Gospel Witness Obituaries - August, 1905
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4 | Week 5 |
Gospel Witness - Volume 1, Number 18 - August 2, 1905, page 140
Kauffman.--On July 28, 1905, in Scottdale, Pa., of cholera
infantum, little Eunice, infant daughter of Daniel and Mary C.
Kauffman, aged 8 m. and 21 d. Bro. and sister Kauffman arrived
in Scottdale on the 18th and little Eunice was seemingly well.
On the 23d and 24th she was not well but no alarm was felt. From
this time she gradually grew worse until death ended her suffering
on the 28th. A short life, we say, given to this world just long
enough to sweeten and gladden the lives of those who knew and
loved her. Then the all-wise Father took her into His tender care,
and those whose hearts are sorrowful, who yet say "Thy will
be done." know that this is but another chord to draw them
still more closely to the Father's heart. Funeral services at
the home of Bro. Jacob S. Loucks on the 30th was conducted by
A. D. Martin and Aaron Loucks from Psalms 39 : 9. Burial in the
cemetery at Alverton.
Kauffman--near Middlebury Ind., Rudolph Kauffman, after
an illness of nearly a week died on July 22. aged 39 y. 1 m. 17
d. Funeral at the Forks church on Monday July 24 where a very
large audience had assembled. He was a member of the Forks church
and seldom missed services but was interested in the welfare of
the church. Funeral services conducted by S. E. Weaver, and D.
D. Miller from Jno. 14 : 2.
Transcribed by: Cheri Salz, Illinois

The Gospel Witness - Volume 1, Number
19 - August 9, 1905, page 148
Rosenberger.--From peritonitis, due to tumor, Sister Joseph
Rosenberger passed away on Friday evening. Her age was 64 years.
She was a member of the Blooming Glen Mennonite congregation.
Funeral services were held at the house on Tuesday morning after
which interment was made in the Blooming Glen Mennonite cemetery.
The following survive : her husband, and the following children--Mrs.
Eliza Tyson, Wilson B. Rosenberger, Menno Rosenberger, Mrs. Laura
Sleight, Reuben Rosenberger, David Rosenberger, Allen rosenberger,
Mrs. Mary Ann Shipps, Noah Rosenberger, and twenty-three grandchildren.
Services by H. G. Anglemeyer in English and Bish. Henry Rosenberger
in German. May God comfort the bereaved.
Musselman.--Delilah, only daughter of Bro. and Sister Henry
Mussleman, died of typhoid fever on Friday morning of last week,
between the hours of 5 and 6 o'clock, aged 10 y. 7 m. 5 d. The
parents deeply mourn the loss of their young daughter, which had
just grown to be of some help to the family. The funeral was held
on Wednesday at 9:30 o'clock at the house. Interment was made
in the Blooming Glen burying grounds. Services by H. G. Anglesmeyer
and Henry Rosenberger.
Mininger.--On the 15th of July 1905, in Hatfield, Pa.,
of cholera infantum, Esther Elizabeth, daughter of Bro. Henry
D. and sister Katie Mininger, 10 m. 17 d. Buried on the 18th at
the Souderton Mennonite meeting house. Funeral services by Christian
Allebach at the house and Michael R. Moyer at the meeting house
Text Psa. 16-16. May God comfort the bereaved parents in their
Transcribed by: Cheri Salz, Illinois

Gospel Witness - Volume 1, Number
20 - Aug 16, 1905 -- There were no obits in this issue.

