Gospel Witness - Volume 2, Number 27 - Oct. 3, 1906, pages
431, 432
YODER.- Gideon Yoder was born in Lewistown, Mifflin
Co., Pa., Jan. 11, 1825; died near Topeka, Ind., Aug. 28, 1906;
aged 81y., 7m., 17d.
When he was but a youth his people moved to Lancaster, Fairfield
Co., Ohio. At the age of 23 he was married to Elizabeth Hartzler,
daughter of John and Lydia Hartzler. Soon after their marriage
they moved to Elkhart Co., Ind., where they bought a farm and
lived here until about 1850, when they bought a farm on the Haw
Patch and lived there the remainder of his life.
To this union were born six children, five of whom survive him
and were present on this occasion, besides then grandchildren
and seven great-grandchildren. He was baptized and united with
the Amish Mennonite church when 18 years of age in Mifflin Co.,
Pa., and remained a faithful member until his death. During the
last ten years he worshipped with the Shore congregation. His
wife died in February, 1894, since which time he lived with his
second son, Noah, where he died. Slowly but surely the old land-marks
are fading out of sight. Funeral held in Maple Grove Church, conducted
by Y. C. Miller and J. Kurtz. Text, II Tim. 4:7, 8, as selected
by the deceased.
KAUFFMAN.- Elizabeth (Speicher) Kauffman was born in
Holmes Co., O., March 19, 1849. In her young years she moved to
Wayne Co., O., and there accepted Jesus as her Savior and was
received into the A. M. Church. She was married to Benjamin Kauffman,
Feb. 11, 1890, who is now mourning the loss of a loving wife.
They moved to Iowa in the spring 1891 and located in Wayland,
where she lived till God called her to her eternal home, Sept.
20, 1906. Her age was 57 y. 6 m. 1 d. She leaves a sorrowing husband,
two sisters, one brother and two step-brothers, three sisters
and one step-brother preceded her to the spirit world. Buried
in the Sugar-Creek cemetery, Sept. 23, 1906. Funeral services
were conducted by S. Gerig in German, and Daniel Graber in English
from II Cor. 5:1-10.
DAVIDHIZER.- Sister Lydia Davidhizer, daughter of Bro. and Sister Joseph Weaver, was born in Clinton Twp., Elkhart Co., Ind., Oct. 8, 1860; died Sept. 17, 1906, near Wakarusa, Ind., at the age of 45 y. 11 m. 9 d. On Dec. 16, 1877, she was married to Jacob Davidhizer. To them were born seven sons and one daughter. Her father and two sons have preceded her to the bright beyond, while her husband, mother, five sons, one daughter, seven sisters and four brothers, are left to mourn her departure. She was a faithful member of the Mennonite church. For several years her health has failed and she was often absent from services. During the last few weeks of her life she suffered much, and to those who anxiously tried to soothe her she said, "I wish I could go unknown to you." On Saturday night the tide of life ebbed low but she rallied again until Monday noon while partaking of some food she laid her head back and with a few more breaths all was ended, and her wish fulfilled. She was buried on the 19, at the Olive Grove cemetery. Funeral services by J. F. Funk and Jacob K. Bixler. Text, Rev. 7:14-21.
by: Carolyn Hunnicutt, Indiana
EWART.- Gladys, daughter of Frank and Anna Ewart, passed
away of an illness with which she lingered for some time Sept.
15, 1906; aged 11m. 4d. Our sympathies go out to the sorrowing
parents. Interment in the Mennonite cemetery at Masontown, Pa.
Services by J. A. Brilhart.
MILLER.- Mary Ann wife of the late John Miller, of Richfield,
Pa., died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Yeager, near Halifax,
Pa., on the 26, day of Sept. 1906; aged 76y. 11m. Funeral services
in the Lutheran church at Richfield, Sept. 29, by Sol. S. Graybill.
Interment in the adjoining cemetery.
HOLLINGER.- Viola May, only daughter of Clyde and Effa
Hollinger, died Sept. 9, 1906, near North Lawrence, Stark Co.,
O. Aged 29d. Funeral services were held at the home. Interment
in the Pleasant View cemetery. May the Lord bless the bereaved
parents that they may prepare themselves to meet their loved one
in heaven.
BRYANT.- Susan, widow of Scott Bryant, who preceded
her to the spirit world 42 years ago, died Sept. 27, at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Cluck, near Richfield, Pa.; aged 65y. 11m.
11d. Sister Bryant was a member of the Brethren church. Funeral
services were conducted on the 30, in the Richfield Brethren church
by Pre. P. G. Skelley and Elmer Graybill. Interment in the adjoining
BENNER.- Bro. Josiah Benner, of near Selins Grove, Pa.,
died at his home Sept. 28, 1906, of stomach troubles; aged 62y.
