Gospel Herald Obituaries - July, 1920

| Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 |

Gospel Herald - Volume XIII, Number 14 - July 1, 1920 - Page 271

Hepler. - Bessie, youngest daughter of John and Katie Hepler of Aurora, Oregon, died of scarlet fever June 13, 1920, after an illness of nearly two weeks; aged 9 y. 6 m. 23 d. Short service at grave in cemetery near Aurora by Fred J. Gingerich.

Strubhar. - Hannah Yoder was born in Juniata Co., Pa., Oct. 7, 1841; died May 16, 1920, at her home near Hubbard, Oreg.; aged 78 y. 7 m. 9 d. She was the last one of the Joel Yoder family. She was married to Nicholas Strubhar in McLean Co., Ill., who preceded her to the spirit world. She leaves three sons and one adopted daughter. She became a member of the A. M. Church in youth and remained faithful until death. Funeral services conducted by Dan Erb and E. Z. Yoder at the Zion A. M. Church. Text, Psa. 115:15. Remains laid to rest in cemetery nearby.

Yoder. - Mattie Yoder (nee Albrecht), second wife of Dan K. Yoder, was born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Oct. 25, 1861; died at her home near Pigeon, Mich., May 16, 1920; aged 58 y. 6 m. 21 d. Most of her life was of sickness. Had been bothered with stomach and liver trouble. The last few weeks of her life she suffered much. She was a member of the Pigeon River Church and was there when health permitted. She leaves husband and step-daughter (Mrs. Menno Zehr), six sisters, and three brothers. Funeral services were held May 19 by Bros. S. J. Swartzendruber and Jacob S. Yoder.

Harnish. - Lizzie K., widow of Amos K. Harnish, was born Apr. 14, 1853; died May 28, 1920; aged 67 y. 1 m. 14 d. Her death came very suddenly. She was struck by a trolley car and lived only a few hours. This was a great shock to family and neighborhood. She is survived by three sons, two daughters, two brothers, and one sister. She was a member of the Mennonite Church for many years. Funeral services were held from her late home near Lancaster, Pa., also at Byerland Church at which place she was laid to rest. Services conducted by Bros. Aaron B. Harnish and Jacob Thomas.

Martin. - Susan Baghman was born in Stark Co., Ohio, April 10, 1848; died in Portland, Oreg., March 24, 1920. She was left an orphan at the age of five years and was brought up by her uncle; was baptized in 1865; united in marriage to John Z. Martin, June 28, 1866, at Indianapolis, Ind. In 1870 they moved to Pennsylvania, where they remained for seventeen years, then moved to Kansas. In 1892 they moved to Portland, Oreg., and later to Hubbard, Oreg., where they lived since. Sister Martin was the mother of a large family, all of whom with her companion survive her. Funeral services were conducted by A. P. Troyer and S. E. Long.

Yoder. - Barbara, daughter of Gabriel and Barbara Yoder, the last one of the family of nine children (excepting I. Z. Yoder of Cass Co., Mo.) died June 12, 1920, at the home of A. D. Byler, in Belleville, Pa.; aged 73 y. 5 m. 23 d. She was born in Lawrence Co., Pa., later moved with her parents to Mifflin Co., Pa., where she resided until her death. She was never married. She united with the Amish Mennonite Church in her youth and continued faithful to the end. She was sick for three weeks, during which she suffered much pain, but bore it all patiently. She will be missed in the church and in the community. Funeral services by C. D. and S. W. Peachey. Interment in the Amish cemetery south of Belleville. Peace to her ashes.
A. D. B.

