Gospel Witness - Volume 2, Number 40 - January 2, 1907, Page 640
ROSENBERGER.-On Nov. 21, 1906, near Cressman, Sask., Can., Lucy Bingeman, beloved wife of Samuel Rosenberger; aged 40 y. 8 m. 24 d. Funeral services were held at the Waterloo school house, interment in the Sharon Mennonite Cemetery. Services were conducted by _________ Travers and E. S. Hallman.
KAUFMAN.---Sister Susan Kaufman, widow of Bro. John
B. Kaufman, died at her home in Letterkeney Township, Franklin
Co., Pa., on Dec. 18, 1906, of paralysis. She had been in feeble
health about sixteen months. She had a light stroke, yet she was
not confined to her bed constantly, being able to go about at
times, until a week before her death when she had her last stroke.
Her suffering was very great. She attained the age of 78 y. 4
m. 2 d. She was a consistent member of the Mennonite church, having
united with the church when but 18 years old. She is survived
by one son, Jacob, with whom she had her home, and four daughters,
one daughter having preceded her to the spirit world. Buried at
the Strasburg M. H., at which place services were conducted by
the brethren Henry Bricker and John S. Burkholder from the text
II Tim. 4:6,7,8, selected by the departed sister.
J. S. B.
WITMER.-Pre. Abram M. Whitmer was born in Manor township,
Lancaster Co., Pa., Nov. 5, 1842; died Dec. 11, 1906; aged 64
y. 1 m. 6 d. His entire life was spent in the same community.
He leaves three daughters, two sons, two sisters and many relatives
and friends to mourn his death. His wife, Mary, daughter of John
and Barbara Eshbach, deceased, preceded him to the spirit world
twenty years ago; he was also preceded by his second child, John.
He was widely known as a minister, in which capacity he served
for fourteen years with untiring devotion. He was in charge of
the Masonville, Habecker and Mountville congregations. He spoke
both the German and English language. He will be greatly missed,
especially in the Manor congregations. Surely the Lord's ways
are not our ways.
On Nov. 11, four weeks before his death, he preached the last
time; in the morning at the regular service at Habecker's Church,
and in the afternoon at the funeral of a little child. He had
been ailing for sometime but still attended to his ministerial
duties. At last the diseased condition of his liver, kidneys etc.,
compelled him to lay aside all work and on Dec. 11, he calmly
fell asleep in Jesus. May we all be ready for this great change.
God comfort the bereaved family.
The funeral services were held Dec. 14, at the Masonville Church
where a large number of people attended the services and viewed
the remains. Services were opened by Abram Herr, after which Isaac
Eby spoke in English and Jacob N. Brubaker in German, from the
text, II Tim. 4:7,8: "I have fought a good fight," etc.
The people could not all be accommodated in the church so services
were conducted in a warehouse nearby by John Moseman and John
Lefever from the text, Phil. 1:21, "For to me to live is
Christ, and to die is gain."
A. M. W.
Transcriber's note: In Mr. Witmer's obituary, his name is also spelled as Whitmer.
Transcribed by: Nancy Regan, Washington
Gospel Witness - Volume 2, Number 41 - January 9, 1907, Page 656
BUNGARD.-Alfred Liton Bungard died near Millersburg, Ohio, Dec. 24, from a wound caused by an accidental discharge of a gun while out hunting. Funeral services were conducted Dec. 26, at Martin's Creek Church. He was a brother in the A. M. church. Aged 22 y. 5 m. 29 d. Funeral services were conducted by Fred Mast, S. H. Miller and D. D. Miller.
MARTIN.-Christina Martin, nee Shoup, was born in Holmes
Co., O., Feb. 16, 1834; died near Dalton, O., Dec. 22, 1906; aged.
72 y. 10 m. 6 d. She was married to Isaac Martin. To this union
were born 3 sons and 6 daughters. Two daughters preceded her to
the spirit world. She is also survived by 19 grandchildren, 4
great-grandchildren, 4 brothers, and 2 sisters. Buried in the
Longnecker cemetery. Funeral services by David Hostetler and Enos
Detweiler. Peace to her ashes.
