Gospel Witness - Volume 1, Number 23 - September 6, 1905, page
Shrock.--Fannie L., wife of Willis Shrock, died Aug. 24, at her home near Middlebury, Ind., age 36 y. 4 m. 12 d. Her maiden name was Hartzler. She was born in Wayne Co., O., Thirteen years ago she came to this state, and united with the Mennonite Church at Silver Street, of which she was a devoted member ever since. Funeral services were conducted by J. C. Mehl at the Goiner church. Text Jas. 4 : 14.
Metzler.--Aug. 26, 1905, in Columbiana Co., O., after a brief illness, Mary Metzler, widow of the late Martin Metzler, aged nearly 76 y. Her husband died nearly 19 years ago, She leaves to mourn her death, one son, one daughter, one grandchild, and one great grandchild. Funeral services were held at the house on the 29th. by Pre. Bomberger after which her body was laid to rest by the side of her husband at the Leetonia Mennonite graveyard.
Gingerich.--On Aug. 27, 1905 near Goshen, Elkhart Co., Ind. of throat and lung trouble, Sister Esther Gingerich, aged 50 y. 6 m. 12 d. Sister Esther Gingerich had for a number of years taken care of her mother who was feeble of mind and body. About 18 months ago her mother died. Shortly after the death of her mother, Esther's health began to fail and continued to grow worse until the end. She was buried at Yellow Creek, Aug. 29, 1905. Funeral services by J. F. Funk and J. W. Christophel.
by: Cheri Salz, Illinois
Good.--Pre. Samuel E. Good (son of Chr. Good of Harrisonburg, Va.,) was born in Rockingham Co., Va., Jan. 27th, 1878. Died at his home near Sterling, Ill., Aug. 30th, 1905, aged 27 y, 7 m. 3d. He united with the Mennonite church Oct. 29th, 1895. He was united in marriage with Mamie Reizner Dec. 12th, 1901. To this union was born one child. He leaves, besides his wife and child, his father, step-mother, one sister and seven brothers to mourn his early departure. Why one so young, so useful, and full of promise should be taken from us is hard to understand; but it is enough to know that God in His infinite wisdom doeth all things well. He was ordained to the ministry July 10th, 1904. During his short ministerial career he endeared himself to his congregation by his noble example, faithful service, able teaching and deep concern for the spiritual welfare of the church. In his death the community has lost a worthy citizen, the church a zealous and faithful worker, the wife and child a kind and affectionate husband and father. His body was laid to rest in the Mennonite cemetery near Sterling, Ill., Sept. 2d. Services were conducted by J. S. Shoemaker and John Nice. Text, Rev. 14:13.
Durst--Samuel Durst was born July 8, 1822; died of rheumatic and dropsical affection, followed by paralysis, at his home near Grantswille, Md., September 1, 1905, aged 83 y, 1 m, 23 d. He was united in marriage with Louisiana Wiland Nov. 10, 1843. To this union were born 11 children; 7 sons and 4 daughters. Four sons and 3 daughters preceded him to the spirit world. He is survived by his life companion, 4 children, 21 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and a host of friends. He united with the Mennonite church five years ago and during this short period of time he proved himself a faithful, humble follower of the Master. Funeral services, on the 2d, were conducted at the house by D.H.Bender and also at the Folk Church Springs, Pa., where he was assisted by H. M. Gelnett and Ed. Miller. Text, Rev. 14:13. Interment in the cemetery near by.
Brubaker.--On the 9th of August, 1905, in Rohrerstown, Pa., of a complication of diseases, Sister Catherine, wife of Bro. Andrew Brubaker, in the 83rd year of her age. She was twice married, her first husband, John Wisler, having preceded her. For many years she was a member of the Mennonite congregation in Rohrerstown, where as long as her health permitted, she was a regular attendant, her seat being seldom vacant. She leaves her aged husband, three daughters, and many friends to mourn her death; but they sorrow not as those who have no hope, having the sweet assurance that their loss is her eternal gain. Funeral services were conducted Aug. 19th at the Rohrerstown Meeting House by Bishops Abram Herr and Jacob N. Brubaker. May the Lord comfort the bereaved friends with the happy thought of a blissful reunion in the world beyond.
Weaver.--Sept. 1, 1905, in Elkhart county, Ind., of summer complaint, little Esther, daughter of Brother and Sister Samuel Weaver; aged 2 m, 29 d. Funeral services at the Forks church, conducted by A. S. Cripe in English from Psa. 16:6, and Y. C. Miller in German from Mark 5:39. May God comfort the bereaved parents.
McClintock--Fanny (Tressler) McClintock died at the home of her son-in-law, Frank Folk, near Grantsville, Md., Sept. 4, 1905, after a lingering illness of two years, super induced by paralysis, aged 63 y, 1 m, 5 d. Her life was an unfortunate one in many ways, but in her illness she was led to make a public confession of the Savior, and was baptized and received into the Mennonite church about six weeks before her departure. Funeral services on the 5th, conducted by D. H. Bender both at the house and at the Folk M. H. Springs, Pa. Text, Rom. 14:12. Interment in the cemetery adjoining.
