Gospel Witness - Volume 2, Number 45 - February 6, 1907, pages 719 and 720
LUCE.-Erma Eva Luce, daughter of Henry and Elva Luce died at their home at Rockton, Pa., Jan. 20, 1907; aged lm. 27d. Services were conducted in the Mennonite church by E. J. Blough. Text, Isa. 40:11. Let us all strive to meet her in the glory world.
MOYER.-Susannah, wife of the late Bro. Jacob Moyer of Clinton Twp., Lincoln Co., Ont., died at the home of her son Norman, on the old homestead, Jan. l6, 1907; aged 80y. 5m. Sister Moyer suffered but a short time with pneumonia. While the home will miss the dear mother and grandmother, she leaves the comforting evidence that she has gone to her rest. Funeral services and burial at Jordan Station, Jan. 18, 1907 by Pre. Kieffe and S. F. Coffman. Text, Ex. 36:35 with Heb. 10:19, 20.
FRETZ.-Joseph R. Fretz was born in South Twp., Lincoln Co., Ont., June 13, 1832, and died at his late residence, his birth place, Jan. 4, 1907; aged 74y. 6m. 22d. He was married to Elizabeth Hoover of York Co., Ont., Sept. 13, 1864. The bereft widow, a son and daughter survive. Bro. Fretz was a great sufferer for the last thirty-four years, never being in perfect health. To these infirmities he gradually succumbed. He was always cheerful and very zealous in his Christian life and duties, bearing evidence that we shall meet him again in the life beyond. Services were conducted at the house by S. F. Coffman. Text, I John 5:1. Interment at Campden.
WISMER.-Hannah (Smith) Wismer, beloved wife of Isaac C. Wismer, was born in Vaugh Twp., York Co., Ont., June 18, 1836, and died at her home near South Cayuga, Haldimand Co., Ont., Jan. 4, 1907; aged 70y. 6m. 17d. She was united in marriage to Bro. Isaac C. Wismer, Apr. 11, 1878. To them was born one son. Her death occurred suddenly while engaged in her usual duties. While walking across the floor she fell and expired in a few minutes. Her husband and family deeply feel this stroke but her earnest Christian life is to them a blessed comfort. Services were conducted on Jan. 8, by Moses Hoover and S. F. Coffman. She was buried at South Cayuga. Text, I Pet. 1:23, 24.
MAST.-Isaac Mast was born near Morgantown, Berks Co., Pa., Jan. 8, 1823, and died Jan. 22, 1907; aged 84y. 14d. He was a faithful member of the Amish Mennonite church. Funeral services were conducted by John S. Mast and Gideon Stoltzfus. He spent his entire time in this community. On Jan. 8, 1846 he was married to Mary Kurtz. To this union were born seven children, of which two preceded him to the spirit world. He leaves to mourn his departure a devoted companion, 5 children, 23 grandchildren, and 23 great-grandchildren besides many friends. The funeral was held on the 24 at his son-in-law's, David Glick, where many friends gathered to pay a last tribute of respect to one who was beloved by all who knew him. We rejoice that we need not sorrow as those who have no hope for we have abundant reason to believe that he has gone to his heavenly reward.
HERNER.-Isaac Herner was born in Waterloo, Co., Ont., and died at his home near Carstairs, Alberta, on Jan. 13, 1907; aged 69y. 5m. 17d. From Waterloo Co. he moved to Cullom, Ill., where he was married and afterwards moved to Alpha, Minn. Nearly five years ago the family settled down at Carstairs. Bro. Herner was troubled for some time with heart disease, and a few days before his death he complained of a pain in his side, but the day before he died did his work as usual, ate a hearty supper, went to bed and slept soundly until toward morning when his wife heard him groan and asked what was the matter. He replied, "Oh, such a pain," and turning over he passed to his long sleep from which none ever "wake to weep." On Jan. 15, his remains were laid to rest in the West Zion cemetery. The church was well-filled with sympathizing friends and neighbors. Services were conducted by I. R. Shantz. Text, Rev. 14:13.
GEORGE.-Katie George, widow of Jacob George, was found dead in her room, near Waynesboro, Va., Jan. 14, 1907; aged 70 y. 9m. 14 d. She was a consistent member of the Mennonite church. She is survived by one daughter, a grandson and son-in-law. Her sudden death is another loud call for all to be ready. Interment in the Springdale cemetery.
HARTZLER.-Jonathan B. Hartzler was born in Mifflin Co.,
Pa., Oct. 4, 1837; died at his home near Bellefontaine, O., Jan.