D. H.
LONG.-Anna H. Long died at the Mennonite Home, Lancaster, Pa., at the age of 62 y., 9 m., l5d. Funeral was held at the Home on Dec. 21, conducted by Henry B. Longenecker and Hiram Kauffman. Text, Heb. 12:6, 11. Buried at East Petersburg. She came to the Home soon after it was opened, and was for some time almost entirely helpless, suffering severely at times. She is now in the hands of a kind Heavenly Father and we trust where there is no more sickness, suffering, pain, sorrow or death, but where there is only joy and happiness for ever. She was a member of the Mennonite church.
STAUFFER.-Juliann, wife of Philip Stauffer, (deceased) was born near Paradise, Lanc. Co., Pa., Jan. 9, 1823; died Dec. 23, 1906; aged, 83 y. 11 m. 14 d. Sister Stauffer was a faithful member of the Mennonite church for many years. Three years ago she came from Adams Co., Ohio, where she had been staying with one of her daughters for a number of years, to the home of her son near Stevens, Lanc. Co., Pa., where she died. Funeral services were conducted at the house by B. C. Welder and at the Indiantown Church by the brethren J. H. Hershey and Jonas Hess. Interment in the adjoining cemetery.
BRUBAKER.-On Dec 19, 1906, at his home in Rohrerstown, Lanc. Co., Pa., after an illness of a few days, Bro. Andrew Brubaker, Sr., in the 93d year of his age. The deceased was a remarkably well-preserved man, both mentally and physically and remained in his usual state of health until within about one week of his death, when he had a fall, due to an attack of vertigo. He had been ailing since then, but death was due to the infirmities of old age. He was of a kindly, genial nature, and had a host of friends, he was a member of the Mennonite church at Rohrerstown for more than fifty years and his seat at the church services was seldom vacant. He will not only be missed in his home and in the church, but in the community at large, as he was a man of good judgment and his counsel was much sought.
He was twice married. His first wife was Anna Landis, who died about 22 years ago; of that union two sons and two daughters survive, also 13 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren. The second wife, also dead, was Catharine Bare Wisler.
The funeral was held Dec. 19, with services at the Mennonite church at Rohrerstown, where a large concourse of people gathered to pay a last tribute of respect to one who was beloved by all who knew him. Though he will be sadly missed, we rejoice that we will not have to sorrow as those who have no hope, for we have abundant reason to believe that our brother has only gone from labor to reward and that his soul is now basking in the sunshine of God's eternal favor. May the Lord comfort the bereaved ones and may we all imitate his worthy example, so that we may all some day be gathered home to the Father on high, where partings are unknown.
Transcribed by: Nancy Regan, Washington
Gospel Witness - Volume 2, Number 42 - January 16, 1907, Page 672
BLOUGH.-Walter, son of Bro. Ammon and Sister Rebecca Blough died Dec. 6, aged 6 m. 7 d. Burial took place at the Blough Church on the 8. Funeral services were conducted by S. D. Yoder and Simon Layman.
SCHRUGER-Jacob Schruger was born Oct. 31, 1854; died near Silverdale, Pa., Dec. 13, 1907; aged 52 yr. 12 m. 13 d. Services at the house by Pre. D. L. Gehman and at the church by Pre. H. G. Anglemoyer. Interment at Blooming Glen.
MYERS-Cornelius Myers was born Oct. 24, 1839; died in Bucks Co., Pa., Dec. 29, 1906; aged 67 y. 2 m. 5 d. Services at the house of Bro. Jacob Rush and Bro. A. O. Heistand and at the church by Bish. H. B. Rosenberger and Bro. H. G. Anglemoyer. Interment at the Deep Run Cemetery.
WEAVER-On Jan. 2, 1907, at her home near Wakarusa, Ind., Elizabeth, wife of Pre. John Weaver; aged 67 y. 10 m. - d. The funeral was held at the Yellow Creek meeting house on Sunday, Jan. 6, and was largely attended. Services conducted by Henry Schrock, Martin Rainer and John Martin. The deceased was the second wife of a sorrowing husband, who is a minister in the Wisler branch of the Mennonite Church, is 85 years old and feeble in body and mind. The Lord console him. -ED.