Schrock.--Lydia Schrock, maiden name Smucker, was born March 20, 1823, and died at her home near Orrville, Ohio, Sept. 1, 1905. Age, 82 y. 5 m, 11 d. She was united in marriage to Samuel Schrock, Dec. 18, 1843. To this union were born five children, one having died in infancy, twenty-one grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. In her young days she united with the Amish Mennonite Church, always living a consistent Christian life. In her old days, as she became feeble, she patiently waited for the Lord to take her home. Buried at the Oak Grove cemetery, near Smithville, O.
Fretz.--Manasseh C. Fretz died at Jordan Harbor, Sept. 5, 1905; aged 76 y. 11 m. The services at the Vineland church were conducted by S. F. Coffman. Text, II Cor. 5:1. The remains were laid to rest at the Cedar Grove cemetery, York county, Ont. Services at the burial place were conducted by S. R. Hoover and L. J. Burkholder. Text, II Tim. 4:6-8. Bro. Fretz was for many years a faithful member of the Mennonite church and had a bright hope for the future.
by: Cheri Salz, IIlinois
MARTIN--Catharine (Shank) Martin, wife of Samuel H.
Martin, was born March 8, 1855; died at her home near Milnor,
Franklin county, Pa., of Gastritis, September 10, 1905; aged 54
years, 6 months and 2 days. For a number of years Sister Martin
was a sufferer with a complication of diseases. In it all she
was patient and perfectly resigned to the will of God. In early
life she united with the Mennonite church and was ever active
in helping the work on. The great delight of her life was to serve.
She leaves behind her besides her husband an only daughter and
four sons, of whom two are ministers--Harvey J. of Mason and Dixon,
Pa., and A. Dorsey of Scottsdale, Pa. Funeral services were conducted
at Reiffs by the brethren C. R. Strite and George S. Keener. Text,
Psalms 9:13.
God comfort the bereaved family and friends. May all so live that
they may have the hope of meeting her where suffering and pain
are not known to be happy with the Lord forever more.
HERTZLER.--Near Port Royal, Juniata county, Pa., John Hertzler, Sr., widely known as the author of the Hertzler Genealogy. Aged 82 years, 9 months and 28 days. Interment on the 8th of September in the Lost Creek Valley Mennonite graveyard. A very large concourse of friends assembled at the funeral, overflowing the Hertzler home into the lawn and under the shade trees. Pastor Moser of the Port Royal Lutheran church preached the funeral sermon, assisted by Preacher Spangler.
HOOLEY.--Sister Lydia Hooley (nee Zook) was born October 21, 1835; died September 9, 1905. Age, 69 years, 10 months, 18 days. She was married to David Hooley January 17, 1856. To this union were born eight children, two of whom preceded her to the spirit world, and 17 grandchildren, 12 of whom are living. In her young years she accepted Jesus as her Savior, and united with the Amish Mennonite church, remaining a faithful member unto the end. During the last few years she stayed with her daughter in Holmes county, Ohio, but upon her death she was brought home to Wayne county, where her remains were laid to rest in the Oak Grove cemetery. Funeral services conducted by Ben. Gerig, David Hostetler, and C. Z. Yoder. Text. Rom. 8: 17, 18.
THOMAS.--Bro. Jesse Sylvester Thomas, son of Bro. Silas Thomas died of consumption September 5, 1905; aged 17 years 10 months. Buried at the Thomas Mennonite church where a large congregation had come together to pay the last tribute of respect to our young brother who had lived an exemplary life. He had given his heart to the Lord May 10, 1905. Since that time he lived faithful until the Lord called him home. He is survived by his father, stepmother, sister, and many relatives and friends. Funeral services by S. D. Yoder, L. A. Blanch, S. Gindlesperger, S. G. Sheler and James Saylor.
LOUX.--Nancy Loux was born August 2, 1825, died September 5, 1905. Aged 80 years, 14 days. Services conducted at the home by H. B. Rosenberger, and at the church by Allen Fretz. Text, I Peter 1 : 24, 25. Buried at the Deep Run Brick church.
by: Cheri Salz: Illinois
Folk.--Susannah Folk, nee Shultz, was born Aug. 7, 1339*; died Sept. 18, 1805*, aged 66 years, 1 month and 11 days. She suffered from tumorous affection of the stomach for about a year, in which time she was reduced to a mere skeleton in form. She endured her suffering patiently and died in hope of eternal life. She was for many years a member of the Mennonite church. She is survived by a husband, 11 children, 35 grandchildren, 2 brothers, 3 sisters and a large number of relatives and friends. Funeral from her late residence, near Grantsville, Md., on Sept. 20. Services at the house by Ed. Miller and at the Casselman M. H. by D. H. Bender. Text, Phil. 1: 23. Interment in the Casselman cemetery.
*Transcriber's note: These are the dates they gave.
Wagner.--On Sept. 15, 1905, at her home near East Greenville, O. of cholera infantum, Viola, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner, aged 11 months and 29 days. Funeral services at the Pleasant View M, H., Sept. 7, by I. J. Buchwalter.
Transcribed by: Cheri Salz: Illinois