21, 1907; aged 69y. 3m. 17. He was married Jan. 28, 1864, to Martha
E Yoder. This union was blessed with 10 children, 4 sons and 6
daughters, 2 of which preceded him to the spirit world. He leaves
an affectionate companion, 3 sons, 5 daughters, 18 grandchildren,
2 brothers and 3 sisters to mourn his departure, 4 grandchildren,
1 brother and 2 sisters having preceded him. He had been failing
in health for two years, gradually going down until the morning
of his death when he ate a hearty breakfast and soon after retired.
About half past seven his wife saw there was something unusual
the matter. She summoned help and notified the children living
near; at 2 o'clock he passed away. The funeral was held in the
Walnut Grove Church. Services were conducted in German by C. K.
Yoder from Jno. 5: 25 and in English by J. J. Wayre, from Deut.
3: 25.
L. L. H
GOOD.-Samuel S. Good was born in Hocking Co., Ohio, May 27, 1824, and died at the Old People's Home near Rittman, Ohio, Jan. 20, 1907; aged 82y. 7m. 23d. He was married to Elisabeth Miller Nov. 4, 1847. To this union were born 13 children. His wife, two sons and one daughter preceded him to the spirit world. He also had 34 grandchildren, 22 of whom are living, and 17 great-grandchildren, 12 of whom are living. One brother also survives him, the last one of a family of thirteen, Dea. A. A. Good who is now in his 85th year. Uncle Sam, as he was familiarly called, was kind-hearted, hardworking man and though he never gained much of this world's goods, he was cheerful and contented with what he had. He did not neglect the one thing needful but was much concerned about laying up treasures in heaven. He united with the Mennonite church about 40 years ago and remained faithful to the end. He often remarked that the church is drifting so fast into worldliness, which caused him much sorrow. Having no home he was taken to the Old People's Home but his stay there was short as the Lord saw fit to take him home to fairer mansions. We have evidence that he is with the Lord. May all strive to meet him in heaven. Buried at Salem near Elida, Ohio, Jan. 23. Services were conducted by Jacob Bixler of Ind., and A. D. Wenger of Pa., from Job 7:6.
Transcribed by: Nancy Regan, Washington
Gospel Witness - Volume 2, Number 46 - February 13, 1907, page 736
STRITE.---On Jan. 27, 1907, Bro. Isaac Strite peacefully
passed away at Normanna, Texas; aged 53 y. 3 m. He was born in
Gainsburg twp., Frederick Co., Va., Oct. 27, 1853, where he lived
until 1873, when he came to Putnam Co., Ohio, where he had his
home until death called him to the world beyond. On Feb. 22, 1881,
he was married to Susanna Myers. This union was blessed with eleven
children, three of whom preceded him to the spirit world. He had
been gradually failing in health for several years, but it was
not so noticeable until within a few months before his death.
On Dec. 17, 1906, he, accompanied by his daughter Lottie, son
Ira, and brother-in-law Solomon Myers, left for Normanna, Texas,
with hopes of getting help in a new climate. For a time hopes
of recovery were entertained but on the beautiful Sunday evening
of Jan. 27, he quietly and peacefully passed into the sleep of
death. Arrangements were promptly made to return the corpse to
his former home. It was a sad home coming. Funeral was conducted
at the Forest Grove Church, near Ottawa, Saturday, Feb. 2, A.
J. Steiner officiating. In the death of Bro. Strite the church
mourns the loss of a faithful member, the companion a devoted
husband, the children a kind and loving father. The family has
kindly asked us to express a rate of thanks to Bro. Unzickers
and friends at Normanna, who so kindly assisted during the illness
and death of father Strite.
CRAWFORD-On January 28, 1907, at Hoover, Rockingham Co., Va., of consumption, Sister Rebecca Crawford; aged 21y. 10m. Several weeks before her death she made the good confession and was baptized by Pre. C. Good, who also conducted the funeral service at White Hall, S. H., on the 29.
SHOWALTER.-On January 14, 1907, at the home of her brother. Dea. Jacob W. Showalter of Harrisonburg, Rockingham Co., Va., of dropsy, Sister Annie Showalter; aged 57y. 11m. 12d. Funeral service from Weavers M. H. on the 15, conducted by C. Good and Abram B. Burkholder.
Transcribed by: Nancy Regan, Washington
Gospel Witness - Volume 2, Number 47 - February 20, 1907, pages 751 and 752
HALL.-Martha Hall died at her home at Carver, Mo., on Feb. 2, 1907; aged 64 years. She suffered for some time with cancer. She had peace with God and anxiously awaited the time when she would be called home. When she neared the end, she pointed upward and said, "Heaven." She is survived by three sons and one daughter. Funeral services were conducted by D. F. Driver. Text, Ecc. 7:12.