MILLER-Sister Maria E., widow of the late Isaac Miller, was born in Manor Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., Aug. 22, 1825; died Dec. 15, 1906; aged 81 y., 3m., 23d. Her husband preceded her to the spirit world nearly twelve years ago. Her entire life was spent in the same neighborhood. The following daughters survive: Catherine H., wife of Louis Breighner, Mary and Susan at home; also five grandchildren. This aged Mother suffered for many months with dropsy; was not able to lie down in bed. Her trials are over and we trust she is sweetly resting in that bright home above. Services were conducted at the house by Peter Ebersole and Abram Herr from the text, Rev: 14:12, 13. Interment in the family graveyard.
SHOUP.-On Jan. 3, 1907 at his home near Mt. Eaton, Holmes Co., O., Bro. John L. Shoup, aged 74 y. 7 m. 29 d. He was married to Kay Bixler, Oct. 17, 1861. His wife departed this life in Feb. 1877. The fruit of this union was six children, four of whom are living. On May 5, 1880, he was married to Christina Zeigler, who survives him. The deceased was a faithful member of the Mennonite Church for many years and is the father of Pre. M. V. B. Shoup of the Longenecker congregation. Funeral services were held at the Longenecker M. H., on Sunday, Jan. 6, by I. J. Buchwalter in the English and Fred Mast in the German, assisted by Josiah Kaser. May the widow and children be comforted by the bright evidence of Christian fortitude left them by a kind husband and loving father.
FRANTZ.-Bro. David Frantz was born Dec. 9, 1830; died at his home near Millersville, Pa., Dec. 19, 1906; aged 76y., 10d. His wife died over two years ago. Two sons, two daughters, seven grandchildren and one sister are left to mourn their loss. For many years Bro. Frantz had been a patient sufferer of cancer in the face, and it was feared that be would sometime have to either starve or bleed to death, but God in his mercy saw fit to call him home before the disease had reached this stage. About a week before the end he had an attack of pneumonia which caused his death. He was a faithful member of the Mennonite church. May God comfort the bereaved family. The funeral services took place Dec. 22, and were conducted at the house by D. N. Lehman. and at the Millersville Church by Abram Herr, from the text, Rom. 8:18, and by Isaac Eby from the text, Heb. 10:35.
WHISLER.-On Friday, Jan., __ 1907, Sister Nancy, widow of Joseph Whisler, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. H. Lehman, near Newville, Cumberland Co., Pa., of paralysis, of which she suffered intensely for about four weeks. She bore her suffering with Christian fortitude. She desired for the moment to come that she could go to the realms of bliss. She was an earnest and faithful member of the Mennonite church. She leaves no children. She was aged 75 y. 9. m. 23 d. Services were conducted by Pre. Abr. Burkholder and Pre. Samuel Hess of Shiremanstown. Interment at the Center Cemetery.
Transcribed by: Nancy Regan, Washington
Gospel Witness - Volume 2, Number 43 - January 23, 1907, Page 688
POWELL.-Annie Powell was born May 5, 1836; died in Rockingham Co., Va., Dec. 31, 1906; aged 80 y. 7 m. 25 d. She was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church for a number of years. She is survived by her husband who is very much afflicted, almost helpless. Also five children, Henry of Tennessee, Lewis, who lives on the home farm, Mariah, wife of Pre. Perry Brunk of Ohio, Mary, wife of Dea. Timothy Wenger of Augusta Co., W. Va., Josephine, wife of Joseph Good, of Rockingham Co., Va. All were at home when mother died. Funeral services at the house by Jos. F. Heatwole and at the church by Pre. Ruff, the pastor, assisted by Jos. F. Heatwole. Text, Phil, 3;21.
