Gospel Witness Obituaries - June, 1905
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Gospel Witness - Volume 1, Number 10 - June 7, 1905, page 80
Parret--On May 15, 1905, at his home in Chambersburg, Pa.,
after an illness of four days from a paralytic stroke, Pre. Philip
H. Parret, passed on his reward, aged 62y., 8 m. and 15 d. He
was a native of Rockingham County, Va. In 1864 he came to Franklin
Co., Pa. In 1866 he married Catherine Lesher and engaged in farming
until 15 years ago, when on account of failing health he retired
After a few years residence at Red Bridge he removed to Chambersburg,
where he has since resided.
Bro. Parret was a man of deep Christian piety. He united with
the Mennonite church when a young man, and was ordained to the
ministry in 1872, in which capacity he faithfully served the church
all these years.
During the civil war, in 1862 he was drafted into the Confederate
army, and placed in the 2nd regiment, Colonel Allen's which was
a part of "Stonewall's Brigade."
Bro. Parret sought his first and only opportunity to quit the
Confederate service, in the spring of 1864, when he was given
a fifteen days furlough. He entered his home on Easter morning,
while the family were at breakfast, and in a few days thereafter,
with a number of comrades--all union men--he made his way through
Virginia, and to the west.
Besides his wife Bro. Parret is survived by one son, John Parret,
Reading, Pa., and one daughter, Mrs. Anna Cump, at home. Also
two brothers and two sisters. Funeral services were held at the
Chambersburg church on the 18th., conducted by George S. Keener,
of Hagerstown, Md., and J. N. Durr, of Martinsburg, Pa. Text,
2 Tim 4:6-8. Almost a score of Mennonite ministers were in attendanc,
besides friends coming from all parts of Franklin and Cumberlund
Counties, and from Maryland and Virginia. "Blessed are the
dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth; yea saith the spirit,
that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow
Schrock.--On May 22nd., 1905 near Middlebury, Ind., of
consumption Lydia*, wife of Bro. Jacob P. Schrock, aged 73y. 7m.
and 27d. Sister Schrock was born in Somerset Co., Pa., and at
the age of about ten years she came with her parents to Elkhart,
Ind. Her father was one of the ministers when the first A. M.
meeting was held in Ind., being held at his house in April 1842,
on Easter Sunday. At the age of 18 she united with the A. M. church,
and continued faithful to the end. In Nov. 1850 she united in
the holy bonds of matrimony with Bro. Jacob P. Schrock. To this
union were born six children, three of whom preceded her to the
spirit world. She leaves a sorrowing husband, one daughter and
two sons to mourn her departure, but may their mourning be mixed
with the hope of striking glad hands in the resurrection morn,
never to part again. Services at the Forks M. H. on the 24th.,
by D. J. Johns, assisted by Silas Yoder.
*Research note: Maiden name was Miller - see Jacob P. Schrock ..... July 15, 1920
Landis.--The funeral of Benjamin Landis, of Deep Run, Bucks
Co., Pa., was held May 29, 1905, at the Deep Run M. H. Aged 68y.
7 m. and 19 d. He leaves a widow and four children, two sons and
two daughters, to mourn their loss. Services were conducted by
Bishop Andrew Mack in German. Text 2 Tim. 4 : 7,8, assisted by
A. O. Heistand in English.
Hostetler.--Emma Valetta Hostetler (nee Cripe) was born
near Goshen, Ind., Oct. 7, 1869. United in marriage with Adam
Hostetler, Sept. 25, 1891. Died at her home near Emma, Ind., May
26, 1905, aged 35 years, 7 months, and 19 days. Her husband, four
children survive her, and three children have preceded her to
the home beyond. She was a faithful member of the Mennonite church,
and a teacher in the S. S. for some years. Funeral services at
the Dunkard church, near Shipshewanna, by J. H. Fyke and Y. C.
Miller, where a very large audience had gathered to pay their
last tribute of respect to the departed, and sympathize with the
bereft ones. May the Lord comfort them.
Eby.--The funeral of Jacob Eby of near Bareville, Pa.,
was held May 29, 1905. The services were conducted by Bishop Benjamin
Weaver and Joseph Wenger, from Rev. 19:9. Bro. Eby was just growing
into young manhood being 18 years of age. During his sickness
he became conscious of the need of a Savior and was baptized and
received into church fellowship by Bish. Benj. Weaver. May the
many young friends of our brother hear early the voice that says,
"Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth."
The interment took place at Monterey.
Transcribed by: Cheri Salz, Illinois