Fisher. - Susie S. Fisher (Lapp), beloved wife of Isaac L. Fisher, was born Dec. 1, 1864; died of heart failure June 18, 1920; aged 55 y. 6 m. 17 d. She was united in matrimony to Isaac L. Fisher on Jan. 8, 1889. This union was blest with 12 children (John B., Fanny, Emma, Amos, Elam, Naomi, Barbara, Mary, Susie, Isaac, Annie, and an infant who preceded her to the great beyond); also 7 brothers and 4 sisters. She leaves husband, 9 children, and 2 sisters. She united with the A. M. Church in her young years and remained faithful to the end. The community feels that the earthly presence of a sister and friend is gone and that the number was enlarged in heaven. Funeral services at her late home Jun 32, by ____ Miller and Benuel Stoltzfus. Text, Rev. 7:1-17.
Oh can it be that she has left us
She who always had a smile
Yes she has gone but soon we'll meet her
'Twill only be a little while.
By a friend.

Frank. - Anna Beatrice, daughter of Christian F. and Elizabeth Shank, was born near Singers Glen, Va., Dec. 15, 1874; died in Lima, Ohio, June 5, 1920; aged 45 y 5 m. 20 d. On March 20, 1900, she was united in marriage with Jacob T. Frank. To this union was born one son (Norman) who with the husband survives her. She also leaves four sisters, (Mrs. Laura Cassell, Mrs. Ada Bowers, Mrs. Ida Perkins, Mrs. Minnie Armentrout) together with two aunts and other relatives and friends to mourn her departure. In early life she united with the United Brethren Church and remained a member until death. For several years she had been deprived of the privilege of attending public worship. However during her sickness she manifested a cheerful disposition, and said she was ready to go. Funeral services at Salem Church, June 7, conducted by Andrew Brenneman and Gabriel Brunk. Text. Jas. 4:14.
Andrew Brennemen

Yoder. - Ruth Irene, daughter of Bro. and Sister Menno J. Yoder, was born Jan. 1, 1906; died June 8, 1920; aged 14 y. 5 m. 7 d. Ruth was the oldest daughter and a real help to her parents in caring for the younger members of the family. She was always cheerful and happy, ready to help and do her best. She had already made many friends to herself who regret the seemingly untimely death, which was caused by an explosion of oil while in the act of starting fire in the stove to prepare the supper meal. She lived but about 7 hours after the sad accident occurred. In accordance with his wishes, Ruth was baptized and received into Church fellowship shortly before she died. She leaves father, mother, one brother, five sisters, and a large number of relatives and friends. Funeral at the Emma Mennonite Church where a large number gathered to pay the last tribute of respect conducted by A. S. Cripe and O. S.Hostetler.

Martin. - Adam B. Martin was born near Orrville, Ohio, April 4, 1844; died June 16, 1920, in Orrville, Ohio, at the home of his only son, David; aged 76 y. 2 m. 12 d. He was the son of David and Veronica Martin, the fifth of a family of eight children, all of whom preceded him in death. He with his companion cared for both his father and mother and one sister in their last days on earth. His first marriage was with Sarah Rosenberger. To them were born two daughters. One died in infancy the other at the early age of 5 years. The mother's death followed nearly fifty years ago. On Nov. 5, 1872, he was united in marriage with Barbara A. Butler. To them was born one son, David R., who with mother, wife, and two daughters (Mildred and Ellen) remain to mourn the departure of husband, father, and grandfather. He accepted Jesus as his personal Savior at about the age of 35 years and was taken into the followship of the Mennonite Church in the Martin's congregation near Orrville in which he held his membership until death. He was loyal to his church, faithful in the performance of duty, and practical in his Christian life. He served his church for many years as trustee and for more than 30 years cared for the cemetery nearby. He was a devoted companion, a loving father, ever ready to help the sick and patient in his own suffering. Just 24 hours before he went home he said, "I see it, it is bright and fair. Does mother see it?" Mother said, "See what?" He answered, "My heavenly home." Funeral services were held on June 19 at the home and the Martin's Church. Minister, I. J. Buckwalter, ____ Oswald, and I. W. Royer. Texts, 1 Cor. 15:3 and Rom. 5:8.
Say not, my soul, "From whence
Can God relieve my care?"
Remember that Omnipotence
Hath servants everywhere
. Lynch

Transcribed by Marie Fogelsinger, Michigan


Gospel Herald - Volume XIII, Number 15 - July 8, 1920 - Page 303

Loucks. - Aaron W. Loucks died at his home in Fall City, Neb., June 22, 1920, after an illness of one month, caused from purpeera hemorrhage. He was born Nov. 19, 1864, in Wakarusa, Ind. He is survived by his wife, 2 daughters, 1 son, and also his father, Isaac B. Loucks. Funeral services were held at the home June 25 in charge of ____ Reed. Interment in Steele Cemetery.

