Bontrager. --- Joseph M., son of Joseph C. and Lydia (Mast) Bontrager, was born in La Grange Co., Ind., May 9, 1873; died at his home near Shipshewana, Ind., Sept. 16, 1940; aged 67 y. 4 m. 7 d. His health had been failing for several years, but he bore it all patiently. He was seriously ill the last five weeks. At the age of 5 his mother, 2 brothers and 2 sisters died within two weeks' time of diphtheria. He was united in marriage to Amanda Yoder Nov. 10, 1895. To this union were born 3 sons and 3 daughters: Oliver of Middlebury; Melvin and Willis of Shipshewana; Celestia (Mrs. W. H. Schrock) of Hutchinson, Kans.; Nina, at home; and Leona (Mrs. John G. Miller) Shipshewana. His companion passed away May 9, preceding him only a few months. He united with the Forks Mennonite Church in his youth in which he remained faithful. He leaves 3 sons , 3 daughters, 8 grandchildren, 9 step-children, 3 half brothers (Rollin of Middlebury; Simon of Howe; Neri of Elkhart); 2 half-sisters (Mrs. Sam Hooley of Goshen; Mrs. Leland Greenawalt of Howe) and many relatives and friends. Funeral services were held Sept. 18, from the Forks Mennonite Church, conducted by D.D. Miller and Early C. Bontrager. Interment in the Yoder Cemetery.
"Another dear one has left us,
His lingering on earth has ended;
Though we hate to see him leave us,
An angel has descended."
Metzler. --- Solomon S., son of David and Elizabeth (Shupe) Metzler, was born near Lewistown, Ohio, Feb. 11, 1859. In his early childhood his parents moved to Elkhart Co., Ind., locating near Wakarusa. He lived in this vicinity the remainder of his life. He was married to Catherine Loucks Nov. 11, 1876. To this union 12 children were born. Earl, Ray, and Warren preceded their father in death. Bro. Metzler spent his time as a farmer until well advanced in years. About six years ago his health began to fail. He became bedfast on his 81st birthday, February 11, 1940. On the night of Sept. 17, he peacefully passed on to his reward. At the time of his death his companion and nine children were by his bedside. Age 81 y. 7 m. 6 d. He leaves his beloved companion, with whom he spent over 63 years in happy married life, nine children: Martin, Nora (wife of Pre. S. L. Weldy), Oscar, Orville, Wilma (Mrs. Nelson Weldy), Forrest, Ralph, Hattie, (Mrs. Eli Yoder), and Manford; all of whom live in the surrounding community except Hattie who live near Auburn, Ind. He is also survived by 22 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren, one brother (Jesse, of South Bend, Ind.), also many other relatives and friends. In early married life Bro. and Sister Metzler were converted and united with the Mennonite Church. At the Holdeman congregation they were faithful attendants at all services as long as health permitted, and took an active interest in the work of the Church everywhere. Funeral services conducted by Warren Shaum at the home, and by C. A. Shank and D. A. Yoder at the Olive Church. Burial in the adjoining cemetery.
Mumaw. --- John, youngest son of George and Katherine (Brenneman) Mumaw, was born Jan. 31, 1862, near Winesburg, Ohio; died at the age of 78 y. 7 m. 8 d. He spent the early years of his life in that community, attending elementary school there, and later Ada, Ohio, Normal School. For some years he was engaged as a salesman, being employed the greater part of that time by the Mennonite Publishing House, then of Elkhart, Ind. In his later years, however, he was engaged in farming in the vicinity of Elkhart and Wakarusa, Ind. On Sunday morning, Sept. 15, while returned from Wayne Co., Ohio, with relatives with whom he had been visiting, he received fatal injuries in an auto accident near Crestline, Ohio. Having only regained partial consciousness, he went to be with the Lord a few hours later. On March 9, 1893, he was united in marriage with Lydia Good of Elida, Ohio, who survives with the following children: Enos, of Elkhart; Henry and Clara, at the parental home; Cora of Goshen; Aaron of Wakarusa; and Ira, deceased. He also leaves 16 grandchildren, one sister (Rachel, of Elkhart) any many relatives and friends. The following brothers and sister preceded his decease: Susan, Dr. Henry, Fannie, Amos, and Mary. In early manhood he accepted Christ as his Saviour and became a member of the Mennonite Church, of which he was a faithful member until death. He was much in interested in the cause of Christ and gave many years of faithful service in Sunday school work as superintendent and teacher. He was also much interested in the welfare of his family, and will be greatly missed by them in this sudden departure. Bro. Mumaw was especially interested in sacred music, and spent many happy hours with his family in the enjoyment of the same. "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." Funeral services were conducted by John Gingrich and D. A. Yoder at the Prairie St. Church, Elkhart, Ind., Burial in Prairie St. cemetery.
Rohrer. --- John Norman, son of J. Norman and Mary (Mummau) Rohrer, Manheim, Pa., died (after three days' illness) in St. Joseph Hospital, Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 5, 1940; aged 7 y. 3 m. 16 d. Death was caused by an infection, followed by pneumonia. Blood poisoning was also in evidence. He was an obedient child gentle and kind, loved by all who knew him. God knows best, and we humbly bow to His will. He is survived by his parents, four sisters (Kathryn Jane, Mary Elizabeth, Arlene Fern, Dorothy Jeannette, all at home), and host of relatives and friends. Funeral services at East Petersburg Church, in charge of Bros. Henry Lutz and Martin Metzler. Text, Mark 10: 14.
