Herald of Truth Obituaries - December, 1906
| Week 1
| Week 2 | Week
3 | Week 4 |
Week 1: December 6, 1906, page 469
Vol. XLIII, No. 49

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Herald of Truth, December 6, 1906, page 469
Landis.-On the 19th of Nov., 1906, near Elizabethtown, Lancaster
Co., Pa., from a complication of diseases, Katie, oldest daughter
of Frank and _______ Landis; aged ____. She was a member of the
Mennonite church. Besides her parents she leaves three brothers
and a sister to mourn her early death. The funeral occurred on
the 22d. Interment at Mt. Tunnel cemetery.
Horning.-On the 21st of Nov., 1906, at the residence or
his son-in-low, Samuel Misser, in Bowmansville, Lancaster Co.,
Pa., of general debility, Moses Horning, aged 77 years. He was
a member of the so-called Martin branch of the Mennonite church
and was a man of considerable prominence among his people. He
is survived by ten children. Funeral was held on the 24th at the
Old Mennonite burying-ground in Weaverland.
Blosser.-On the 25th of Nov., 1906, in Union Twp., Elkhart
Co., Ind., of a lingering illness of several years' duration,
Enos Blosser, aged 83 Y., 2 M., 16 D. Four children and many relatives
and friends survive him. He was a faithful member of the Mennonite
church for many years. He was buried on the 27th at Yellow Creek
M. H., where appropriate services were conducted by Bish. John
Martin and Pre. Martin Ramer.
Tufford.-Abraham Tufford was born in Clinton Twp., Lincoln
Co., Ont., April 6, 1839, and died at South Cayuga, Ont., Nov.
13, 1906; aged 67 Y., 7 M., 9 D. Funeral services were held on
the 15th by Moses Hoover from John 5:28, 29.
Driver.-On the 24th of Nov., 1906, in Morgan Co., Mo.,
Sister Sarah Branner, beloved wife of Pre. Daniel F. Driver; aged
67 Y., 7 M., 4 D. She was born in Rockingham Co., Va., April 20,
1839. She was married to her surviving husband, Feb. 10, 1859.
She united with the Mennonite church in the fall of 1863, and
was a faithful and consistent member, a devoted Christian, in
the true sense a helpmeet to her husband, especially in his duties
as a minister of the gospel. In 1870 the family moved to Morgan
Co., Mo., where they resided since. She leaves eleven children,
who, with the father, mourn her departure. May the Lord comfort
the sorrowing hearts, ever remembering that what the Lord doeth
is well done and so live that they may be able to look forward
to a glad reunion in the mansions prepared for God's people in
heaven. Funeral services were conducted by David Bowman and Daniel
Kauffman on the 25th from Phil. 1:21. This was the first death
in the family of Bro. Driver.
Cross.-On Nov. 25, 1906, near Schrock, Lagrange Co., Ind.,
with paralysis, John F. Cross, aged 59 Y., 8 M., 22 D. He leaves
three sons, two daughters, an aged mother and three sisters, to
mourn his death. Funeral services were conducted by Y. C. Miller
at the Town Line M. H. on Nov. 26, from 1 Cor. 4:4. He had spent
the evening with his neighbor, Henry Lott, and at 11 o'clock started
for home. Before he reached his little hut, he fell down and lay
there all alone until 4 o'clock the next afternoon, and when his
neighbors found him, his lantern, which he carried with him, was
still burning. He was taken to a neighbor's house, where he died
the following day. This should be a warning to all and especially
to the unsaved. COR.
Souder.-On the 19th of Nov., 1906, in Spring Valley, Manor
Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., of kidney trouble, Benjamin K. Souder,
aged 64 years. His wife, four sons, a mother (ninety-seven years
of age), three brothers and one sister survive him. Funeral services
were conducted at the Masonville Mennonite M. H. on the 22d.