The Gospel Witness - Volume 1, Number
21 - August 23, 1905, page 168
Eshleman.--Benjamin F. Eshleman died July 14, 1905, at his
home at Cearfoss, Md., of paralysis, aged 69 y. 10 m. 10 d. About
two ago he sustained a slight stroke of paralysis. Five days before
he died, he received another which proved fatal. He was a son
of Christian Eshleman, who came to Cearfoss about 45 years ago
from Lancaster County,Pa. He was married three times. His first
wife was a Miss Greembine of Lancaster Co, his second a Miss Showalter
of near Cearfoss, his third a Miss Latshaw of Waynesboro who survives
him. A daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Leeking, Rothsville, Pa. by his
first wife is also living, and two brothers, Christian of Chanbersburg,
Pa., and Samuel of Maugansville, Md. He was a consistent member
o- the Mennonite church. Funeral took place on the 16th. Services
were held at the Reiff church by Jos. Neibert and Bish. George
S. Kenner. Interment in the graveyard adjoining. Text, Psalm 17.
15.--I. W. Eby.
Wade--Susanna Wade was born in Lancaster Co. Pa. Nov. 30,
1845. Died Aug. 15, 1905. Age 59 years, 8 months and 15 days.
She was a faithful member of the Mennonite Church, being loyal
to her Masters teaching from the time of her conversion until
she was called to her reward. She was of an humble and unassuming
disposition. and loved by all her knew. She is survived by three
brothers and six sisters, who keenly feel the loss they have sustained,
but their loss is, we trust, her eternal gain. The body was laid
to rest in the Mennonite Cemetery near Freeport, Ill. Aug. 17th.
Short services were conducted at her home in Freeport, by Jas.
K. Shields of the M. E. Church. The services proper were held
at the Mennonite Church, conducted by J. S. Shoemaker and E. M.
Howard.--On Aug. 4, 1905, near Elida, O., of tyhoid fever,
Bro. Benjamin F. Howard, aged 28 y. 4 m. 4 d.
Bro. Howard confessed Christ and united with the Mennonite church
in his 23rd year, and leaves a comforting evidence that he was
fully reconciled with his God, and departed this life in the hope
of a glorious immortality. From the way that he expressed himself
during his sickness, we believe that he had fully purposed in
his heart that if his life was spared he would put forth greater
effort for the upbuilding of Christ's kingdom. He leaves a sorrowing
companion, a little daughter, a grief stricken mother, six brothers
and three sisters to mourn his early departure. Services were
conducted on the 6th by Moses Brenneman and J. M. Shenk.
Brunk.--On Thursday evening, Aug. 3, 1905, at Cross Keys,
Rockingham Co., Va., of tuberculosis, Hugh A. Brunk, aged 72 y.
10 m. 1 d.
Bro. Brunk was born and raised near Trissel's church, and lived
for many years, near Dayton, Va., where he engaged in farming,
contracting, and undertaking. For the last 13 years he lived on
his farm near Cross Keys, where he devoted himself exclusively
to farming. He united with the Mennonite Church many years ago,
in which faith he died. He leaves a widow, 10 children, a number
of step-children, one half-brother, and numerous friends and relatives
to mourn their loss. Funeral services were conducted at the Bank
Church, Saturday, Aug. 5. May God comfort the bereaved family.
Smith--Catherine Smith (nee Burkelbaw) departed this life
at her home near Gridley, Ill., August 14, 1905. She was born
in the English Colony, Canada, August 20, 1830. Aged 74 y. 11
m. 14 d. She was married to John P. Smith in Butler Co., Ohio,
Oct., 17, 1847. To this union were born five children, two preceding
her to the glory world. She is survived by one step brother, one
step sister and one sister, three daughters, twenty grand children,
two great grand children, and a host of friends to mourn her death.
She united with the Amish Mennonite Church in her youth and faithfully
served the master to the end. Her last words were, Home! Home!
Our loss is her gain.
Funeral services at the home by Daniel Orendorf, text, Psalm 90;
at the church in English by Daniel W. Slagel, text John 11:25,
26. in german by John Smith, text Gal.6:6-9. D.W. Slagel.