"God needed one more angel,
Forever and ever to stay,
So God told the angels one would be found
And He took our sonny away."
Shellenberger. --- William Henry, son of Abraham and Elizabeth (Doney) Shellenberger, was born near Richfield, Pa., March 1, 1863; died Sept. 13, 1940 at Glennie, Mich.; aged 77 y. 6 m. 13 d. At the age of 12 he with his parents moved to Osborne Co., Kans., where he resided until 1906, when he went to Glennie, Mich., where he spent the remainder of his life. He leaves his youngest brother (J. L. Shellenberger of Colorado Springs, Colorado), one sister (Mrs. Fanny Bowen of Boulder, Colo.), and many other relatives and friends. His father and mother, Sam of Petoskey, Mich., Mary Neuschwanger of Eckley, Colo., David and Lucy Ann of Osborne, Kans., preceded him in death. Uncle Will (or "Billy" as his friends called him) had never married. To know him personally was to love him, for he was a friend to everyone. A short time before his death he expressed peace within his soul and his love for his Saviour. On Friday he went to bed to rest and peacefully fell asleep in Jesus. The funeral services were held at the Glennie Methodist church conducted by Pastor Brown. Burial in the Glennie cemetery.
Showalter. --- Nettie, daughter of the late Michael and Elizabeth Showalter, was born near Broadway, Va., Nov. 17, 1859; died near the small place Aug. 19, 1940; aged 80 y. 9 m. 2 d. She never married and lived with her parents during their lifetime; after that among relatives and friends. She died at the home of Mrs. Ella Kline who cared for her in recent years and during her last illness. She was a lifelong member of the Mennonite Church. Out of a family of eleven children, only one sister and three brothers survive. They are Mrs. J. D. Hartman, Laban M., Walter L., of Harrisonburg, Va., and Frank B. of Roscoe, Calif. Funeral services were held Aug. 21 at Zion Church, conducted by Brethren H. B. Keener, P. E. and Lewis Shank. Interment in the adjoining cemetery. Text, Psa. 116: 15.
Transcribed by Marcia Bickel, Kansas.
Burkhart.--- David Z., son of the late Isaac and Esther (Zimmerman) Burkhart, was born Nov. 24, 1858, near Bowmansville, Pa.; died Sept. 27, 1940, at the place of his birth and lifelong residence on the old Burkhart homestead; aged 81 y. 10 m. 4 d. He embraced Christianity in early life. As a brother of settled convictions in his Saviour he was not merely passively interested in the affairs of the Church of his choice, but took active part in the place allotted to him by the Church. He carried a life and lip testimony against the vain display of attire. His family life dates from Sept. 23, 1883, Mary Ann Good, also of the Bowmansville congregation who survives him, was his faithful companion through the fifty-seven years of wedded life. The Lord gave to them seven sons and three daughters: Abraham; Hettie (Twin sister and the wife of preacher A. H. Weaver); Sallie (Horst); Barton; Isaac; David; Susie (Good, died Oct. 10, 1932), Edwin; John; Paul. These, together with fifty grandchildren and twenty-three great-grandchildren, make up the living progeny of this venerable father in Israel. One brother (Amos) survives the family. Funeral services was held Sept. 20 in the Bowmansville Mennonite Church, his body interred in the adjoining burial ground. Bro. J. Paul Graybill had charge of services, assisted by the home ministry. Texts, Heb. 12: 9; Prov. 4: 12.
Lichti. --- Christian S., son of Christian and Nancy (Schlegel) Lichti, was born July 26, 1874 at St. Agatha, Ont.; died at the General Hospital, Geneva, Neb., Sept. 19, 1940, where he spent the last 23 days of his life; aged 66 y. 1 m. 24 d. In his youth he united with the Mennonite Church and remained faithful to the end. On Jan. 1, 1903, he was united in marriage to Celesta E. Kaufman at Milford, Neb. Together they shared the joys and sorrows of life for over 37 years, of which 26 years were spent in the community of Milford. To this union were born 5 daughters. He leaves his loving companion (who patiently cared for him during the last eight months of his life, during which time he was bedfast due to heart complications which he bore very patiently), also 5 daughters (Neoda, wife of Ed. Kennel of Milford; Grace, wife of Albert Schiffler, New Meadows, Ida.; Lydia, wife of Wes Schiffler, Filer, Ida.; Delta, wife of Glen Klopfenstein; and Delsie, both of Archbold, Ohio). Ten grandchildren also survive. All were present at the funeral except 1 son-in-law and 2 granddaughters. His father-in-law (J. J. Kaufman of Filer, Ida.) was present at the funeral. He also leaves 2 brothers and 2 sisters (Nick, Dan, and Lena of Milford; Anna of Wayland, Ia.), and a large host of relatives and friends. His parents, 1 brother, and 4 sisters preceded him in death. Funeral services in charge of Warren Eicher. Text, Rev. 14: 13.
"Peacefully sleeping, resting at last,
The world's weary troubles and trials are past;
In silence he suffered, in patience he bore,
Till God called him home, to suffer no more."
