co., Pa., Oct. 4, 1846; died at Martinsburg, Blair Co., Pa., Feb. 12, 1908: aged 61 y. 4. m. 8 d. He was married to Sarah Longenecker, his now much bereaved widow. To this union were born nine children, seven sons and two daughters, all of whom are living. Bro. Hansaker united with the Mennonite Church, Feb. 4, 1872, and had always manifested an interest in the principles and doctrines of the church, especially so in his latter days. He was much interested in the welfare of his family, often visiting his children near his home, admonishing them to remain steadfast in the faith and doctrines of the church. He lived to see his entire family become members of the church of the same faith, which was a comfort to him in his death. On the morning of the day of his death he arose as usual, attended to the fire in the furnace, and then sat down to eat his breakfast. While eating he was seized with an attack of paralysis and became unconscious. He rallied from this attack and was conscious for about an hour, during which time he talked to the family who were present, again admonishing them to live right and leaving the evidence of the hope of the life which is to come. He then had a second attack from which he never regained consciousness and at 5:10 p. m. he peacefully fell asleep to wake in the resurrection morn. Besides the widow and nine children he leaves eight grandchildren, four brothers and many relatives and friends to mourn his sudden departure. This is another warning of the uncertainty of life and the need of being ready. Our sympathies go out to the bereaved ones. Funeral services were held Saturday morning in the German Baptist Church by Abram Metzler and J. N. Durr, assisted by Fred Zook of the German Baptist Congregation. Text, Deut. 33:27. Interment in the Spring Hope Cemetery at Martinsburg, Pa.
HEATWOLE. -On Feb. 14, 1908, Margaret Heatwole, widow of Manassas Heatwole, departed this life at her home one mile south of Dale Enterprise, Rockingham Co., Va., at the age of 63 y. 10 m. 18 d. She was for the past year or more sorely afflicted with the dreaded disease, consumption. This together with an affection of the heart often rendered her bodily afflictions doubly trying, but she bore all with patience and fortitude. Funeral and interment was held at the Weaver M. H. on Sunday, Feb. 16, conducted by J. S. Martin and Jos. F. Heatwole. Peace to her memory.
Transcribed by: Nancy Regan, Washington