PLETCHER.-Martha Susan Pletcher was born in Alabama, June 3, 1896; died at her home in Elkhart Co., Ind., Jan. 22, 1907, aged 10 y. 7 m. 19 d. She was but young in years, yet she expressed her hope in God. She was laid to rest in the cemetery near the Olive Church, where appropriate funeral services were conducted by A. B. Yoder and Jonas Loucks. Text, I Sam. 20:18. May God comfort the bereaved.
BARE.-At Elwood City, Pa., Mary, wife of Jacob Bare, died Feb. 4, 1907; aged about 60 years. She leaves a husband and two sons. Five sons preceded her in death. Burial Feb. 7, in the Midway cemetery, Mahoning Co., O. Owing to the lateness of the hour, only a short service was held at the grave by E. M. Detwiler.
SHELLEY.-Hannah (Craybill) Shelley, widow of Christian B. Shelley, died on Feb. 4, at the home of her daughter in Cumberland Co., Pa., where she had made her home for nearly a year, her former home having been near East Salem, Juniata Co., with her son. She suffered a great deal. She was aged 72y. lm. 6d. She leaves to mourn their loss one son, two daughters and six grandchildren. Interment at Lost Creek. Samuel Hess and Samuel Leiter officiated.
HERSHBERGER.-Silas Hershberger was born in Miami Co., Ind., Oct. 13, 1863 and died in Oscoda Co., Mich., Feb. 3, 1907; aged 43y. 3m. 21d. He united with the Amish Mennonite church when he was a young man and held out faithful to the end. Funeral services were held at Fairview by E. A. Bontrager from the text, Job 7:8-10. Brother Silas was an unmarried man and stayed with his brother Daniel through his sickness and death. He was afflicted with cancer of the bowels. Remains were laid to rest in the Fairview Cemetery.
AMSTUTZ.-Emma (Shank) Amstutz, daughter of John Shank of Columbus Grove, Ohio, was born Aug. 24, 1877, and died Jan. 31, 1907: aged 39y. 5m. 7d. She was married to P. W. Amstutz Dec. 23, 1900. They lived in happy union together for 6y. 1m. 7d. Funeral services were held near Graybill, Ind., Feb. 3, by B. S. Gerig and Ben. B. King from Psa. 8:4. Those who survive to mourn their loss are a sadly bereaved husband, father, mother, and two brothers and three sisters and many friends. She confessed Christ as her Savior about ten years ago.
HURSH.-Bro. David W. Hursh was born in Cumberland Co., Pa. While quite young his father, Christian Hursh, moved on a farm in York Co., Pa., where he was first married to Sister Mary Jane Forry, who died May 6, 1899. To this union were born 11 children, four preceding their mother to the spirit world. On March 21, 1901, he was married to Sister Eliza Quickel. After his second marriage he quit farming and moved to the city of York where he lived till he died. He was plagued with vertigo for several years and had kidney trouble. He died Dec. 28, 1906; aged 79y. 7m. 11d. He was buried at Stony Brook, Pa., Dec. 31, 1906. Bish. Abram B. Herr preached from Rev. 14:12, 13 in English and Bish. Jacob N. Brubacher in German. Peace to his ashes.
SHERK.-Frances (Burkholder) Sherk, wife of Jos. Sherk, died at her late residence, 23 Brookfield Street, Toronto, Ont., Feb. 4, 1907, of pneumonia; aged 79y. 5m. 18d. She was for 65 years a devoted member of the Mennonite church, and by her cheerful genial disposition won for herself a host of friends, by whom she will be greatly missed; but we are consoled by the fact that our loss is her eternal gain. She leaves to mourn their loss, an aged husband, with whom she lived for almost fifty-three years, two sons, a daughter, and a number of grandchildren. Two sons have preceded her to the spirit world. Funeral services and burial at the Wideman church, Markham, Ont., Feb. 6, conducted by S. R. Hoover, assisted by P. Steckley. Text, II Cor. 5.
