Week 1: - Volume 3, Number 19 - August 7, 1907, page 303 |
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SHENK.-Harry K. Shenk, son of Isaac H. Shenk, was born June 14, 1893; died July 25, 1907, of stomach trouble at the home of his parents, 463 S. Prince St., Lancaster, Pa. Funeral services were held at his late home with interment at the Greenwood Cemetery. Services conducted by John H. Moseman. Text, I Sam. 10:2.
WEIMER.-Sister Lucetta Weimer was born May 8, 1828; died of heart trouble July 25, 1907, at the Mennonite Home, Oreville, Pa., aged 79y. 2m. 17d. The funeral took place at the Mennonite Home at 2:30 p. m. and at 4 p. m. at the E. Chestnut St. Mennonite Church, Lancaster, Pa. Services conducted by John H. Moseman. Text, Heb. 9:27, 28. Interment in the Greenwood Cemetery.
DRIVER.-Jacob Driver was born in Morgan Co., Mo., June 17,
1878, and died near Harden Mo., July 28, 1907: aged, 34 y. 1 in.
11 d. He had been apparently in robust health, until a few weeks
previous to his death, when he was stricken down with a severe
case of typhoid fever. He was married to Nettie Howard on Oct.
18, 1904, who with an infant son survives him. Shortly after their
marriage he united with the Brethren Church, of which church he
was a member at the time of his death.
We are again reminded of the fickleness of life. There is none
so robust but that he may at any time be visited by the pale messenger
of death. Who would have thought one month ago that this obituary
notice would be written so soon! But such is life. May we all
be ready when the messenger comes. May God comfort the grief-stricken
widow, father, brothers and sisters who can look upon the face
of Jacob no more, and whose only hope lies beyond this vale of
Funeral services conducted by Samuel Shirkey and J. S. Kline,
after which the remains were laid away in Wakanda Cemetery.
KEMPF.-John J. Kempf was born in Fairfield Co., Ohio, Sept.
22, 1840; died at his home near Kalona, Iowa, July 16, 1907; aged
66 y. 9m. 24d.
With his parents he moved from Ohio in 1850 and settled in Johnson
Co., Iowa. In 1869 he was married to Mary A. Stutzman. To this
union were born 8 children (6 boys and 2 girls). Six of the children
with their mother, 17 grandchildren, two sisters and many other
relatives and friends are left to mourn the death of a kind and
loving husband and father.
Early in life he united with the A. M. Church and remained faithful
till called away by death. He was a cheerful and pleasant man
and will be missed in the home and the community.
Funeral was held July 18, at the home of John J. Shetler, conducted
by Peter Kinsinger and Peter J. Brenneman in German and A. L.
Yoder in English. Before leaving the home the 90th Psalm was read
and a short prayer offered by Bro. Kinsinger. He was laid to rest
in the Shetler Cemetery near by.
Give us, dear Father, by thy grace,
With father, dear, in heaven a place,
Where we can then together be,
Forever in eternity.
KAUFFMAN.-Jonas J. Kauffman was born in Holmes Co., Ohio, Feb.
16, 1830; died July 13, 1907; aged 77y. 4m. 26d.
He united with the A. M. Church in 1842. In 1851 he was married
to Rachael Yoder, ordained to the ministry about 1867 and was
made bishop about 1872. His descendants are 12 children (four
sons and eight daughters), 71 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren.
One daughter, twelve grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren
preceded him to the spirit world.
Bro. Kauffman moved from the place of his birth to Johnson Co.,
Iowa, in 1853, and from there to Douglas Co., Ill., in 1865, then
to Clackamas Co., Oreg. In 1880, where he lived to the time of
his death.
Burial, July 14, in the Zion A. M. Cemetery. Funeral services
were held at the Zion M. H. by A. P. Troyer in German and J. P.
Bontrager in English. Text, II Cor. 5:1. A very large concourse
of friends and relatives followed Bro. Kauffman' s body to its
last resting place. We are glad that we need not mourn as those
who have no hope.
Although Bro. Kauffman had been failing for some time, yet he
was able to help himself up to the time of his death, being out
after his usual duties the day before death overtook him. He went
to bed in the evening feeling apparently quite well. At about
three o'clock the next morning he fell asleep in Jesus.
