Week 1: February
7, 1907 Volume XLIV, Number 6 |
Herald of Truth,February 7, 1907, page 60
Nolt.-On the 26th of Jan., 1907, near Ephrata, Lancaster Co., Pa., of Bright's disease, after an illness of about six months, Christian Nolt, aged 75 Y., 1 M., 23 D. He was the father of two children, of whom one, a son, and his second wife survive. He was a member of the Mennonite church and always lived a consistent Christian life. He was buried at the Groffsdale Mennonite M. H. on the 29th.
Meckley.-On the 19th of Jan., 1907, near Mount Joy, Lancaster Co., Pa., after an illness of several years, Henry Meckley, aged 70 years. Funeral services were held at the Mount Pleasant M. H. on the 23d, where appropriate services were con-ducted by Bish. Jacob N. Brubacher.
Meckley.-On Saturday, Jan. 19, 1907, near Mt. Joy, Lancaster Co. Pa., of a complication of diseases of which he had been a sufferer for several years, Henry Meckley, aged 63 Y., 10 M., 28 D. He leaves a sorrowing wife, one son and three daughters to mourn his death. He united with the Mennonite church about three years ago and although he could not attend church services very often, yet he seemed to have a desire to do God's will. Funeral services were held on the 23d at Mt. Pleasant M. H. by Bish. Jacob N. Brubacher and Bish. Henry Hoffer, of the Brethren in Christ denomination, Text, 2 Cor. 4:16-18.
Fretz.-Joseph R. Fretz was born in Louth Twp., Lincoln Co., Ont., June 13, 1832; was married to Elizabeth Hoover of York Co., Ont., Sept. 13, 1864; died Jan. 4, 1907; aged 74 Y., 6 M., 22 D. For the last thirty-five years of his life he suffered much from general weakness and various troubles. He was patient in sickness and cheerful and very zealous in his Christian life. He leaves a sorrow-ing companion and two children, whose great com-fort is in the hope of meeting the departed father in heaven. Funeral services were held at the home on Jan. 7, by S. F. Coffman. Text, 1 John 5:1. Interment in the graveyard near Campden.
Wismer.-Hannah Smith, beloved wife of Bro. Isaac G. Wismer of South Cayuga, Ont. was born June 18, 1836, in Vaugh Twp., York Co., Ont., and died at her home in Haldimand Co., Ont., Jan. 4, 1907; aged 70 Y, 6 M, 17 D. She was married to Bro. Wismer April 11, 1878, which union was blessed with one son who survives. While walk-ing across the room engaged in her usual duties she fell and in a few moments expired. This sudden death is indeed a sad experience for the fam-ily, but they are comforted with the eternal hope in the promises of Christ. Funeral services, Jan. 8, by Moses Hoover and S. F. Coffman. Text, 1 Pet. 1:23, 24. Burial at South Cayuga.
Moyer.-Susanna Moyer, beloved wife of the late Bro. Jacob Moyer, died at the residence of her son, Norman Moyer, in Clinton Twp., Lincoln Co., Ont., Jan. 16, 1907; aged 80 Y., 5 M. Sister Moyer had been quite well until afflicted with pneumonia when after a few days of illness she peacefully fell asleep in Jesus. May the comfort of her sal-vation be with her beloved family. She was buried in the cemetery at Jordan Station, where many friends and relatives met in honor of one whom they respected and loved. Services by S. F. Coffman and Pre. Kieffer. Texts, Ex. 36:25 and Heb. 10:19, 20.
Oloholtzer.-Only child of David and Mary Olohohtzer of Martindale, Pa., passed quietly to his rest, on Jan., 13, 1907. Funeral services conducted by Menno Zimmerman and Jonas Martin, from Job 1:21. Buried at the Mennonite meeting-house. It seems very sad for the dear parents to part so soon with their only child, but what a blessed hope to know that it is now safe in the arms of Jesus.