GOOD.-Bro. Jacob C. Good was born in Fairfield Co., Ohio, Sept. 7, 1828; died Jan. 6, 1907; aged 78 y. 4 m. He was united in marriage to Anna Blosser of Hocking Co., Ohio, in 1851. To this union were born six children, of which the oldest son died in infancy. In 1853 he moved with his family to Allen Co., Ohio, where he resided till death. He leaves to mourn his departure a devoted and compassionate companion, five children, eight grandchildren and two brothers, besides many friends. Funeral services were held at the Salem M. H. near Elida, O., conducted by N. O. Blosser from Rev. 20:12.
IMHOFF.-John Imhoff was born in Butler Co., Ohio, Aug. 10, 1837; died Jan. 9, 1907, at his home near Low Point, Ill., aged 69 y. 4 m. 29 d. At the age of 15 years he came with his parents to Illinois. On Feb. 20, 1867, he was married to Mary Smith, which union was blessed with 11 children, of whom one preceded him in infancy. He leaves his wife, 10 children, 20 grand children, one sister and many friends to mourn his departure, but not as such who have no hope. During the time he was bedfast, which was 11 days, he patiently bore much suffering. He was a faithful member of the A. Mennonite church from youth until the time of his death. The funeral was held on the 11. Sam Gerber of Groveland, Ill., spoke in the English language from I Thess. 4:13-18 and at the Roanoke church from John 11:28, last clause. Andrew Schrock spoke in the German from Heb. 9:27,28. May the Lord comfort the bereaved ones and may we all live such lives that we may meet in that land where partings are unknown.
KREIDER.-Our young brother, George E. Kreider, son of John M. and Hettie Kreider of Palmyra, Mo., passed quietly to his rest on Dec. 31, 1906, at the age of 13 y. 5 m. 10 d. Funeral services were conducted by J. R. Shank of the Pea Ridge congregation, from Phil. 1:21. He was sick for eight days with pneumonia. His case, from the beginning, was very complicated, yet he suffered so patiently and seemed to have no fear-no dread of death, always expressing himself ready to go, though he would be pleased to get well, and live to longer serve him whom he had learned to love so early in life. As the end drew near he bade all good-bye, bidding them to meet him beyond, and sent messages of farewell to the Sunday school class-mates. Thus has been added another testimony to the blessedness of a life early given to the service of God-no bitter remorse for years spent in the service of the enemy; no heartaches to be borne by father and mother because of a wayward son. Surely the religion of our Lord is a reality proven by the humble lives and triumphant deaths of Christians.
YORDY.-After an illness of about eight months, Bro.
John Yordy passed away at his home in Milford, Neb., Dec. 31,
1906; aged 68 y. 2 m. 17 d. Funeral services were held at the
home and concluded at the Amish Church where he was laid to rest
in the Fairview cemetery on Thursday afternoon. Bro. Yordy was
born in Germany, Oct. 23, 1839, and came to America with his parents
who settled in Illinois when he was six years old. He united with
the Amish Mennonite church in his early years, to which be remained
faithful to his death. He was married to Magdalene King, Jan.
5, 1863. To this union were born thirteen children, four of whom
preceded him to the spirit world. He leaves a sorrowing wife and
nine children, but they need not mourn as those who have no hope.
His disease was ulcers and gall stones. He suffered greatly at
times but bore it all patiently to the end.
Dearest father, thou hast left us,
And thy loss we greatly feel,
But 'tis God who has bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal.
by: Nancy Regan, Washington
Gospel Witness - Volume 2, Number 44 - January 30, 1907, pages 703 and 704
ANDREAS.-Peter Andreas was born Jan. 19, 1822; died near Sterling, Ill., Dec. 28, 1906; aged 84 y:, 11 m., 9d. Funeral services at the Mennonite church, conducted by John Nice. Text, Isa. 57:1, 2.
STROUP.-Infant child of Harry and Amelia Stroup, of Swineford, Snyder Co., Pa., died Jan. 9, 1907; aged about 9 months. Funeral at Richfield, Pa., Jan. 13, at the Lutheran church. Services were conducted by Pre. Snable of Silvisgrove, Pa.
VAN HORN-Harry, infant son of Norris and Mamie Van Horn of near Richfield, Pa., died Jan. 3, 1907. Funeral, Jan. 5, at the Lutheran Church at Richfield. Service by E. W. Graybill. Interment in the adjoining cemetery.