Werner. - Catharine Hoover, beloved wife of Geo. Werner, was born Sept. 28, 1843; died May 12, 1920, after a brief illness (which lasted only 3 days) of bronchial pneumonia; aged 77 y. 7 m. 14 d. She was married Apr. 14, 1863, and was a faithful companion, a kind and loving mother, till death separated her and those to whom she had so greatly endeared herself during her stay among us. There were added to this union, 6 sons and 3 daughters of whom three sons preceded her. She leaves a sorrowing husband, 3 sons, 3 daughters, and 17 grandchildren, besides a host of friends to await the time when they too will meet with mother in the spirit world. She was a devoted member of the Mennonite Church and her vacant seat is noticed because of her regular attendance at worship. Her body was laid to rest in the Lakeside Cemetery near Vineland, Ont., on May 14. Bros. S. F. Coffman using for a basis to his discourse 11 Cor. 5:8,9.
By the family.

Kennel. - Mattie Kennel was born Nov. 12, 1850; died June 17, 1920, at the home of her son Isaac near Atglen, Pa., from a complication of diseases; aged 69 y. 7 m. 5 d. Mother had been an invalid for 27 months not being able to walk but bore her suffering patiently and was always anxious to attend church services even though she had to be carried about. She greatly desired to depart from this life of suffering and be with Christ and we mourn not for her as those who have no hope. Her husband preceded her in death 18 years ago. One daughter also died in infancy. She is survived by six sons and one daughter, (Fannie, wife of Amos K. Mast), also 14 grandchildren and 3 adopted grandchildren. Funeral services held June 19, 1920, conducted at the house by Aaron Mast. Text, Job 7:16 and at Millwood church by John M. Stoltzfus, (Text, Phil. 3:21) and Amos B. Stoltzfus (Text, Isa. 49:13, last clause).
Sweet is the sleep our mother takes,
Till in Christ Jesus she awakes
Then will her happy soul rejoice,
To hear her blessed Savior's voice
. By her children.

Hershey. - Michael Hershey was born in Ontario, Canada, Jan 4, 1843; died May 18, 1920, at his home near Cherry Box, Mo.; aged 77 y. 4 m. 14 d. He was afflicted for some time with dropsy and kidney trouble, and was stricken with paralysis nine days before his death. He moved with his parents to Illinois and in October, 1869, he was married to Mariah Benner to which union were born five sons and four daughters. One son and two daughters preceded him in death. In the spring of 1870, he with his companion and a number of relatives, located near Cherry Box, Mo., in the vicinity of which he resided to the time of his death. At about the age of 40 he united with the Mennonite Church, of which he was a faithful member until death. He leaves his faithful companion, 4 sons, 2 daughters, 17 grandchildren, 2 brothers, 2 sisters and many other relatives and friends. Funeral services were conducted May 20, 1920, by Bros. Staffen of the Brethren Church at the home and by Bro. Ira. Buckwalter at the Mennonite Church. Text, John 14:1-4. Burial in the Mennonite and Brethren cemetery.

Transcribed by Marie Fogelsinger, Michigan


Gospel Herald - Volume XIII, Number 16 - July 15, 1920 - Page 319

Bare. - A little flower budded in the morning and folded its petals in the evening. Edith Rebecca, daughter of M. G. and Anna Bare and twin to Edwin Willard was born June 6, at Sedgwick, Kans,. and then went to meet two little brothers and Jesus in Heaven.

Downs. - Amanda Downs (nee Williams) was born Oct. 18, 1849; died June 30, 1920; aged 72 y. 7 m. 12 d. She retired the evening before in apparently good health, but never arose to see another daylight. This again shows us the brevity of life. Bros. J. D. Mininger conducted the funeral services at the Argentine Mission, of which she was a member.