The Gospel Witness -
Volume 1, Number
11 - June 14, 1905, page 84
Shoemaker.--Benjamin Shoemaker was born in Montgomery County,
Pa., March 2, 1825, and died at his home, near Freeport, Ill.,
June 1, 1905, aged 80y., 2m., 20d.
He was united in marriage to Veronica Shellenberger in Juniata
Co., Pa., Jan. 27, 1853. To this union were born five children,
as follows: Jos. S., Geo. E. and Charles C. Shoemaker; Martha
Rozella, wife of J. V. Fortner; and Emma, wife of A. J. Meck,
all of Freeport and vicinity.
He united with the Mennonite church in 1855, and remained a faithful
member until death. His quiet and unassuming life and staunch
adherence to the principles of the Gospel won him a warm place
in the hearts of all who knew him. God, in His infinite wisdom,
saw fit to remove from among us one whose influence did much to
mold the character of his family and his congregation. Though
dead, his influence still lives; and fondly we do look forward
to the time when we may meet him on the other shore.
For years he has been afflicted with shaking palsy, and gradually
grew feebler with age, being unable to rise from his bed during
the last six or eight months. He bore all his afflictions patiently
expressed a desire to depart, and with a firm hope in the Rock
of his salvation, he peacefully fell asleep. He leaves a widow,
three sons, two daughters, 21 grandchildren and one great-grandchild,
and many friends to mourn his departure. May God comfort them
in their bereavement.
Funeral services were conducted at the house by Simon Graybill
and at the church by John Nice and Daniel Kauffman. Text, Rev.
Shank.--On June 6, 1905, at the hospital in Richmond, Va.,
Davie Esther Gifford Shank. She was a daughter of David and Lessie
Shank. Her father died when she was quite small, and her mother
is now the wife of Michael Brunk of Warwick County, Virginia.
She was attending school at Elton College, North Carolina. Last
week, not feeling very well, she was advised to go to the hospital,
being accompied by a physician to Richmond, Va. Her mother was
summoned to her bedside. After consultation, it was to perform
an operation, which was done June 5. She died the following day.
Age 20y., 11m.,2d.
Her remains were brought to Halifax County Va., and buried at
Black Walnut, nearby the farm which they recently bought, and
expect to move to in the near future. Davie had confessed Christ
a number of years ago.
This is a heavy stroke to her mother, as Davie was her only child.
It is also a warning to all our young people, as it teaches us
the brevity of life. Short services were held by the writer; and
it is the intention to have a funeral sermon preached at some
more convenient time.
May God comfort the bereaved family. June 9, 1905. H. H. Good.
Nafziger.--On June 1st., 1905 near Nampa, Idaho, by drowning
in a small irrigating ditch, Freda, daughter of John and Lytha
Nafziger. She was born December 14, 1903. Aged 1 yr., 5 mon. and
17 days. She was a bright and cheerful child, always kind and
loving to all. The grief stricken parents have the sympathy of
the entire community. Funeral services were held at the Antioch
church, near Nampa, by David Hilty. Text, "And a little child
shall lead them."
Beiler.--On May 25, 1905, near Belleville, Pa., Joseph
W. Beiler aged 77 y. 3 m. 12 d. This brother's loving and gentle
disposition and quiet, upright life won him many friends. Three
daughters and a son survive him. Funeral services conducted by
John Yoder.--H.
Schrock--On May 4, 1905, near Shore, Lagrange Co. Ind.,
a son of Bro. and Sister Harvey Schrock, aged 2 y.20d. Funeral
services conducted by Y. C. Miller in German and John Garber in
English. Text, Mark 7:37.
Transcribed by: Cheri Salz, Illinois

The Gospel Witness -
Volume 1, Number
12 - June 21, 1905, page 92
Hoover--On June 13, 1905 near Wakarusa Elkhart Co. Ind. Abraham
Hoover aged 75 y. 4m. 4d. Bro. Hoover was born in Canada. Moved
with his parents to Medina Co., Ohio, when a child. Came to Elkhart
Co., Ind., about 1857. Was married to Susanna Landis 1858. To
this union were born one son and one daughter. The son died several
years ago. He has been feeble in body and mind for several years.
About two years ago he had a stroke of paralysis, since which
he required the care of a child. Sister Hoover is also afflicted
in body and mind, and requires much care.
Bro. and Sister Hoover have lived with their daughter since they
have been unable to care for themselves. Funeral services were
conducted by Henry Weldy and Eli Roose at the Yellow Creek Mennonite
M. H. June 15, 1905.
Transcribed by: Cheri Salz, Illinois

The Gospel Witness -
Volume 1, Number
13 - June 28, 1905, page 104
Yoder.--Yost Yoder was born in Somerset Co., Pa., May 16,
1829; died in Iowa co., Iowa, May 27, 1905, aged 76 years and
11 days. Funeral was held Monday May 29th at his residence, and
the home of his son-in-law, A. C. Schwartzendruber. Buried in
the Cemetery near by. Services were conducted by G. A. Yoder,
assisted by others. Text, Heb, 4,9--12. A very large number of
people assembled to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceased.
He leaves to mourn his departure, 10 children, 32 grandchildren,
10 great-grandchildren, He was married twice and had lived as
a widower for a number of years. He was a faithful member of the
Amish Mennonite church (Old Order). May we all take heed the warnings
that the Lord gives us, and so live that we may be ready to go
with Him when He comes again to gather His elect.
Neuhouser--Benedict, oldest son of Peter and Katy Neuhouser,
died at their home near Leo. Ind., June 14, 1905, aged 18 y. 1
m.11 d. He had been afflicted with diabetes for several years
but they thought he was better; when quite suddenly he got a carbuncle
on his neck, and he got blood poison and died in several days.
When he say his end was near, he called for a minister and was
baptized. He was buried in the family grave yard on June 16.,
when a large number of people met to sympathize with the parents
and friends. Funeral services by C. S. Stuckey in German and D.
D. Miller in English, from Psa. 90:12
Martin.--On June 3, 1905, at his home near Middlebury,
Md., after brief illness of about one week from congestion of
the lungs. Bro, David Martin; aged 56 y. 20 d. Bro. Martin was
twice married, his first wife being Mary Eshelma, and his second
wife, Mary Horst, who survive him. He leaves a wife and a large
family of children to mourn his departure. May God comfort them
in their bereavement. Funeral at Miller's Church, conducted by
Henry Baer and George Keener. Text Heb. 12:6.
Transcribed by: Cheri Salz, Illinois
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