Gospel Witness Obituaries - July, 1905
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Gospel Witness - Volume 1, Number 14 - July 5, 1905, page 108
Hively.--On June 22nd, 1905, at her home in Mahoning
County, Ohio, after a very brief illness, Susan, wife of Samuel
Hively, aged 32 y. 2 m. and 13 d. She was a daughter of the late
brother Henry Stouffer who died a few years ago. She is survived
by a deeply bereaved husband and four small children, besides
her mother, five sisters, three brothers and many friends to mourn
her early departure. The funeral was held on the 25th at the North
Lima Mennonite M. H. where many people were gathered to pay the
last tribute of respect to one who was loved and respected. Services
were conducted by H. M. Nickeson, pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church at Greenford, Ohio, assisted by E. M. Detwiler. Text Rev.
21:4. She was a member of the above named Church. The family have
the sympathy of many friends and neighbors in this sad hour. May
they look to God for comfort.--P.M.
Simmers.--June 23rd., 1905, at his home in South English,
Iowa,--W. C. Simmers aged 57 y. 5 m. and 10 d. Deceased was a
member of the Dunkard Brethren church. He was born in Rockingham
Co., Va. While an orphan boy, at the age of 6 years, he was taken
into the home of Joseph Wenger, at Edom, Va., where he grew to
manhood. In 1867, he came to the vicinity of South English, Iowa,
where he spent the remainder of his life. He leaves a faithful
companion, 2 sons, and many friends to mourn his departure. His
death was caused by stomach trouble. Funeral services conducted
by Rev. P. Brower. Text: "Set thine house in order."--Isa:
Gingrich.--On June 22, 1905 at West Montrose, Woolwich
of pneumonia, Judith, beloved wife of Noah Gingrich, aged
36 y, 11 m, 17 d. Just four weeks before their eldest daughter,
Selina aged 11 years, died of hip disease and blood poison.
Both funerals were conducted by J. Geach, pastor of the United
Brethren church of which they were members and by A. B. Gingrich
of Elmina. May God comfort and bless the bereaved husband and
his two motherless children.
Transcribed by: Cheri Salz, Illinois

The Gospel Witness - Volume 1, Number
15 - July 12, 1905, page 116
Shank.--On June 26th, 1905, near Dale Enterprise, Rockingham
Co., Va., of consumption, Michael Shank, aged 75 y., 11 m., and
5 d. Funeral from Weavers M. H. on the afternoon of the 27th where
a large assemblage of people many of whom had left their harvest
work in the fields were present to pay a last tribute to his memory.
Bishop A. P. Heatwole of Waynesboro, Va., and Eld. Jos. M. Kaegy
of Dayton, Va. conducted the services.
Altman.--On June 30, 1905 Masontown, Pa. of heart failure,
Mrs. Mary Elisabeth Altman, wife of James Altman, aged 34 y.,
2 m., 5 d. She leaves her husband and one son to mourn their loss.
The funeral text was I Cor. 15;49. Interment, in the Mennonite
church yard, to which place she was followed by a large concourse
of friends.
Transcribed by: Cheri Salz, Illinois

The Gospel Witness - Volume 1, Number
16 - July 19, 1905, page 124
Shank.--On June 27, 1905, at her home in Greencastle,
Franklin, Co., Pa., Mary Elizabeth Shank, wife of John Shank.
Aged 47y. 4mo. 8da. The sister was a sufferer for many years from
diabetes, and the last few months she suffered intensely, and
often expressed a desire to go home. When dying, she requested
them to talk and sing to her about Jesus. To-day we believe she
enjoys the blessings that heaven alone can give. She was a member
of the Mennonite Church for a number of years. She leaves a husband,
one daughter, and two step-sons to mourn her departure. As this
is the second companion our brother has been called to lay away,
may the Lord comfort him in his sad bereavement. Funeral services,
July the 1st at Reiff's M. H., conducted by Christian Strite and
George Keener from 2 Tim. 4:7. A large number of people gathered
to show the last tribute of respect to the departed one.
Transcribed by: Cheri Salz, Illinois