Miller. --- Bettie Ruth, infant daughter of Bro. and Sister Elgin Miller of Wichita, Kans., died Sept. 1, 1940; aged one month. Brief funeral services were held at the Yoder Mennonite Church near Hutchinson, Kans., Sept. 2, conducted by Bros. J. G. Hartzler and H. A. Diener.
Nice. --- Jerry Ray, son of Herman H. and Ethel M. (Roth) Nice, Filer, Ida., died at his home Sept. 20, 1940; aged 17 m. 23 d. Death was due to a prolonged illness with complications. Besides his parents he is survived by a sister (Betty Lou); grandparents (Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nice, Mr. and Mrs. James Roth, of Filer, Ida.); also many uncles, aunts and other relatives. He is greatly missed in the home because of his sweet disposition in spite of his affliction and suffering. Funeral services were held Sept. 21 in the Twin Fall Mortuary Chapel in charge of Bros. L. J. Miller and S. Honerich. Interment in the Sunset Memorial Park.
Oesch. --- John, son of Christian and Catherine Zehr Oesch, was born May 14, 1846, near Baden, Ont.; died Sept. 10, 1940, at his Garden City farm home, which he owned for the past 45 years. When 14 years of age his parents moved to Davis Co., Iowa, and later to Hickory Co., Mo. When 25 years old he was married to Mary Amanda Smith. They moved to the Garden City, Mo., community where they continued to live for the past sixty years. They were the parents of 5 boys and 5 girls. Two daughters (Carrie Mae and Ida Catherine) died in infancy. His wife died Sept. 12, 1931, and his eldest son (John W.) died Sept. 23, 1936. His 4 sons and 3 daughters surviving are: Joseph C., Spartanburg, Pa.; Samuel and Jacob of the home; William W., Bristol, Ind. Mrs. S. D. Kenagy, Kansas City; Mrs. Melvin Yoder, Shipshewana, Ind.; and Anna S. Oesch, Kansas City. One sister (Mrs. Barbara Moore) preceded him in death by 3 months, being 86 years of age. He is also survived by 1 sister (Mrs. Anna V. Cape, Spokane, Wash.), 1 half-brother (Christian Oesch, Sedalia). There are 22 grandchildren, and 25 great-grandchildren. Soon after he became of age he took out citizenship papers and became a citizen of the United States. He was actively engaged in farming and stock raising until his health began to fail about eleven years ago. As a stockman he had business dealings throughout the central states, and had a rare faculty for remembering people and incidents until the end. In his youth he confessed Christ and united with the church of his choice, and remained faithful until death. Funeral services were held Saturday at the home by John A. Kauffman, and at the Sycamore Grove Church by Raymond Hershberger and I. G. Hartzler. Burial in Clearfork cemetery.
Ramer. --- Jacob B. Ramer, was born in Snyder Co., Pa., Aug. 17, 1879; died Sept. 5, 1940, at his home near Chambersburg, Pa., after a ten weeks' illness with a heart ailment; aged 61 y. 18 d. He was a member of the Pleasant View Mennonite Church. He is survived by his wife (Susan Caufman Ramer) and the following sons and daughters: Mrs. Wilbur Ramer, Mrs. Ernest Torkelson, and Paul C. Ramer of Chambersburg; Mrs. Albert Sarvis and Harvey J. Ramer of Shippensburg; Norman, Charles, Ethyl, Glen, Emma Jane, and Pearl at home. Four grandchildren and 3 brothers (Samuel Ramer, Crystal Springs, Kans.; Henry Ramer, Duchess, Alta., Canada; and Amon Ramer, Harper, Kans.) also survive. Funeral services were held Sept. 8, at the home, and at the Chambersburg Mennonite Church in charge of Bros. George Ernst and Walter Lehman. Interment in the adjoining cemetery.
"In our hearts his memory lingers,
But we know 'tis vain to weep;
Tears of love can never wake him,
From his peaceful, quiet sleep."
--The Family.
Sutter. --- Christian B., son of John and Magdalena Sutter, was born Dec. 23, 1869, at Hopedale, Ill.; died at his home in Tiskilwa, Ill., Sept. 19, 1940; aged 70 y. 8 m. 22 d. Death was caused by heart trouble and other systemic complications. He was married to Mary Birkey of Tiskilwa Jan. 23, 1896. To this union four children were born: Mrs. Rufus Bachman, Harvey, Mrs LeRoy Pierson, and Raymond. He is survived by his wife, the above named children (except Harvey, who passed away Aug. 8, 1930), two granddaughters (Marilyn and Diane Pierson) and two brothers (Andrew and Amos of Hopedale, Ill.). At the age of 18, he dedicated his life to Christ, united with the Mennonite Church, and has remained a devout member all his life. His early life was spent at Hopedale, until the time of his marriage, when he moved to Bureau County, where he spent the remainder of his life. Funeral services were held Sept. 22 at the late residence and at Willow Springs Church, in charge of Bros. C. A. Hartzler and Ira Eigsti.
Transcribed by Marcia Bickel, Kansas.