Herner.-On Jan. 13, 1907, near Carstairs, Alta., Isaac Herner, aged 69 Y., 5 M., 11 D. Death came very suddenly on Sunday morning before the family had risen. Sister Herner heard a groan and asked him, "What is the matter?" He replied, "Oh, such a pain!" and was gone. She arose to get a light, but life had fled. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon from the home to West Zion cemetery. He leaves a widow, three daughters and two sons. Services were conducted by Pro. Israel R. Shantz. Text, Rev. 14:13. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord."
Wiser.-On the 7th of Jan., 1907, in Elkhart, Ind., of consumption, Nora Bertha Wiser, daughter of David and - Wiser; aged 20 Y., 3 M., 7 D. She had been suffering for some months from the disease which finally ended her life, but was cheerful and contented to the time that the Lord called her home. She never complained, never spoke unkindly of any one and seemed to realize that she must soon leave her parents, brothers and sisters for the world beyond. One day when her mother knelt by her bedside and rubbed her hands, she said, "Nora, what do you think about while you are lying here on your bed?" "Oh," she replied, "I pray to Jesus to wash my sins away." The last day she lived she seemed very weak and spent the day in bed. In the evening, when her mother asked her if she would not like to get up for a little while, she said she thought she would. She had been especially bright in her mind and cheerful during the day and arose out of bed with-out assistance and her breathing seemed so light and easy that she really appeared to be better; but suddenly she became faint, fell back into her mother's arms and was quickly laid on the bed, where with a few gasps for breath she was gone. She was born at Spruce Creek, Huntingdon Co., Pa. She leaves to mourn her early death a sorrowing father, mother, two sisters and five brothers. The Lord comfort the sorrowing hearts.
Transcribed by Nancy Regan, Washington.
Week 2: February 14, 1907, page 70 Volume XLIV, Number 7 |
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Luse.-Pre. Henry Luse was born in Center Co., Pa., Aug. 5, 1826; died in Elkhart, Ind., Feb. 7, 1907, of paralysis; aged 80 Y., 6 M., 2 D. He was formerly a minister in the U. B. denomination, but on account of innovations with which he could not agree he stood on independent ground. He was a devoted Christian and followed the teachings of Christ according to his sincere convictions. He preached wherever opportunity offered, and years ago not infrequently preached in the Mennonite M. H. in Elkhart. He did some pastoral work in the neighborhood where he lived and officiated at many funerals. He was beloved and respected by those who enjoyed the privilege of his acquaintance. For several years, however, his health did not permit him to do active ministerial work. He came from Pennsylvania thirty-nine years ago, most of which time he lived in Michigan. He leaves his second wife and three children. He was buried on Sunday, Feb. 10. It was his special request that no flowers be placed on his coffin or offered in tribute to his memory.
Hursh.-Bro. David W. Hursh was born in Cumberland Co., Pa. When quite young his father, Christian Hursh, moved on a farm in Windsor Twp., York Co., Pa., where he was first married to Sister Mary Jane Forry, who died May 6, 1899. To this union were born eleven children, eight sons and three daughters. Three sons and one daughter preceded her to the spirit world. On March 21, 1901, he was married again, to Sister Eliza A. Quickel. After his second marriage he quit farming and moved to the city of York, where he lived with his wife and youngest son, Paul, up to the time of his death. He was troubled with vertigo and kidney trouble, of which he died, Dec. 28, 1906, aged 79 Y., 7 M., 11 D. His seat was seldom vacant in church. Funeral services by Bish. Abram B. Herr from Rev. 14:13 in English and Bish. J. N. Brubacher in German. Peace to his ashes.