Geist.-On the 16th of Nov., 1906, in Upper Leacock Twp.,
Lancaster Co., Pa., from a complication of diseases,______, wife
of John Geist. She was a devoted wife and mother and a loving
friend. She leaves a husband, five children and many friends to
mourn her death. Funeral at Mellinger's M. H. on Tuesday.
Snyder.-Bro. Jacob R. Snyder was born Aug. 15, 1840, and
died at Milbank near Mount Joy, Pa., Oct. 22, 1906, after an illness
of four years from paralysis and dropsy, which he bore with much
patience; aged 66 Y., 2 M., 7 D. Funeral on the 24th at the Kreybill
M. H., conducted by Pre. John G. Ebersole and Peter R. Nissley.
Text, Phil. 1:21. Buried at the Risser M. H. by the side of a
grown daughter who preceded him some years. He is survived by
his wife, who faithfully ministered to him during his affliction,
also a son and daughter (the latter is the wife of Bro. Peter
M. Haldeman, with whom he lived during his illness). Two brothers
and two sisters also remain: Abram of Rexmont, Lebanon Co., Pa.,
Adaline of Sporting Hill, and John and Mary of Alpha, Minn.
Wittrig.-On Aug. 31, 1906, of typhoid fever, Sister Lizzie,
daughter of Bro. Daniel and Sister Lizzie Wittrig; aged 17 Y.,
4 M., 20 D. Her parents, four sisters and one brother are left
to mourn her early departure, but they mourn not as those who
have no hope. It is indeed a happy thought that lingers in our
hearts when loved ones cross the sea of death, that when our labors
here on earth are ended we shall be with them forever in the beautiful
world beyond.
Darkwood.- Orby, son of Louis and Hannah Darkwood, of Union
Twp., Elkhart Co., Ind., was born Feb. 23, 1905; died Nov. 24,
1906; aged 1 Y., 9 M., 1 D. He leaves his parents, one brother
and four sisters to mourn his early death. Buried on the 20th
in the Whitehead cemetery. Funeral services by Noah Metzler of
Nappanee, Ind. May God bless the dear family in their bereavement.
Shantz.-On the 19th of October, 1906, near Breslau, Ont.,
of typhoid fever, Bro. J. Wayne Shantz, son of Menno and Susannah
Shantz; aged 19 Y., 4 M., 25 D. Wayne was taken sick at the home
of Bro. Oliver S. Kolb, where he had been engaged during the summer,
and upon reaching his home took his bed. All that medical skill
and loving care could do was of no avail, and in the morning of
what promised a bright and useful manhood he passed out into the
beyond. Bro. Wayne had joyfully participated in the communion
services the Sunday before he was taken sick, and we have the
comfort of believing that he has gone home to await with the saints
that have gone before for the general resurrection of the just.
The blow falls heavily upon the parents and his brothers and sisters,
and his many friends, but we know that God doeth all things well.
The funeral which was one of the largest ever seen in Breslau,
was held on Monday, Oct. 22. Services at the house by I. A. Wambold,
and at the Cressman M. H. by J. S. Woolner in English and by Noah
Stauffer in German. Texts, Jas. 4:14 and Eph. 5:15, 10. May God
comfort the bereaved hearts.
Cressman.-On the 19th of October, 1906, at Bloomingdale,
Ont., Hilda, daughter of Dea. Jacob and Valina Cressman; aged
nearly four years. Funeral services and interment, Sunday, the
21st. Services at the house by Enoch Bowman and at the Snyder
M. H. by Jesse Martin in English and by Bish. Jonas Snider in
German. A sweet little flower plucked out of this earthly garden
to bloom in glory.
Blosser.-Gladys Adelia, daughter of Vernon and Ada Blosser,
was born April 14, 1906; died Oct. 26, 1906; aged 6 M., 12 D.
Funeral sermon by D. S. Lehman, assisted by E. M. Detwiler. Text,
Job 1:21. "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath
taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." Buried at N.
Lima (0.) Mennonite church, Oct. 28.