Week 2: - Volume 3, Number 20 - August 14, 1907, page 319, 320 |
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WEIMER.-Lucy Weimer died very suddenly of heart failure at
the Mennonite Home, Oreville, Lancaster Co., Pa., on July 26;
aged 79y. 2m. 18d.
Funeral on the 28. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery, Lancaster.
She was a member of the Mennonite Church.
SHELLENBERGER.-Sister Polly Shellenberger was born Mar. 10.
1838; died June 21, 1907; aged 69y. 3m. 12d.
She was a member of the Mennonite Church for about fifty years.
She leaves to mourn her departure four brothers and three sisters.
One sister preceded her tothe spirit world. Interment in Lauver's
graveyard, Juniata Co., Pa. Funeral services conducted by Simon
Auker, Samuel Leiter and Wm. W. Graybill. Text, John 14:4.
BRUA.-Bro. Daniel Brua died at the Mennonite Home, Lancaster Co., Pa., Aug. 1; aged 76y. 3m. 13d. He had been an inmate of the Home from the time it was opened. He was of a quiet and peaceful disposition and was a member of the Mennonite Church. Funeral on the 4. Services at the Home conducted by Daniel Lehman from Rev. 22:14, and taken to the Paradise Presbyterian Church, where interment was made. Services were conducted by Bish. Isaac Eby. Text, Rev. 21:6.
THOMAS.-Peter K. Thomas was born in Somerset Co., Pa., Nov.
18. 1838; died at his home in Kent Co., Mich., July 29, 1907;
aged 68y. 8m. 11d.
He was married to Nancy Alwine in Somerset Co., Pa., Jan. 26,
1862, and about five years later they moved to Michigan where
his wife died Jan. 26, 1879, leaving three sons and five daughters.
Two daughters followed her a few years later.
Bro. Thomas then married Fanny Alwine of Somerset Co., Pa., Oct.
28, 1880. To this union were born two children, a son and a daughter.
The mother died Oct. 6, 1898, leaving one daughter, the son having
preceded her in death. Deceased united with the Mennonite Church
about 45 years ago and was faithful unto death. Bro. Thomas was
of a quiet, homeloving disposition, an honest and upright neighbor,
a devoted father, and held the respect of the entire neighborhood.
He suffered from frequent attacks of heart trouble for a number
of years and although tenderly watched over and cared for by his
children death came to him when it was least expected. He died
suddenly at the dinner table.
Services were held at the East Bowne Church on July 31, 1907,
by Isaac Weaver of this place and Wm. C. Hershberger of Johnstown,
MILLER.-Walter Leroy Miller, son of Bro. Samuel and Sister
Lizzie A. Miller, was born in Iowa Co., Iowa, Nov. 21, 1905; died
July 27, 1907; aged 1 y. 8 m. 6 d. He left father, mother, and
one brother to mourn his departure.
This little child was sick only nine days. He had hurt his toe
and it became sore, then his legs became sore also, and the doctors
pronounced the case blood poisoning. It is sad that a hearty child
like little Walter should suffer from this awful disease. It is
hard to part with such loving children, but the Lord wanted this
bright little jewel. God makes no mistakes, for he doeth all things
well. All medical aid and the help of loving hands was of no avail,
for God's ways are higher than our ways and He thought it best
to call this little one to Him where joy never ceases. It was
very hard for these parents to give up this loved one as this
is the third child which has been called away. Parents, you have
reason to rejoice that you have a family started in heaven where
they are free from pain and trials. Let us thank the Lord that
He is caring for us and let us remember in this dark hour of sorrow
that "all things work together for good to them that love
God." Let us so live that we may some day meet those loved
ones gone before.
Funeral service was held July 28, at the West Union M. H. by A.
I. Yoder and J. K. Yoder from Job 14:1,2. May God bless the bereaved
parents and son which remain.
WITMER.-David R. Witmer was born in Beaver Twp., Mahoning Co.,
Ohio, May 30, 1830; died Aug. 2, 1907; aged 68y. 2m. 2d.
Bro. Witmer met death very suddenly and unexpectedly. While tedding
hay Aug. 1, the horse in some manner made a quick jump, or ran
away (not over 6 or 8 rods) and threw Bro. Witmer under the tedder.