Miner. - Joseph Miner was born in Alsace, France April 5, 1840; died near Creston, Mont., April 22, 1920; aged 80 y. 17 d. He was united in marriage to Fannie Eimen March 6, 1866, who departed from this life Sept. 20, 1899. He leaves 6 children, 46 grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren. He was ready to go home. Funeral at the Mountain View Church conducted by D. D. Kauffman and Bros. Harp.

Shipe. - Lottie (Bassette) Shipe was born in LaGrange Co., Ind., April 22, 1880, and died June 26, 1920. Dec. 4, 1898, she was married to Ellis Shipe. To this union were born 3 daughters (Verda, Nina, and Wilma) and one son (Dale) who preceded her in death. She leaves 3 daughters, 2 grandchildren, 3 brothers, 2 sisters, and many friends. Feb. 22, 1920, she confessed Christ as her Savior and wanted to unite with the Mennonite Church in Christ. In her life she exemplified the true mother heart in forgetting herself for the benefit of others. Funeral services were conducted at the Custer Church in De Kalb Co., Ind., by Silas Yoder and L. J. Lehman.

Musser. - Elizabeth Bell was born Jan. 1, 1846; died July 3, 1920; aged 74 y. 6 m. 2 d. She was married to James Musser March 31, 1870. They were childless but took a number of children in their home and reared them to manhood and womanhood. In early life she united with the United Brethren Church but about eleven years ago both Bro. and Sister Musser united with the Mennonite Church at Scottdale, Pa., She had been in failing health for a number of years, having several paralytic strokes. Funeral services July 4 at the Scottdale Mennonite church, conducted by Bro. J. A. Bessler, assisted by the other home ministers. Interment in Scottdale Cemetery.

Schrock. - David Schrock was born Nov. 13, 1851, in Elkhart Co., Ind.; died June 5, 1920; aged 67 y. 6 m. 23 d. Feb. 18, 1874, he was united in marriage with Mary Maurer, who with two sons (Ira and Clarence) and one daughter (Carrie) two grandsons, one granddaughter, two brothers, and two sisters survive. In 1875 he united with the Mennonite Church and lived a consistent life till death. The community and Church feel that they have lost the earthly presence of a brother and friend and that the number was enlarged in heaven. Funeral services at the Clinton Frame Mennonite Church conducted by Allen Yoder, Silas Yoder, and D. J. Johns. Burial at the Forest Grove Cemetery.

Chupp. - Sarah Ann, daughter of Bro. Eli D. and Katie Chupp, was born Dec. 13, 1899; died May 21, 1920; aged 20 y. 5 m. 8 d. She united with the Mennonite Church at Bloomfield, Mont., several years ago and for nearly two years was treasurer of our Sunday school. She is being greatly missed in the Church, Sunday school, home, and the community. She was suffering for some time of tuberculosis, but no one thought her condition very serious, as she seemed to be improving slowly. So death came as a shock to all of us. It was caused by hemorrhage of the lungs. Services were conducted at the home and Adams' school house by the writer. A large concourse of relatives and friends had gathered at both places to pay their last tribute of respect, after which her body was laid to rest in the cemetery near the above named school house.
Rhine W. Benner.

Schrock. - Jacob P. Schrock, was born in Wayne Co., Ohio, July 3, 1826; died June 21, 1920, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. S. D. Hershberger of near Middlebury, Ind.; aged 93 y. 11 m. 18 d. He was one of the pioneers of Elkhart Co., Ind., residing there since 1840. On Nov. 28, 1850, he was united in marriage to Lydia Miller, who died May 22, 1905. To this union were born four sons and two daughters. Two sons and one daughter preceded him. Surviving are two sons (Levi J. and Daniel) and one daughter (Mrs. S. D. Hershberger) 10 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. He was the last of a family of 10 children. He united with the Amish Mennonite Church in his youth and remained faithful to that faith to the end. Funeral services at the Forks Church on June 23 conducted by D. J. Johns and D. D. Miller.
Father thou art sweetly resting,
Here they toils and cares are o'er.
Pain and sickness, death and sorrow
Never can distress thee more