Transcribed by: Ron Garber, Kansas
Week 2: December 13, 1906, page 479, 480
Vol. XLIII, No. 50

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Herald of Truth, December 13, 1906, page 479, 480
Von Gunden.-John Von Gunden was born in Baden, German, Jan.
4, 1827; died near Amish, Iowa, Nov. 16,1906; aged 79 Y., 10 M.,
12 D. He emigrated with his parents to America in 1834, first
living in Pennsylvania and later took up their residence in Fulton
Co., Ohio. In early life he identified himself with the Amish
Mennonite church. When a young man he went to Butler Co., Ohio,
and there was united in marriage to Catharine P. Schmitt, Jan.
16, 1848. A few years later he, with his wife and then small family,
moved to Lee Co., Iowa, where they lived a short time; thence
they removed to Henry Co., Iowa, where they resided in the vicinity
of Trenton for thirty-six years. In 1888 they moved to Kalona,
Iowa. Interment took place in the Lower Deer Creek church cemetery.
A very large concourse of relatives and friends attended to pay
their last tribute of respect. Of his children there are yet six
living and were all present except Katie of Milford, Neb. He also
leaves 29 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren to mourn his
death; but they need not mourn as those who have no hope. Peace
to his ashes.
Stauffer.-On the 7th of Dec., 1906, in Washington Burough,
Lancaster Co., Pa., of heart failure, with which she had been
suffering for some time, Maria K., wife of Jacob C. Stauffer;
aged 75 years. She is survived by a number of children. Funeral
was held on the 10th at the Habecker Mennonite meeting-house.
Brubacher.-On the 28th of Nov., 1906, near Elmira, Waterloo
Co., Ont., Mary Ann, daughter of Samuel K. Brubacher; aged 12
Y., 1 M., 23 D. Buried on the 30th.
Conde.-Howard C. Conde of Elkhart, Ind., was struck and
instantly killed by the Lake Shore limited train at Chesterton,
Ind., on the 9th of Nov., 1906; aged 30 Y., 1 M., 6 D. He leaves
a wife, four children and father and mother to mourn his early
death. Funeral services were held at the home, No. 913 Wolf avenue,
by John F. Funk, of the Mennonite church. Interment at the South
Prairie street cemetery on the 11th. May God comfort the sorrowing
hearts and give such blessings as they need.
"'Tis hard to break the tender cord,
When love has bound the heart;
'Tis hard, so hard to speak the word:
We must forever part.
Dearest loved one, we must lay thee
In the peaceful grave's embrace,
But thy memory'll cherished be
Until again we see thy face."
Speicher.-Mildred Orpha Speicher, daughter of Bro. and
Sister W. G. Speicher, died at their home in Rockton, Pa., Dec.
1, 1906, of whooping cough; aged 1 M., 7 D. One brother preceded
Mildred to the spirit world. She is survived by father, mother,
three brothers and six sisters, to mourn the death of one called
away so early in life. "Suffer little children, and forbid
them not, to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
Funeral services were conducted by E. J. Blough on the 2d of December.
Kirkpatrick.-Near Birch Tree, Mo., the 29th of November,
Adolphus Kirkpatrick, aged 17 Y., 10 M., 15 D. While out hunting
with a younger brother and about one-half mile from home, he shot
himself, whether accidentally or intentionally is not known, but
those who are best acquainted with the circumstances think it
could not been intentional. It is another loud call to be prepared
for death. Funeral services conducted by J. P. Berkey, J. T. Hamilton
and John Brubaker.
Kauffman.-Bro. Emanuel Kauffman was born in Cambria Co.,
Pa., Feb. 11, 1831; died near Bremen, Marshall Co., Ind., Dec.
4, 1906; aged 73 Y., 9 M., 23 D. In 1854 he was united in marriage
with Hannah Kauffman. To this union were born eight children.
Five children and his wife preceded him to the spirit world. In
December 1888, he was again married to Sarah Hochstetler. His
wife one son, two daughters, two brothers (Stephen and Jacob)
and many relatives are left to mourn his departure. Funeral services
were held at South Union by Jas. H. McGowen. Text, Rev. 22:12.