Charles. --- Susan Hershey Charles, was born Oct. 25, 1865; died Sept. 16, 1940; aged 74 y. 10 m. 21 d. Surviving are 3 sons, 11 grandchildren, 2 brothers, and many close friends. Sister Charles was a faithful member of the Mennonite Church for many years. Her husband (Clayton), who served as deacon in the Habecker and Mountville congregations, preceded her to the better world ten years ago. Funeral services were held in her late home and Habecker's meetinghouse Sept. 10, conducted by J. C. Habecker, C. K. Lehman, and J. K. Charles. Burial in adjoining cemetery.
Rosenberger. --- Lydia, daughter of Benjamin Rosenberger and Nancy Shantz, was born June 4, 1860; died Sept. 29, 1940; aged 80 y. 3 m. 25 d. She spent the greater part of her life in and around the community near New Dundee, Ont. In 1891 she accepted the Lord under the preaching of John S. Coffman and united with the Blenheim Mennonite Church, to which faith she remained true till death. The past seven years she was unable to walk, but she bore her affliction patiently. She leaves 2 sisters (Mrs. John Coleman, New Hamburg; Mrs. Jacob L. Witmer, Brown City, Mich.), 5 brothers (Menno and Eli, New Dundee; Ben, New Hamburg; Osia, Balzac, Alta.; Edwin, Balzac, Alta.). Two sisters (Nancy and Sarah) predeceased her. Funeral services were conducted at the home on Oct. 1 by Bro. Moses N. Baer and at the church by Bro. Manasseh Hallman. Text, Acts 16: 14. Interment in adjoining cemetery.
"Her room is quiet, all is still,
Her place is vacant, it is God's will;
So long she waited for her rest,
Our blessed Lord knows what is best."
Weber. ---Josiah H., eldest son of the late Daniel and Elizabeth (Histand) Weber, was born Oct. 24, 1866, and passed away peacefully at the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital on Sept. 10, 1940, after several months of failing health; aged 73 y. 10 m. 17 d. Bro. Weber was a member of the Mennonite Church since his younger years. In 1899 he was married to Hannah Biehn who died about four years ago. He leaves 1 brother, George A. Weber of near Kitchener, Ont. Another brother, Ephraim; passed away six years ago. Funeral services were held at the First Mennonite Church of Kitchener on Sept. 12, in charge of the ministering brethren Simon Martin and Merle Shantz.
Yoder. Glen Joy, son of Thomas and Emma Yoder, was born at Wolford, N. D., on June 21, 1919; died in the St. Joseph Hospital at Brainard, Minn., on Aug. 25, 1940; aged 21 y. 2 m. 4 d. He died of a fractured skull caused by an automobile accident. He leaves to mourn his sudden departure his deeply bereaved parents, 1 sister, 1 brother, 2 grandmothers, besides many other relatives and friends. One sister, Mabel, died at the age of 15, and 3 other children died in infancy. Glen was converted in the summer of 1933 and was baptized and received into the Mennonite Church on Aug. 13, 1933. He was a faithful member and gave evidence of a conscientious and God-honoring life. We deeply mourn for one whom we loved, but not as for one who has no hope. Funeral services were held on Aug. 28 at the home and at the Lake View Mennonite Church by Bros. John Stoll, L A. Kauffman, and M. R. Miller, with interment in the Lake View Cemetery.
Transcribed by Marcia Bickel, Kansas.
Blough. --- Emma Jane, daughter of the late Eli and Katie (Kaufman) Gashaw, was born in Somerset, Pa., Feb. 18, 1875; died at her home near Jerome, Pa., Aug. 9, 1940; aged 65 y. 5 m. 9 d. She was married to John A. Blough Oct. 15, 1893, who preceded her in death Jan. 20, 1930. To this union were born 9 children, all of whom survive as follows: Harry C., Boswell; Martin V., Hollsopple; Nora, wife of Morgan Yoder, Hollsopple; Edith, wife of U. Grant Weaver, Johnstown; Paul A., Hollsopple; Naomi, Pasadena, Calif.; Ruth, wife of John Stoltzfus, Zanesville, Ohio; Erma and Merle at home. Ash is also survived by 20 grandchildren, 1 sister (Laura Speigle), 1 brother (Isaac Gashaw). One grandchild and 3 sisters preceded her in death. She was a member of the Mennonite Church for about 47 years. Funeral services were held at the home and at the church Aug. 12, by Bros. A. J. Metzler and Irvin Holsopple. Interment in the adjoining cemetery.
Buchanan. --- James Jonathan, son of Felix and Cynthia (Caldonia) Buchanan, was born neat Chatham Hill, Va., Jan. 5, 1885; died Oct. 8, 1940; aged 55 y. 10 m. 2 d. On Sept. 20, 1908, he was united in marriage to Mary Jane Gillispie. To this union were born 8 children. Four children preceded him in death. He leaves his beloved wife and 4 children (Dorothy, Geo., William, Mrs. Auderey, Gus Sieker), 3 grandchildren, 2 brothers (H. H. Buchanan of Peculiar, Mo., and J. F. Buchanan of Randolf, Neb.), 3 sisters (Mrs. Cora Carter of Chatham Hill, Va., Mrs. Lizzie Waddel of Asmond, Neb., and Mrs. Susie Goff of Sioux City, Ia.), and a large circle of relatives and friends. Being a member of the Methodist Church of Chatham Hill Va., his request after moving to his present home was to unite with the Sycamore Grove Church; this being July 21, 1940. He was visited many times by the ministry of the Church. He told his family he was prepared to meet his Saviour. During his suffering he was calm and carried his burden well. Funeral services at the home and the Sycamore Grove Church, conducted by the home ministers. Interment in Clearfork Cemetery.