LEHMAN.-Sister Annie L. Lehman, wife of Peter L. Lehman, died at her home near Scotland, Franklin Co., Pa., on Feb. 4, 1907; aged, 35y. 1m. 21d. She had been unwell for more than a year. She resignedly looked for the time when she could go home to mother, who had preceded her to the spirit world, some years ago. Besides her husband, she is survived by her father, S. S. Lesher, one sister, Katie Lesher, and one Bro. D. D. Lesher, all of Scottland, Pa. Sister Lehman united with the Mennonite Church early in life, and was a consistent member to the time of her death. Her kind and loving disposition made her many friends. She was buried Feb. 7, in the graveyard at the Mennonite Church near Chambersburg, where services were conducted by Joseph H. Martin and George S. Keener. Texts, Jno. 11:25, 26; Phil. 1:21. The services were very impressive, and many hearts beat in sympathy with our mourning brother and friends. May they look to Him who has said, "My grace is sufficient for thee, for comfort in this time of trial."
Transcriber's note: two spellings: Scotland and later Scottland
by: Nancy Regan, Washington
Gospel Witness - Volume 2, Number 48 - February 27, 1907, page 768
KEHR.-On Feb. 14, 1907, at the home of his son, Geo. Kehr, near South West, Elkhart Co., Ind., of pneumonia, Bro. Christian Kehr; aged 79 y. 8 m. 14 d. Interment at Yellow Creek on the 17. Services by Jonas Loucks, J. W. Christophel and Jno. Martin. He leaves two sons, one daughter, two brothers and one sister, also many more distant relatives.
KOEBEL.-Catherine Koebel (Nee Gerig), was born in Alsace, France, Nov. 15, 1827; died Jan. 17, 1907, near Wayland, Ia., aged 79 y. 2 m. 2 d. She united with the A. M. church at the age of 14 years, being a consistent member for 65 years. She united in matrimony with Jacob Koebel in 1858. This union was blessed with 4 sons. She emigrated to America in 1874. She leaves her aged husband, 4 sons, 7 grandchildren and the two youngest brothers, bishops S. Gerig of Wayland, Ia., and Ben. Gerig of Smithville, Ohio. Funeral services by Daniel Graber and S. H. Musselman, from the text that she chose years before her end, II Peter 1:13, 14, 15. Peace to her ashes.
SCHMITT.-On Feb. 13, 1907, Sister Anna Schmitt (Nee Shantz), beloved wife of Ephraim Schmitt, peacefully passed away near Baden, Ont., aged 27 y. 2 m. 15 d. She was ill the last three months and at times hopes of recovery were entertained, but on Feb. 13, she died of septicaemia. She leaves a sorrowing husband and one child. They lived in matrimony three years. She lived an exemplary Christian life and was loved by all who knew her, and we have reason to believe that our loss is her gain. Funeral services were held at the Shantz meeting house on Feb. 16, where she was laid to rest. Services conducted in German from II Cor. 5:1, by O. M. Cressman and in English from Phil. 1:21, by J. B. Smith.
HUBER.-Pre. Benjamin Huber was born in Perry Co., Ohio, April 7,1830; died at his home in the same county Feb. 10, 1907; aged 76 y. 9 m. 14 d. He united with the Mennonite church in early life and about the year 1855 he was ordained deacon in the church and a few years later was ordained to the ministry. He discharged his duties faithfully in the service of the Lord until his spirit was called to its long eternal home. He was married to Mary Catherine McCormick, Dec. 2, 1858, she having preceded him to the spirit world about nine years ago. To this union were born 5 daughters and two sons, who, together with 22 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate father. Funeral services were held at the Turkey Run church on Feb. 13, before a large concourse of people conducted by J. J. Warye from John 5:35. Interment in the adjoining cemetery.
KNECHTEL.-Sister Elizabeth (Hallman) Knechtel was born in Waterloo Co., Ont., May 20th, 1815, and died at her home in Mannheim, Ont., Dec., 21. 1906; aged 55y. 8m. 1d. She was a member of the Mennonite church for over thirty years. She was united in marriage to Bro. Alfred Knechtel Jan. 19, 1875. To this union were born 12 children, 5 children and 2 grandchildren preceded her to the spirit world. She leaves a sorrowing husband, 5 daughters, 2 sons, and 4 grandchildren to mourn the loss of a kind wife and loving mother. She was sick 9 weeks and had to suffer a great deal, but bore it all patiently. She had a desire to go home and be with Christ. In the forenoon she bade her husband and children good-bye, and told them to be faithful and meet her in her home above. Her remains were laid to rest in the Latchars cemetery. The house was well filled with friends and neighbors. Services conducted by Enos Cressman at the home and Noah Stauffer and Solomon Gehman at the church from Phil. 1: 23, "Having desired to depart and be with Christ which is far better."
Transcribed by: Nancy Regan, Washington