Watson.-On Feb. 6, 1907 (the day before her birthday), at her home in Elkhart, Ind., of tubercular peritonitis and other complications, Mary Watson, daughter of Homer G. (deceased) and Lucy Watson; aged 17 years. She had been severely afflicted for over two years, but bore all her trials with patience and submission to the divine will. She was of a kind and loving disposition and was beloved and respected by all who knew her. The esteem and respect in which she was held by her friends was abundantly evinced by the many tears that were shed during the funeral services, especially by the young people who were her particular friends and companions. Funeral services were held on the 8th, conducted by the rector of the Episcopal church, and her remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at White Pigeon, Mich., beside her father, who died six years ago. Besides her mother and brother, her grandfathers survive. May God comfort the sorrowing hearts.
Hershberger. - Silas Hershberger was born in Miami Co., Ind., Oct. 13, 1863, and died in Fairview, Oscoda Co., Mich., Feb. 3, 1907; aged 43 Y., 3 M., 20 D. He united with the Amish Mennonite church in Howard Co., Ind., when he was yet a young man, and held out in the same faith until death called him home. Funeral was preached by E. A. Bontrager on Feb. 5, from the text, Job 7:8-10. He was unmarried and stayed with his brother Daniel during his sickness and death, His remains were laid to rest in the Fairview cemetery.
Lefever.-On Jan. 31, 1907, near Greenland, Lancaster Co., Pa., of a complication of diseases, John M. Lefever, in his ninety-second year. His health had been good until within a few day of his death. He was the last survivor of his family. His wife died about three months ago. One daughter survives. He was a member of the Old Mennonite church. Funeral at Mellinger's M. H. on Feb. 3.
Hess.-On the 2d of Feb., 1907, near Clay, Lancaster Co., Pa., of a complication of diseases, Sister ----- Hess, wife of Eli Hess; aged about fifty years. She had been a sufferer for several years. She was the only daughter of Pre. Christian Risser, of near Lititz. She was a member of the Mennonite church and is survived by her husband and seven children. The funeral was held at the Hess meeting-house on the 5th.
Givins.-On Feb. 1, 1907, at the home of her son, Chas. W. Flora, in Lancaster, Pa., of the infirmities of old age, Sarah, wife of Jas. Givins, in the seventieth year of her age. She was a member of the Paradise Old Mennonite congregation. Her first husband, David Flora, died thirty years ago. Her second husband, a son and several sisters survive her. Buried at Paradise M. H. on the 4th of February.
Kreider.-On Jan. 31, 1907, at the home of her son Phares near Rockhill, Lancaster Co., Pa., Barbara S., widow of the late Michael K. Kreider, in her seventy-fourth years. She died of consumption. She was a member of the Old Mennonite church, and is survived by four sons, one daughter, a sister and a brother. Funeral was held at the New Danville Menn. M. H. on Sunday, Feb. 3.
Amstutz.-Emma J. (Shank) Amstutz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Shank of Columbus Grove, Ohio, was born Aug. 24, 1877; died Jan. 31, 1907; aged 29 Y., 5 M., 7 D. She was married to P. U. Amstutz Dec. 23, 1900. They lived in happy union together 6 Y., 1 M., 7 D. Those who survive to mourn her loss are her sadly bereaved husband, father, mother, two brothers, three sisters and many friends. One sister preceded her to the spirit world. She accepted Christ as her Savior about ten years ago. Funeral services were held near Grabill, Ind., Sunday, Feb. 3, 1907, by Ben. B. King and Ben. S. Gerig from Psa. 8:4. B. K.