Grove. On Oct. 8, 1940 near Hanover, Pa., a little daughter of Harvie and Hannah Grove, died. She was born on Christmas night, 1939. She leaves 3 brothers and 2 sisters to mourn her loss. Funeral services were conducted by Bro. Richard Danner, assisted by two other ministers.
"How oft they view her little bed,
Where oft she laid her little head;
But now they can't see her any more,
Until they meet on Canaan's shore."
Orris. --- John A. Orris, was born in Scalp Level, Pa., in 1857; died in Morgantwon, W. Va., at the home of his daughter (Mrs. Fortney) in Sept. 1940; aged 83 years. When a young man he united with the Evangelical Church and in later years transferred his membership to the Weaver Mennonite Church were he was a member when he died. The body was taken to the Weaver Mennonite Church were services were conducted by Hiram Wingard, Wm. G. Lauver and Alex Weaver. Burial in the Richland Cemetery adjoining the church.
Schweitzer. --- Jay Allen, son of Jacob and Sarah Schweitzer, was born Oct. 21, 1916, at Milford, Neb.; died Oct. 4, 1940, at the home of his sister (Mrs. Martha Haas) at Lincoln, Neb.; aged 23 y. 11 m. 13 d. On Oct. 12, 1930, he was baptized and received into Milford A. M. Church. On Sept. 16 he suffered a back injury and was taken to the hospital and placed in a cast. After two days he was moved to his home and was able to move around and seemed on the way to recovery; but on Sunday, Sept. 29, he became seriously ill and was again confined to his bed. He rallied somewhat, but passed away very suddenly on Friday morning. He was preceded in death by his father, mother 1 sister, and 2 infant brothers. He leaves 1 brother (Ralph of Milford), 2 sisters (Martha Haas and Marie Ashby of Lincoln, Neb.), 5 nieces, 4 nephews, and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held Oct. 7 at the Milford A. M. Church, in charge of Bros. L. O. Schlegel and Warren Eicher. Text, Psa. 90: 12. Burial in the Milford A. M. Cemetery.
Shantz. --- Sister Ethleen, wife of Anannias S. Shantz, was born Nov. 15, 1867, near Markham, Ont.; died Oct. 7, 1940, at her home in Kitchener, Ont., after a general illness; aged 72 y. Surviving are her husband, a son (Velores B. Shantz of Eric Beach, Ont.), 3 daughters (Mrs. Edwin Jewitt and Mrs. Earl Snider, both of German Mills; and Mrs. Elmer Gerber of Kitchener), and 14 grandchildren. She was a faithful member of the Church for nearly a half century. She exemplified a real Christian experience. She was an interested Sunday-school worker in her earlier years, and maintained this interest in this and other forms of service until the end. When the pastor gave her communion for the last time, she remarked, "Suppose it won't be long until I'll be going. It doesn't matter. I've been living for years with that day in mind." This accounted for the fact there was no distress, panic or fear, but faith, peace, and trust-a real Christian poise. Services and burial Oct. 10, at the First Mennonite Church, Kitchener, in charge of Bro. C. F. Derstine, assisted by Brethren S. F. Coffman and O. Burkholder. Theme, "Numbering Our Days" (Psa. 90: 10).
Wicker. --- Charles, son of George A. and Sadie Ellen (Guyer) Wicker, was born Feb. 13, 1908; died Oct. 7, 1940, at the home of his parents, Mill Run, Altoona, Pa.; aged 32 y. 8 m. 15 d. Surviving are his parents, 4 sisters (Ethel, Dora, Grace of Detroit, Mich., and Dolly of Altoona), 2 brothers (George and Cloyd), 3 half brothers (Elmer, Leonard and Lawrence Dodson), 1 half sister (Mrs. Amanda Utley). Bro. Wicker accepted Christ on his sick-bed in January, 1940, and was received into church funeral services were held Oct. 9 at the First Mennonite Church, Altoona, in charge of Bro. Joseph M. Nissley. Text, John 11: 11.
Wiley. --- Elizabeth Julia (Hastings) was born Feb. 17, 1906; died Sept. 24, 1940; aged 34 y. 7 m. 7 d. She is survived by 1 daughter (Julia), 2 sisters and 1 brother. She was a member of the Pinesburg, Md., congregation, where funeral services were held Sept. 26, in charge of Bros. Moses K. Horst and Samuel R. Eby. Interment in the St. Paul Cemetery.
Wingard. --- Elizabeth (Baumgardner) Wingard, widow of the late Peter Wingard, was born near Johnstown, Pa., July 20, 1866; died Oct. 4, 1940, at the home of her daughter (Mrs. Palmer King). Funeral services were conducted at the Weaver Mennonite Church by Hiram Wingard and Alex Weaver. Burial in the Richland Cemetery adjoining the church.
Transcribed by Marcia Bickel, Kansas.
