Herald of Truth July 1865 - Vol. II, No.7 Page 56 |
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On June the 5th, in Britian(sic?) Township, Bucks County, Pa., after protracted illness of over three months, Bro. Simon Kurtz; aged 58 years, 3 mo., and 11 days. During much of the time of his sickness, he endured intense suffering, and desired to depart, and prayed ardently for the hour of his deliverance, that he might be with those holy ones in the celestial mansions above. We have good hopes that through the furnace of affliction the Lord prepared his soul for the blissful enjoyments of the heavenly city, when the tears shall be wiped from every eye, and where all sorrow, and trouble and sufferings cease. He was buried on the 7th at the Hilltown burying-ground. A large concourse of relatives and friends followed him to the grave. Funeral sermon was preached by Bro. Isaac Rickert at the house and by Bro. Isaac Overholtzer at the meeting house. Text, Phil. 1: 23, For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better."
On May 14th, in Putnam Co., Ohio, Veronaca, wife of
Geo. Dengler, aged 50 years and 23 days. She was confined
to her bed about six weeks, and leaves a husband and three children
to mourn their loss. She had been baptized in her infancy and
admitted to the Lutheran Church when 14 years of age, and during
her long illness she became convinced that her time on earth was
short. She then wished to partake once more of the emblems of
the broken body and the shed blood of our Savior. Having had no
opportunity to do so for some years in the church to which she
belonged, desired to be served by the writer. Her thirst after
righteousness was great, and she gave evidence, that she was convinced
that infant baptism was not in accordance with the gospel, and
became very anxious to receive baptism on confession of her faith,
which was done according to her wishes. She also desired to have
her feet washed, after which she lived one week, and at the Master's
call left this earthly tabernacle, this house of clay, in good
faith to meet her Redeemer above. She was buried on the 16th.
A funeral sermon was preached in English and German, from Luke
23: 28.
On the 8th of June, in East Lampeter Township, Lancaster Co.,
Pa., Maria, wife of Christian S. Landis, aged 57
years; 3 mo., and 26 days. She bore her sickness with Christian
calmness and submission to the will of God, until death ended
her sufferings. Followed by a large concourse of friends and relatives,
she was buried at Mellinger's burying-ground, on the 10th. Funeral
sermon by the brethren, David Witmer, John Risser and Benj. Herr,
from Rev. 22: 13, 14.
J. L. L
On the 2nd of May, in Markham, York Co., C.W., of consumption, Magdalena, wife of David Neuschwander, aged 49 years and 2 months. She was buried on the 4th. Funeral sermon preached by the Brethren Henry Barkey and Jacob Weidman, from Isaiah 57: 1, 2. The deceased was a beloved sister in the Mennonite Church. A short time before her death, she desired once more to partake of the sacrament of the Lord's supper, before she departed from this vale of sorrow, which she also received according to her desire. She leaves a husband to mourn his loss.
On the 27th of May in the same vicinty(sic), Jacob, son of Jonas Miller aged 4 mo., and 15 days. Funeral sermon by the same as above from Matt. 18:5.
On the 19th of June, in Waterloo Co., C.W., of liver complaint and dropsy, Jacob Schneider, aged 74 years, and 4 months. He was born in Franklin Co., Pa., in 1791, emigrated with his father to Waterloo Co., C.W., in 1805; married to Elizabeth Kressman in 1812, and leaves an aged widow and 5 children to mourn their loss. He was calm and composed during his sickness and we hope he has gone from this weary world to rest in his Father's house in heaven. He was buried on the 21st, followed to the grave by a large concourse of relatives and friends, on which occasion the brethren Geo. R. Schmidt and Joseph Hegey preached a funeral discourse from Rev. 3: 21. "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I I(sic) also overcome, and am set down with my Father in his throne." E.S.
On the 24th of June, in Augusta Co., Va., of pneumonia, Brother
John Grove, aged 69 years, and 28 days. He was buried on
the 26th, on which occasion a funeral sermon was preached by the
writer, from 2 Tim. 4: 6, 8., in the Mennonite meeting house in
the presence of a large concourse of relatives and friends. He
was sick about five weeks. He was a consistent and active member
of the church about 30 years. He served about 25 years as a deacon-was
beloved and esteemed by all who knew him and at all times ready
to give an answer of the hope in him, and to contend earnestly
for the faith once delivered to the saints. He was conscious to
the last, and longed for the hour of his deliverance from this
earthly tabernacle, but waited with Christian fortitude until
he fell asleep in Jesus. While he lay sick, he was much engaged
in prayer and in exhorting and admonishing his children to seek
an interest in Christ, which, I hope, by the blessing of God,
will bring forth much fruit to the glory of our Lord.
On the 25th of May, in Allen Co., Ohio, of dropsy, Christian
Sherrick, aged 62 years, 3 mo., and 7 days. He was buried
on the 26th, on which occasion a funeral sermon was preached,
by Bro. Christ. Culp, from 2 Cor. 4: 17, 18, and by the writer
from Isa. 20:16. We hope he fully reconciled himself with his
God, and is now enjoying everlasting rest, where sickness and
sorrow, pain and death, shall seize him no more.
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.