In the fall both legs wore pinioned fast and broken below the
knee. His son, with several other men were hauling hay 60 rods
away and heard his call for help. As quickly as possible they
ran to him and found him in the above position, the blood flowing
freely and the bones of one leg protruding 4 or 5 inches. One
of his shoes were cut open in order to remove him. Medical aid
was summoned and one of his legs amputated. He died the morning
of Aug. 2. He was widely known, loved and respected by all, which
fact was attested by the largest funeral ever held at that church.
He was for many years a teacher in the Sunday school and present
whenever able. About four years ago his wife bad a paralytic stroke,
which left her in a feeble condition, and he so patiently cared
for her. Now that he is gone we believe there are loving hands
who will wait upon her, but we commend her to her kind Heavenly
Parent who is indeed the widow's God.
He is survived by a doubly afflicted wife, one son, one daughter,
four grand children and one great-grandchild. They need not mourn
as those who have no hope, but believe he has gone to his eternal
reward in heaven. Sister Witmer not being able to attend services
at the church, short services were held at the house. Aug. 4,
by David S. Lehman in English and Allan Rickert in German. After
which services were held at North Lima Church by E. M. Detweiler
and John Burkholder. As not more than half the people could get
into the church services were held under a tree by the brethren
Lehman and Rickert. Buried in adjoining cemetery. Text, Psalms
90:9; Phil, 3:13.
Week 3: - Volume 3, Number 21 - August 21, 1907, page 335 |
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SHAEFFER. -Infant son of Sherman and Fannie Shaeffer was born May 15, 1905; died July 20, 1907; aged 2 y. 2 m. 5 d. Funeral at Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa., July 28, 1907. Services by E. E. Gilbert and E. W. Graybill.
THARP.-Lucy, wife of the late Isaac Tharp, was born in Luzerne Co., Pa., July 12, 1833; died Aug. 10, 1907; aged 74 y. 28 d. Funeral at the Neimond Reformed Church on Aug. 13. Services conducted by E. W. Graybill. Text, Heb. 4:9.
HARMON.-Daniel Harmon, aged 61 y. 1 m. 29 d., died near East Lewistown, Ohio, Aug. 9, 1907. He leaves a sorrowing wife to mourn his departure. He died of kidney disease. At the age of twelve years he was baptized and received into the Reformed Church. He was buried at Midway on Aug. 11, where services were conducted by L. J. Rohrbaugh of the Reformed Church assisted by David S. Lehman. Text, Job 14:1-2.
MASTER.-Sister Mary Alice, wife of Bro. Wm. Master, was born
near Mt. Pleasant Mills, Snyder Co., Pa., March 24, 1854; died
near Richfield, Pa., July 24, 1907; aged 54 y. 4 in.
Sister Mary was the mother of eight children, five sons and three
daughters; one son and one daughter preceded her to the spirit
world. She was a consistent member of the Richfield Mennonite
Church for many years. Funeral services were conducted by E. E.
Gilbert and E. W. Graybill at Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa., Aug. 27,
1907. Text, Rev. 13,14.
BRUBACHER. - Sister Adina, second daughter of Dilman M. and
Louisa Brubacher was born near Berlin, Ont., Dec. 2, 1883; died
at her mother's home in Woolwich Twp., July 14, 1907; aged 23y.
7m. 12d. Four years ago she accepted Christ as her Savior and
became a member of the Mennonite Church. Her greatest pleasure
was in attending church and Sunday school. She leaves mother,
two brothers, and two sisters to mourn our loss, which is her
gain. Father, one brother and one sister preceded her to the realms
above. Funeral July 17, at the Berlin Church. Services by Enoch
Bowman and J. M. Nunemaker of La Junta, Col. Text, II Cor. 5:1.
By Mother.
CULP.-Michael Culp was born Nov. 24, 1812; died Aug. 8, 1907,
near East Lewistown, Ohio; aged 94 y. 8 m. 15 d. He died of kidney
disease and old age. He was a man that was well known, well read
in the Word of God, and had a wonderful memory. He was a member
of no church at the time of his death, but in his younger years
had belonged to a church.
He was married Oct. 16, 1834, to Elizabeth Knopp, who died Feb.
27, 1894. To them were born 11 children, 7 of whom survive him.
There are 58 grandchildren and 68 great-grandchildren. He was
buried at Midway on Aug. 11. Services were conducted by David
S. Lehman. Text, Heb. 18:14, and A. W. Harrold of the Brethren
Church. Text, Luke 17:10.
HARTZLER.-Elsie E. Hartzler was born in Logan Co., Ohio, June
26, 1884; died at Manitou, Colorado, Aug. 5, 1907; aged 28 y.
