Herald of Truth Volume I, No. 11, November 1864 Page 76 |
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Transcribed Text:
On October 3d, near Mount Joy, Lancaster Co., Pa., of consumption,
bro. John Shenk, Son of bro. Henry and sister Martha Shenk,
aged 22 years and 8 months. He was buried on the 5th. A large
concourse of friends and relatives followed him to the grave.
The funeral sermon was preached by the brethren Christian Nissley
and John B. Landis, from Ph. 1: 21. "For to me to live is
Christ, and to die is gain."
Arrangements had been made to fill the vacancy in the ministry
occasioned by the death of our dear brother Peter Risser,
and the day for casting the lots had been appointed. There were
eight candidates, and brother Shenk was one of them; but owing
to the extreme illness of his son he could not be present when
the drawing took place. It was however determined to proceed,
and Eight books were placed upon the desk - Seven were drawn and
the Eighth left standing for bro. Shenk -it was the one containing
the lot, and he was thus pointed out as the one called of God
to fill the sacred place of one gone to his rest, in the blessed
work of preaching the Gospel and calling sinners to repentance.
The sorrow of heart occasioned by the death of his son and the
anxiety with which this new and important and solemn work would
naturally fill every reflecting mind, seem to fall heavily upon
bro. Shenk. But it is thus the Lord sometimes deals with his children
- it is thus through sorrow and affliction the Lord sometimes
prepares his servants for his own work, and blessed are they who
can kiss the rod that smites them, and with Job exclaim: "Though
he slay me, yet will I trust in him." They who stood before
the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes and praising
God and the Lamb, were those who had come through great tribulation.
Therefore let us hope and trust and pray. The darkest hour brings
light again-the gloomiest cloud has its silver lining, and in
deepest sorrow the Father of mercies draws near.
On the 19th of October, in Lancaster Co., Pa., of consumption,
Pre. Tobias Kreider, aged 53 years, 1 month and 9 days.
He was called to the ministry some 15 years ago, which office
he filled faithfully until his death. He was an honest and upright
brother, and walked in the fear of the Lord. We hope and believe
that his loss to his family and his congregation, is his eternal
gain in happiness, where there will be no more death nor sorrow,
nor pain, but where he shall reap the reward of the righteous
in glory. His buriel(sic) on the 22nd was largely attended: Funeral
sermon was preached by the brethren Daniel Witmer and Benjamin
Herr--Text, Heb. 13: 7,8.
C. K. N.
On the 9th of October Waterloo Township, Waterloo Co., C. W. Elizabeth
Clemens, wife of Abraham C. Clemens, whose maiden name was
Strohm. She suffered from Palsy for more than a year,being
unable to walk or speak and sometimes, as it seemed unconscious.
Her pilgrimage in this world extended itself to 62 years, 1 mo.
and 13 days. Her remains were laid to rest at Wanners Meeting
house on the 11th, where a funeral sermon was preached in the
English language from Rom. 8: 18. "For I reckon that the
sufferings" &c., and in the German from Num. 23: 10.
"Let me die the death of the righteous and let my last end
be like his!
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.