3m. He is survived by an aged mother, his wife, and twelve sons
and daughters, and a number of grandchildren. He was a faithful
member of the Richfield Mennonite church for many years. Funeral
services at Richfield, Pa., by Pre. Snavel, of Selins Grove, Pa.,
in the German language and Elmer Graybill in English. Peace to
his ashes.
SHELLENBERGER.- Christian S. Shellenberger, of Evendale,
Juniata Co., Pa., died Sept. 26, 1906; aged 86y., 6m., 11d. He
is survived by his aged companion, 89 years old, and four daughters;
also eleven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Bro. S.
was a faithful member of the Brethren church. Funeral services
were held on Sept. 30, in the Brick Mennonite church, near Richfield,
Pa., conducted by Pre. J. O. Smith and William Seiber, from I
Thess. 4:14.
LOWE.- Malinda, wife of Ethelbert Lowe, of Masontown,
Pa., departed this life on Sept. 26, 1906; aged 79y., 6m., 12d.
Three children were born to this union, one remains to mourn the
loss of a dear mother- Mrs. S. J. Hansaker. She made a covenant
with her Lord at the age of twenty years and during her life was
much concerned about the welfare and comfort of those around her.
Interment in the Mennonite cemetery. Services by J. A. Brilhart.
Text, Prov. 31:10, 27. A large concourse of friends attended the
KURTZ.- Sister Sarah Kurtz died Sunday, Sept. 30, 1906,
in Belleville, Pa., aged 32 y. 11 m. 16 d. Sister Kurtz labored
a while at the Canton mission until her health broke down and
she came home in January with the expectation of returning again
but was never able to do so. Seven weeks before her death she
was seized with severe hemorrhages of the lungs and soon became
weaker and finally at the time mentioned died with a glorious
hope of eternal life. She is survived by a mother and several
brothers and sisters. She selected "The Love of God"
as her theme for her funeral discourse. She also selected the
ministers, John M. Yoder and Sam. Peachy. Before her death she
told the ministering brethren to warn the young people especially
on the subject of intemperance, also told them to preach of the
love of God.
She was a zealous worker, sound in the faith and is now gone to
her reward. Funeral services were held at the home of her mother.
MEYERS.- Daisy, daughter of Henry and- Meyers, of Ft.
Wayne, Ind., died Sept. 15, 1906; aged 15y., 17d. She took sick
on Sept. 4, with diphtheria, but was able to be about the first
week. She gradually grew worse until death took her away.
She leaves father, mother, two brothers and two sisters to mourn
her departure. We cannot see why God took one so young and tender
in years, but we are certain that God knows what is best. Let
us say, Thy will be done. May this be a warning to us to prepare
to meet our God. We know not who will be next. Funeral services
were held on Sunday afternoon in a neighbor,s yard, where many
sorrowing relatives and friends gathered to pay their last tribute
of respect to the departed one. Bro. King being absent, Bro. Noah
Metzler, of Nappanee, Ind., preached the sermon. M. M.
SPRINGER.- Anna, beloved wife of Christian Springer,
was born in Lorraine, Germany; died at the home of her son, B.
W. Springer, near Aurora, Neb., Sept. 10, 1906; aged 67y., 10m.,
18d. She was sick only a few hours. She united with the A. M.
church at the age of fourteen and remained a faithful member until
She leaves a sorrowing husband, with whom she lived in happy union,
in joy and sorrow, for 41 years. To them were born ten children,
two having preceded her to the spirit world. Besides a husband,
she is survived by eight children, twenty-seven grandchildren,
one great-grandchild, two sisters and a host of relatives and
She was a good loving mother and we sadly miss her, but our loss
is her gain, and we pray to meet her in that heavenly home where
she awaits our coming.
Funeral services were held at the Mennonite church conducted by
Chr. Rediger in German and Andrew Oesch in English. Interment
in the Fairview cemetery.
A Daughter.
by: Carolyn Hunnicutt, Indiana
The Gospel Witness - Volume
2, Number 29 - October 17, 1906, page 464
SHELLY.- Sister Catharine Shelly, widow of the late
Samuel Shelly, died at the home of her daughter in Plumstead,
Saturday, Sept. 22. Aged 72y. She had been ailing for quite awhile,
but at the time of death she could rest in bed, death being due
to her heart wearing out. Eight children survive her. She was
buried at Deep Run Church on the 26. She bore her sufferings patiently,
without complaining. Peace to her ashes.
GEHMAN.- Abraham Gehman was born Nov. 20, 1819, and
departed this life, Sept. 25, 1906, aged 86y., 10m., 5d. He went
to visit one of his daughters, took sick and was sick only three
days. Five daughters and one son survive. Funeral services at
Deep Run on Sept. 30. Jacob Rush preached from Phil. 1:21, For
me to live is Christ to die is gain.