Mylin. - Samuel M. Mylin, son of the late Abram and Elizabeth Myers Mylin, was born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Nov. 30, 1841. He had been in failing health for quite a while, but was able to do his work. He died very suddenly Jun 8, 1920, of heart failure; aged 78 y. 6 m. 8 d. He lived in the same neighborhood his entire life. He was a member of the Mennonite Church. In Nov., 1870, he was united in matrimony to May Ann Breneman. This union was blest with 5 sons and 5 daughters. Two sons and 2 daughters preceded him to the great beyond. He leaves his companion, 6 children, 12 grandchildren, and 1 brother. He will be missed in the community. Short services at his home, June 11. Further services at Byerland M. H. by Bro. John K. Charles and Aaron Harnish. Text, Luke 43:23.
All is over, hands are folded
Over a quiet, peaceful breast;
All is over, pain is ended,
Now dear father is at rest
. By a daughter.

Shuh. - David Shuh was born near Kitchener, Ont., Mar. 11, 1851, where he lived and farmed the greater part of his life, but lived retired in Kitchener for a few years. His health had been failing for some time and he suffered a paralytic stroke several weeks ago so that his death was not unexpected and he passed peacefully away on Sunday night June 27, 1920; aged 69 y. 3 m. 16 d. Bro. Shuh was converted and joined the Mennonite Church nearly 50 years ago, since which time he lived an exemplary Christian life. The Church lost a strong pillar. He took an active interest in all church and Sunday school work and his advice was often sought after. He was a Church trustee for many years, as well as Sec-Treas. of the Mennonite Aid Union of Canada. He was married to Barbara Bowman who with 3 sons, 3 daughters, 12 grandchildren and 1 sister are left to mourn his departure. But they have the bright assurance that he has gone safely before. Funeral services were held June 30 at the First Mennonite Church in Kitchener, services being conducted by Bro. U. K. Weber.

Transcribed by Marie Fogelsinger, Michigan


Gospel Herald - Volume XIII, Number 17 - July 22, 1920 , Page 335

Schmucker. - Twila Mae, daughter of brother Noah and Sister Ella Schmucker, was born Feb. 15, 1919; died in the Cleveland Hospital, July 3, 1920; aged 1 y. 4 m. 18 d. She leaves father, mother, one brother (Myron), grandparents, and a host of relatives. Funeral services were conducted at the home by Alvin Hostetler and at the A. M. Church near Louisville, Ohio by John D. Miller.

Good. - Sister Ida M. Good died at her home near Gordonville, Pa., July 1, 1920; aged 18 y. 6 m. 29 d. Sister Ida was a faithful, loyal, and devoted member of the Mennonite Church at Weaverland, Pa., and a regular member at Lichty's Sunday school. She was sick for some time. Her kind parents did all they knew to have her health restored, but God's ways are not our ways. Funeral at Weaverland on July 4, when a large concourse of people was present. Services by Bros. Frank Hurst and Benj. Weaver. Text, 11 Cor. 5:1. Sister Ida was the ninth to pass away of the girls' Bible class in a very few years.
J. W. W.

Darkwood. - Martha (Symensma) Darkwood, was born in Friesland, Holland, Sept. 10, 1850; died June 26, 1920; aged 69 y. 9 m. 16 d. She came with her parents, John and Wiebrig Symensma, to American in 1853, and settled in the vicinity of New Paris, Ind. On Monday, June 12, 1871, she was united in marriage to Paul Darkwood at Goshen, Ind. To this union were born nine children (Anna, Nettie, James, Melvin, Irvin, Ella, Mary, William, and Albert). Her husband and daughter Mary, and four grandchildren preceded her in death. Surviving are eight children and eleven grandchildren. She united with the Salem Mennonite Church about fifteen years ago, in which faith she died, after a lingering illness. May the Lord bless and comfort the bereaved family. Services were conducted by R. F. Yoder and J. S. Hartzler. Burial at the Maple Grove Cemetery.