Strite.-On Jan. 27, 1907, Bro. Isaac Wm. Strite peacefully passed away at Normanna, Texas; aged 53 Y., 3 M. He was born in Gainsbury Twp., Fredericks Co., Va., Oct. 27, 1853, where he lived until 1873, when he came to Ottawa, Putnam Co., Ohio, where he had his home until death called him to his reward. On Feb. 22, 1881, he was married to Susanna Myers. This union was blessed with eleven children, three of whom preceded him to the spirit world. He had been gradually failing in health for several years, but it was not so noticeable until within a few months before his death. Dec. 17, 1906, he, accompanied by his daughter Lottie, son Ira and brother-in-law, Solomon Myers, left for Normanna, Texas, with hopes of getting help in a new climate. For a time hopes of recovery were entertained, but the disease was so thoroughly rooted in his lungs that on the beautiful Sunday evening of Jan. 27 he quietly and peacefully passed into the sleep of death. Arrangements were promptly made for the return of the corpse to his former home. It was a sad home coming. Funeral was conducted from Forest Grove M. H., Saturday, Feb. 2, A. J. Steiner officiating. In the death of Bro. Strite the church mourns the loss of a faithful member, the companion a devoted husband, the children a kind and loving father. The family has kindly asked us to insert a card of thanks for Bro. Unzicker and friends at Normanna, Texas, who so ably and kindly assisted during the illness and death of Father Strite. COR.
Week 3: February 21, 1907, page 79, 80 Volume XLIV, Number 8 |
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Nissley.-On the 6th of Feb., 1907, Deacon Henry S. Nissley, at his home at Florin, Lancaster Co., Pa., passed peacefully away, after a short illness, in the eightieth year of his age. He was a member of the Old Mennonite denomination for a period of fifty-two years, and a deacon for twenty-eight years. He was a very regular attendant at the meetings and was greatly interested in the welfare of the church. He was a continuous subscriber to the Herald of Truth from the beginning of its publication. He leaves a widow and five children, grandchildren and a large number of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. He was laid to rest in the burying ground at Kraybill's meeting house on the 9th inst., where services were conducted by Pre. Henry E. Longenecker in German, and by Bish. Jacob N. Brubaker in English, from Luke 2:29, "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word"
Ernst -On Oct. 15, 1906, near Chambersburg, Franklin Co., Pa., of dropsy, Elizabeth, wife of Jacob S. Ernst; aged 77 Y., 11 M., 11 D. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.
Martin.-On the 12th of Feb., 1907, in Goodville, Lancaster Co., Pa, Lavina, wife of Jonas W. Martin; aged about 30 years. She died in confinement and leaves a sorrowing husband and two children. She was a daughter of Samuel Musser of Bowmansville. She was buried on the 15th at Weaverland M. H., where appropriate services were held.
Nafziger.-Bro. Christian Nafziger was born in France, Jan. 6, 1827; died Feb. 9, 1907; aged 80 Y., 1 M., 3 D. He was married to Elizabeth Gingerich in 1853. To this union were born four children, three of whom are yet living. His first wife having died he was united in marriage to Magdalena Yoder, Aug. 8, 1861. To this union were born nine children, of whom eight are living. His wife, four sons, four daughters, forty-seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren are left to mourn the loss of husband and father. Funeral services were held in the A. M. M. H., conducted by Christian Freyenberger in German and Henry Rychener in English.
Klopfenstein. - Bro. Joseph Klopfenstein was born in Alsace, France, Jan. 13, 1823; died at the residence of his daughter at Elmira, Ohio, Feb. 4, 1907, of paralysis; aged 84 Y., 21 D. He was the father of thirteen children; six sons, four daughters, forty-one grandchildren and twenty-nine great-grandchildren are left to mourn the loss of a loving father and grandfather. His wife, one son and two daughters preceded him to the spirit world. Bro. Klopfenstein, up to the 20th of Jan., 1907, was a man of remarkable strength and activity for his age. He was during all his life and especially in his younger days a very industrious, energetic man, kind to all, and during his whole life esteemed by all. He was an upright and devoted Christian man and a faithful member of the Amish Mennonite church for over sixty years. Funeral services were held in Elmira, conducted by Christian Stuckey in German from Rev. 14:13, and by Henry Rychener in English. Text, 1 Cor. 15:21, 22. Buried in the Johnson cemetery. He can never more come to us, but we can go to him if we are faithful.