Beachey. ---Joel, son of Abraham C. and Barbara (Tice) Beachey, was born in Garrett Co., Md., March 1, 1866; died at his late residence near Topeka, Ind., Sept. 28, 1940; aged 74 y. 6 m. 27 d. On Dec. 24, 1891, he was married to Catharine Erb. To this union was born 1 daughter (Naomi), who died at the tender age of 1 month, 6 days. He is survived by his companion, a foster daughter (Mrs. Earl V. Bender) at home, 2 granddaughters (Marilyn Jean and Lauretta Elaine Bender), 1 brothers (Valentine, of near Shipshewana), 2 sisters (Mrs. Peter Christener of Three Rivers, Mich., and Mrs. John Gouker of White Pigeon, Mich.), and nephews and nieces. H accepted Christ as his Saviour in his youth and remained a faithful member of the Amish Mennonite Church until death. Afflicted with the infirmities of old age for some time, he became bedfast 9 days before death. During his short illness he was very patient, never one word of complaint, often making the statement, "I want to go Home." He had a great concern for the welfare of those of his house and especially his grandchildren who meant much to him. Funeral services were held on the afternoon of Sept. 30 at the Town Line A. M. Church. Burial in Yoder Cemetery.
Birky. --- Lizzie E., daughter of Daniel and Magdalena Grieser, was born in Bavaria, Germany, May 8, 1864; died early Monday morning, Sept. 30, 1940, at her home in Hopedale, Ill., after an illness of several weeks; aged 76 y. 4 m. 21 d. She united with the Mennonite Church when quite young and remained faithful to the end. She came to the United States with her parents, brothers, and sisters in October, 1878. She was married to Joseph Nafziger of Hopedale, Ill., Jan. 28, 1883. To this union were born 3 sons (Chris H., of Nampa, Ida.; Daniel B., and William J., of Hopedale). Her husband died in 1895. Sept. 24, 1896, she was united in marriage to Bishop John C. Birky, who preceded her in death April 19, 1920. Five children were born to them (Lizzie, Menno, and John of Hopedale; Albert of Saegerstown, Pa., and Simon of Arrowsmith, Ill.). She also leaves 7 step-children (Maggie Kauffman, Minier, Id.; Katie Roth, Nampa, Ida.; Bertha Kipfer, Rolfe, Ia.; Chris Birky, Palmer, Ia.; Jacob Birky, Valparaiso, Ind.; Sam Birky, Zion, Ill.; Levi Birky, Kouts, Ind.); also 18 grandchildren, 1 great-grandchild, 38 step grandchildren, 16 step great-grandchildren, 2 sisters (Katie Ingold, Fisher, Ill.; Mary Teuscher, Pigeon, Mich.), 2 brothers (George Grieser, Dewey, Ill.; and Chris Grieser, Filer, Ida.), besides many other relatives and friends. Funeral was held Oct. 2, by Bros. Simon Litwiler and Ben Springer of the home congregation, and Bro. C. Warren Long of Peoria Mission.
Bontrager. --- Duane Franklin, son of Fernandis and Susan (Miller) Bontrager, near Kalona, Iowa, was instantly killed by being hit by a fast driven car in front of his home, Oct. 8, 1940; aged 4 y. 5 m. 6 d. He leaves his deeply bereaved parents, 1 sister (Emma Grace), his grandparents (John H. Miller's and Joe Bontrager), 1 aunt, 8 uncles, and many other relatives and friends. Duane was of a quiet and peaceful disposition, never causing much disturbance, but in the twinkling of an eye God called him to his eternal home, free from all sorrow and pain. Funeral services were held Oct. 11 at the home by Bishops Ira Nosley and Edwin Hershberger. Texts, Mark 10: 14; Job 1: 21.
"Full blooming flowers alone will not do.
Some must be young and ungrown;
So the frail buds he is gathering too
Beautiful gems for His throne."
Gerber. John K., son of Valentine and Katie (Kennel) Gerber, was born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Sept. 17, 1880; died at his home near Nappanee, Ind., from paralysis, Sept. 29, 1940; aged 60 y. 12 d. At the age of 4 he came with his parents to the States, settling first in Nebraska, but later he moved to Indiana, and has resided around Bremen and Nappanee the greater part of his life. He was united in marriage to Barbara Yoder, at Wilmot, Minn., Feb. 5, 1903. This union was blessed with 3 sons and 4 daughters. He is the first one in this family to enter the eternal home. He leaves his companion, 3 sons (Valentine of Nappanee, Floyd of Syracuse, and Moses of Elkhart), 4 daughters (Mrs. Eli Yoder of Nappanee, Mrs. Roman Slabaugh of Milford, Mrs. Christ Miller of Middlebury, and Katherine at home), 19 grandchildren, 2 brothers (Valentine Gerber, of Conneautville, Pa.; and Moses Gerber of Zurich, Ont.), 3 sisters (Mrs. Mattie Jantzi and Mrs. Rachel Jantzie both of Furgas, Ont.; Mrs. Fannie Erb of Zuirch, Ont.). Quite early in life he chose Christ as his Saviour and united with the Amish Church. Later he transferred his membership to the Mennonite Church, having his church home with the North Main St., congregation in Nappanee, at the time of his decease. Services were held Oct. 2 at the Mennonite Church in Nappanee, conducted by Homer F. North. Burial in the South Union Cemetery.
"His room is quiet, all is still,
His place is vacant, it is God's will;
So long he waited for his rest,
Our blessed Lord knows what is best."
