Herald of Truth July 1866 - Vol. III, No. 7 Page 60 |
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On the 17th of April near Doylestown, Bucks Co., Pa., of dropsy,
Barbara, wife of Jacob Heistand, aged 72 years,
3 months and 4 days. For over a year she was obliged to sit in
her chair, in a forward leaning position. She bore her suffering
with great patience and Christian fortitude and longed for the
time of her redemption. She was buried at the Doylestown burying-ground,
in the presence of a large concourse of relatives and friends.
Bro. Gottshalk preached in the English language at the house of
the dec'd, and Bro. Isaac Moyer at the Meetinghouse in German.
On the 23rd of January, 1866, near Cocolamus Creek, in Perry
Co., Pa., Nancy, wife of Henry Lauver, aged 65,
years, 2 months and 23 days. She had a fire for the purpose of
boiling soap, when, in some manner, her clothes caught, and it
being very windy, she was very severely burned before any one
could come to her assistance. She had also been affected with
dropsy. She lingered fourteen weeks, and bore her suffering with
much patience and forbearance. She was a member of the Mennonite
Church, and we have good hopes that she died happy. She was buried
on the 25th. Funeral sermon by the brethren Jacob Graybill and
Samuel Winey. She leaves an aged husband, who has been blind four
On the 25th of May, in West Lampeter Township, Lancaster Co.,
Pa., of disease of the kidneys, Samuel Barr, in the 74th
year of his age. He was a worthy member of the Mennonite Church,
a zealous Christian, and died in the hope of a blissful immortality.
A funeral sermon was preached by the brethren Benjamin and Amos
Herr from Rev. 21: 6, 7.
J. F. F.
On the 2d of June, in Bluffton, Allen Co., Ohio, Noah Steiner,
aged 16 years, 10 months, and 2 days. He was buried on Sunday,
the 3d. A funeral sermon was delivered by the writer from 1 Pet.
1: 24, 25. David Geiger spoke at the grave.
On the 13th of June near Buffalo, Erie Co., N. Y., Nancy
Ann, widow of Daniel Kreider, formerly of Lancaster
Co., Pa., aged 77 years, 10 months, and 20 days. On the 15th her
mortal remains were deposited in the grave in the presence of
a large concourse of friends and acquaintances. A funeral sermon
was delivered by the writer from John 11: 25 26, "Jesus said
unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth
on me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth,
and believeth in me, shall never die. Believest thou this ?"
She has been for many years a sister in the Mennonite Church,
and we have the hope, that she has entered into the rest prepared
for the people of God.
On the 26th of June in Herson Township, Elkhart Co., Indiana,
Christian Gingrich, aged 56 years. He was buried on the
37th at Yellow Creek Church. He leaves a widow and several children
to mourn his departure. His funeral sermon was preached by Daniel
Brundage, Jacob Wisler, and Martin Huber from Acts 10: 34, 35.
On the 26th of May, in Fairfield Co., Ohio, Noah Stemen,
aged 40 years, 4 months, and 28 days. The deceased was engaged,
at the time of his death, in burning deadened timber, when a burning
limb fell from a tree across his back and shoulders, bruising
him horribly and rendering him help-less. Before assistance could
reach him in this painful situation, the burning limb roasted
one of his arms, shoulder, neck, and side of his face to a crisp.
His sufferings were extremely great, till Saturday night about
eleven o'clock, when death came to relieve him. He was buried
on the 28th at the Old Bethel Church. The funeral sermon was preached
by Joseph Hendricks from 1 Thes. 4: 13-18. It was a very solemn
scene. He was a member of the Tunker Church, and appeared to be
ready for the great change, which he was so suddenly called to
make. Truly in the midst of life we are in death. Then, let us
be faithful, and watch, and pray; for in such an hour as we think
not the Son of man cometh.
Bremen, 0.
On the 22d of June, in Walpole Township, C. W., of consumption,
Pre. Jacob Swartz. He was buried on the 24th. A funeral
sermon was delivered by Pre. Christian Gehman and Pre. Abraham
Hoch. The deceased was an impressive speaker in English and German
in the Mennonite Church, and seemed to be very zealous in the
discharge of his official duties in rebuking, encouraging, and
admonishing. As he became weaker and more emaciated in body, he
seemed to gain from day to day greater spiritual strength in the
inner man, in the life that is of God. He was visited during his
sickness, by many persons, whom he diligently admonished, and
reminded of their duties to God. He frequently pressed on their
minds the apostle's admonition, that we have no abiding city here,
and that we ought to give the more earnest heed to the word of
God, that we may he permitted to inherit the mansions of which
the apostle says, "A building of God, a house not made with
hands, eternal in the heavens." We have a firm hope and confidence,
that he is now in the perfect enjoyment of that which he has so
often and so earnestly recommended to others. Oh what a consolation
it is in the hour of death, to have in the heart the comforting
assurance, and living in unwavering hope of entering into the
rest prepared for the people of God. Dear readers of the Herald,
we too are all traveling to our eternal home, and we know not
in what hour the last voice may awake us; for the mouth of God
has revealed it as yet to no man. It is, therefore, one of our
highest duties to examine our hearts, to ascertain whether we,
through the grace of God and the mercy of Jesus Christ, enjoy
in our hearts the comforting assurance, the living hope, that
we shall meet God in peace, when the hour of our departure is
at hand. I firmly believe that, if we seek after these things
earnestly and sincerely in fervent prayer, we shall also receive
a like evidence; for God never leaves his faithful children without
witness. St. John says: "We know that we have passed from
death unto life, because we love the brethren. Then can we also
have the joyful and blessed hope of again meeting, in a world
where there will be no more parting, our brethren and sisters,
friends and acquaintances, who have died in the Lord. We shall
do well, if we will take the advice of the apostle, when he says,
"Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken
unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the
end of their conversation. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and
to-day, and forever;" unchangeable and ever the same, who
said, "He that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out."
Who, then, would draw back, and refuse to accept this free grace,
which yet flows for all men? Whoever will, can take it freely.
Harris Hill, N. Y.
On the 3d of July, in Mahoning Co., Ohio, of typhoid fever,
Susanna, wife of Christian Lehman. Her Maiden name
was Shenk. She was buried on the 4th at Oberholzer's Meeting-house,
where many friends and relatives were present to mourn her departure.
Funeral Sermon was preached by Bro. J. Blosser, from Rev. 21:
1--6. She was a member of the Mennonite Church.
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.