Charles.-On the 28th of Nov., 1906, on his way home from
Lancaster, Pa., Michael Charles, aged 75 years. He had been to
Lancaster City to secure letters of administration for an estate,
and while conversing with the deputy in the office of the Registrar
of Wills, etc., it was noticed that he was ill, and when spoken
to he replied that he would soon be all right again. But he soon
became unconscious, and he was removed to a private room and a
doctor called. Not recovering, an ambulance was provided to take
him to his home in Pequa township, but he died on the way, while
passing through the village of New Danville. He was a member of
the Old Mennonite church, and is survived by his wife and several
sons and daughters. He was buried on Sunday, Dec. 2, at the Stone
Mennonite meeting-house. Truly, in the midst of life we are in
death, therefore be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think
not the Son of man cometh.
Transcribed by: Ron Garber, Kansas
Week 3: December 20, 1906, page 489
Vol. XLIII, No. 51

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Herald of Truth, December 20, 1906, page 489
Litwiller.-Pre. Peter B. Litwiller, of Gratiot Co., Mich.,
who died Nov. 2, was born in Ontario, Canada, March 20, 1858.
He removed with his parents to Reed City, Mich., in 1872, and
to St. Johns, Mich., in 1883, where he was ordained to the ministry,
Oct. 29, 1893. He was joined in marriage to Sister Hattie Bates
of Gratiot Co., Mich., July, 1895. They removed to Gratiot county
in 1901, and to Reed City, Mich., March 19, 1904, where the brother
labored until he was taken ill with rheumatic trouble in November,
1904, when they returned to their former home, where he died after
an illness of two years, leaving his dear wife, father and mother,
two brothers and four sisters to mourn their loss. The brother
was converted and joined the church when seventeen years old,
was ordained when thirty-five years of age, and died at the age
of 48 Y., 7 M., 12 D., with a living hope of that eternal rest.
Funeral sermon was preached from 2 Tim. 4:1-9 by F. C. Fricke
and. C. R. Peters.
Witmer.-On the 11th of Dec., 1906, in St. Joseph's Hospital
in Lancaster, Pa., Pre. Abraham M. Witmer, aged 64 years. He was
afflicted with bladder trouble, and it seemed a surgical operation
was the only way by which his life could be saved. He was accordingly
taken to the hospital, though in a very critical condition. After
his arrival there he was too weak for the operation to be undertaken,
and sank rapidly until relieved by death. Bro. Witmer resided
near Masonville in Manor township, where he had spent nearly his
entire life. Fourteen years ago he was chosen and ordained to
the ministry in the Old Mennonite church, and served in the congregations
at Masonville, Habecker's and Mountville, with singular and unselfish
devotion. He preached the last time on Sunday, Nov. 11, four weeks
ago, on which day he preached two sermons. His life companion
died about twenty years ago. His children are as follows: Fannie,
Abraham, Benjamin, Annie and Leah. He is also survived by two
unmarried sisters, who resided with him. Funeral services were
held on Friday, Dec. 14, at the Masonville Mennonite meeting-house,
where he also was buried. The Lord comfort those who mourn the
death of a faithful, kind and loving father, brother and shepherd
of the people.
Markley.-Elizabeth Markley, daughter of Bish. Abraham Rohrer,
was born near Hagerstown, Md., Aug. 3, 1816; died of old age at
the home of her daughter near Blake, on Thanksgiving morning,
in her 91st year. She moved with her parents to
Medina Co., Ohio, when sixteen years of age. On May 1, 1843, she
was united in marriage with John Markley, who preceded her to
the spirit world seventeen years ago. A daughter and son-in-law
remain to mourn the less of a kind and loving mother, but not
without hope. She also leaves two aged brothers and three aged
sisters. Three brothers and two sisters have also crossed the
sea of death. It is indeed a happy thought that when our labors
here on earth are ended, we shall be with our loved ones in the
beautiful world beyond. Funeral services were conducted the following
Sunday by the brethren Isaac Good and Henry Hurst.