Mishler. - Effie Hygema Hostetler Mishler, wife of Bishop J. D. Mishler, was born Feb. 16, 1859, near New Paris, Ind.; died at Hubbard, Oreg., May 19, 1920; aged 61 y. 3 m. 3 d. She leaves an aged husband, 1 son, 1 daughter, 2 step-sons, 4 brothers, 2 sisters, and a host of friends. She was converted and received into the Mennonite church by baptism when quite young. She has always been a faithful worker in the Lord's service since that time, and of late has been much burdened and concerned about the spiritual welfare of her children and others outside the Kingdom. She will be missed in the home, the Sunday school and the Church. Her life was much given to prayer and she was a great help to Bro. Mishler in his ministerial labors. Funeral services May 22, conducted by N. A. Lind and the home ministers at the Hopewell Church, at which cemetery her remains were peacefully laid to rest.

Swartz. - Leanna F. Swartz (Ritchie) was born Sept. 16, 1848; died near Dayton, Va., May 25, 1920; aged 71 y. 6 m. 9 d. On Jan. 5, 1886, she was united in marriage to Abram Swartz. She leaves her aged companion, 8 step-children, 35 grandchildren, 9 great-grandchildren, 3 brothers, and 4 half-brothers. The immediate cause of her death was heart dropsy, her sickness lasing only 5 weeks. She suffered much but bore it all with patience. She was a kind mother always ready to lend a helping hand to all in need. Thirty-two years ago, with 44 other converts she was received into the Weaver's Mennonite Church and remained faithful unto death. Funeral service May 27 was conducted by Bros. L. J. Heatwole and S. H. Rhodes. Texts, Num. 23:10 (last clause), Psa. 116:15, and 1 Sam. 20:18 (last clause).
Oh how can it be that she has left us,
She who always had a smile;
Yes, she has gone, but soon we'll meet her,
Twill only be a little while.
Her granddaughter.

Miller. - Malinda, daughter of John Eash and wife (deceased), was born April 29, 1864; died July 3, 1920; aged 56 y. 2 m. 4 d. She was married to Moses A. Miller, Oct 4, 1883. To this union were born 6 children - 1 preceding her to the spirit world in its infancy. She leaves husband, 4 sons (Arthur, H. Seldon, Raymond, and Forest), 1 daughter (Mrs. George W. Gerber), 5 grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends. She united with the A. M. Church at Walnut Creek, Ohio, in her younger years, and was a consistent member since. She was a kind and living wife and mother, and was loved by all who knew her. Funeral services were conducted on Tuesday forenoon at 10 o'clock at the Union Church, burial at Union Hill cemetery. S. H. Miller, Lester Hostetler, and Edward Shepfer officiating.
Oh can it be that she has left us?
She who always had a smile,
Yes, she's gone, but soon we'll meet her,
Twill only be a little while

Shenk. - Fanny B., widow of Daniel L. Shenk, was born Jan. 11, 1842; died at her home in Millersville, Pa., June 26, 1920; aged 78 y. 5 m. 15 d. She was a kind and loving mother. Her kind disposition won the hearts of all who knew her. She was a member of the Mennonite Church for many years. She is survived by 5 sons, 4 daughters, 28 grandchildren, 9 great-grandchildren, a brother and a sister. Her husband and a daughter preceded her in death. Funeral services at the house by Bro. D. Lehman and at the church by Bros. J. Charles and D. Gish. Her body was laid to rest in adjoining cemetery.
Now your hands are folded, mother,
Of toil they did their share;
While our hearts were young and tender,
How you watched with loving care.
How we miss your gentle footsteps;
Oh, we miss your loving smile;
But we're glad 'tis not forever,
We are only parted for awhile.
By her children.