The Gospel Witness - Volume 1, Number
17 - July 26, 1905, page 132
Clemmer.--Bishop Josiah S. Clemmer was born May 1st 1827,
died of dropsy and paralysis at his home in Franconia Township
Montgomery Co., Pa June 28th 1905. aged 78y 1. m 27d. He was twice
married. His first wife was Sarah Kulp. To this union were born,
5 sons and 3 daughters, 5 of whom with their mother preceded him
to the spirit-world. In 1884 he married to Lydia Derstine, who
with three children and a sister, survives him. Bro.Clemmer consecrated
his life to the service of Christ and the church while a young
man. He was ordained to the ministry on Nov. 9th 1860, and 7 years
later, to the office of bishop, having charge of the Franconia,
Rockhill, Salford, Souderton, Plain, Line-Lexington, and Towamencin
congregations. He was a conscientious, devout Christian, and an
able preacher, and was considered an excellent counseller, having
been at the head of the Conference for 20 years. He was much concerned
about the welfare of the church, and his heart was saddened by
the inroad that pride and fashion were making in the church. Funeral
services were held on Monday, July 3, at the Franconia meeting
house, and were conducted at the house by bishop Samuel Detweiler,
and at the meeting house by bishops Andrew S. Mack and Henry Rosenberger.
Text, Luke 2:29. Interment is the adjoining Cemetery. It is estimated
that more than 1000 persons paid their tribute of respect to the
departed brother. Peace to his ashes.--H. D. M.
Snavely.--David Roy, son of Amos and Sarah Snavely, was
born in Forreston Township, Ogle Co., Ill., April 28, 1891, and
died July 5, 1905, aged 14 years 2 months and 7 days. His young
and promising life came to a sudden close while raking hay in
a field. For some unknown cause the tongue of the rake broke,
thus throwing Roy beneath the rake, and the frightened team became
unmanageable, and in the runaway he received a number of severe
bruises about the head which brought unconsciousness and death
in a few minutes. His lifeless body was soon found by his parents
and taken home. Father, mother, and two sons, Jacob and Harvey,
are left to mourn his early departure. The whole community sympathizes
with the grief-stricken family. May the comforter, who alone can
console in times of sorrow, abundantly comfort our brother and
family in their sad bereavement. The funeral services were held
in the United Evangelical church at Shannon, Ill., on July 7th.
Services were conducted by E. K. Yeakle and J. S. Shoemaker. Text,
Psa. 90 : 5, 6.
Weaver.--Abraham M., son of Benjamin and Mary Weaver and
grandson of Bish. Benjamin Weaver, died near Churchtown, Pa.,
July 12, 1905, aged 8 y. 8 m. 16 d. Little Abraham was a regular
attendant at Sunday School, one of those whose conception of spiritual
things was far beyond his years. He would ask his parents to get
up at night and sing and pray, and expressed himself satisfied
as the Lord will. He had been afflicted for eight months with
rheumatism, heart disease, and dropsy. During the last six months
prior to his departure the physicians performed four operations,
but all to no avail. God in His mercy has taken him home. May
He comfort the bereaved parents. Funeral services at Weaverland
church were conducted by I. B. Good and J. M. Souder. Text, "Suffer
little children to come unto me."
Miller.--Abraham J. Miller was born in Somerset Co. Pa.,
March 15, 1837, died in La Grange Co., Ind., July 13, 1905 aged
68 years 3 mon. 28 da. He leaves a wife, two sons, two daughters
and many friends and relatives to mourn his departure. But they
mourn not as those who have no hope. Funeral services were conducted
at the Shore M. H. July 16, where a large audience had assembled,
by Y. C. Miller and D. D. Miller from Psa. 91. 12. He was a member
of the church at the Forks. Peace to Him.
Newswanger.--The funeral of Bro. David Newswanger was held
on Saturday, July 9th at Lichty's Mennonite meeting house. Bro.
Newswanger was 86 years old, being the oldest member of Weaverland
congregation. Services at the meeting house were conducted by
Bishop Benj. Weaver and Jno. Souder.
Transcribed by: Cheri Salz, Illinois
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