Kreider.-Feb. 5, 1907, near Milton Grove, Lancaster Co., Pa., after nine days' sickness of Lagrippe, followed by pneumonia, Mary, daughter of John Kreider; aged 22 Y., 5 M., 6 D. She is survived by her parents, four brothers and four sisters. Funeral services were held Feb. 8 at the Green Ive M. H. by Pre. John Ebersole and Hiram Kaylor, of the German Baptist denomination. Text, Jas. 4:14. Interment in Risser's burial ground. She united with the Mennonite church nearly one year ago and was a consistent member until death called her to her reward.
Cary.-On the 15th of Feb., 1907, at her home in Elkhart, Ind., of paralysis, with which she suffered about eleven years, Barbara Ellen Ebersole, wife of John Cary; aged 59 Y., 4 M., 5 D. She was born in Sandusky Co., Ohio, and was a daughter of Samuel and Rebecca (Rule) Ebersole. She was married to her surviving husband, Feb. 17, 1866. To this union were born two daughters, Mary, who survives her, and Rebecca, who died in infancy. Besides her husband and daughter she is also survived by her parents and two brothers, William of Conway Springs, Kan., and Albert of this county. Funeral services were conducted at the home on Sunday, Feb. 17, by John F. Funk, from 2 Cor. 5:1. Interment at Grace Lawn cemetery. She was a faithful wife, mother and friend. May God comfort the sorrowing family and friends.
Bare.-On Feb. 11, 1907, near Witmer, Lancaster Co., Pa., of congestion of the lungs, Mary, wife of Wayne Bare, in her eighty-third year. Her health had been good until within a few days of her death. She was a member of the Old Mennonite church and is survived by her husband, three sons, three daughters, twenty-three grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren; four sisters and one brother also survive. Funeral was held at Stumptown M. H., Feb. 14.
Martin.-Samuel O. Martin died at his home, 205. Mercer Ave., Goshen, Ind., of consumption, Jan. 17, 1907; aged 52 Y., 9 M., 25 D. He was born in Cumberland Co., Pa, and was the son of Abraham and Elizabeth Martin.
Wenger.-On Jan. 30, 1907, at the home of his daughter at Reidenbach's Store, Lancaster Co., Pa, of the infirmities of age, David S. Wenger, aged 82 Y., 1 M., 5 D. His wife died twenty-seven years ago. He was the father of thirteen children, seven of whom survive. Also forty-four grandchildren, and of sixty-six great-grandchildren fifty-seven are living. He was buried at the Pike Menn. M. H., where services were conducted by Aaron Sensenig and others.
Week 4: February 28, 1907, page 89 Volume XLIV, Number 9 |
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Pre. Benjamin Huber was born in Perry Co., Ohio, April 27, 1830, and died at his home in Perry Co., Ohio, Feb. 10, 1907; aged 76 Y., 9 M., 14 D. He united with the Mennonite church in early life and about the year 1855 was ordained deacon in the church and a few years later was ordained to the ministry of the gospel and discharged his duties faithfully in the service of the Lord until his spirit was called to its eternal home. He was married to Catharine McCormick, Dec. 2, 1858. She preceded him to the spirit world about nine years ago. To this union were born five daughters and two sons, who, together with twenty-two grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate father. Funeral services were held at the Turkey Run M. H. on the 13th. A large concourse of people attended the services, which were conducted by J. J. Warye from John 5:35. Interment in the adjoining cemetery.
Loucks. - Bro. William Loucks was born in Holmes Co., Ohio, Aug. 20, 1833; came with his parents to Harrison Twp., Elkhart Co., Ind., in 1851. In 1853 he was married to Martha Ann Rinebold. To this union were born two sons and seven daughters. One daughter preceded him to the spirit world. There were also thirty-six grandchildren, two of whom preceded him, and three great-grandchildren. His wife died March 17, 1903. He departed this life Feb. 17, 1907, aged 75 Y., 5 M., 26 D. He was buried on the 18th at N. Union. Funeral services were conducted at the North Union M. H. near Wakarusa, by John Hygema and Henry Weldy, from Zech. 14:7, "At evening time it shall be light." He was a member of the Mennonite church for many years.