1 in. 10 d.
She and her husband, J. M. Hartzler, went to the above named place
the beginning of June, thinking to regain her health. But God's
ways are not our ways and she grew worse instead of better. Bro.
Hartzler has been down with typhoid fever for several weeks and
was not able to bring the remains home, consequently the remains
were sent home by express.
Funeral services were held at the Walnut Grove Church, Aug. 12,
1907. Services conducted by S. E. Allgyer from Isa. 35:10. Deceased
was a member of the A. M. Church.
"Walk daily with your Savior,
And doubt will disappear;
You can not be in darkness,
While He, the light, is near."
Week 4: - Volume 3, Number 22 - August 28, 1907, page 351, 352 |
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LEATHERMAN. - Jacob Leatherman died Aug. 11, 1907, near Goshen,
Ind., aged 81y. 11m. 13d. Funeral was held Aug. 14, at the Yellow
Creek Church by J. F. Funk, J. W. Christophel and Jonas Loucks.
Text, Job 7:1-4 and II Tim. 4:7, 8.
Brother Leatherman is survived by his wife, six sons, and one
daughter; also one brother and one sister and a number of grandchildren
and many distant relatives. He was one of the oldest members of
the Yellow Creek Congregation, for several years he was unable
to attend services on account of bodily infirmities.
SHENK.-Elizabeth Shenk of Millersville, Pa., wife of Bro. Andrew
Shenk, died June 20, 1907, in the eighty-second year of her age.
She suffered much for many weeks from a complication of diseases.
She longed to be relieved of earthly care and suffering that she
might go and be with Christ. She expressed peace in her soul and
a bright hope of eternal happiness.
Funeral service was held June 23, at the Millersville Mennonite
Church by John H. Moseman, D. N. Lehman and Abram B. Herr. She
leaves an aged husband, four children and a number of grandchildren
to mourn her departure but we have the consolation that her gain
is greater than the loss to friends on earth.
MARTIN.-Christian Martin was born Aug. 25, 1843, in Alsace,
France. He came to America with his parents in 1848, who settled
near Pekin, Ill. He was married to Phebe Nofzinger, Apr. 3, 1870,
and they lived near Hopedale till 1875, when they moved near Garden
City, Mo., at which place they lived till his death.
He died Aug. 16, 1907; aged 63y. 11m. 21d. The deceased leaves
a wife, five children, an aged mother, one brother and many friends
to mourn their loss, which we believe is his eternal gain. Two
daughters preceded him to the spiritual world. He was a faithful
member of the A. M. Church from his youth. His death was due to
paralysis terminating in other diseases. He was resigned to the
will of God and his desire in his last days was to read God's
Word and pray.
Funeral services on Aug. 18, at the residence by Pre. C. S. Hauder
and at the church by the home ministers assisted by Pre. Jacob
Yoder of Arkansas, nearly 1,000 people had assembled. Text, II
Cor. 6:1.
ESHLEMAN.-Mary Ann (Kindig) Eshleman of Millersville, Pa.,
wife of Deacon Abraham Eshleman, was born Nov. 3, 1840; died Aug.
13, 1907; aged 66y. 9m. l0d.
She had been afflicted frequently for a number of years. At times
when she was quite ill she bad a strong desire to leave for the
spirit world. Again, when stronger, she preferred to stay yet
awhile. So with many, when life is at high tide they cling tenaciously
to earth; but when life is at low ebb they loose their grip with
the thought,
"Let me go where saints are going,
What has earth to bind me 'here."
God knows how to make His children quit the world in a proper
frame of mind and heart for eternity.
She was sometimes heard to pray, "Lord, help me; Lord save
me." Within a few minutes of her death she was able to go
from her bed to a chair. She said to her husband who was sitting
by her, "I want to lie down." As she finished the sentence
she expired in her husband's arms. She did lie down to rise no
more, in body, until that great morning of the resurrection when
"them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake."
Funeral services held Aug. 16, at the Millersville Church by Daniel
Gish, Abram B. Herr and Jacob N. Brubacher in the presence of
a large audience.
Transcribed by Ron Garber, Kansas
Copyright 1999 - All rights reserved - Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA Used with permission by the Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN Permission granted to private family researchers to use selected portions of these images to tell their family stories. May not be mass-produced in any form for commercial purposes.