Koppenhaver. Mildred, daughter of Fred and Mary Ikerman, was born near Eldora, Iowa, Oct. 18, 1869; died at Larned, Kans., Oct. 4, 1940; aged 70 y. 11 m. 13 d. She grew to young womanhood in the town in which she was born and completed her education at Shenandoah, Iowa, college and Drake University in Chicago. In 1892, she was united in marriage to John Koppenhaver at Boone, Iowa. Soon after she and her husband traveled southward and lived in Arkansas for a number of years. During her residence in the south-land she united with the Mennonite Brethren in Christ. In 1904 she and her family established a residence in Argentine district of Kansas City. One of her first acts was to contact people of her own faith, and as no permanent church of that denomination was to be found, she became affiliated with the Mennonite Church of which she was a member at the time of her passing. In later years of her life she made her home in Winton, Calif., at which place her beloved husband was called to his reward. She was seriously ill the last months of her life until finally called to her heavenly home. Surviving are 5 daughters and 1 son: Mrs. Lois Gibbs of Kansas City; Mrs. La Cygne Moyer, Hot Springs, Ark.; Mrs. Luzon Carroll of Kansas City; Mrs. Lorene Wohlberg, Manhattan, Kans.; Mrs. Mary Wedel, Atwater, Calif.; and John Koppenhaver, Hesston, Kans. Funeral services were held at the Mennonite Gospel Mission, Kansas City, Kans., Monday, Oct, 7, in charge of the home ministers assisted by Bro. J. F. Brunk of Newton, Kans. Burial at Winton, Calif.
Kreider. --- Celia Dora, daughter of the late John and Mary Ann (Wilson) Mathoit, was born Aug. 20, 1874; died Sept. 7, 1940, at the home of Mrs. Fannie W. Kreider, with whom she resided for the past 24 years; aged 65 y. 18 d. She was the widow of Jacob D. Kreider. To this union were born 2 daughters (Mabel V. and Helen Kreider). Also 1 sister (Mrs. Daniel McClune of Lancaster), and 1 brother (Elam Mathoit, of Freeport, Ill.), survive. Her mission was to care for the one with whom she resided, who has been on crutches for the last 34 years. She will be greatly missed as a companion and help, as she was always content, and never seemed to tire of her duty. In the night they went to bed as usual, and in the morning, as she was called, she gave her last breath. We believed her reward was a peaceful sleep, and woke up in glory. She was a faithful member of the Mellinger's Mennonite Church. Funeral services were held Sept. 10, conducted by Bro. Elmer G. Martin at the home, and by Bro. David L. Landis at Mellinger's Mennonite Church. Interment at Strasburg Cemetery.
"In our hearts her memory lingers,
But we know 'tis vain to weep;
Tears of love can never wake her
From her peaceful, quiet sleep."
Martin. --- Elias Gingrich*, son of Moses and Susannah Martin, was born in Waterloo Co., Ont., May 8, 1854; died Oct. 5, 1940; aged 86 y. 4 m. 27 d. He joined the Mennonite Church in his young years and kept that faith till his death. Jan. 18, 1876, he united in marriage with Anna Martin. They shared the joys and sorrows of life together for over 60 years. To this union were born 6 sons and 3 daughters. Two children died in infancy. A son (Moses) died in 1934, and Menno in 1935. Mother died in 1936, and a son (Sidney) Sept. 8, 1940. Surviving are 2 sons and 2 daughters (Elias M. and John M., and Mrs. Jacob Brubaker and Mrs. Elam Martin); also 43 grandchildren and 93 great-grandchildren. Father had what was supposed to be a light heart-stroke Oct. 18, 1939, from which time he was bedfast. He always seemed satisfied, but longed for the time when he could leave this world. Funeral was held Oct. 8, from the home of his son near Myerstown, Pa., with burial at Pike Mennonite Church. Text, Psa. 84: 2, selected by him quite a long time ago. Services by Joseph Hostetter, Amos Martin, Menno Weaver, and John Weaver.
*Researching note: Name is Elias
Martin Gingrich, son of Moses and Susannah (Martin) Gingrich.
See son, Sidney below - tlm
Transcriber's note: Joseph Hostetter was the spelling used in this obituary. However, below the last name is spelled Hochstetter. This is the same person.
Martin. --- Sidney Gingrich*, son of Elias Gingrich and
Anna Martin, was born in Waterloo Co., Ont., Jan. 10, 1877.
At the age of 11 years he moved with his parents to Iowa, and
later to Pennsylvania. In June, 1940, he went to Canada on a visit,
where he took sick and died on Sept. 8. Brief services were held
the same day at the Elmira Church, after which his body was sent
to Myerstown, Pa., where his children reside. In 1899, he was
married to Nancy Bauman. This union was blessed with 6
children. His wife and 1 son predeceased him about 12 years ago.
There survive 4 daughters and 1 son, from whose place the funeral
was held Sept. 11, with burial in the Royerstown Cemetery near
Myerstown, Pa. Services by Joseph Hochstetter and Amos
Martin. Text, II Tim. 4: 7.
--By his brothers.