Transcribed by: Ron Garber, Kansas
Week 4: December 27, 1906, page 499
Vol. XLIII, No. 52

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Herald of Truth, December 27, 1906, page 499
Birkey.-Pre. Joseph Birkey of Thayer Co., Neb., died Dec.
6, 1906, at the home of his son Jacob; age, 78 Y., 8 M., and several
days. Buried on the 8th. He leaves a wife and three sons to mourn
his death, but they need not mourn as those who have no hope.
The Lord comfort the bereaved hearts with a blessed hope of the
Shaub.-On the 11th of Dec., 1906, in Lancaster Pa, of a
stroke of apoplexy, having had eight strokes in as many months,
Anna Shaub, widow of the late Abraham Shaub; aged 69 years. Her
maiden name was Baker. She resided in Lancaster during the past
ten years. She was a member of the Reformed Mennonite church for
about fifty years. A son and a daughter survive her. Buried at
the Longenecker burying-ground.
Stoltztus.-On the 4th of Nov., 1906, near Gap, Lancaster
Co., Pa., of consumption, Fannie, daughter of Stephen U. and Salome
E. Stoltzfus; aged 12 Y., 3 M., 8 D. Funeral was held on the 6th,
conducted by Pre. Gideon Stoltzfus and Daniel Esh from 1 Pet.
1:24, 25. Interment at Beiler's cemetery at Ronks. She is survived
by her sorrowing parents and five sisters; besides she leaves
a number of friends to mourn the loss of a kind and loving little
friend. Health was failing her from the age of eight months. May
God comfort the sorrowing ones and dry those tears of sorrow.
She is now awaiting the great day of everlasting
joy. M. A. B.
Kraybill.-Peter N. Kraybill one of the oldest residents
of East Donegal Twp, Lancaster Co., Pa., died at the home of his
son Samuel, Nov. 5, 1906, of a severe cold of only a little more
than a week's duration; aged 87 Y., 9 M., 2 D. He was married
in 1847 to Fannie Snyder, who survives him, as well as all their
children, eight in number: Henry, Levi, Christian, Peter, Samuel,
Tillman, Fannie and Mary, all married and residing in Lancaster
county except Christian, who with his family lives at Abilene,
Kan. He was a faithful member of the Old Mennonite church and
a reader of the Herald of Truth almost from the time of its first
publication as well as of the Gospel Witness during its existence.
He often quoted the words of Paul, expressing his desire to depart
and be with Christ, which is far better. Nevertheless he would
say he was willing to patiently wait until the Lord would see
fit to call him hence. Funeral services were held at Kraybill's
M. H., near Mt. Joy, Pa., where a large concourse of people assembled
to pay unto him their last tribute of respect, Peter R. Nissly,
Jacob N. Brubacher and John Wohlgemuth conducting the services.
Brubaker.-On the 16th of Dec., 1906, in Rohrerstown, Lancaster
Co., Pa., Andrew Brubaker, aged nearly 93 years. He appeared to
be in his usual health until about a week before his death, when
he had a fall, and was not in good health since, and finally died
of the infirmities of age. He was a son of Jacob and Barbara Brubaker,
who died eighty-six years ago. He was a man well preserved physically
and a walk of ten or twelve miles did not affect him. Before the
time of railroads he had a number of teams on the road between
Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and in this business he continued
up to the time the railroad was opened. It is believed that his
horses drew the first cars before engines were used. He was a
member of the Mennonite church for over fifty years. His first
wife was Anna Landis, who died twenty-five years ago, and from
his first marriage four children survive. His second wife was
Catharine Bare Wissler. Thirteen grandchildren and twenty-one
great-grandchildren also survive. He was buried on the 19th at
the Rohrerstown Mennonite M. H., where the services also were
conducted. Peace to his ashes.
Transcribed by: Ron Garber, Kansas
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- Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA
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