Koebel. - Catharine Koebel (nee Gerig) was born in Alsace, France, Nov. 15, 1827: died Jan. 17, 1907, near Wayland, Iowa; aged 79 Y., 2 M., 2 D. She united with the A. M. church at the age of fourteen years, being a constant member for sixty-five years. She united in matrimony with Jacob Koebel in 1858. This union was blessed with four sons. They emigrated to America in 1874. She leaves an aged husband, four sons, seven grandchildren; her two youngest brothers, Bish. S. Gerig of Wayland, Ia., and Bish. Benjamin Gerig of Smithville, Ohio, also survive her. Funeral services were conducted by Daniel Graber and S. M. Musselman from the text, 2 Pet. 1:13-15, which she herself had selected before she died. Peace to her ashes.
Lehman.-On Feb. 14, 1907, at his home near Neffsville Lancaster Co., Pa., very suddenly of pneumonia, David S. Lehman, aged 52 Y, 10 M., 11 D. He leaves an invalid widow who is at the Mennonite Home near Lancaster, Pa., and four children (two sons and two daughters), to mourn a loved father. He confessed Jesus as his Savior and was baptized shortly before he died. Funeral was held at East Petersburg Mennonite M. H. Interment in the adjoining graveyard. Services were conducted by John H. Moseman and Christian Lefever. Text, Heb. 9:27.
Kurtz.-On Feb. 8, 1907, near Ledger, Lancaster Co.,
Pa., of pneumonia, Aaron C., son of Bro. Daniel and Sister Annie
Kurtz; aged 1 Y., 4 M., 8 D. This little one had always been a
sufferer. The mother only knows the tender care it took for the
child, but we believe she did all she could. How much better he
is taken care of in the heavenly home above, where suffering and
pain are no more. May this death cause us all to live nearer to
the teaching of God's word, that some day we can meet our near
and dear ones who have gone before. Funeral services were conducted
by Bish. Isaac Eby from Isa. 55:8.
A. M. K.
Lehman.---On the 5th of Feb., 1907, at Scotland, Franklin
Co., Pa., Anna, wife of Peter L. Lehman, of Bright's disease;
aged 35 Y., 1 M., 21 D. She had been ailing for a year or more,
but we need not mourn as those who have no hope. She was a consistent
member of the Mennonite church since fifteen years of age. She
bore her sufferings with great patience and was faithful unto
the end. She leaves a sorrowing husband, with whom she lived only
four years; also a father and step-mother (Samuel S. and Lydia
Lesher), one brother and one sister survive. Her mother preceded
her to the spirit world about fourteen years ago. Funeral services
were conducted at the Chambersburg meeting-house by Bish. George
Keener and Joseph Martin. Text, Phil. 1:21. Interment in the grave
yard adjoining. BY HER SISTER.
Kehr.-On Feb. 14, 1907, Christian M. Kehr departed this life, aged 79 Y., 8 M., 14 D. He was born in York Co., Pa.. May 30, 1827. When he was eight years old he, with his parents, moved to Richland Co., Ohio, where they resided fourteen years. His father died in Ohio in 1848. In 1849 his mother, with her family and the family of John Moyer, moved to Harrison Twp., Elkhart Co., Ind. About the year 1859 he was united in holy matrimony with Susan Hendricks. This union was blessed with two sons and one daughter. His wife died April 4, 1898. He leaves two sons (George and John Kehr), one daughter (Lena Brenneman), two brethren (Samuel and John), one sister (Margaret Kehr), nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild. His burial took place on Sunday, Feb. 17, at the Yellow Creek M. H., where a very large concourse of friends had assembled to pay the last tribute of respect. Services were conducted by J. W. Christophel and Jonas Loucks in English and John Martin in German. Text, Psa. 116:15, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints."