* Researching note: Name is Sidney
Martin Gingrich, son of Elias and Anna (Martin) Gingrich - see
obituary of Elias above. - tlm
Snider. --- Samuel Snider, was born Sept. 30, 1852; died at his home in Waterloo, Ont., Oct. 15, 1940; aged 88 y. 15 d. He was married to Magdalene Brubacher who predeceased him June 4, 1938. Surviving are 3 sons (Edwin, Alvin, and Herbert), 1 daughter (Malinda, Mrs. Norman Stauffer), 1 brother (Jacob Snider), 2 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren. He was a life-long resident of Waterloo, always interested in the welfare of the community. He was a member of the Mennonite Church. In his earlier years he took part in the activities of the Church and was a faithful worshiper all his life at the Erb St. Mennonite Church. "As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness." Funeral services were held at Waterloo, Ont., in charge of J. B. Martin, assisted by Noah Hunsberger and Jonas Snider. Text, Rom. 5: 1-11. Burial in the David Eby Cemetery.
Swartzendruber. --- Eliza, daughter of Yost and Elizabeth (Hostetler) Yoder, was born in Iowa Co., Iowa, April 19, 1869; died Oct. 10, 1940; aged 71 y. 5 m. 21 d. She lived her entire life on the farm where she was born. She was a member of a family of 12 children, 8 of whom preceded her in death-Gabriel and Jacob Y. of Wellman; Mary, wife of Jacob Swartzendruber, and Gertrude, wife of Joel Swartzendruber, Shickley, Neb.; Isaac, Elizabeth, John Y. and Wm. Y., of Parnell. Those living are Eli Yoder of Wellman, 2 half sisters (Mrs. Ida Hershebrger of Parnell, and Mrs. G. C. Swartzendruber of Kalona); also one stepbrother (Wm. D. Brenneman of Kalona). In 1885 she was baptized by Bishop Wm. K. Miller and became a member of the Amish Mennonite Church in which faith she remained steadfast to the end. Nov. 13, 1891, she was united in marriage to Amos C. Swartzendruber, who preceded her in death Dec. 7, 1939. To this union were born 6 children, of whom 5 are living: Omar A., and Chris R., of Parnell; Erma (wife of Frank Eash); Edward L., and Benj. J., of Wellman. One infant died Dec. 7, 1894. For a number of years prior to the marriage of Bro. and Sister Swartzendruber, David Eimen was in the home of her parents. He was now invited into this new home and remained here for a period of about 9 years, the last three of which were spent as a hired man after he became of age. She leaves the above named children, 12 grandchildren, and numerous other relatives and friends. A little over three years ago she suffered a heart attack from which a light paralytic stroke resulted. The effects of this attack soon cleared up; however, a weakened heart created a physical problem for the balance of her life. About Sept. 25 she suffered a severe heart attack, from which she never recovered. As a mother in the home, she always showed the greatest kindness for her children; as a companion, the greatest love for her husband. Her place as mother is vacant and will be greatly missed. Her readiness and anxiousness to meet her Saviour is well expressed by the following short verse of poetry which she repeated at numerous times during the last and fatal illness.
"This is a lonesome home for me,
In heaven I would rather be;
Because my sorrow is so great.
I wish to see that golden gate.
O, Jesus, dear, I wish to ask;
Do take me home when life is past;
With Thee I long to be at home,
Where pain and sorrow all are gone."
Funeral services were held Oct. 12, conducted at the home by Jacob Miller and at the Upper Deer Creek church by A. S. Miller and E. G. Swartzendruber. Texts, Jno. 14; Heb. 4; Eccl. 12.
Transcriber's note: "Jno." Is the abbreviation used in the obituary.
Umholtz. --- Neva Lucile, youngest daughter of Wm. and Anna Umholtz, was born near Newton, Kans., May 30, 1927; died after a lingering illness Oct. 14, 1940; aged 13 y. 4 m. 14 d. Neva's early childhood was blest with normal health; but while in her 7th year she was stricken with a sickness that deprived her of normal advantages and kept her from attending school. However, she continued he mental development by reading; and by the assistance of one of the teachers, Miss Helen Fenton, completed the fourth grade. The quiet and patient way she bore her suffering touched the hearts of the many friends who learned to know her, and won a place in their affections. Though she required much attention (and her parents did all that was humanly possible for her) she was never a burden, but by her attitude made herself a much loved member of the family. During the last year she felt a more definite awakening of her conscience and accepted Christ in a very simple childlike manner. She also desired to be baptized and become a member of the Mennonite Church which service was held in her home only a week before she passed away. Besides her parents she leaves brothers and sisters as follows: Mrs. George (Gladys) Oliphant, Wichita, Kans.; Elmer of Hawthorne, Calif.; Howard, Max, Erma and Willard (Billy) at home. A short funeral service was conducted in the home Oct. 17 by D. D.Zook and at the Pennsylvania Church by Earl Buckwalter. Text, Matt. 18: 3..
Wadel. ---Joseph M. Wadel, died Oct. 12, 1940, at his home near Chambersburg, Pa.; aged 75 y. 8 m. 12 d. He was a life-long member of the Mennonite Church and a deacon for the past 18 years at the Pleasant View Church. He is survived by 1 son (Alonza) and 1 daughter (Mrs. Fred G. Ernst), where he had his home since his wife died, 9 years ago.
"A precious one from us is gone,
A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in our home,
Which never can be filled."
Transcribed by Marcia Bickel, Kansas.