STOUFFER.- Ruth, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Stouffer,
was born in Wadsworth, township, Medina Co., Ohio, Jan. 27, 1902;
departed this life Sept. 25, 1906; aged 4y., 7m., 28d. She suffered
severely about two weeks from peritonitis, but she bore her sufferings
patiently. After she felt that she must go, she called the family
to her bedside and after bidding them all goodbye, passed quietly
Funeral services were held in the Bethel church, Sept. 27. Conducted
by I. J. Buchwalter, using as a text, Mark 14:8, "She hath
done what she could." Interment in cemetery near by. A large
congregation of sorrowing friends met to pay a last tribute of
respect to one whom they dearly loved. We are told that she often
sang the hymns, "Little Ones Like Me." and "I,ll
Live for Him." She leaves a father, mother, one sister, one
brother and a host of friends to mourn her early departure.
"Budded on earth to bloom in heaven."
by: Carolyn Hunnicutt, Indiana
The Gospel Witness - Volume
2, Number 30 - October 24, 1906, page 480
BAER.- Sister Anna, wife of Bro. Benjamin Baer, died
at her home in Roherstown, Pa., Oct. 8, 1906, in her eightieth
year of her age. She had been in failing health for a number of
years, but bore her afflictions with true Christian fortitude,
looking forward to the time when the Master would bid her leave
this world of sin and woe for an immortal crown.
She was of kind and amiable disposition and will be sadly missed,
not only in the home, but in the church and community as well;
her seat in church was seldom vacant, so long as her health permitted
her to be present at church services. A sorrowing husband, two
sons, two daughters, a number of grandchildren, and a host of
friends are left to mourn her departure, but we praise God that
we sorrow not as those who have no hope, for we believe that our
sister has only gone from labor to reward, and that our loss is
her eternal gain. Funeral services were conducted at the Mennonite
Church at Rohrerstown on the 11, by the brethren D. N. Lehman
and A. D. Wenger. May the Lord comfort the bereaved ones and give
them all grace so to live that they may some day meet in the Father,s
home above, where partings are unknown
by: Carolyn Hunnicutt, Indiana
The Gospel Witness - Volume
2, Number 31 - October 31, 1906, page 496
LOHR.- Eli Lohr died at his home near Bittinger, Md.,
Oct. 3, 1906; aged 59 y. 3 m. 13 d. Death came sudden and unexpected.
He had not been in good health for some time, but the day before
he was out at work, ate a hearty supper and retired with the family
at 9 o,clock. Sister Lohr arose early the next morning to prepare
breakfast for a working man, the husband not rising in due time,
one of the children was sent to call him, but returned saying,
"Pa won,t answer." When the wife reached the bed, she
found the husband and father dead, the messenger having come some
time during the night. Heart failure. It was a great shock. The
widow is left with ten children, but her trust is in God who has
promised to be a father to the fatherless and a help in every
time of trouble. Besides the immediate family, he is survived
by 3 brothers and 2 sisters. Funeral services were held at the
Bittinger Lutheran Church where the deceased was a member, conducted
by the pastor, J. B. Shoup. Text, Matt. 24:44.
Sister Lohr is the only sister of the office editor of the Gospel
Witness. Our heart-felt sympathy and prayers go out to her in
this time of sad bereavement and trial. The Lord graciously comfort
and bless her and her children.
REIFF.- David H. Reiff was born near Farmersville, Lancaster
Co., Pa., December 4, 1841. At this place he spent the days of
his boyhood and young manhood. In the year 1863 he married Mary
Horst, of Hagerstown, Md. To this union were born fourteen children,
eight of whom grew to maturity. Seven are still living. One daughter
preceded him eight years ago. After marriage he began farming,
which he followed for three years near the place of his birth,
after which he moved to Washington Co., Md. In 1866 he moved with
his family to Nemaha Co., Kans., and later to Harvey Co., where
he resided until his death. His last sickness was brief, be being
confined to his bed only seventeen days with abscess of the liver.
He suffered intensely until the last eighteen hours when all pain
left him and he quietly passed away. He died Sept. 29, 1906; aged
64y., 8m., 28d. He is survived by his wife and the following children:
Joseph, of Fayetteville, Pa.; Christian, of Newton, Kans.; Leah
Eby, of Hillsboro, Kans., John of Kansas City, Kans.; David, of
Garden City, Mo.; Martin, of Newton, Kans.; and Annie, residing
at home. The funeral was held at the Mennonite church, near Trousdale,
where he was a worshipper. Interment in the adjoining cemetery.
Services by J. M. R. Weaver, from Eph. 5:16, "Redeeming the
time because the days are evil."
Transcribed by: Carolyn Hunnicutt, Indiana