Transcribed by: Cheri Salz, Illinois

The Gospel Witness - Volume 1,
Number 22 - August 30, 1905, page 176
Brunk.--Pre. George Brunk was born in Rockingham Co. Va. January
29, 1831. Died in Allen Co. O. Aug. 17, 1905. Aged 74 y, 6 m,
19 d. He was united in marriage with Mary Weaver, 1852. To this
union were born ten children of whom four preceded him to the
spirit world. A bereaved companion, three sons and three daughters
are left to mourn the loss of a kind husband and father. He also
had 52 grandchildren (46 living) 7 great-grandchildren (4 living).
Two brothers and one sister and many relatives and friends, survive
him. Soon after his marriage he with his wife united with the
Mennonite church and remained faithful unto the end. About 30
years ago he was ordained to the ministry, and though not an eloquent
speaker, he was a faithful worker, a good counsellor, and had
the welfare of the church at heart. He was much grieved to see
pride and popularity coming into the church. He had always lived
in his native state until about three years ago, when he with
his wife moved to Allen Co., O., where he spent the remainder
of his life, having his home with his son, Samuel.
In his death, the church has lost one of her strong pillars, the
wife a kind husband, the children and grand children a dear father
and grandfather, the community a good neighbor. But we mourn not
without hope, he having often expressed a desire to depart, and
be with Christ, and he died with a living hope in his Redeemer.
May we all prepare to meet him in heaven. He was buried at Salem
Aug. 19. Funeral services were conducted by J. M. Shenk and Moses
Brenneman from 2. Tim. 4. 6-8. At the same time, funeral services
were also held near his old home in Virginia.--Written by one
of his colaborers.
Kaufman.--On Aug. 12. 1905 at her home near Dalton, Wayne
Co., O. Sister Barbara Kaufman aged 63 y. 4 m. 22 D. She was born
in Lancaster Co. Pa. March 20, 1842. and moved to East Greenville,
Stark Co., O., in 1852
Her husband, Bro. Franklin Kaufman and five of their children
preceded her to the world beyond. Funeral services were conducted
on Aug. 14, 1905 at the Pleasant View church, of which she was
a faithful member for many years. Services conducted by I. J.
Buchwalter, assisted by D. Martin and A. Eberly.
Yontz.--On Aug 11 near Goshen, Ind. of Cholera infantum,
Andrew D., youngest child of Bro. and sister David and Emma Yontz,
aged 11 m. 22 d. Little Andrew has budded on earth to bloom in
heaven. While his care on earth was a delight, may the blessed
assurance of his eternal safety be a deeper joy to the bereft
Funeral services by D. D. Troyer from I Sam. 20 3, and D. J. Johns
from Eccl 7. 24.
Krupp.--Sister Mary Krupp of Souderton was born Jan. 18,
1821 and died Aug. 8, 1905, aged 84 y. 6 m. 20 d. She was buried
in the cemetery near the Plain M. H. on Sunday, Aug. 12. Services
at the house by H. G. Anglemoyer, and at the church by Jonas Mininger.
Text, Phil. 1. 21. May God comfort the bereaved ones.--H. G. M.
Kolb.--On August 15, 1905, at his home near Breslau, Ont.
Bro. Joseph Kolb, in his 66th year. Funeral on the 18. Services
were conducted by Bro. I. A. Wambold at the house, and by Bro.
Noah Stauffer at the Elby Mennonite church. Text Job. 5. 26. Death
came very sudden. He expired in about five minutes. Again we are
reminded of our Savior's rewards, "In such an hour as ye
think not." Peace to his ashes.
Funk.--Bro. Abram Funk of Doylestown was born Oct. 13,
18 13, and died Aug. 14, 1905, aged 91 y. 10 m. 1 d. He leaves
six sons and four daughters, 80 grandchildren, and 58 great grandchildren
to mourn their loss. Services at the house by H. G. Anglemoyre,
and at the church by H. B. Rosenberger and David Gehman. Texts,
Isa. 31 1 and 2 Tim. 4 7, 8. Buried in Doylestown cemetery. H.
G. A.
Transcribed by: Cheri Salz, Illinois
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