Transcribed by Marie Fogelsinger, Michigan


Gospel Herald - Volume XIII, Number 18 - July 29, 1920 , Page 51

Miller. - William Leroy, son of John and Emma Jane Miller, died June 27, 1920, aged 2 m. 21 d. Funeral services were conducted by Bro. James Saylor at the Stahl Church near Johnstown, Pa. Buried in cemetery nearby.

Erb. - Velma, infant daughter of Bro. Jacob and Sister Christina Erb, was born on died July 11, in East Zorra, Ont. Burial in A. M. Cemetery.
Death has robbed us of Dear Velma
Whom we loved and cherished dear
It was our daughter, yes dear Velma
Can we help but shed a tear?

Jones. - Sister Alice M. Jones died at her home near Chambersburg, Pa., July 15, after a three months' illness during which time she was a great sufferer from internal cancer. She was a faithful and consistent member of the Mennonite Church for a number of years and frequently during her illness expressed a desire to depart. She was aged 52 y. 5 m. 14 d. and is survived by her husband, 5 sons and 4 daughters. She was buried at the Marion Mennonite Church on July 18, where by her request services were conducted by Geo. W. Ernst and W. W. Hege from the text, Mark 9:1.
W. W. Hege.

Ropp. - Joseph W. Ropp was born near Pekin, Ill., Jan 30, 1840; died July 10, 1920, at the old home near Tremont, Ill.; aged 80 y. 5 m. 10 d. He united in marriage with Catharine (Ropp) Gerber March 11, 1866. This union was blessed with five sons, four of whom survive him. His beloved companion and the youngest son preceded him to eternity. He united with the Mennonite Church in his youth and remained a faithful member until death. Funeral at the Pleasant Grove Church July 12 conducted by A. A. Schrock and Simon Litwiller from Matt. 25:34 and 11 Cor. 5:1-15. He leaves besides his children, 10 grandchildren, one brother, one sister, and many relatives and friends to mourn his departure.

Bare. - Edwin Willard and Edith Rebecca, twin children of Mahlon and Anna Bare, Moundridge, Kans., were born June 6, 1920. Anna died after a few hours and Edwin live a month and a day. Our joy was of short duration. The Lord had need of them.

Larsen. - Hans Larsen was born in Kristiania, Norway, April 18, 1853; came to the United States of America in 1867, and lived at time of his death at Canby, Oreg. He was a devoted Christian man, a member in full fellowship with the Bethel Congregation near Aurora, Oreg. Although suffering severely at times from cancer he earnestly longed for his Lord to come and was granted his desire July 6, 1920; aged 53 years. He leaves his wife, daughter, two sons, five grandchildren, and friends that have learned to love him. Services at Zion Church conducted by A. P. Troyer and Fred Gingerich.

Kraybill. - Annie N., wife of Henry S. Kraybill, was born May 5, 1849; died at Florin, Pa., July 8, 1920; aged 71 y. 2 m. 3 d. She was a sister of Pre. Ephraim N. Nissley, who was buried some years ago. She leaves her husband, two daughters, and one granddaughter. She was a kind and devoted mother, always at her post of duty in the home. Funeral July 12 in Mt. Joy Mennonite Church. Services were conducted by Bro. Peter Nissley and Simon Garber. Text, ! Pet. 1:24,25.
There's a shadow in our home now,
There's a voice that's hushed and still,
There's a mother's face that's missing,
And a place no one can fill.
How she longed to see her Jesus
And to clasp Him to her breast!
Farwell, mother, how we miss three,
But we know God's ways are best.
A daughter.

Brubaker. - Menno S. Brubaker was born April 29, 1883; died near Litiz, Pa., June 12, 1920; aged 37 y. 1 m. 13 d. His death was caused by dropsy of the heart after having the influenza. All that earthly friends could do was done, but the spirit took its flight to the other shore. He was united in marriage to Anna Laura (Root) Brubaker in 1903. To this union were born four daughters and one son. He is also survived by his parents and one sister. He was a faithful member of the Mennonite church at East Petersburg and is certainly missed in the home and community. Funeral was held at East Petersburg June 14 by Bros. Noah Landis, Frank Kreider, and John Lefever, where a large concourse of people attended to pay their last tribute of respect. Burial in the cemetery adjoining the church.
A precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in our home,
Which never can be filled.