LEITZEL.-Glen E., infant son of Bro. and Sister Samuel and Grace Leitzel, was born May 23, 1905; died Jan. 10, 1907; aged 7m., 17d. Funeral, Jan. 13, at the Richfield Mennonite church; services conducted by Sol. S. Graybill and E. W. Graybill. Interment in the adjoining cemetery.
KORNHAUS.-At the home of Henry Detweiler, near Penrose, Ill., Margaret Kohnhaus; aged 71y. 6m. 20d. She was a member of the Mennonite church for a number of years. She is survived by three sons and one daughter. Funeral services on Jan. 17, at the Science Ridge Church, conducted by A. C. Good and John Nice.
MILLER-Ira, son of Jacob Miller, was born in LaGrange Co., Ind., April 22, 1887; died at his father's home, two miles east of Mottville, Ind., Jan. 10, 1907; aged 25y. 8m. 18d. He leaves a wife and two sons, father, mother, three brothers and four sisters to mourn their loss. Services were conducted at the home on Jan. 12, 1907, by A. J. Hostetter, from Heb. 13:14. Interment in the Baker Street cemetery.
SHUPE.-Anna Shupe was born March 21, 1852; died Jan.
3, 1907; aged 54y., 9m., 12d. She was a faithful member of the
Mennonite church, a loving and beloved mother. Her life was one
of the few bright lights on this sin-darkened earth. We are grieved
that one we so much needed should be taken from us, but God knows
what is best. She leaves her husband, one son and five daughters;
one son and three daughters having preceded her to the world beyond.
Funeral services were conducted at White Hall, near Oronogo, Mo.,
by Joseph Weaver and J. T. Hamilton. Interment in the Weaver cemetery.
M. S.
COY.-Samuel Coy was born Aug. 22, 1846; died in Mahoning Co., Ohio, Jan. 17, 1907; aged 60y. 4m. 25d. The deceased leaves a wife, 6 children (all grown), 3 brothers and 1 sister. He passed into the great beyond without making a profession of religion and is in the hands of a just God. May the remainder of the family, brothers and sisters, who are not at peace with God, make their calling and election sure before they too close their eyes in death. Burial in the Midway cemetery Jan. 20. Services conducted by E. M. Detwiler, assisted by David S. Lehman. Text, Psalms 39:4.
METZLER.-Nora, wife of Bro. Samuel Metzler and daughter of Bro. Noah W. Reed, died at her home near Wakarusa, Ind., on Saturday morning, Jan. 19, 1907; aged 24y. 9m. 9d. Sister Metzler was sick only a few days. She had an attack of membraneous croup, but was not supposed to be dangerously ill until a short time before her death. The disease apparently affected her heart. Owing to the nature of her sickness, the authorities requested that the body be buried the same day. Interment at Yellow Creek. No services were held at the time of burial. She leaves a husband, one child about 8 mos. old, father, three brothers, one sister and many distant relatives to mourn her early and sudden departure. She expressed a desire to go.
HORST.-On Jan. 14, 1907, at her home near North Lawrence, Stark Co., O., Sister Anna B. Horst, wife of Amos M. Horst; aged 45y. 6m. 11md. Bro. and Sister Horst were united in marriage Nov. 24, 1885. To them were born four children. Roy departed this life in 1892, the father in 1898, Grace in 1906 and the mother in 1907. Ella, aged 14, and Ralph, aged 9, yet survive and are thrown out upon an unfriendly world to fight life's battles without the counsel and care of a loving father and mother. May loving hands and hearts minister to the wants of these children and cause rays of sunshine to fit across their darkened pathway. Sister Horst will not only be missed in the home but also in the Pleasant View congregation, of which she has been a faithful member for many years. Funeral services were held Jan. 16, in the presence of a large assembly of relatives and friends in the Pleasant View M. H. by I. J. Buchwalter from the text, Ps. 34: 7, assisted by N. A. Lind. May God comfort those who are mourning the loss of their mother, sister and friend.
Transcribed by: Nancy Regan, Washington