Sommers.-Near Waupecong, Miami Co., Ind., Esta, daughter
of Joseph and Mary Sommers; died Feb. 6, 1907; aged 2 Y., 3 M.,
28 D. Funeral on the 8th, conducted by E. A. Mast in German and
N. M. Slabaugh in English from Mark 10:
13-15. May God bless Bro. Sommers and family in their bereavement.
Fretz.-On Feb. 18, 1907, near Florin, Lancaster Co., Pa., after a short illness from grip, Aaron C. Fretz, aged 74 years. He was a son of Daniel Fretz of Rapho township. He is survived by two sisters. He was a member of the Mennonite church. Buried on the 21st at the Kreybill Menn. M. H.
Hostetter.-Near Mt. Joy, Lancaster Co., Pa., of pneumonia, Christian K. Hostetter, aged 84 years. He was one of the oldest and best-known citizens of the neighborhood. He was a member of the Mennonite church. One son and one daughter survive him.
Dunlap.-On Feb. 17, 1907, at the home of his son in West Lampeter Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., of heart failure, John H. Dunlaps(sic?), aged 78 years. He was a member of the Old Mennonite church. He is survived by three sons and two daughters. Funeral was held on the 20th at the Brick Mennonite M. H. near Willow Street.
Holderman.-On Feb. 20, 1907, in Osceola, Ind., of a complication of diseases, Catharine Kulp, widow of the late Jacob Holderman, who died six years ago; aged 73 Y., 10 M., 27 D. She was born in Holmes Co., Ohio, March 21, 1833, and is survived by three sons, two daughters, sixteen grandchildren, one brother, three half-sisters and one half-brother. She was a faithful, member of the Mennonite church for thirty-five years and was a kind and loving mother and always had a kind word for every one she met. Funeral was held at the Dunkard M. H. near Osceola on the 22d, where services were conducted by John F. Funk and Henry Weldy from John 14:2, 3. God comfort the sorrowing hearts who mourn a mother's death.
Alwine.-Samuel Alwine was born Jan. 27, 1862; died Jan. 25, 1907, of pneumonia and heart failure; aged 46 years, less two days. He was the youngest of twelve children; four sisters and one brother have preceded him to the spirit world. Four sisters and two brothers survive him, also a wife and child, to mourn their loss. He was a member of the Evangelical church for about twenty years. He was buried on the 28th of January in Grandview cemetery. Funeral services were conducted by Pre. Ellrich of the Ev. church.
Shelley.-Hannah G. Shelley, widow of Christian B. Shelley of East Salem, Juniata Co., Pa., died at the home of her son-in-law, Jacob B. Musser, near Shiremanstown, Cumberland Co., Pa., Feb. 3, 1907; aged 72 Y., 1 M, 26 D. On Nov. 1, 1906, she suffered an apoplectic stroke, after which she was confined to her bed in great weakness, until God called her home, which was a desire often expressed during her illness which she bore in great submissiveness. She united with the Mennonite church about forty-four years ago, remaining faithful to the end, looking for her reward. She was a good mother and a kind companion. She was a daughter of Peter and Hannah Graybill, deceased, and a granddaughter of the late Bish. John Graybill, first minister ordained by the pioneer Mennonite settlers of Juniata and Snyder Cos., Pa. She leaves to mourn her death one son, two daughters, six grandchildren, two sisters and many friends. Funeral services were held at the home of Jacob B. Musser on the 6th by Bish. Benjamin Zimmerman and Pre. Samuel Hess. On the 7th the remains were taken to the Lost Creek M. H., Juniata Co., Pa., where services were conducted by Pre. Samuel Hess and Pre. Samuel Lyder, after which interment was made in the burying-ground adjoining, by the side of her husband. "Asleep, sweetly sleep, dear mother."
Strickler.-On Feb. 12, 1907, near Silver Springs, Lancaster, Pa., of apoplexy, Reuben R. Strickler, aged 75 years. One daughter and five sons survive him. Buried at Salunga Mennonite M. H, on the 15th of February.
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.