Weaver. - Emanuel Weaver was born in Holmes Co., Ohio, Dec. 9, 1849; died July 13, 1920, at the home of his son, Samuel E., near Goshen, Ind.; aged 70 y. 7 m. 4 d. At the age of fourteen he moved with his parents to Elkhart Co., Ind., and in 1876 was married to Magdalena Yoder, to which union were born seven sons and four daughters. In the year 1878 he united with the Amish Mennonite Church at Napanee, Ind. Transferring his membership to the Forks congregation in 1890 when moving to LaGrange Co. Since 1914 he had lived with his son near Shipshewana, Ind., only recently moving with him to the place of his death. Surviving him are his wife, three sons (Samuel E., John E., and William B.), four daughters (Mrs. C. P. Shideler, Mrs. Albert Sauder, Mrs. Chester Dunithan, and Vinora), thirteen grandchildren and three sister. Four sons died in infancy.
Father thou hast left us lonely,
Here our loss we deeply feel,
But 'tis God that hath bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal.
Funeral services at the house and at the Forks Church, July 15, by Amos Cripe and D. D. Miller.

Holsopple. - John Wilford Holsopple was born Feb. 22, 1893. He was the second of four children born to William and Priscilla Holsopple that grew to maturity. He united with the Church when still a youth, and was always faithful to the service of the Church. He spent several years in school at Heston, Kans., and when he was drafted to the service of his country in 1918, as a C. O., he served seven and one-half months on a farm in Iowa where the government placed him for farm service; the rest of his life was spent in the home of his parents. He was always quiet, honest and industrious, seeking the good of those with whom he was associated.
He met with a fatal accident while helping a neighbor thresh on Friday, July 16, and died Saturday a little after noon; aged 27 y. 4 m. 25 d. He was conscious to the last and was ready to meet the end with the same consideration for those around him as had characterized him all through life. He lives father and mother, two brothers, a sister, and a host of relatives and friends. We feel sure that his departure from this world was to the home of eternal glory with the heavenly Father, and hope that all that knew him and were associated with him in this life will be prepared to meet him in that better home above.
On the following Monday funeral services were conducted at the home and at Mt. Zion Church by the brethren, C. B. Driver, H. J. Harder, and Dan Mohler, and interment made in the adjoining cemetery.

Kropf. - Jacob D., son of David Kropf, was born in Canada; moved with his parents to Hickory Co., Mo., while young, and there was married to Elizabeth, the only daughter of Christian J. Hostetler, and about 1876 moved to Cass Co., Mo., where he lived till 1911; died at him home, near Shelbyville, Ill., June 30, 1920; aged 68 y. 3 m. 8 d. On Saturday evening, he said he had not been well the past few days. On Sunday he was at the meeting and gave testimony to the sermon, (as he often did). On Tuesday he was out at some work and toward noon came in saying he felt so bad he must lie down and soon became unconscious. The doctor pronounced it a heat stroke, or perhaps a clot of blood on the brain. Though dying so suddenly and without an expression of his feelings, his faith and works were such as to leave no room for doubt as to his readiness to depart and be with his Lord. He was a staunch defender of the faith of our forefathers and made some great sacrifices to live out that faith. He was the father of 4 sons and 7 daughters, all living except one daughter, and all were present at his funeral which was held July 4. Services by the home ministers. He possessed very little schooling, but much of that wisdom that the Bible says is worth more than rubies or fine gold. Besides farming he picked up the trade of doctoring horses and cattle and became widely know as "Dr. Kropf", and was almost universally like. Besides his family, he leaves 45 grandchildren, 3 brothers, 6 sisters, and many friends. Oh, think of the home and friends over there, and remember the works of Jesus where He says, "A little while, and ye shall see me".

Transcribed by: Marie Fogelsinger, Michigan

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